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Chapter 512 Good news to the emperor

Nanyang, Wancheng.

Emperor's palace.

Hall of Wende.

Liu Bian sat upright, held the memorial in his hand, and nodded slowly in praise: "Well, that's right, Jizhou's spring plowing work is on track. Xun Chen is indeed quite capable, and he didn't disappoint me."

Xun You, who was below, breathed a sigh of relief. He was very afraid that his brother would not be able to complete the task of the court. After all, it had been delayed for a period of time before. It was indeed quite difficult to complete such a task.


After all, Xun Chen did not disappoint Xun He.

During this period of time, Xun Chen was running around on his war horse every day. Even some specific situations were solved together in the process of handling tasks. Through hard work, he managed to gain efficiency.

It is precisely because of this that one million Montenegrin Army personnel can be properly arranged in a short period of time to distribute farmland, cattle, farming tools, etc. before the official land reclamation and sowing.


The most important thing is that Xun or this big backend is very powerful, especially when it comes to the provision of farming tools, they are prepared in advance every time, so that Xun Chen is not held back. Otherwise, even if Xun Chen is capable, he will not be able to do it.

Such a difficult problem was solved in such a short period of time.

Xun or bowed his head: "To be praised by His Majesty, Youruo, he is barely qualified."

Liu Bian put down the memorial and raised his eyes to look at Xun Yue: "Wen Ruo, what kind of position do you think I should give him?"

"Ah, this..."

Xun You hurriedly bowed and saluted, and said with a worried look: "I am Xun Chen's brother. I can recommend him, but this aspect is still a matter of His Majesty's Sacred Heart. How dare I give you advice at will? No matter what kind of position your Majesty gives you,

I deserve him."

Although it is said that relatives should not be avoided when promoting talents, Xun Yu dared to interfere too much in matters involving interests. This would have a great impact on himself, so he should avoid suspicion.

In the end, this kind of matter still has to be decided by His Majesty the Emperor. Instead of taking the initiative to apply for a job, it is better to wait for His Majesty the Emperor's reward. Xun Ou knows such a sense of proportion very well.


Now that the world is about to be settled, it is the time when talents are needed. Liu Bian will not let such a capable person go because of such a small thing. He does not know this.

In fact, he had already discussed it with the experts from the Military Advisor Alliance. Now that the Yuan family's power has been completely wiped out, there is no need to dwell on matters like family background. Everything must be aligned with ability.

Therefore, at this moment, Liu Bian was too lazy to talk nonsense and said bluntly: "Well, although Jizhou's spring plowing is now on the right track, there are still many things to deal with in the follow-up, so let him work on it as a special driver of Jizhou, and wait for his achievements."

, and then be promoted.”

Don't do it!

He can be said to be the second-in-command in a state.

Xun Chen had just arrived and was able to obtain such an official position. Even Xun Chen was shocked: "Your Majesty, isn't such an official position a bit too high?"


Liu Bian asked back: "Are you questioning my vision?"

Xun You hurriedly held up his hands and apologized: "How dare you, I...I am afraid..."

Before Xun He could finish speaking, Liu Bian waved his hand and interrupted: "Okay, the imperial court's assessment system is not a decoration. If Xun Chen fails to complete the assessment next, he will still be kicked down and make way for someone who is capable."

Xun You naturally understood this, and then he accepted it with peace of mind: "Thank you, Your Majesty. I will definitely advise my brother to work hard and not to live up to Your Majesty's expectations."

"Oh, right."

Liu Bian suddenly remembered something and asked instead: "Has the reservoir construction project in Youzhou begun? The water will be stored in summer, and we must hurry up now."

"Your Majesty, you can rest assured, the arrangements have been made."

Xun You hurriedly saluted and immediately reported to His Majesty the Emperor: "As soon as Yuan Shao was captured, the imperial court's water conservancy experts rushed to Youzhou with His Majesty's engineering drawings."

"Currently, Tianchou has begun to recruit relevant personnel to conduct surveys of the three major reservoirs. Once the survey is completed, construction will begin immediately, and all materials will be shipped from Jizhou and Bingzhou as soon as possible."


Liu Bian reminded: "Don't delay farming because of the construction of the reservoir. If it doesn't work, mobilize people from the army to help. The northern Xinjiang is established and there will be no war in a short time. Restoring people's livelihood is the first priority."

Xun You smiled calmly and said with absolute certainty: "Your Majesty, don't worry, this matter has been discussed with Gongsun, Tian Chou and others in advance, and it will definitely not delay the spring plowing."

