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Chapter 457 For the sake of the country, let your majesty accept the concubine!

As we all know, Liu Yu adopted a soft policy towards foreigners, moving them inland and making them as sinicized as possible, so that they could become part of the force that the imperial court could use, just like the Southern Huns.

But Gongsun Zan was different. His attitude towards Wuhuan has always been very clear, that is, he must kill them all to truly protect the people of the border counties. This hatred has been accumulated for a long time and cannot be easily eliminated.

Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan have always had conflicts, but in the final analysis, the conflict is that the two sides have different attitudes towards foreign races. It is precisely because of this that things like suppression and restraint occur, which intensifies the conflict.

But no matter what, Liu Yu was a shepherd in Youzhou and was very famous in Youzhou. Both Han people and Wuhuan respected Liu Yu very much. This was the main reason why he could fight Yuan Shao for a year without losing.

Facts have proved that Liu Yu's gentle policy towards Wu Huan still played a certain role, otherwise Wu Huan would not have continued to assist Liu Yu in defending the city for nearly a year.


The fact that Wuhuan is like this is directly related to the fact that their strength was greatly weakened after the Qiu Liju and Zhang Chun rebellions. Once they regain their strength, no one knows whether they will have a rebellious heart.

After all, the Wuhuan people who have had criminal records are not trustworthy at all, so it is extremely normal for Gongsun Zan to have such an attitude towards the Wuhuan people.

As far as Liu Bian is concerned, neither of these two people is right or wrong, they both have their own reasons. They all think about the people of the border counties of Han Dynasty, but their methods are different.

One is looking forward to long-term peace and stability under the peaceful mode, and the other is looking forward to long-term peace and stability under the violent mode. One is more focused on long-term results, and the other is more focused on short-term results.

When Liu Bian pointed out Liu Yu, he hit the nail on the head: "You should be clear that the attitude towards the Wuhuan people is the core of the conflict between Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan. If it cannot be properly resolved, they will eventually be in trouble.


Guo Jia and Jia Xu didn't know this. Even in the Han Dynasty, this issue had been entangled in the court for hundreds of years. Some negative people even proposed the ridiculous idea of ​​abandoning Liangzhou.


Guo Jia and Jia Xu were also difficult to express their thoughts.

After all, this is a national policy, because it is determined by the emperor's will, but now, Guo Jia and Jia Xu are not sure about the emperor's temper and attitude towards foreign races.

This means that we have to choose between Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan. Choosing Gongsun Zan means abandoning Liu Yu. For Guo Jia and Jia Xu, it is really difficult to give opinions.

It was precisely because of this that the two men submitted this issue to the emperor, hoping that His Majesty could come up with an idea so that they could start the next work.

Guo Jia pondered for a moment, and finally bowed his head: "Your Majesty, in fact, whether Liu Yu or Gongsun, their starting points are good and they are not completely opposites."

"I thought..."

Speaking of this, Guo Jia took a long breath and said softly: "If we can combine these two into one, then we can finally solve the alien race."


Liu Bian did not object, nodded slowly, and then asked: "Wen He, what do you think?"

Jia Xu paused for a moment and bowed his head: "As the saying goes: To control chaos with violence, to bring peace with benevolence! But chaos and peace can transform into each other. When the court is strong, foreigners dare not act rashly, and nature is smooth. When the court declines, foreigners will

It breeds disobedience."

"Throughout ancient times and modern times, no dynasty can last forever. Therefore, I believe that regardless of softness and toughness, no one can stabilize the border counties."

"People walk on their legs. The stability of border counties also requires one hand of kindness and one hand of toughness. Only by joint guarantee can we truly achieve long-term peace and stability in border counties."

"Although the imperial court was like this in the past, it was obviously not strong enough. The benevolence and justice were not deeply rooted in the hearts of the Hu and Han people, and the toughness was not enough to break everything, so that Wuhuan did not dare to breed dissent. The imbalance between the two will break the peace situation."


Speaking of this, Jia Xu took a deep breath and exhaled slowly: "Now that Your Majesty is sitting in the imperial court, Wuhuan will not dare to have two minds within a hundred years."

"But no one can tell what will happen a hundred years from now. Therefore, your Majesty should start with the court system to fundamentally ensure long-term peace and stability for the border governors."

Jia Xu was from Guzang, Wuwei, and was a thoroughbred person from the border counties. Naturally, he had a deeper understanding of the situation in the border counties than Guo Jia did, so these words were spoken from the bottom of his heart.

You know, Jia Xu even said "Your Majesty will be a hundred years from now". Such words are really disrespectful. Doesn't Jia Xu know that this is wrong?

The answer is obviously no.

He sincerely thought about the border county and wanted to truly achieve long-term peace and stability in the border county, so he dared to risk beheading and say something like this.

Liu recognized Jia Xu's sincerity and naturally had no intention of blaming Jia Xu.

He took a long breath, stood up, walked around the long eucalyptus, turned to the sand table on the side, and waved: "Come here."

Jia Xu and Guo Jia followed behind, hesitating in their hearts as to what kind of medicine the emperor was selling in the gourd.


Liu Bian pointed to a diagonal line on the sand table and said softly: "I added this line not long ago. As a boundary, the left side is a relatively dry area, which is the area where aliens often appear."

"On the right side of this line, there is an area with relatively high rainfall all year round. This is the area where our Han people live. Because of the sufficient rainfall, we live a farming lifestyle, while the foreigners live a nomadic life.


"You should know that in winter, nomadic areas are always prone to extremely serious snow disasters, which makes it impossible for nomadic people to survive."

"It is precisely because of this that they always go to rob some of the food of the people in the border counties. Therefore, there has always been a great contradiction between the nomadic people and the farming people."

"I believe that if we want to truly stabilize the border counties and achieve long-term peace and order, in the final analysis, we must change the lifestyle of the nomadic people as much as possible, fix them, provide them with food and clothing, and then use various means to make them surrender.



Guo Jia was surprised and couldn't help but gasped: "Your Majesty's line really reflects our nomadism and farming. This is indeed the source of the conflict between the two parties."

"But Your Majesty..."

Speaking of this, Guo Jia frowned: "How can we stabilize the nomadic people? The grain production in the north is already very low. Our own problems are difficult to solve, so how can we take care of them."


Liu Bian spit out two words.


Guo Jia was stunned, not knowing what he meant.

After all, when Liu Bian proposed alfalfa, Guo Jia had not yet surrendered.

Alfalfa has always been Liu Bian's trump card and secret weapon in raising cavalry, so few people know about it.

However, now that he has faced this problem, Liu Bian no longer needs to hide it: "Yes, it is alfalfa. The court's war horses are fed by alfalfa."

"Tens of thousands of war horses consume too much fodder every year. I rely on alfalfa to ensure the supply of the war horses. This kind of thing is cold-resistant and drought-resistant, has high yield and high quality. I just planned a small area.

It can support tens of thousands of war horses."

"If it is planted in the north, where the land is vast and sparsely populated, nomadic people will no longer have to move around and can live in one place. It can not only feed horses, but can also be used as medicine to stop bleeding and can be eaten as a vegetable."

Jia Xu was astonished: "There is such a thing in this world?"

Liu Bian nodded: "Of course! In my plan, north of Yanshan Mountain will be my horse farm in the future. If we can't have countermeasures in advance, how can we talk about reviving the Han Dynasty? This alfalfa is one of the trump cards I have prepared.


Guo Jia heard the undertones of His Majesty's words: "Does Your Majesty have other trump cards?"


Liu Bian affirmed: "Of course there is."

Guo Jia bowed his head very solemnly: "I hope your majesty will not hesitate to teach me."

On the side, Jia Xu also bowed and saluted: "I hope your majesty will not hesitate to teach me."

Liu Bian had already thought of his words, so he gave a direct answer: "Although people can also eat alfalfa, most of them still have to supply horses, cattle and sheep."

"If we want to fundamentally solve the problem of stabilizing the nomadic people, we need to find crops that are truly cold-resistant and drought-resistant. Alfalfa alone will never work."

"Very lucky."

Liu Bian smiled and said softly: "In my early years when I was visiting the East View of the imperial court, I once read in a book that somewhere overseas, there is a kind of crops called corn and potatoes, which are not only highly productive but also

, and it is drought and cold tolerant.”

Even now, corn and wheat are the main crops in Inner Mongolia, and there will be a lot of arable land per capita here, which is very conducive to the development of mechanized farming.

"Currently, the imperial court's navy is also in the process of being established. When the country is unified in the future and we go to war, we will be able to find this object. We can use this to settle the foreign races, and we will definitely be able to convert herding into farming."

"In addition, the imperial court will also build roads to Mobei and build cities to Mobei. Using roads as a network and cities as points, we will completely expand Mobei into the territory of our Han Dynasty. This is the way to long-term peace and stability."

Guo Jia and Jia Xu could not help but get excited: "Your Majesty, is there really such a thing in this world?"

Liu Bian nodded affirmatively: "Of course, how could a sage lie?"


Guo Jia took a long breath and said softly: "If this is really the case, the navy is indeed imminent. As long as we can find cold-resistant and drought-resistant corn, there is no need to worry about the world being unstable."

Jia Xu pinched a wisp of beard under his chin, and his old face shone with faint hope: "If this is accomplished, your Majesty's achievements will surely surpass those of Emperor Qin and Han Wu, and will be recorded in history."

"I don't seek those false reputations."

Liu Bian waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "History is for future generations to comment on. I only hope that during my lifetime, the great Han will stand proudly in the world, coexisting with the mountains and rivers, and shining with the sun and the moon."

Guo Jia felt deep admiration and cupped his hands: "If a state-owned king is like this, the great Han Dynasty will be rejuvenated soon."

Jia Xu bowed deeply again: "I am very lucky to be able to serve your Majesty in this life."

Liu Bidan smiled and waved his hand for the two of them to get up: "Okay, do you know how to reply this time?"

Guo Jia nodded: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I understand."


Liu Bian took a long breath and said softly: "In that case, please step aside for the time being. This year's Winter Festival will be the same as last year. The imperial court will honor some meritorious officials."

Guo Jia bowed and held up his hands: "I understand, Your Majesty, rest assured that this year's Winter Festival will not happen like in previous years."

Liu Bian nodded: "That's very good."


The two bowed and left Nuange backwards.

Just as Guo Jia and Jia Xu left Nuange, Xun You, who had been waiting early, came directly to greet him: "Fengxiao, Wenhe, you two have been together for a long time. I have been waiting for a long time."


Guo Jiawei was startled: "Wen Ruo is looking for us, but what's the matter?"

Xun You nodded: "Indeed, and it is very important. Come with me, let's go to a place."

Guo Jia frowned: "Wen Ruo, if there's something going on, you can tell me directly. Is it necessary to be so mysterious?"

Xun You smiled calmly: "I will tell you when we get to the place, so don't ask."

Guo Jia shrugged and glanced at Jia Xu: "In that case, let's go with Wen Ruo."

Jia Xu twisted his eyebrows and said, "Could it be for the Winter Festival celebration?"

"It has something to do with it."

Xun You shook his head as he walked: "But the relationship is not too big. Don't guess. You will understand it after a while."

Jia Xu had no choice but to follow him: "Okay, let's go and see what he wants to do."

The three of them walked out of the palace all the way, and there was already a carriage waiting nearby.

Got in the car and headed south until we arrived at the bus station.

"Public bus department?"

Guo Jiawei was slightly startled and couldn't help but wonder: "Why are you going to the bus station?"

Xun You said softly: "Take Mr. Shui Jing together."

Guo Jia clicked his tongue: "This matter is actually related to Mr. Shui Jing?"

Xun Ordan smiled: "It's not just Mr. Shui Jing, there are many officials. You will know later."

Guo Jia shook his head: "It's mysterious."

Not long after.

Sima Hui came out of the bus station and got into the car straight away, looking slightly sad.

Xun You said softly: "Sir, are you still worried about Kong Wenju and your Zhengping affairs?"

Sima Hui did not hide anything and nodded: "Yes, Kong Wenju and Ni Zhengping, these two people's articles are excellent, and they are also very prestigious among the scholars. It's a pity that their political achievements are really poor."

"Yu Fan, Xu Qiu, you also know that they are completely devoid of human feelings. According to the court's supervision process, these two people will be deposed."

Xun You was surprised: "Oh? Kong Wenju, your Zhengping's political performance is too bad?"

Sima Hui sighed and said: "Oh, it's not only bad, it's simply unsightly. Kong Rong is ranked second from the bottom, and Mi Heng is ranked first from the bottom. These two people are considered close friends, and they recite poems and compose poems all day long.

But that’s all it will be.”

"These two days, the two of them are participating in the second round of debates. Kong Rong quotes classics and is very good at eloquence. Mi Heng also has excellent literary talent. When the two of them work together, they always overpower the ancient classics."

"Fortunately, His Majesty is here. His Majesty can always convince Kong Rong and Mi Heng in every difficult situation. Otherwise, this debate will really become the home field of these two people."

"The most important thing is that these two people are now more famous among scholars. If the imperial court issues an edict to depose them, I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble."

How could Xun not understand what Sima Hui meant, but he still said: "The supervisory system is the essence of survival of the fittest. Since we find people who are not suitable for office, we must remove them and replace them with capable people."


"Mr. Shui Jing, is it possible that because these two are famous people, we want to make them serve as officials and engage in politics to harm the people? You must not hesitate on this point."

Sima Hui nodded: "Don't worry, Wen Ruo. I can still stick to this principle. However, I can't just have principles. I must also consider the consequences clearly and reduce unnecessary impacts as much as possible. This is how I respect Your Majesty."



Xun You nodded and praised, "Mr. Shui Jing is such a blessing to His Majesty."

Sima Hui said softly: "This is the old man's responsibility."

On the opposite side, Jia Xu pinched a wisp of beard under his chin and said softly: "Officials are the foundation of the imperial court. Only by adhering to the bottom line can we consolidate the foundation. Only in this way can the great Han Dynasty be truly rejuvenated. Your Majesty's choice of Sir is really a wise move."

"Shame on you! So shame on you!"

Sima Hui waved his hand, sighed, and changed the subject: "Oh, by the way, are everyone here? Could it be that we are the last wave of people? This is not good."

"rest assured."

Xun You said softly: "Probably not."

Guo Jia frowned and tried to ask: "Does Mr. Shui Jing know what he is going to do here?"

Sima Hui naturally realized that Xun You did not tell them, and pondered for a moment: "You will know sooner or later. It doesn't matter now. It is actually very simple. Now the imperial court has passed the most dangerous moment and is completely on track."

"However, Your Majesty still has no heirs. You two should also know that all the previous emperors of the Han Dynasty ascended the throne at a young age. This resulted in relatives intervening in politics and eunuchs usurping power, and the cycle continued."

"Although His Majesty has decreed that officials who are relatives of the imperial family are not allowed to become the ninth minister of the court, generals of the fourth town or above, concubines in the harem are not allowed to interfere in politics for any reason, and eunuchs are not allowed to hold official positions in the court, which stifles the possibility of relatives and eunuchs taking turns in power."


Sima Huilang said: "His Majesty's heirs are still related to the stability of the country. This was a point raised during the debate two days ago. Lu Gong, Yang Gong and others believed deeply, so they decided to persuade Your Majesty to accept a concubine.

Try to give birth to a prince as soon as possible."

Guo Jia said without hesitation: "This is a good thing. Your Majesty and the Queen have been married for a long time, but now they don't have a prince. Although the Queen is virtuous and virtuous, after all, it is related to national affairs, and we must play a role."

"That's right."

Jia Xu also deeply agreed: "Now that the conditions of the court are better, the house is warm in winter and cool in summer. Even the children of ordinary people's families are less and less likely to die young. It is time for Your Majesty to give birth to a prince."


Jia Xu nodded affirmatively: "This matter should indeed be put on the agenda. All our officials will advise together. I think even if His Majesty is unwilling, he will consider it carefully."


Xun You pinched a wisp of goatee under his chin and said, "I've heard someone tell me before that Tang Mao often went to the palace to persuade the queen to give birth to a prince for her majesty. However, after so long, the queen has never made any move. I'm afraid...

I am not in good health and cannot conceive a dragon seed."

"In this case, we can only advise His Majesty to choose a concubine. Taking advantage of the fact that the court is now stable, we can strive to get married as soon as possible and give birth to a prince for the royal family, so as to educate him early."

Guo Jia smiled calmly and raised his eyes to look at Xun Yue: "Wen Ruo, if you didn't tell me before, are you afraid that the palace guards will spread this matter to the Queen's ears?"


Xun You nodded affirmatively: "The Queen is the one who accompanied His Majesty all the way from Luoyang. I know that their relationship is sincere. If this matter reaches the Queen's ears, I am afraid it will make the Queen sad."

"Moreover, if His Majesty is alert in advance, he may do something for the sake of the Queen. In this case, we may have to shelve the matter of persuading Your Majesty to choose a concubine."

Everyone knows what kind of temper the current emperor has. If he is not willing to do something, he will find ten thousand ways to refuse it, and all the reasons are sufficient, so that you have no possibility of objecting.

The emperor and the empress had been together through thick and thin and supported each other. The two of them could be said to have a deep love for each other. Their relationship was far beyond that of a couple in the ordinary sense. If the empress was wronged, I am afraid the emperor would not be able to agree.

Sudden attack!

This is the method Lu Zhi came up with. Although it is relatively stupid, it is effective.

Guo Jia knew the emperor's temper very well. He nodded and said: "This matter cannot be made public. We'd better find an appropriate time to talk about it, otherwise the success rate will not be high."

"His Majesty's heart is as high as the sky and he has great ambitions. The love between his children is definitely not in his consideration range. If the timing is not right, it may not be so easy to agree in the future."

Xun You nodded: "So, this time we have to discuss the matter carefully, how to advise and how to choose the right time, so that His Majesty can agree."

"Filial piety."

Speaking of this, Xun You said softly: "You know His Majesty's temper very well, and you have a say in this matter. It's best to think about it now, when is the best time for us to give advice."


Guo Jia did not refuse and nodded: "Just leave this matter to me. I will think about it carefully. If the sooner the better, the Winter Festival Hall is a good choice."

"That's right."

Jia Xu also echoed: "Cao Cao, Xu Rong defeated the Yellow Turbans, and captured Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Guo Tu, and Yuan Shao with broken arms. Their strength is greatly damaged. They will be surrounded by hundreds of thousands of troops next year and they will definitely die."

"I just had a conversation with His Majesty. Judging from His Majesty's tone, he is already planning things after the unification of the Han Dynasty. It seems to be very effective and he is in a good mood."

Xun Yue was overjoyed: "Great, the Winter Festival will be held in a while. It can be said to be a double happiness. If you can bring it up at this time, Your Majesty will not refuse."


At this moment, the leisurely carriage slowly stopped, and a voice came from outside the carriage: "Master, we have arrived at Duke Lu's mansion, we can get off the carriage."

Xun You said with kindness: "Okay, everyone, let's talk about it after we go in."

Everyone nodded and said, "Let's go."


They all got off the car and went straight to Lu Zhi's mansion.

This chapter has been completed!
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