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Chapter 503 A shocking explosion, shocking the mountain thieves!

Liu Bian truly disliked people like Xu You.

In history, he betrayed Yuan Shao and allowed Cao Cao to easily invade Jizhou.

If this is just the case, it's just a shame. This person actually dares to take credit for himself and shout out Cao Cao's nickname, Ah Hao. He is simply a disrespectful fool.

Even if such a person makes great contributions, he is nothing more than a burden to the Nanyang Han court. After all, there are many people like Xu You in the Nanyang court. One more person is not too much, and one person less than him is not too much.

There is no need for Liu Bian to relax his standards because of Xu You. This is not his character at all, but if he is not given an official position, it will make people gossip.

no way.

Liu Bian could only leave this matter to the school affairs office.

After all, this is an organization that operates in the dark, and what it is best at is those shameful actions. Killing Xu You, for them, has no pressure at all, and no flaws will be revealed.

"Wen Ruo."

Liu Bian turned his head and glanced at Xun You, and said softly: "Is it possible that you came here this time to order your brother Xun Chen?"

Xun You leaned over and handed over his hand: "Your Majesty, my brother was kidnapped and threatened the court, causing trouble for Your Majesty. I came here this time to ask for your Majesty's orders to attack Quliang."

The corners of Liu Bian's lips raised slightly, and he smiled faintly: "Now that Yuan Shao has been arrested, there is no point in persisting in the trial. As long as the news is spread, my brother will be safe."

"As for the trial and match..."

Liu Bian naturally knew that this was a tough guy, and he said with a long voice: "It would be great if he can submit to the imperial court. If he is stubborn, there is no need to worry, just kill him."

"As soon as Yuan Shao's soldiers and horses are eliminated, Jizhou immediately starts the spring plowing work, and orders my brother, Dong Zhao and others to take charge of it together. I think it will be on track soon."

How could Xun not care about his brother's life? He didn't come yesterday, but after receiving the news today, he came with him, making it clear that he was just here to express his determination.

Of course.

His Majesty the Emperor did not expose it. After all, this is human nature, and Xun Chen does have his uses. This can make up for the previously wasted time as soon as possible, and allow spring plowing to begin in Jizhou faster.

Xun or burst into tears of gratitude, bowed and held his hands in his hands: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Liu Bian waved his hand: "Wen Ruo, you don't have to be polite. Although I can spare his life, we still have to assess him according to our rules. If he can pass, then he will do it. If not, it will be Wen Ruo's face that I still don't care about."

, do you understand?”

Xun You naturally knew the system of Nanyang Hanting and the abilities of his brothers, so he confidently said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, my brother will definitely pass the exam and complete this spring plowing perfectly."


Liu Bian waved his hand: "In that case, please step aside for now."

The two of them cupped their hands and said, "Here."


Bowed and left the hall.

Watching the two people leaving, Liu Bian let out a long sigh and said in his mind: "Teacher, I used to think that Xun was the most just, but I didn't expect that he still had some selfish motives when it came to his brother."

"This is normal."

The Alliance of Military Advisors said with certainty: "I wonder if Mr. Bian has ever heard of a sentence: Prime Ministers come out of Kanto, generals come out of Kansai, San Qin has many outstanding people, and Ru Ying has many extraordinary scholars."

"Of course I have."

Liu Bian said with great certainty: "This Ruying refers to Runan and Yingchuan in Yuzhou of the Han Dynasty. It is said that these two counties are famous for their talents and scholars, and most of the dignitaries in the imperial court are from here."

"That's right."

The Alliance of Military Advisors affirmed: "In the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty, during the reign of the fourth and third emperors of Yuan Wei, the scholars of Runan occupied a great deal of power in the court."

"For example, Xu Jing, who was elected together with Zhou Ao, was from Pingyu in Runan; Wu Qiong, who served as the captain of the city gate and was able to intervene in the affairs of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, was also from Runan."

"After Yuan Wei's death, the Yuan clan fell to the ground. During the Cao Wei regime, the Xun clan became more powerful. Yingchuan scholars received a large number of recommendations, but Xun probably never recommended anyone from Runan."

"Of course there is an intention to avoid suspicion, but it is absolutely impossible to say that there is no selfishness at all. Xun He is not a saint, and there is no need for Mr. Bian to think that he has no shortcomings."

Liu Bian thought about it carefully. Even in this modern time and space, the reason why Yuan Wei was able to control the court and Liu Xie in the later period was actually the support of a large number of people from Runan scholars.

However, with the fall of Yuan Wei, Runan scholars have gradually faded from the stage of history, and they can only enter the Nanyang court through formal channels, starting from scratch.

Of course!

Even if Xun He and others are present, they still need to go through the Nanyang Hanting examination system, and the examination will be more difficult than ordinary examinations. This is a way to initially limit the power of investigation.

"That's true."

Liu Bian took a long breath and said softly: "As long as you are an individual, there will be corresponding problems. After all, no one is perfect, and no one is perfect. Even a saint still has shortcomings."

The Military Advisor Alliance deeply agreed: "That's right! You just need to remember that when you use people's strengths, you must tolerate their weaknesses. A large part of the way of an emperor is the way of controlling people."

Liu Bian nodded: "Don't worry, I understand."



Quliang County.

Outside the city, the military camp.

Chinese army tent.

Zhang Liao stood up with a look of disbelief on his face: "What did you say? Yuan Shao has been captured by Cao Cao? He is already on his way to Nanyang?"

The man below nodded affirmatively: "Yes, this is the news from Nanyang. I think it must be correct. Your Majesty's intention is to release the news to ensure Xun Chen's safety."


The man glanced at Zhang Liao and Xu Rong, and said softly: "If the two generals capture Quliang and the judge is willing to submit to the imperial court, it will be great. If they persist, just kill them."



Deadly quiet!

The entire tent was silent, and you could hear a pin drop.

The commanders of the second army, Zhang Liao and Xu Rong, were completely stunned. They couldn't believe that the credit they had been fighting for for most of the day could be obtained by Cao Cao so easily.

You know, just two days ago, they were still arguing over this military exploit. Both sides hoped that they could take the initiative and take the military exploit into their own hands.

But who would have thought...

It had only been two days before such terrible news fell from the sky.

Zhang Liao turned to look at Xu Rong and sighed: "General Xu, what's the use of fighting? In the end, won't Yuan Shao end up with Cao Cao? This is fate!"

Xu Rong took a deep breath and tried to keep himself calm: "Yeah, what's the use of us fighting here? This guy Yuan Shao has fooled us all after all. He dared to abandon the team and go straight to Qinghe."

"Damn it!"

Xu Rong clenched his fists subconsciously.

No matter how wise he was, he never thought that Yuan Shao would be so "brave", which is really admirable.

However, as he continued to think deeply, he always felt that there was something wrong with it, as if it was done deliberately or calculated by someone.


Xu Rong took a long breath and said tentatively: "Do you feel the weirdness in this?"

Zhang Liao did not hide anything, and nodded: "This matter is indeed quite strange. The emperor led the army slowly, and Yuan Shao went straight to Cao Cao. There seemed to be no twists and turns at all."


Usually, decisions on major matters always involve twists and turns.

Even at a very critical moment, it takes a long period of ideological struggle to make a decision.

However, Yuan Shao's march route was very firm, giving people the feeling that he was heading straight for Cao Cao from the very beginning. However, it is obvious that this kind of thing is not consistent with common sense.

Xu Rong sighed and kept nodding: "I also feel the same way. Meng De was dismissed from his post and became the head of state. Although there was a lot of commotion, it doesn't look like the behavior of the state's abbot."

Zhang Liao frowned: "The emperor of the country usually doesn't fight, and I don't know much about it. I just feel that he deliberately slowed down his marching speed, as if he didn't want to participate in the competition for military merit."


At this point, Xu Rong interrupted directly and said softly: "If the state leader does not claim credit, he will take it upon himself, but what about the soldiers under his command? Will they allow this to happen?"


Zhang Liao nodded: "This is the crux of the problem. Even if the father-in-law is unwilling to take credit, it will be difficult to control this team when he first arrives, unless..."


Zhang Liao seemed to realize something and couldn't help but gasped: "General, do you mean Cao Cao?"

Xu Rong nodded and said with absolute certainty: "Except for Cao Cao, who can suppress these tigers and wolves in a short period of time?"

Zhang Liao and Xu Rong were both commanders of hundreds of battles, so they were naturally aware of the problems in the army.

A sudden change of commander will inevitably lead to a running-in period.

This running-in period needs to be determined according to the commander's ability. It can range from half a year to three or five years. Some people may not even be able to successfully run-in in their entire life.


Tang Mao, the leader of the country, was able to make all the generals of Cao's army obey various unreasonable arrangements within a month. This kind of thing was originally very strange and extremely abnormal.

Zhang Liao's eyes suddenly brightened, and he asked tentatively: "Could it be that... the abbot is just acting as the leader, and the real person in charge is Cao Cao?"

Xu Rong paused for a moment and said softly: "It seems that this is the only possibility."

Zhang Liao was surprised: "Can the state leader do this?"


Xu Rong snorted: "Of course I don't dare."

In an instant, Zhang Liao suddenly realized that the idea behind it must come from His Majesty the Emperor.

However, Zhang Liao did not dare to speak out such a conclusion, let alone choose to believe it easily.

In a sense, once this conclusion proves to be correct, it proves that the emperor was secretly helping Cao Cao and that he intended to support Cao Cao.

