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Chapter 404 The Yuan Family Is Notorious!

Jingzhou, Xiangyang.

State Shepherd's Office.

Liu Biao sat upright, holding his beard under his chin in one hand, and holding the "Essay on Pursuing Thieves" in the other hand. His thick eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and his expression looked very serious and dignified:

"Yidu, how trustworthy do you think Nanyang's "Revelation Against Thieves" is about Yuan Wei manipulating everything behind the scenes and causing chaos in the world?"

Just this morning, the streets in Xiangyang City were covered with "Complaints Against Thieves". Even though Liu Biao acted very quickly, it still caused quite a stir in the city.

People all over the city were discussing and discussing the contents of "An Message against Thieves". Because each of the above items was supported by evidence, a wave of heated discussions had already started in the city.

I think that back then, Liu Biao was also conquered by General He Jin, but soon he was appointed as the Lieutenant Commander of the Northern Army, so I don't know much about what happened in the General's Mansion later.

But simply...

He had always been in Luoyang and had doubts about what happened back then, but because he firmly believed in the Yuan family, he never thought about it in this regard.

Now, when this "Essay against Thieves" that revealed the truth was placed in front of him, he really felt that something was wrong. Even after carefully recalling what happened back then, he felt even more incredible.

Kuai Yue frowned and pondered for a long time, then finally shook his head and said softly: "This is such a serious matter, how can I dare to talk nonsense, but judging from the content of the memorandum, it should be true."


Liu Biao raised his eyes and looked at Kuai Yue, and couldn't help but be curious: "According to your opinion, do you think Yuan Di will report Yuan Wei? According to what happened a year ago, the Yuan family in Guangling has been annihilated. With such hatred, how could Yuan Di do it?


"That's right."

Kuai Yue nodded affirmatively: "This is indeed a bit doubtful, but judging from the news coming back from Nanyang, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty saw it with their own eyes and heard it with their own ears. There is no way this matter is false."

"Moreover, His Majesty the Emperor should have been pursuing this matter for many years. Otherwise, when the three tribes were annihilated, Yuan Di would not have been detained alone. After all, he was also among Yuan Sui's three tribes."

"But judging from the time..."

Speaking of this, Kuai Yue pinched a strand of goatee under his chin, frowned and said: "Yuan Di probably didn't compromise at the beginning, but later for some reason, Guo Jia took him down and came out to testify."


After Kuai Yue finished speaking, he hurriedly added: "It's also possible that he was beaten into submission."

Liu Biao shook his head: "It's impossible to give in, otherwise Yuan Di will rebel in the court. I know this person quite well, he is definitely a tough guy."

"Since he dared to testify in court, he was absolutely willing. His Majesty, the Emperor of Nanyang, must have grasped Yuan Di's shortcomings to make him submit."

"As for the testimony..."

Liu Biao's eyes fell on the "Revelation Against Thieves" and he said softly: "If compared with the testimony of Zhang Chao and Zang Hong, it is indeed watertight. It must be true."

"Damn it!"

At this point, a ferocious look burst out in Liu Biao's eyes, and he slowly clenched his fingers into fists, clenching the paper into a ball: "Your Majesty is right, the Yuan family's hypocrisy is really wrong, and it has made me, a man, what I am today.

It looks like this.”

"If His Majesty hadn't escaped from Luoyang and suppressed Dong Zhuo with thunderous means, the world would have changed its dynasty long ago and belonged to the Yuan family."



Liu Biao was not stingy with his hateful words, and wished he could throw all the most vicious words in the world at Yuan Wei's head. Only in this way could he vent his hatred.

Kuai Yue noticed Liu Biao's closeness to Nanyang. With the current strength of the Han Dynasty in Chang'an, it was difficult to compete with Nanyang. This "Remonstrance against Thieves" was published to the world, and the war started.

I'm afraid that it won't be long before a full-scale general offensive in the direction of Nanyang will be launched. Chang'an will be wiped out by then, and the Han Dynasty will have only one emperor left. According to the normal rhythm, Liu Biao can only surrender to Nanyang.


Emperor Nanyang was not that easy to deal with.

