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Chapter 507 Shamo Ke: What about the Jiangdong Tigers? I beat the Tigers!

"You sent people to raid our tribe, and you said they were our friends? Here to help us? Do you really think that all of us are blind?"

Although Zhou Yu's Wulingman language is a bit lame, the general meaning can still be understood. The other party's doubts are correct. It is indeed difficult for them to say "friend" when they come here in this way.


For ethnic groups like the Wuxi Man who resisted the imperial court, if they did not enter in this way, they would simply meet each other on the battlefield and fight to the death.

This was not Zhou Yu's original idea.

Of course, Zhou Yu was too lazy to explain too much now. He looked across the crowd and landed on the man who was speaking. The ornaments around his neck, the feathers on his head, and the paint on his face all proved that he was the chief of this tribe.

Judging from his age, it should be Shamoko's old father who is responsible for staying in the tribe and taking charge of the overall situation, while the battle is left to the young Shamoko.

"Are you the father of Samoko?"

Zhou Yu raised his voice and asked tentatively to confirm his thoughts.

"That's right."

The old chief replied loudly, his voice suddenly doubled in volume: "Since you know my son's name, why don't you quickly withdraw from my clan's territory and wait for my son to come back, and kill you without leaving a trace?"


Zhou Yu could only laugh.

In the eyes of this old man, it was as if his son was the God of War sent by God, which was simply ridiculous.

Zhou Yu sneered and dismissed this: "Young Master is indeed brave and good at fighting, but whether he can come back now is another matter. Others may not know the name of Jiangdong Tiger Sun Jian, but don't you know it?"

"Sun Jian?"

The old chief frowned at first, as if he had some impression of the name, and then continued to search his memory, trying to find out the meaning behind the name.

as expected.

After a moment, the old chief's eyes suddenly brightened, flashing with faint fear, and he asked hurriedly: "But Sun Jian, the governor of Changsha County at that time, the Sun Jian who crossed the county to attack the Zhou Dynasty?"

Although this incident did not involve Wuling County, but only Changsha County, Lingling County, and Guiyang County, it did not affect the spread of Sun Jian's reputation. Even the old chief knew the name of Jiangdong Tiger Sun Jian.

no way!

At that time, the rebellion in Ou Xing was so powerful that it almost completely covered the four counties of Jingnan. No one knew about it. Lingling and Guiyang were completely defeated and almost collapsed.

But it happened that Ou Xing got into trouble with Sun Jian and actually dared to send troops to besiege Changsha. As a result, not only did Sun Jian suppress the rebellion, he even eliminated the Zhou Dynasty and Guo Shi who were echoing Ou Xing.

You must know that under the system of the Han Dynasty, county guards were not allowed to cross districts and could only operate within one-third of an acre of land under their own jurisdiction. However, Sun Jian refused to comply and went across counties to attack the thieves and captured them all.

As a result, Sun Jian became famous and shocked the four counties in Jingnan!


Someone who had not seen Sun Jian for so many years and no one had mentioned him would actually show up at this time. If the leader of the Han army was really Sun Jian, then his son might really meet his opponent.


It's just a matter of meeting an opponent.

The old chief always believed that his son was definitely not anyone's choice: "So what? Even if the opponent is Sun Jian, my son may not lose."

Come on!

When Zhou Yu heard these words, he knew that the old patriarch would not give in easily, so he simply stopped wasting his breath and said softly: "In that case, we can only be tough."

"I'm offended, old patriarch!"

At this point, Zhou Yu's voice suddenly rose an octave, and he gave a sonorous order: "Colonel Tan, lead the brothers and rush in for me and capture them all alive. There must be no mistakes."

Tan Xiong nodded: "Here!"


He took the lead and gave a sonorous order: "Brothers, follow me and charge!"

All the soldiers shouted in unison: "Kill—!"

Immediately, like a tide, they launched a rapid attack on Wuxi Man's territory.