"The early stage is survey data, and then there will be soil work and blasting operations. All of these will be completed by the army. Some of them are the original garrison in Youzhou, and the other part are soldiers and horses adapted from the Black Mountain Army."

"His Majesty."

Speaking of this, Xunhe once again said: "The Black Mountain Army has been reorganized and is now registering a roster, which will include masons, carpenters, tailors, etc."

"The minister will send people to select people in advance and arrange people with construction experience to go to the Luoyang project and the Youzhou reservoir project to ensure the smooth progress of the project."


Liu Bian let out a long sigh, and his anxious heart was completely relieved.

I have to admit that having a capable go-getter is indeed more worry-free and labor-saving.

You only need to arrange the corresponding things yourself, and the other party will naturally help you arrange the remaining details.

Just like Xun Yu, as long as it is something he has arranged himself, even if some details are forgotten by him, he will arrange it in advance according to his habitual way.


This is what the Military Advisor Alliance mentioned.

Xun He and others have become accustomed to their own management methods, passed the running-in period, and entered a tacit understanding period with a high degree of agreement. Only in this way can the court operate in the most efficient manner.

"Very good."

Liu Bian nodded with interest: "Very good."

Xun Yi bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, this is over, I will take my leave."


Liu Bian responded, waved his hand and said: "Step back and work hard. If you need to communicate about anything, just come over at any time."

Xun or raised his hands: "Here."


Bowed and left the hall.

Not long after Xun You left the main hall, a long announcement suddenly sounded outside the hall:


Liu Bian raised his eyes and looked.

But then, Zhu Tong pushed the door open and walked in. He leaned forward and said, "Your Majesty, Guo Jia from the School Affairs Bureau wants to see you. He said there is good news coming back from Jingnan."

Liu Bian raised his lips slightly and said with a smile: "Oh? Good news coming back so soon? Let Fengxiao come in."

Zhu Tong nodded: "Here."


Bowed and left the hall.

Not long after, Guo Jia came to the Wende Hall, stepped forward, bowed and raised his hands: "Your Majesty, Guo Jia, see you."

Liu Bian waved his hand to signal him to take a seat and said softly: "Fengxiao, is this a good news for Zhou Yu? Has he defeated Wuxi Man?"

Guo Jia nodded affirmatively: "Yes, General Zhou has persuaded Samoko to surrender, and the Wuxi Barbarians surrendered to the imperial court. The relevant personnel of the imperial court are already negotiating with the Wuxi Barbarians."

"Moreover, Shamoko is also using his momentum in Jingnan to help the imperial court and disintegrate the Wuling barbarians united by Cai and Mao. It has been quite effective so far. Six barbarians have already surrendered to us."

"His Majesty."

Guo Jia bowed deeply and said: "You were so right when you chose Zhou Yu as the commander-in-chief of the Yuanyang Army. He has great political vision and won the greatest victory at the lowest cost. It is really admirable."


That's Zhou Yu.

A famous handsome man in history.

What does a small mandarin duck army mean? Even if he were to command the three armies like Sun Jian, there would be no problem.

However, Liu Bian's expression was extremely calm, as if everything was expected: "Well, Zhou Yu is really powerful. This time he went straight to the Wuxi Barbarian territory and traveled through at least hundreds of miles of mountain roads, but he was not exposed."

"This alone is enough to prove that his mind is delicate and rigorous. Among our many commanders, I am afraid that few can match him. This man is a handsome man."

Guo Jiashen nodded in agreement: "Yes, although Zhou Yu is not very old, under his leadership, the combat effectiveness of the Yuanyang Army is probably no worse than that of Deng Zhi, or even worse."

"I heard that Deng Zhi's original lieutenant, Deng Peng, had a fiery temper and was ignored by ordinary people. But I didn't expect that this kid would be so obedient in front of Zhou Yu."

Liu Bian had naturally heard of this incident, and he nodded and smiled: "If Zhou Yu can't even control a small Deng Peng, then how can he talk about commanding the three armies?"

Guo Jia understood the meaning of His Majesty the Emperor's words and said softly: "It's a pity that Zhou Yu is still a little too young. Now that he has quickly defeated the Jingnan barbarians, he will not have many military achievements. If he wants to be promoted to commander-in-chief, I am afraid that he will attract



Liu Dian understands this truth.