He will definitely deal with the Jingxiang gentry just like he did with the Deng family and the Yin family, and publicize their land. This is something that the Jingxiang gentry will never agree to.

After all, Liu Biao is a foreigner and does not have many assets in Jingxiang. If he submits to the Han Dynasty in Nanyang, he will inevitably be granted a title of marquis and become a general, or even become an official in the central government. But wouldn't this harm the Jingxiang gentry?


Absolutely not!

Kuai Yue took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to keep himself calm: "My lord, Chang'an Hanting obviously cannot compete with Nanyang. What are our preparations next?"

How could Liu Biao not know what the other party meant? He pondered for a long time and then said: "We are Han officials after all. Since the outcome has been decided, we don't have to worry anymore, right?"

"My lord, what you said makes sense."

Kuai Yue bowed his head and did not continue to ask questions, nor did he reveal his feelings.

This matter was really too big, and he needed to discuss with the other nobles in Jingxiang whether to resist or to surrender to Nanyang and become the meat on the chopping board.

Liu Biao also did not continue to ask. Although he was a shepherd in Jingzhou, it was not certain whether he could truly be the leader of the Jingxiang gentry clan. After all, he was also supported by them.

In a sense, Liu Biao was very envious of His Majesty the Nanyang Emperor, who used various means to concentrate power in his own hands and was a person who could really make the decision.

And he...

At best, he's just an agent.


Yanzhou, Chenliu.

State Shepherd's Office.

"Ah, this..."

Liu Dai, the governor of Yanzhou, was holding a "Call for the Thieves" with a look of disbelief on his face.

He couldn't believe it.

The process of challenging Dong back then turned out to be like this.

In the past, he didn't quite understand why Bao Xin wanted to bet Cao Cao, but now he sees how wise the other party was.

Because the other party never believed Yuan Shao from the beginning!

"Damn the Yuan family!"

Liu Dai gritted his teeth and was so angry that he tore the letter into pieces.

Wan Qian, the counselor on the side, leaned forward and raised his hands, saying softly: "My lord, although we have been deceived by the Yuan family, your loyalty to the Han Dynasty will definitely be seen by His Majesty the Emperor of Nanyang."

"Nowadays, the "Call for Thieves" must have spread all over the world, proving that Nanyang has launched a general attack on Chang'an. I think it won't be long before the winner is decided."

"My subordinates thought..."

Speaking of this, Wan Qian advised: "Chang'an is definitely not Nanyang's opponent. We should send a letter to Nanyang at this time to express our loyalty to the court, so that we can maintain your position."

In fact, Liu Dai wanted Chang'an to win in his heart. After all, the conditions offered by the other party were too superior. It not only restored Yu Gong Jiuzhou, but also expanded his territory.


The imperial court has already acquiesced to the existence of Zhou Mu. Once Chang'an wins in the future, the substantial benefits it can gain will be very, very huge.

But now, what Yuan Wei has done has completely touched Liu Dai's bottom line. It is absolutely impossible for him to be loyal to the Han court in Chang'an. Otherwise, what greets Liu Dai will be Yuan Ting, who has changed dynasties, not the Han court.


Personal gains and losses of honor and disgrace are simply insignificant compared to the interests of the country!

This point is even more vividly reflected in Liu Dai, who is a clan member of the Han Dynasty: "Although I am only a governor, I, Liu Dai, am a clan member of the Han Dynasty after all. I must not ruin the foundation of my ancestors."

"I wrote!"

These two words burst out from Liu Dai's mouth, and they were sonorous, powerful and resounding.

It means that he has to give up all his current resources and become the governor of Yanzhou in Nanyang Hanting, or even a lower official position. Such a decision is absolutely heartbreaking.

However, he has the blood of the Great Ancestor flowing through him. No matter how chaotic the situation is internally, it is okay, but outsiders must not be allowed to conspire to usurp the Han Dynasty. For this, they are willing to pay the price with their lives.

This is the consciousness of the clan members of the Han Dynasty!

"Oh right."

Liu Dai turned to order Wan Qian: "Send people to Shanyang County quickly to kill Yuan Yi, the governor of Shanyang County. As long as they are direct relatives of the Yuan family, all three clans will be annihilated. There is no mistake."