The Yuanyang Army has been hidden in the snow for two full years. They are training every moment. Not only are they well-equipped with weapons, but their combat quality is also off the charts. Not to mention the old, weak, sick and disabled, they have encountered the elite of the Wuxi Barbarians.

It's also true that it's cruel.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The golden sound exploded, and the sparks burst out.

Zhou Yu peered into the battlefield through a telescope. The Wuxi barbarians were retreating steadily, and some people were being arrested. They were quickly captured and tied up, and even the old clan leader was not spared.


Tan Xiong hurried back, leaned over and handed over his hands: "I have followed the instructions, missing two people, and all the others have been arrested. They are now being held in various rooms, with special personnel responsible for their supervision."

"very good."

Zhou Yu nodded: "According to the original plan, leave a small team to guard here, and the rest of the team will rush to the second ambush site with me, and set up defenses in advance to make sure there is no mistake."

The sneak attack on Wuxi Man's lair was only the first step of the entire plan. The ambush of the barbarians who came back to the city to rescue them was the most important part of the entire plan.

After all, Wuling Man is brave and good at fighting, and has always refused to admit defeat. If he doesn't defeat them head-on, it is impossible to convince them, let alone long-term peace and stability.

Tan Xiong leaned forward and held up his hands: "Here."


Public Security County.

Caimao camp.

Central army, big tent.

Cai Maoduan sat at the top, accompanied by Kuai Yue below. On the left were his own generals, and on the right were the generals sent by the Wuling barbarians. The total force was about 40,000, all of them tigers, wolves, and warriors.

At this moment, Cai Mao raised the wine cup in his hand and invited everyone: "Come, come, let's drink this wine. I just hope that we can unite as one to fight against the invading enemy."


Everyone raised the wine glasses in their hands, tilted their necks, and drank until their glasses were dry.

After drinking, there was a burly man below him who was over eight feet tall and covered in tendon muscles. He said loudly: "Captain Cai, I heard that the person sent by the imperial court this time is none other than Sun Jian, the governor of Changsha County?"


Cai Mao was well aware of Sun Jian's terrifying and intimidating power in the four counties of Jingnan.

He originally wanted to hide it, but he never thought that someone would already know about it in advance.

When this person mentioned Sun Jian, Cai Mao subconsciously glanced at the other barbarian generals and saw that they all showed fearful expressions, as if they felt like they had been deceived. Cai Mao froze on the spot, not knowing how to answer.

"That's right, it's Sun Jian."

Before Cai Mao could react, a familiar voice sounded from the side.

It's Kuai Yue!

Cai Mao judged it all at once.

He was stunned and couldn't believe it. Kuai Yue admitted it without any precautions. Wasn't this a deterrent to the enthusiasm of these barbarian generals?

What do you want?

Cai Mao hurriedly winked at Kuai Yue and told him to shut up and stop talking.

However, Kuai Yue ignored Cai Mao completely and continued to speak on his own: "However, it is precisely because the opponent is Sun Jian that we invite all the generals to participate in the battle."

"As we all know, there is a group of brave warriors living in the Wuling Mountains. They cross mountains and ridges as if they were walking on flat ground, fighting ferocious tigers, fiercely fighting against packs of wolves, and never falling behind."

"Especially General Samoko!"

Having said this, Kuai Yue's eyes fell on the man who had just asked the question.

That's right.

This person is none other than the famous Samoko.

When he was young, he went hunting with his father in the mountains. He ran and jumped as if walking on flat ground. His archery skills were excellent. When he was twelve years old, he even fought with a ferocious tiger and strangled it to death.

, hence the name Wuling.

Kuai Yue smiled faintly and said softly: "The general is invincible. He was able to kill a tiger with his bare hands when he was twelve years old. Now that he encounters the fierce tiger Sun Jian from Jiangdong, it is really a fateful battle."

Although Shamoko deliberately mentioned Sun Jian, Kuai Yue could see very clearly that there was no fear in Shamoko's eyes, but instead flickered with excitement.

It was precisely because he captured this detail that Kuai Yue dared to convince everyone that the visitor was none other than Jiangdong Tiger Sun Jian. However, he quickly mentioned Samoko, hoping to use Samoko's prestige to come.

To appease the hearts of the barbarian generals.

as expected.

Samoko raised his chin and said proudly: "Don't worry, military advisor. If it were anyone else, I, Samoko, might not be interested, but it is Sun Jian. How can I, Samoko, let it go?"

The barbarian generals from all sides cast their admiring glances one after another, and they all wanted to give their thumbs up and praise:

"Brother Sha is indeed brave and invincible. With me here, it will be easy to kill Sun Jian."

"Yes, General Shamoko was able to capture and kill tigers when he was young. Now when he meets Sun Jian, he is destined to defeat him. He will win without a doubt."

"With General Samoko here, why not kill Sun Jian?"

"Yes, that's right, our army will win this battle!"


The rainbow farts of the generals from all sides started blowing one after another. Even the general from Cai Mao's side couldn't help but praise him, wishing that Samoko would rush forward and face Sun Jian directly.

Praise and kill!

A cliffhanger!

Cai Mao completely calmed down, breathed a sigh of relief, and cupped his hands towards Samoko: "General Samoko's name is like thunder to my ears. I have heard about it for a long time. As long as you are here, why can't I kill Sun Jian?"


Kuai Yue immediately agreed. No matter what, he wanted to calm down everyone's emotions first: "I heard that Sun Jian is preparing to cross the river. By then we will definitely be able to fight him head-on and have a showdown."

Samoko said proudly: "I have been looking forward to this battle for a long time."

Cai Mao immediately raised the wine cup. It was so awesome to have such a stunned young man here: "Come, come, let's drink a cup of wine for General Samoko's bravery. I wish the general a victory and immediate success."

"Come on, do it!"

The soldiers raised their wine glasses, raised their necks, and drank until their glasses were dry.

The banquet atmosphere was very joyful.

About a quarter of an hour passed.


A long announcement sounded outside the tent:


Cai Mao raised his eyes and looked.

But then, a guard opened the curtain and walked in. He quickly stepped forward, leaned over and held his hands in his hands, saying, "Grand Governor, there's a situation."

Cai Mao looked around at the civil and military personnel in the tent and nodded affirmatively: "They are all his own people, that's all to be honest."

The guard then spoke: "The guards of Wuling County sent news that they found the bodies of a small team near Chong County. It is estimated that Sun Jian has sent people to infiltrate Wuling County."

"Charge the county?"

Cai Mao was stunned for a moment.

Because it is already in the Wuling Mountains, and the imperial court does not have strong control over it, so the news will come relatively slowly. If the other party has entered Chong County, it will prove that it must have some actions behind enemy lines.

"Grand Governor, we have fallen into a trap."

Quin Yue immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

Sun Jian led a large force and the police faced each other across the river, attracting the attention of Cai Mao and others, thinking that a decisive battle was about to begin. However, the other party crossed the river from another place and sneaked into Jiangling first.

These are lice on a bald man’s head, there’s obviously a conspiracy!


Cai Mao frowned and said in disbelief: "Sending people into the Wuling Mountains. This team is a lone army. What can they do without food supplies? Is Sun Jian crazy?"

Although it was already early spring, there was not food everywhere in the southern forests. Once all the food on them was gone, death would be the only thing waiting for them.

After all, this is a primeval forest, lush and green. Without a guide, whether it can survive, let alone make some big moves, is another matter.

Making trouble?

How can this be!

"court death!"

Cai Mao had a gloomy look on his face and immediately ordered: "You quickly send someone to report to Wuling County Governor and ask him to immediately send people to search the mountain. Be sure to find this team and then kill them."

The guard bowed and held his hands in his hands: "Here."


Cai Mao turned to look at Shamoko and other barbarian generals, with a smile on his face, and said softly: "Generals, now the imperial court has sent a small team to sneak into Wuling. It is very likely to have an impact on you."

