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Chapter 043 The surprising water supply and drainage system of the imperial city

The next morning.

It is September 17, the first year of Yonghan.

Liu Bian got up early to exercise, showered and changed clothes as usual.

Now he is used to living like this and feels very fulfilled and at ease.

With the help of the alliance of military advisors, the dead situation faced by Liu Bian finally opened up a little bit, just like the sun pierced the dark clouds, the violent storm was about to pass, and the withered rotten trees sprouted new shoots.

Have to admit it.

This feels great!

Liu Bian is determined and will go on unswervingly.

Just when he had finished his breakfast and was about to rush to Dongguan.


A familiar voice sounded from behind: "Your Highness, you left something behind."

It's Tang Ji.

Liu Bian judged it all at once.

He turned around and saw Tang Ji waving to him.

Although Liu Bian was sure that he had lost something, Tang Ji's words must have a deeper meaning.

"Look at Gu Gu's memory."

Liu Bian pretended to be suddenly enlightened and hurried back to Age, closed the door and asked softly: "My dear concubine, what can I do?"

Tang Ji took Liu Bian back to the bedroom and said, "When Your Highness was having breakfast, I found a package in the inner courtyard. I guess it was sent by Shi A. I didn't dare to open it at will, so I called Your Highness over."

"Shi Ah?"

Liu Bian frowned: "Where?"

Tang Ji pointed to the table not far away: "There~~"

Liu Bian quickly stepped forward and opened the package. Inside was a roll of silk paintings.

"Why so many?"

Liu Bian looked puzzled. He unfolded a scroll of drawings, and his eyes flashed. It turned out to be a detailed plan of the Gold Market in the west of the Imperial City. Every lane on it was clearly marked.

"Plan plan of the imperial city?"

Liu Bian was surprised and ecstatic inside.

With the help of capable people like Shi Ah and Zhu Tong, there is no need to worry about Jin Chan's plan to escape being realized.

At this moment, the voice of the Military Advisor Alliance also sounded: "Master Bian, let's spread out one by one, keep the picture clear, and let the Military Advisor Alliance save the screenshots.

This is not only a key step in Jin Chan's escape plan, but also an important historical material for historians to study the Imperial City of the Eastern Han Dynasty. It is important to ensure that the picture is absolutely clear."

Liu Bian thought: "Don't worry."

He took the lead in laying out the detailed map of the gold market on the west side of the palace. While pretending to look at it carefully, he communicated with the leader of the Military Advisor Alliance: "Remember to notify you when the screenshot is completed."

"That's it."


Liu Bian changed the next picture.

It is to the south of the palace, the most complex Nanshi plan detail.



Continue to change to the next one.

This is the floor plan of the horse market on the east side of the palace.

There are also some detailed pictures of the area near Sangong Mansion.




A roll plan.

Liu Bian flew by quickly, as if he were just watching a flower on a horse.

After all, as long as the Military Advisor Alliance takes a screenshot of the picture, it will be equivalent to Liu Bian's complete memory.

About seven or eight volumes of detailed pictures have passed.

Next volume.

A sketch of the royal palace appeared in front of Liu Bian's eyes, with some thick lines and circle marks crisscrossed on it.

Liu Bian couldn't help but be a little curious. All the previous pictures were very detailed pictures, why were the pictures in this volume so rough? Even the appearance of the palace was just a simple painting.

"This is......"

Just as Liu Bian was astonished, the voice of the Military Advisor Alliance followed: "This volume turns out to be the water supply and drainage drawings of the Luoyang Palace. The standards for open channels, culverts, and wells are so detailed."


Liu Bian was surprised: "Did there still exist water supply and drainage systems in ancient times?"

The Military Advisor Alliance explained: "Of course there is. According to literature, the earliest water supply and drainage system in our country can be traced back to Yangcheng in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. In order to solve the urban water problem, it used multi-section ceramic straight pipes, three-way pipes, and four-way pipes.

Pipes are laid underground.

During the period of Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty, there was a lot of construction work in Chang'an and the capital expanded rapidly. The old water sources could not be supplied at all, so the Kunming Pool was excavated. It was mainly to provide Chang'an with water supply, and secondly to train the navy.

After on-site investigation and research, Mr. Huang Lao drew a restoration map of the Han Chang'an City water diversion channel, but this is after all a kind of speculation for later generations, and its reference significance is far less valuable than this volume of maps."

The Military Advisor Alliance's answer immediately caused the online game in the live broadcast room to explode:

"Damn! Isn't that right? There was a water supply and drainage system in ancient times?"

"The wisdom of the ancients cannot be underestimated. It is no less powerful than today's society."

"Really? I'm from XXX City. Every year during the rainy season, the roads here are flooded."

"I suddenly feel like I'm not as good as the ancients."

"Yeah, I'm really aggrieved that the ancients actually had such a powerful water supply and drainage system."


While the netizens were astonished, the Military Advisor Alliance said again: "Master Bian, just now experts from the architecture department sent news that the underground pipelines of the palace are almost connected to the wells in the palace.

Moreover, converting the dimensions marked on the drawings into modern dimensions, the inner diameter of these underground pipelines should be 1.4 meters, with the lower part being square and about 1.6 meters high.

This urban water supply and drainage system not only supplies the palace, but also the princes and nobles in the inner city, so judging from the drawings alone, we can escape from the palace and enter the inner city through underground pipelines."


Liu Bian was so excited that he wanted to jump up.

A square pipe with a height of 1.6 meters and an arc top with an inner diameter of 1.4 meters.

In other words, the minimum space inside the underground pipeline is 1.6 meters, and the maximum space is 2.3 meters!

Not to mention that the cat is bent over, even if it walks upright, there is no problem.

"It's true."

The Military Advisor Alliance first affirmed Liu Bian, but then poured cold water on him: "But don't worry, Master Bian. Although the drawings show this, the specific situation inside is not yet clear.

For example, is the water flow fast or slow, how deep is the water, and is the road difficult to walk? In addition, is there any collapse inside the pipeline, and has it been repaired? We don't know all of these issues."

"So Mr. Ben..."

The Military Advisor Alliance emphasized: "The escape method of underground pipelines is only an alternative option. The Military Advisor Alliance will not consider it for the time being without sufficient information."

"I know."

But even so, Liu Bian was still very excited.

In any case, there is also a well in the Age, which proves that there are pipelines that can lead directly to other palaces and even the inner city. In case of an accident, it is not impossible to escape into the tube well.


The Military Advisor Alliance continued: "Master Bian, let's continue. Save all the drawings first. The Military Advisor Alliance will have experts to study it. You can rest assured about this."


Liu Bian agreed in his heart and continued to change the map.

After taking a screenshot of the last map, Liu Bian suddenly discovered a bamboo slip.

He picked it up, frowned and read: "Taoist Shi Zixuan, would like to lend a helping hand to His Highness."


Liu Bian couldn't help but gasp.

Taoist Shi Zixuan?

Why is he involved?

This chapter has been completed!
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