Wan Qian leaned forward and cupped his hands: "Here."


Yuzhou, Caoying.

Chinese army tent.

Cao Cao held the "Essay on Pursuing Thieves" and nodded with great interest: "Well, Feng Xiao is really a good literary talent. He scolded it so heartily that it was written so well."

Cheng Li, the counselor on the side, said softly: "General, now that the imperial court has issued a "Call for Thieves" across the country, the Yuan family's reputation will inevitably be tarnished. We still have to beware of the extreme measures the other party may take."

"You mean Yuan Yi?"

Cao Cao naturally knew what Cheng Li was thinking.

"That's right."

Cheng Li nodded affirmatively: "Liu Dai, I understand, although he doesn't have much ability, he has always been proud of being a member of the Han clan. This is his most glorious thing."

"If my guess is correct, Liu Dai will definitely attack the children of the Yuan family in the territory. Yuan Yi, the governor of Shanyang County, is one of the representatives. Only by eliminating Yuan Yi will Liu Dai give up."


As soon as the conversation changed, Cheng Li immediately added: "Liu Dai spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources this year to deal with the Black Mountain Army Yu Du, Bai Rao and others."

"Now that he wants to deal with Yuan Yi, I'm afraid it's not as easy as he imagined. We should give him a helping hand and assist him in attacking Shanyang County together."


Cao Cao nodded with deep understanding: "Zhong De's words are reasonable. Liu Dai's soldiers and horses are also worthy of being called soldiers and horses. Based on his ability, he is not necessarily Yuan Yi's opponent."

"However, we can't take the initiative to help. We still have to wait for him to take the initiative to ask us. Otherwise, if he sends troops privately, it will be difficult to explain once His Majesty pursues him."

Cheng Lipan smiled and said softly: "My lord, what you said makes sense. If we take the initiative to help, it will even make Liu Dai wary. This will be more than worth the gain."

"It would be best if he can solve it himself. If he is frustrated, he will definitely ask us for help. It would be logical to send troops at this time, and Your Majesty will not pursue it."

Cao Cao did not hesitate and made a decisive decision: "Zhongde, send out your scouts quickly and closely monitor Yuan Yi's movements in Shanyang County for me. Reports must be made every day without any mistakes."

Cheng Li leaned forward and held up his hands: "Here."

"in addition!"

Cao Cao suddenly remembered something and asked: "Who is the governor of Chen County now?"

Cheng Li pondered for a while: "I remember, it seems that he was a guy named Zhuge Jin. Because of his outstanding performance as a county magistrate, he was promoted by the imperial court to become the prefect of Chen County."

"Yeah, I remember."

Cao Cao also had some memories of this person: "You quickly tell this person to keep an eye on the Yuan family of Chen County in case something unexpected happens. If there are not enough troops, we will send people to garrison."

Cheng Li held up his hands and said, "Well, I'll keep this in mind."

Judging from the "Revelation Against Thieves" alone, it does not involve the Yuan family of Chen County, so even Cao Cao did not dare to make an annotation without authorization and wipe out the three clans.

After all, Yuan Huan of the Yuan family in Chen County is currently an official in Nanyang, and because of his good political performance, he successfully entered the central government and became a subordinate official of Da Sinong.

If His Majesty the Emperor really wants to attack the Yuan family in Chen County, he will naturally issue an edict to Zhuge Jin, or even himself. If he never comes, he will not attack the Yuan family.

What Cao Cao has to do is to keep an eye on the Yuan family and wait for His Majesty the Emperor's orders.


Yizhou, Shu County.

State Shepherd's Office.

Liu Yan's head suddenly rose up from Lu Yue's lap, his eyes filled with shock as he stared at Lu Yue in disbelief, holding the "Revelation Against Thieves".


He quickly stretched out his hand and snatched the "Essay on Pursuing Thieves" from Lu Yue's hand. He looked up and down, and the shock in his heart not only did not decrease, but intensified:

"Damn it!"

Liu Yan gritted his teeth and cursed angrily: "It turned out that old man Yuan Wei was behind all of this. No wonder he didn't choose to surrender to Nanyang after killing Dong Zhuo."

"I originally thought that it was Chen Liu Wang Xie who was unwilling to submit, but now it turns out that the person who is unwilling to submit is not Chen Liu Wang Xie, but Yuan Wei!"

"Like a dog!"

Speaking of this, Liu Yan became so angry that he shouted to the sky: "How could I, a big man, raise such a white-eyed wolf, and even think about plotting to usurp the throne?"

I think back then, Liu Yan was also a frequent visitor to Luoyang City. He didn't understand Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao's entry into the General's Mansion back then, and even aroused criticism.

I didn’t expect that!

At that time, Yuan Wei had already planned to eliminate the eunuchs and relatives.

You must know that the late emperor passed away several years later, and the other party's plan at this time was actually so far in advance. This was to reduce his suspicion!


It’s really awesome!

Liu Yan was so impressed that he fell to the ground, and at the same time, his teeth were itching with hatred.

Although I already knew that there were signs of great chaos in the world, I couldn't believe that all this was actually a conspiracy by Yuan Wei in an attempt to eliminate the influence of the Han Dynasty and replace it.

Lu Yue on the side was relatively calm: "Don't be anxious, sir. Judging from the current situation, Yuan Wei will not last long. His Majesty the Nanyang Emperor will have already launched a general attack on him."

"In the future, when Yuan Wei is killed, the Han Dynasty will surely be unified. All those involved in this matter will surely be wiped out by His Majesty the Nanyang Emperor. This can be regarded as a great revenge."


Liu Yan spoke in a long voice, suppressing his anger and trying to keep himself calm: "Fortunately, Your Majesty is here, otherwise Chenliu Wangxie will definitely be replaced by Yuan Wei. In this case, our country will be destroyed."

Lu Yue said softly: "Junlang is joking, aren't you still here? The Han Dynasty cannot be destroyed, and it will not be destroyed!"

Liu Yan nodded slowly: "That's right! As long as there are still Han clan members in the world, the Han Dynasty cannot fall and will never fall. It's just a pity that I don't have to be the emperor."


Lu Yue smiled sweetly and raised the corners of her lips: "Didn't His Majesty the Emperor of Nanyang promise you? It will never be possible to send troops into Yizhou. Maybe he will directly confer you the title of King of Shu in the future."

"King of Shu?"

Liu Yan suddenly became interested.


At present, Liu Bian has become a leader, and Nanyang is extremely powerful, far from being comparable to Western Shu.

He cannot occupy Yizhou forever, and I am afraid that the other party's promise will not be easy to implement. If he goes back on his word, I am afraid that it will still end badly in the future.

After pondering for a long time, Liu Yan slowly shook his head and said softly: "Although the King of Shu is good, we have not made any achievements. I am afraid that the court will never grant such a large feudal country."

"This is easy to hear."

Lu Yue said extremely calmly: "Now that the imperial court is going to war with Chang'an, Junlang can definitely send people to attack Chencang and enter Guanzhong to help the imperial court."

"It shouldn't be a problem to exchange this kindness for a prince. Even if it's not the entire Western Shu, it would be very good to get a county."

Although Liu Yan wanted to be the emperor, it took too long to clean up the internal affairs, which was far less powerful than Liu Bian's thunderous methods. Now that Liu Bian's situation was established, Liu Yan no longer needed to struggle.

"We must send troops."


Liu Yan's brows flashed with a ferocious look: "How can one county satisfy me, Liu Yan? Since I arrived in Yizhou in the first place, I have no intention of leaving."

"I really don't believe it anymore. His Majesty the Emperor dares to attack me. Even the late Emperor treated me with respect, let alone a baby like him."

"This Yizhou..."

Liu Yan clenched his fists: "I'm going to make a decision! Otherwise, wouldn't all these years of hard work have been in vain?"

Lu Yue said softly: "It would be best if the king always makes the decision in Yizhou, but don't fight against your majesty. This will not end well."

"rest assured."

Liu Yan took a deep breath and said firmly: "I have my own way!"

Lu Yue asked tentatively: "I don't know, Lord, how are you going to deal with it?"

Liu Yan said calmly: "Your Majesty has always kept his promises. I only need to send someone to spread the word of His Majesty's promise in Nanyang, so that everyone in the world knows that His Majesty the Emperor has an agreement with me and will never send troops."

Take a step into Yizhou!"

"In this way, His Majesty the Emperor cherishes his reputation and will not dare to break his promise easily. We can truly be invincible. Moreover, I am the Yizhou Shepherd personally granted by the late Emperor, along with Liu Biao, Liu Dai, and Liu Yao.


Lu Yue naturally knew this: "But Sir, it's better for us to be careful. His Majesty, the current emperor, is extraordinary. I'm afraid he won't be easily manipulated. We must not anger him."

"rest assured."

Liu Yan was full of confidence: "I will know how to handle it properly."

Lu Yue nodded: "That's very good."


Sili, Guanzhong.

Chencang County.

Huangfusong Camp.



"This is absolutely impossible!"

Huangfusong held the "Wen on Pursuing Thieves" and eagerly paced back and forth in the tent.

His face was full of shock, and his mind at this moment was completely confused: "How could it be Mr. Yuan? How could he be controlling all this behind the scenes? This is impossible, absolutely impossible!"


Beside him, a slightly burly man took a step forward and said: "This "Pursuit of Thieves" is written very clearly. Every item has witnesses, and the person who identified Yuan Wei is none other than Tai Fu.

Yuan Di."

"Is this still wrong?"

Huangfu Jianshou asked a soul-level rhetorical question, which made Huangfu Song stunned on the ground, not knowing why: "Father, we have already made a mistake once, are we going to make a mistake a second time?"

I remember that back then, Huangfu Song's nephew Huang Fuli had advised Huangfu Song to kill Dong Zhuo to avoid becoming a serious enemy. As a result, Dong Zhuo later brought disaster to the world.

Now, Yuan Wei's matter appeared in front of him again. His son persuaded him to rebel and choose the team Nanyang Hanting, which really shocked him.


Huangfu Jianshou stared at his hesitant father and said softly: "Although we have made many mistakes, we did not directly conflict with Nanyang after all."

"I think His Majesty the Emperor of Nanyang will definitely forgive us. After all, we are also victims, and we are definitely not collaborators. You must know this."


At this point, Huangfu Jianshou solemnly cupped his hands and said, "You must make up your mind quickly, otherwise if you hesitate, I'm afraid the troops from Long County and Yicheng will come over and treat us as traitors!"


Just as Huangfusong was frowning in thought.

Suddenly, the curtain was raised, and several people broke in from the outside: "General Huangfu, His Majesty's edict has arrived, please accept it."

Huangfu Jianshou turned his head and looked around, and couldn't help but be stunned: "You...how did you get in? Why didn't you notify us in advance!"

"This is your Majesty's edict!"

The leader raised the edict in his hand and said coldly: "Who dares to block His Majesty's edict? Why report it? Is it possible that you and your son will conspire to rebel again?"

"Are you guys rebelling?"

Huangfu Jianshou glanced at everyone with his bright eyes, and subconsciously stretched his hands to his waist.


When entering the Chinese army's tent, everyone must remove their weapons.

Even Huangfu Jianshou himself is no exception.

The leading man naturally noticed this scene and said coldly: "You really want to rebel. Fortunately, the Taifu is more skilled and has deployed his own people in the army in advance, otherwise it will cause serious trouble."

I think back when Huangfu Song took over this army and came to garrison in Chencang, all the generals and commanders in the army were from Yuan Wei. It was precisely because of this that they were able to enter the Chinese army's tent without leaving any trace.

"Someone is coming!"

The leader shouted angrily and immediately waved his hands: "Huangfu Song and his son are plotting a rebellion. They deserve to be punished. I will kill them on the spot. Then I will lead all the troops and go straight to Chang'an without making any mistakes."

Huangfu Song was furious: "How dare you!"

"Kill me!"

More than ten capable soldiers broke in, wielding swords and axes, and attacked Huangfu Song's father.

In an instant, there were flashes of swords, blood and water splashing, and broken limbs and arms flying in all directions. The situation was too horrific to behold.

Huangfu Song lay on the ground with his flesh and blood molded into the lake, and died on the spot!

This chapter has been completed!
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