Zhang Liao raised his eyes to look at Xu Rong, his eyes filled with disbelief. However, Xu Rong had the same expression, but it was just a little more unwilling than Zhang Liao's eyes.

Is it really His Majesty the Emperor who is supporting Cao Cao?

Zhang Liao and Xu Rong didn't want to believe it, but they had to believe it.


A long silence!

Such an ending was barely acceptable to Xu Rong, but it was really hard to accept for the young Zhang Liao, because he also had ambitions for the future.



Danyang County, Jing County.

The bigger the mountain, the bigger the camp.

Central army, big tent.

A slightly burly man was sitting at the top, looking at the soldiers below: "Everyone, you are here today because we have an important matter to discuss."

This person is none other than the handsome ancestor of Shan Yue in Jingxian County.

Zu Lang has been in Jing County for many years and has never obeyed the government's management. He has nearly ten thousand people under his command. Even Liu Yao, the shepherd of Yangzhou at that time, did not take him seriously.

Even when Liu Yao had just entered Yangzhou, the two sides had a major battle. As a result, Zu Lang defeated Liu Yao twice, killing the opponent so much that he did not dare to take a step forward for several years.

Among the many Qushuai from Shanyue, Zulang was also the most prestigious one. He was the largest force among the Qushuai from all over the country and was quite influential.


Someone below shouted at the top of his lungs: "If you have anything to say, just say it. We will all listen to you."

Zu Lang glanced at the man and said with a smile: "This matter involves our vital interests and cannot be decided by me alone, so I have come to discuss it with you."


Suddenly, there was an uproar in the big tent.

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, and there was a lot of discussion, and finally all eyes were focused on Zu Lang: "Commander, what exactly is going on? You might as well say it."

"That being the case, I won't talk nonsense anymore."

After taking a deep breath, Zu Lang glanced at the brothers in the room and said softly: "You should also know that Nanyang Hanting has sent a new governor named Zhang Zhao, who is busy with spring plowing."

"I know, what's wrong?"

"Could it be that they want to attack us?"

"Isn't it over with him? Who have we ever been afraid of?"

"That's right. Liu Yao attacked us twice back then, but we were still defeated?"

"We all follow the commander's command."

"Yes, we are willing to obey the commander-in-chief's orders."



However, Zu Lang waved his hand and signaled everyone to be quiet and said: "Everyone, we beat Liu Yao before because Liu Yao deserved to be beaten, he deserved to be beaten, and he had to be beaten!"

"But this time, we are facing the Han Dynasty in Nanyang. His Majesty the current emperor is an orthodox member of the Han Dynasty. And with the help of heaven, the thunderbolt he invented can break mountains and crack rocks."

"Even if we fight head-on with them, I'm afraid we won't be their match. In the long run, it will inevitably make all departments uneasy. We can support it for two years now, but if it lasts for a long time, I'm afraid we won't be able to make a living."

At this point, everyone had already heard what Zu Lang meant. They all frowned and began to think wildly. After all, the King of the Mountain was used to his life, and no one wanted to be a slave anymore.

"Commander, what do you mean by this? Do you want to submit to the imperial court?"

"Even during the Ling Emperor's period, we never submitted to the imperial court."

"Although the current emperors are famous, to me, they are all the same."

"That's right, it's better for us to be the masters of our own country than to be slaves to others."

"You absolutely cannot surrender to the imperial court. I can't trust them."


Hearing everyone's voices, Zu Lang was not shocked at all, as if all this was expected.


He knew Nanyang Hanting's sincerity this time, and he also understood Nanyang Hanting's strength.

In order to prevent his soldiers from suffering and embarking on a path of no return, no matter how difficult it was, he would give it a try after all.


Zu Lang waved his hand again to signal everyone to be quiet.

After a long time, the big tent became quiet, and everyone's eyes focused on Zu Lang again.

Zu Lang tried his best to stay calm and said softly: "Let's do this. I have prepared a small program for everyone. Let's watch it first and discuss it later."

"Ah Hui." Zu Lang greeted.


"Are they ready?"

"Well, it's ready."


Zu Lang nodded slowly, waved his hand and said, "Everyone, please follow me. Let's go to the cliff in the back mountain."

Although everyone didn't know what he meant, out of trust in Zu Lang, they finally got up and followed him out.

After walking all the way, after a while, we arrived at the cliff of the back mountain.

Zu Lang looked at the hilltop opposite and said softly: "There is a new type of weapon in Nanyang Hanting, which is called Fuhuo Thunder. It has the effect of breaking mountains and cracking rocks. Today I will let you know how powerful it is."

Everyone was stunned for a moment and started discussing enthusiastically:

"Ah? What does this mean, Marshal?"

"Is it possible that he wants to level the hilltop opposite?"

"How is this possible? Even if it is an immortal, it is impossible."

"Fire-laying thunder has the effect of cracking mountains and cracking rocks, but it would be too terrifying to deal with this mountain."

"If he really can open the mountain, maybe I will surrender, but if not, I will persevere to the end."

"This mountain forest is our battlefield. No one can fight with us here unless the mountain is gone."

"That's right, I will never surrender unless Nanyang Hanting can open up mountains and crack rocks."

"I won't surrender either."

"Cannot surrender."


Zu Lang listened to everyone's voices and didn't bother to explain anything. He waved his hand and ordered: "Ah Hui, send a signal to the other side."

Ah Hui leaned forward and held up his hands: "Yes."


Red and green flags fluttered in the air.

Shortly afterwards, a loud bang was heard.

But I saw that the mountaintop in front collapsed downwards at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a thick plume of smoke and dust rose up and spread loudly in all directions.

Even the people on the cliff at the back of the mountain could clearly feel the tremor of the mountain below them. Some people were even so frightened that they sat down on the ground, with wetness in their crotches.

Although Zu Lang had been mentally prepared, when he witnessed this scene with his own eyes, he couldn't help but be stunned. His eyes almost exploded, and his mouth opened wide subconsciously. He was extremely frightened.


"How is this possible?"

Zu Lang's throat rolled, he couldn't help but swallowed, and thought to himself: "Tao Gongzu didn't lie, he really didn't exaggerate at all, this thing really has the ability to crack mountains and crack rocks!"

The people on the side were completely stunned. It took a long time before they heard any voice:

"This...could this be...could it be the Fire and Thunder?"

"Ah~~~This...how is this possible?"

"Is this the Fire and Thunder?"

"Have you really leveled the mountain?"

"How on earth is this done?"


Taking this opportunity, Zu Lang took a deep breath and tried to keep himself calm.

He turned around and looked at everyone and said softly: "Yes, this is Fuhuo Leiting. A few days ago, Tao Qian, who came back from Xuzhou, found me and hoped that I could bring my brothers and submit to Nanyang Hanting."

"He sent people to install the Ambush Thunder. In addition, they also have Ambush Thunder bombs that are easy to carry around. They can place mines around the mountain. Once someone steps on them, they will explode."

"If Nanyang Hanting wants to attack us, it only needs to lay out a minefield around the mountain. Our people will always be trapped in the mountain and never come out."


Zu Lang let out a long sigh and said in a loud voice: "What is the purpose of our confrontation with the imperial court? It is not to become the king of the mountain, but to live a prosperous life."

"Now, as long as we submit to Nanyang Hanting, all the acres of land will be owned by ourselves, we will be exempted from taxes for three years, and we can also receive rice planting training from the court and have priority in purchasing chemical fertilizers."

"More importantly, Nanyang Hanting has a terrace farming method, and you can also enjoy rice field fish planting training. The newly opened terraces are divided into 50 and 50 and enjoy the same land policy as Nanyang."


By now, no matter what Zu Lang said, they could no longer hear it.

In their hearts, there is only one voice:


This explosion.

Like thunder, like tsunami, better than landslide.

The hatred they had for Nanyang Hanting was completely destroyed, leaving no foundation at all.

Facing such a powerful thing, can my own flesh and blood resist?


This is absolutely impossible!

Even Liu Yao's regular army and the nobles of Yangzhou compromised, which is enough to prove how terrifying the strength of Nanyang Hanting was.

Under such a threat, as long as it does not cost their lives, they will accept no matter how vicious the conditions are.

After a long time, Zu Lang said softly: "If you are willing to submit to the Nanyang court, you can come to my place to sign up later. If you are not willing to submit, you can leave on your own."

"However, I advise everyone to be more sensible. Nanyang Hanting is definitely not Liu Yao, and the current emperor is definitely not any previous emperor."

"Those who obey the imperial court will prosper, and those who rebel against the imperial court will perish."

"This sentence is definitely not a threat, but the principle followed by Nanyang Hanting. Anyway, my ancestor has decided to submit. As for all of you, you just have to think clearly."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone raised their hands and shouted loudly: "Commander, I am willing to submit. As you know, I will abide by your decision, and now is no exception."

"And me!"

Then, someone else raised their hands, fearing that they would be left behind: "I am also willing to submit to the Nanyang court. As long as I can live a good life, I don't want to be carried around in the mountains and forests all day long. It is very humid here and it is easy to get sick."

"That...I will surrender too."

The next moment, seven or eight more people raised their hands at the same time:

"The Marshal is right, we are here to live a good life, not to be the king of the mountain."

"This thunder and lightning is so powerful. If it flattened the mountain top, I wouldn't even know how I died."

"I am willing to surrender, so sign up now."

"Commander, and me!"

"Don't leave me behind!"


This chapter has been completed!
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