"Perhaps you should send people back to your territory to inform them that they must be more vigilant and send people out to search from time to time. If they encounter people wearing Han army uniforms, they must be eliminated on the spot and cannot be tolerated."


Samoko snorted lightly, not taking the Han army seriously at all: "Don't worry, Governor, the Wuling Mountain area is the back garden of our people. If he fights with us there, no matter how strong the Han army is, he will die."


The rest of the people agreed one after another and were convinced of this:

"That's right, as long as he dares to step into the mountainous area, he will die without a burial place."

"The mountains and forests are our world, and they have no chance of winning there."

"Don't worry, the clan members will patrol every day. Even a fly can't come in."

"Don't say it's just a small team, it's an army of thousands. As long as they enter the mountainous area, they will all die."

"The Governor can rest assured."

"Yes, the Governor is at ease."


Cai Mao is still very convinced of this.

After all, for hundreds of years, no court could truly conquer these barbarian warriors.

What they relied on was the familiar terrain and climate, which allowed them to fight with the imperial troops in the mountains. The mountains were their battlefields and the graveyard of the imperial troops.


Cai Maobian smiled widely, secretly pleased with himself, and said softly: "With these words from the generals, I feel relieved. Come on, let's continue drinking and wash away the dust for the arrival of the generals."

"Come on, come on, drink!"



Such a small episode could not affect everyone's interest at all.

They drank continuously for half an hour, and each of them was very drunk. In the whole tent, only Samoko was still sober, but the yelling became more and more intense.

"General Samoko is truly a man of great strength."

"Where! I can drink three more jars of this kind of wine."

"I admire you."


After all, Cai Mao couldn't bear it any longer. The number of shamoke in his eyes changed from one to two, and two to four. They were sometimes bigger and sometimes smaller, becoming more and more like a lake.

At this moment, a long announcement sounded outside the tent again:


Kuai Yue looked up.

However, he saw the guards hurriedly entering the account, looking slightly panicked. He leaned over and held his hands in his hands and said: "Grand Governor, military advisor, there is a situation."

Kuai Yue glanced around and sighed: "To put it bluntly, it doesn't matter whether they are here or not."

The guard handed over his hand: "There is a tribesman outside the camp who claims to be Samoko. He said that his territory was besieged by the Han army and was in danger. He asked Samoko to quickly bring in troops to help."


Suddenly, Kuai became more and more stunned!

Samoko below was also stunned!

Samoko stood up even more, the evil energy all over his body suddenly surged, his eyes were as wide as bells, and sharp and fierce light shot out in all directions:

"What did you say?"

Samoko stepped on the gum tree, and the sound sounded like thunder in the military tent.

The guard felt a little nervous, but he still raised his hands and fists towards Shamoko and said honestly: "It's your tribe who came here. They said they encountered the Han army besieging the territory. I hope you can bring troops to come back for reinforcements."

"Where are the people?"

Before Samoko could speak, Kuai Yue hurriedly interrupted and shouted: "Bring him in quickly."

The guard held up his hands: "Here."


Bow and leave.

Taking this opportunity, Kuai Yue hurriedly comforted him and said, "Don't be anxious, general. We will know exactly what the situation is when your people arrive. If there is really a Han army coming in, rush back immediately for rescue. It won't be too late."


Although Kuai Yue had expected that the Han army would cause trouble, he did not expect that the other party could actually find the territory of the Wuxi barbarians. You must know that the Samoko clan is the most powerful among these barbarians.

The Han army did not attack other barbarians, but took the lead and went straight to the territory of Wuxi Barbarians. It was clear that they wanted to capture the thieves first and capture the king first, so that they could catch the Wuxi Barbarians by surprise and break one of their own arms.


Even the Han army did not expect that all the elites of the Wuxi Barbarians were in the public security. This time they not only missed the attack, but also angered the Wuxi Barbarians, thus making the Samoko clan completely help them.

And as long as Samoko is here, relying on his prestige among the Wuling barbarians to continue to recruit other barbarians and become their assistance, the success rate will be very high.

Ha ha!

The Han army is not raiding the Wuxi Barbarians, but giving them a helping hand!

On the surface, Kuai Yue frowned and was angry, as if he shared the same enemy with Samoko, but in fact, he was already happy inside at this moment. This move of the Nanyang court was really bad!


At this moment, a middle-aged man dressed as a barbarian broke into the tent.

When the man saw Samoko, he rushed over, knelt on the ground with a bang, and said with tears: "This territory was suddenly raided by the Han army this morning. They arrested many people, including the old patriarch."

"Damn it!"

Shamoko gritted his teeth and pulled the man up from the ground, staring like a bell: "There are hundreds of brothers in the territory, how could it be raided by the Han army?"

"I...I don't know either."

The man looked slightly embarrassed and looked horrified: "Anyway, our patrol posts were ineffective. By the time the Han army pounced on them, they were already at the door, and we had no time to react."

"Their movements are very fast, and the weapons they hold in their hands are very weird, like tree branches. Our swords and bows are completely useless if they are not used. They are no match for them."

Kuai Yue suddenly understood and immediately reminded: "General Samoko, these are the elite soldiers and horses of Nanyang Hanting, called the Yuanyang Army, and they use a weapon called Langxian."

"This kind of weapon does look like several weapons from the outside, but it is actually an extremely cruel weapon. It has been specially treated and is very powerful."

"Before, we in Jingxiang prepared to copy this kind of weapon, but it is difficult to copy this kind of weapon successfully. I don't know what special treatment method the other party adopted."

"Yuanyang Army?"

Shamoko remembered it in his heart and clenched his fists subconsciously. The cruelty in his heart surged up: "I remember it! How many people are they?"

"About six to seven hundred people?"

The man frowned, thought for a moment, and answered directly: "I don't know the specific number, but it is very powerful, and we are no match for it."

"There's no way there are only five or six hundred people!"

Kuai Yue on the other hand directly denied it, and immediately gave his own judgment: "General, the Yuanyang Army in Nanyang is an elite army, with a total strength of about three thousand people."

"Since the other party is taking action, it will definitely be an attack with the entire army. There cannot be only five or six hundred people. I suggest you bring more troops back to avoid suffering losses."

Shamoko was surprised: "Three thousand people?"

Although it is easy to hide three thousand people in such a huge forest, it is impossible for such a large-scale army to leave no trace at all.

Our own patrols have both bright and dark sentries. Even if we remove all the bright sentries, is it possible that we also remove the hidden sentries? The other party is too powerful, right?

The Samokos asked themselves that even they themselves could not achieve this level. If the opponent really had a team of 3,000 people, they might not be able to maintain their territory if they go back now.


Even if he can't save it, Samoko must go back.

Kuai Yue nodded: "Yes, according to the establishment, there should be three thousand people."

Shamoko took a deep breath and tried to keep himself calm: "Military advisor, I'm really sorry. The general must lead his troops back to take a look, otherwise it will be difficult to fight with peace of mind. I hope you understand."


Kuai Yue nodded affirmatively and said solemnly: "As soon as the general returns, I will assign an additional two thousand elite troops to the general. If we don't get rid of these troops, we will not be able to live in peace in the future."

"Thank you, General!"

Shamoko imitated the etiquette of the Han people and bowed his head and handed over his hand: "I will definitely destroy this army, regardless of whether they are elites or not. As long as they are in the mountains, they cannot win against me, Shamoko."


Kuai Yue was overjoyed and nodded affirmatively: "In that case, I'm waiting for your good news! Come."

A guard came outside the account: "Military advisor."

Kuai Yue ordered: "Hurry up and notify Su Fei and ask him to lead two thousand elites and accompany General Samoko to attack the Yuanyang Army."

The guard held up his hands: "Here!"

This chapter has been completed!
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