In particular, once the Han Dynasty is unified, the war zone will definitely be re-planned in the future, and the commander-in-chief will also approve it.

For the sake of fairness, military merit will definitely be used as an important reference point. In this calculation, Zhou Yu will indeed suffer a loss: "There is no way, in order to make up for Zhou Yu, I can only give him the barbarians in southern Yizhou to wipe out."


Guo Jia frowned, unable to follow the emperor's thoughts.


As long as he thought of the recent golden monkey acquisition policy and the soaring prices, Guo Jia understood what the emperor meant and said softly:

"I'm afraid this matter will take time to resolve. Your Majesty's reward this time is also very important to the Yuanyang Army. Your Majesty should know that although Zhou Yu has a certain overall view, it does not mean that his subordinates can understand it."


Liu Bian nodded: "That's for sure. It's better to be like this. Although you can't be promoted in the military position, you can give everyone some substantial discounts in terms of welfare benefits."

In Nanyang's military career system, military rank and welfare benefits are directly related. The higher the military rank, the higher the welfare benefits you will enjoy. In a sense, the ultimate goal of everyone gaining military merit is

For welfare.

Therefore, for ordinary soldiers, it is understandable that as long as the welfare benefits go up, whether the military rank is promoted is not that important for the time being.

Guo Jia bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

As long as the thoughts of the grassroots soldiers are resolved, the Yuanyang Army can naturally stabilize.

Liu Bian paused for a moment and breathed a sigh of relief: "In that case, I will quickly send an order to Wen Ruo and ask him to issue an edict to improve the overall welfare of the Yuanyang Army and enjoy the same treatment as those in the trapped camp."

The Yuanyang Army and the Yuanyang Army are two professional armies.

One fights in the north and the other fights in the south.

Previously, the trapped camp had made great contributions, both in terms of military positions and welfare benefits, all of which had been substantially improved, not inferior to Lu Bu, Huang Zhong and others.

Now, Liu Bian has raised the Yuanyang Army, which has been hidden for two years, to this level. For the soldiers of the Yuanyang Army, they can breathe a sigh of relief.

Guo Jia bowed his head: "Here."

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, Liu Bian suddenly heard something and asked tentatively: "Oh, by the way, how are you preparing for Zijing's Luoyang City real estate pre-sale seminar?"

Guo Jia stopped and turned back: "Your Majesty, don't worry, everything is going on in an orderly manner. There are already many people paying attention to this project, especially among businessmen. It has already become a topic of conversation after dinner."

"I thought..."

Guo Jiachang said angrily: "Once the pre-sale of Luoyang Imperial City starts, the houses will definitely be sold out."

Liu Bian had already anticipated this. No one has stronger business acumen than these merchants: "What about you, Fengxiao, are you ready to do something?"

"Ah, this..."

Guo Jia did not dare to hide it and said softly: "I would like to buy it, but I am short of money."

Liu Bian gave his opinion: "Now, if you sell the Nanyang property I gave you and raise enough funds, you can buy a house in Luoyang. With your salary and bonus, you can buy a house with a loan. There will definitely be no problem."

Guo Jiadan smiled: "To be honest, Wen Ruo and Zijing also persuaded me in the same way. I heard that Wen Ruo's house has already found a buyer, and even the price has been discussed."


Liu Bian was amazed: "Wen Ruo moves so fast."

Guo Jia said softly: "Yes, Wen Ruo moved very quickly, and he was forced to do nothing. Many of the Xun family's children were admitted to the imperial court. Those who went out have naturally gone out, but those who have not.

I'm still staying at his house."

Liu Bian nodded: "What about Fengxiao? Do you have any plans?"


Guo Jia frowned and sighed: "Your Majesty should know that I am a good drinker. I can't save those salaries and bonuses at all. If I sell the house, I don't know where I will live."

"Besides, I believe that even if the imperial court moves its capital to Luoyang, Wancheng in the future will definitely be a transit point between Xiangyang and Luoyang. Its importance is self-evident, and its housing prices will definitely be guaranteed."

Liu Bian had to admit it.

Guo Jia's analysis does make some sense.


He is definitely not a qualified businessman because he does not understand the economic principles of selling high and buying low.

Although the house is still the same house, if you sell it at a high point and buy it back at a low point, wouldn't it be equivalent to making a lot of money in vain?

Make investments!

The important thing is to learn to follow the trend and not to go against the trend. This will not end well.

Of course, Liu Bian would not give too much advice on this kind of matter. I believe that Lu Su, