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Chapter 499 Jin Chan escapes, and the undercover Xu You is doing something again!


Just as Yuan Shao was leading his army on the way.

Suddenly, a rapid report sounded from the front.

Yuan Shao subconsciously raised his eyes and looked up.

But when he saw his scout coming on horseback, he looked extremely panicked. He didn't even bother to salute, so he raised his hand and pointed forward: "My lord, something bad has happened. There is indeed an ambush ahead, and General Han has already started fighting with them."


Although Yuan Shao had already expected that there might be an ambush, when the news came out, he was still shocked, and even his mind could not help but tremble.

At this moment, Yuan Shao's lips twitched violently, as if he had been slapped hard, and he asked urgently: "How many soldiers and horses does the opponent have? What is the current situation of the battle? Is the way forward possible?"

The scout replied: "The opponent had at least 2,000 troops, and they used fire and thunder to clear the way, injuring General Lu's horse. It is estimated that General Lu has died by now."

"The villain was ordered to return to report immediately, but the specific situation of the battle is not yet clear. However, judging from the current situation, it may not be ideal."


Yuan Shao was completely confused.

He froze on the spot, completely unsure of what to do.

Xu You on the side was also stunned. He couldn't believe his ears. In order to surround and kill Yuan Shao, Zhang Liao really spent a lot of money. He actually sent people to ambush here. He really did everything possible.


If you want to complete the mission given by Cao Cao, your enemies are definitely not Feng Ji, Shen Pei, and Xun Chen, but the major generals within the Nanyang Group, Zhang Liao, Xu Rong, Gongsun Zan, etc.

Damn it!

What should I do?

Just as Xu You frowned and thought about countermeasures, the judge on the side spoke: "The quality of Nanyang's cavalry is much higher than that of our cavalry. Now that the opponent has a geographical advantage, General Han may not be able to get an advantage."

Yuan Shao did not believe this evil and said sternly: "General Han has always been brave. Even when he faced Gongsun Zan's white horse Yi Cong, he was not at a disadvantage. He is just a miscellaneous cavalry under Zhang Liao, how can he be a match for General Han?"


Shen Pei knew in his heart that it was really heartbreaking to say such words now.

However, the situation is in front of him, and Yuan Shao must not be allowed to act on his own initiative, otherwise the three armies will be harmed: "Although the white horse Yi Cong is strong, how can it compare with the cavalry of Nanyang Hanting?"

Yuan Shao was not convinced: "Why can't we compare? Baima Yicong is so brave and good at fighting, and he killed Wuhuan suddenly..."

Before Yuan Shao could finish his words, Shen Pei interrupted directly: "Does Baima Yicong possess the power of thunder and fire?"


Yuan Shao was stunned and froze on the spot, not knowing how to refute.


Baima Yicong is very strong and can defeat Wuhuan's sudden cavalry.

However, Nanyang Hanting's Fuhuo Thunder is so powerful that the two cannot be compared at all.

Shen Pei ignored Yuan Shao's face and continued: "My Lord, how dangerous the situation is now. I'm afraid you and I both know very well that instead of blocking General Han to win, it is better to take a detour now."

Yuan Shao naturally knew that Shen Pei was thinking about himself, so he exhaled and tried to stay calm: "Detour? We are about to reach Quliang now. If we take a detour now, wouldn't it cost us dozens of miles more?"

Of course Shen Pei knew this: "But lord, if we force a direct attack on Quliang, even if we can reach it safely, we will probably lose part of our troops."

"The most important thing is!"

Speaking of this, Shen Pei emphasized: "In this way, our whereabouts will be exposed, and Zhang Liao from behind will inevitably come to the outside to set up camp while we are resting."


Shen Pei took a deep breath, leaned over and held up his hands, and said with great solemnity: "If we want to reach Qinghe safely, we must hide our whereabouts as much as possible, otherwise the wolves from all directions will surely pounce on us."

Xu Rong, Lu Bu, Huang Zhong, Zhang Liao!

Each of them is a powerful general in the world, with tens of thousands of elite soldiers and generals under their command. Yuan Shao may not be their opponent based on the defeated troops in his hands.

Now, the reason why they can kill here is because their opponents don't know their whereabouts for the time being, but once they are exposed, Zhang Liao will probably be killed by more than just Zhang Liao.


Then, Xu You also took a step forward, bowed and held his hand: "What Zhengnan said makes sense. Our whereabouts have been exposed now. If we are entangled by the cavalry in front, I am afraid that even if we can reach Quliang, we will face Zhang Liao's counterattack.


"The most critical thing now is to confuse the enemy's sight so that they can't find our whereabouts. Only in this way can we have a chance of survival, otherwise there is only a dead end."


The judge glanced at Xu You and breathed a sigh of relief.

In the past, he still felt that Xu You's words and deeds were a bit strange and not in line with common sense.

But looking at it now, Xu You is definitely a loyal minister, otherwise he would never dare to say such things when Yuan Shao is angry. He is suspecting the wrong person.

"Yuan Tu, what do you think?"

Yuan Shao finally hesitated and turned to look at Feng Ji.


Fengji frowned, not knowing how to answer.

This route was first proposed by him, but it was ambushed repeatedly.

I originally wanted to keep a low profile and avoid being questioned by Yuan Shao, but I never thought that I would not hide after all: "My lord, I thought that I continued to charge forward knowing that the battle ahead was unfavorable, but I didn't know it."

The implication is that he agreed with Xu You's opinion on the trial match.

Of course, in fact, the most fundamental reason is that he no longer dares to give opinions casually, otherwise if he encounters some mistakes again, Yuan Shao may not be dead, and his head will have been moved.

Now for Fengji, he should be as low-key as possible. Let others take the limelight and just follow his own experience. It would be good to find Cao Cao, but if not, he is definitely not the main culprit.

At this moment, Yuan Shao frowned and fell into deep thought: "But even if we take a detour, is it possible to escape from their encirclement and confuse others? With so many of us, it will be difficult to hide after all."

Yuan Shao's suspicion was unreasonable. It was not easy to hide his whereabouts while marching in the wilderness. The other party only needed to send some scouts to easily find the team and then spy on the information.

Break out of the circle?


What an international joke!

In short, deep down in Yuan Shao's heart, he doesn't believe this.

However, at this moment, Xu You once again held up his hands and said: "My lord, I have a plan, I don't know whether I should tell it or not?"

Yuan Shao raised his eyes and said hurriedly: "Ziyuan has a clever plan, tell us quickly."


After taking a long breath, Xu You seemed to have made a lot of determination, and then said: "Lord, if we leave with a large army, I'm afraid we will never reach Qinghe."

"The last general thought that it would be better to hand over the team to a general and let him struggle with Zhang Liao, Xu Rong and others, while the lord led a small group of people to make up and rush to Qinghe."


Yuan Shao was surprised and took a breath.

He couldn't believe that Xu You actually said such a plan.

Let him leave his team to a general and rush to Qinghe with a few people to find Cao Cao.

On the surface, it does appear to be a good strategy.

After all, whether it is Zhang Liao or Xu Rong, they must be keeping an eye on large forces, and they will certainly not pay too much attention to small forces.


Now, soldiers and horses are Yuan Shao's life and lifeblood. For him to abandon his army and rush to Qinghe with a small force, the difficulty is almost the same as taking his own life.


Yuan Shao frowned and said reluctantly: "Isn't this a bit bad?"

Now that the words have been spoken, Xu You has nothing to worry about: "My lord, we are going to move reinforcements, but are we not going to come back? If Cao Cao can persuade Cao Cao to surrender, we can just kill Zhang Liao, Xu Rong and others in one fell swoop."


If Yuan Shao leaves the team, hand him over to a general.

Then, this team will inevitably withstand siege from all directions, and eventually become fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered by others.

And if Yuan Shao can persuade Cao Cao to surrender at this time, then he will definitely be able to use this army as the center to successfully capture Xu Rong and others. It sounds like it is indeed a risky move.


Although this step is dangerous, if it succeeds, Yuan Shao will be able to occupy Jizhou, Yanzhou, and even take advantage of the situation to capture Qingzhou and merge the states, gaining the land of the four states at once.

In this way, let alone self-protection, it may not be impossible to compete with Nanyang in the world. To put it bluntly, this is a dangerous move, but it can make oneself completely turn over.

Yuan Shao pondered for a long time, but in the end he still couldn't bear to leave the army: "Although this plan is brilliant, it is too dangerous. How about this? I will stay in the army with Cao Cao and leave it to you Ziyuan."

"I believe it!"

Yuan Shao spoke resolutely and sonorously: "As long as you personally take action, Ziyuan, you will definitely be able to accomplish this matter. And if I am here in the army, the soldiers will definitely be able to fight to the death!"

Have to admit it.

Yuan Shao's strategy can be described as taking care of both ends.

However, it would be useless for Xu You to go alone.

Cao Cao wanted Yuan Shao, not Xu You, so he went there himself. He estimated that he could only criticize Xu You without Yuan Shao, and he was not even as good as a dog. He knew this very well.


"Absolutely not."

Therefore, Xu You refused without hesitation.

Of course, Xu You had his reasons for refusing, and they were very sufficient: "My lord, you should know the strength of Nanyang Hanting. If something unexpected happens, even if my subordinates persuade Cao Cao to surrender, it will be of no use."

"Of course!"

Before Yuan Shao could interrupt, Xu You continued: "After all, this kind of thing involves Cao Cao's future. For him, it is the most important decision in life."

"There are some things that cannot be decided by subordinates. The lord should talk to Cao Cao personally. Only in this way can we strengthen Cao Cao's confidence and make him submit to us and resist Nanyang together."

"As for the army..."

Speaking of this, Xu You spoke in a long tone and said softly: "If they can persist until we persuade Cao Cao to surrender, they will come to Jizhou to rescue them and defeat Zhang Liao and Xu Rong."

"But if they fail to persist, we can also join forces with Cao Cao to kill Nanyang and avenge them. This is the safest way, isn't it?"


Yuan Shao suddenly realized this and couldn't help but gasp.

Think about it carefully.

This seems to be the case.

The fire and thunder in Nanyang Hanting was so powerful that even Handan was lost now, not to mention other cities. Even if he was personally in charge, he might not be able to defend them. And once he died, everything would be ruined.

And if you abandon your army and rush to Qinghe, this will be the golden cicada's escape from the shell, and you will completely escape the siege of Zhang Liao and Xu Rong. As long as you can persuade Cao Cao to surrender, you can advance and attack, and retreat and attack.


A long silence!

Although Yuan Shao remained silent, anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was already moved.

Perhaps, for Yuan Shao, the only point worth struggling with now is to abandon the large army to escape. This is really a big compromise for his image.

"Zhengnan, what do you think?"

Yuan Shao kicked the ball to Shen Pei, hoping that he would find a suitable reason for himself.


Shen Pei naturally knew what Yuan Shao meant.

However, it is not easy for the judge to talk about this kind of thing, so after a pause, he said: "Everything should be based on the overall situation. I think the commander-in-chief of the army should be able to understand."

If Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Chun Yu Qiong were still there, Yuan Shao wouldn't have to worry. After all, they were Yuan Shao's confidants and could take on this important task.


Now, Yan Liang and Wen Chou are dead, and Chun Yuqiong is in Handan, probably not well off. No matter who Yuan Shao leaves here, not to mention he himself is worried, even the general who is left behind will have complaints.


Xu You knew that this kind of thing was very difficult to decide.

Instead of wasting time here, it is better to get to the point in one step and give a plan directly: "I believe that the only general in the army who can be trusted now is Gao Lan, one of the Four Court Pillars."

"If the lord can give him a good counselor to assist him, this will not only reassure him, but also enhance his strength, so that he can last longer."

Yuan Shao knew Xu You's temper very well and asked tentatively: "Ziyuan, please tell me frankly, how do you want to arrange it?"

Xu You took a long breath, raised his eyes and glanced at Shen Pei: "My lord, my subordinates believe that Zhengnan is proficient in the art of war, has good plans, and is a native of Jizhou. If he is here, we will be able to hold on longer."


The judge's eyes widened, and his words came to his mouth, but he was abruptly interrupted again.

However, Feng Ji on the side said hurriedly: "What Ziyuan said makes sense. Only Zhengnan can take on such an important task. At the beginning, he was responsible for guarding Wei County, but he entangled Lu Bu. Huang Zhong has spent half a year, and now he can definitely insist on changing the situation."


The judge was so angry that his eyes almost popped out!

I had indeed held on to guard Wei County for a long time.

But the fundamental reason is that Lu Bu and Huang Zhong are cavalry, and they have no intention of taking Yecheng at all, they are just threatening Yuan Shao's rear.

But the current situation is completely different. Once you lead your troops to garrison, you will inevitably face a difficult garrison phase. To put it bluntly, it will be a narrow escape.

Before the trial partner could start to refute, Xu You put another hat on his head: "Zheng Nan is loyal to the lord, so I don't think he will refuse. Besides, if you can persevere and succeed, in the future, the lord will come back and you will all be killed."

All have meritorious service."

"It's not too far from Qinghe. You only need to hold on for ten days. Within ten days, we will definitely be able to come back. By then we will cooperate internally and externally, and we will definitely defeat Nanyang's troops."

Yuan Shao also echoed: "That's right! Ten days, if we hurry up, it might be faster. Zhengnan, are you willing to stay behind? I promise I won't treat you badly."

Shen Pei's heart suddenly galloped!

This horse is no ordinary horse, but a famous grass-mud horse.

Deep down, he refuses this task, but does he dare to refuse?

The answer is obviously no.

Now, there is only one way before him.

Shen Pei took a deep breath. Although he looked reluctant, he still cupped his hands and said, "Since it is the Lord's order, my subordinates are naturally willing to agree. However, there is one condition. I hope the Lord can agree."

Yuan Shao was ecstatic in his heart: "With Zhengnan here, you will be able to sustain it for a longer time. Tell me, if there are any conditions, I will definitely agree and I will never hesitate."

Shen Pei did not hesitate and handed it over again: "I hope that my lord can keep Youruo. He is proficient in the art of war and has good plans. With his assistance, I can better guard the city."

"no problem."

Yuan Shao immediately agreed and called out: "If you are coming, call your friends to come."

The guard leaned forward and held his hands in his hands: "Here."


Turn around and leave, heading straight for the rear army.

Not long after, Xun Chen hurried from behind: "My lord, are you looking for me?"

Yuan Shao nodded: "Yes, there is something urgent that I need your help with Zhengnan."

Xun Chen frowned: "Oh? I wonder, my lord, what can I do?"

"That's right."

At that moment, Yuan Shao simply told the whole story and immediately said, "I wonder if you are willing to do it, friend?"

Xu You originally thought that Xun Chen would definitely scold his mother, and even if he didn't, he would at least show some reluctance. However, he didn't expect that he didn't even think about it and said directly:

"Don't worry, my lord, my subordinates will do their best to assist Zhengnan."

This moment!

Not to mention Xu You, even Yuan Shao couldn't help but be stunned: "Youruo, are you really willing to stay? Don't you have any other ideas?"

Xun Chen handed over his hand again and said sonorously: "My lord has been kind to me, and I should repay my kindness. Don't worry, I will do my best to help Zhengnan."

These words were spoken with Kang's passion and righteousness. At a certain moment, even Xu You was a little moved, but in fact, he had a clear conscience in his heart.

Xun Chen was a member of the Xun family in Yingchuan. Xun was probably in Nanyang. Some of his descendants also performed well in the exams and became officials in Nanyang. Even if Xun Chen stayed, Zhang Liao and Xu Rong would not kill him.

For Xun Chen, this was a chance to survive. However, if he followed Yuan Shao, it was very possible that he would step on a thunderstorm and burp directly.

As for the trial match?

By keeping Xun Chen behind, this kid was clearly looking for a way out for himself.

Zhang Liao and Xu Rong will not attack Xun Chen, so as long as he catches Xun Chen and survives, it should still be possible. The idea of ​​preferring death to surrender, being loyal, and being a mother is just a word on the scene, just to coax Yuan Shao.

Think of this.

Xu You was relieved.

Now that everyone has begun to find a way out for themselves, what can't they do as an undercover agent? If you want to blame, blame Yuan Shao himself. He was born at the wrong time and was still ambitious.

"Youruo is indeed very righteous."

Xu You praised him against his will.


Xun Chen nodded quickly and said calmly: "We are all fighting for the Lord. I just hope that you can go back quickly and don't delay the important event. We may not be able to sustain it for too long."

"You can rest assured."

At that moment, Yuan Shao patted his chest and solemnly promised: "I am going to Qinghe to look for Mengde. We will go back quickly. You must find a way to support us and wait for us to come back."

Xun Chen nodded and handed over his hand again: "Don't worry, my lord, I and Zhengnan are here, there will be no problem."

Shen Pei also handed over his hand and said seriously: "Yes, don't worry, lord, we will do our best."

Looking at the scene in front of him of the dedicated ministers, even Yuan Shao couldn't help but feel moved: "Very good! Even now, there are still people like you, Yuan's life is enough."

"That's it."

Immediately, Yuan Shao stopped wasting time and ordered: "The team will be handed over to Zhengnan for command. With the help of friends, you will rush to Quliang to garrison and wait for us to come back."

Everyone raised their hands in unison: "Here."


Yuan Shao waved his hand and said loudly: "Yuan Tu, Ziyuan, let's go."

The two nodded: "Here."

Looking at Yuan Shao and others leaving, Xun Chen took a long breath and said softly: "Zhengnan, do you want to thank me?"

Shen Pei glanced at Xun Chen and nodded: "I really want to thank you. Without you, I would definitely not be able to defend Quliang. Let's go and try to get to Quliang as soon as possible."

Xun Chen frowned, feeling that there was something in Shen Pei's words: "Zhengnan, what do you mean? Do you really think that we can hold Quliang?"

Shen Pei sighed, naturally knowing what Xun Chen meant, but he still spoke righteously: "How do you know if you haven't tried it? We have to work hard, right?"


Xun Chen let out a long sigh and covered his heart: "You scared me to death. I thought you were going to hold on."

Shen Pei said softly: "We must defend to the death, but we have to find some way to do it. You Xunchen is my way. I was a little embarrassed before, but after listening to your statement in front of the lord, I feel that this plan


Xun Chen frowned and asked tentatively: "This plan? Zhengnan, what's your plan?"


The trial match seemed a little hesitant.

But he stared at Xun Chen for a long time, and finally nodded: "You have to know sooner or later, so why not tell you now."

Xun Chen felt more and more that Shen Yu had a conspiracy, and he couldn't help but feel angry in his heart: "I wonder what Zhengnan has planned? Please feel free to enlighten me."

The judge replied solemnly: "The bitter meat plan."

Xun Chen was stunned: "Bitter meat plan?"


The judge nodded: "It's just a bitter trick."

Xun Chen seemed to understand something, and the corners of his lips twitched: "Zhengnan, what do you mean?"

Shen Pei did not hide anything and said bluntly: "You Ruo, your brother is the minister of Hanting in Nanyang and has won the trust of His Majesty the Emperor. What do you think Zhang Liao and Xu Rong will do if they know that you are in the city?"

Although the whole process was somewhat related to Xun Chen's imagination, he always felt that there was nothing good about the matchmaking process, and he couldn't help but feel chilled:

"Do you have to..."

This chapter has been completed!
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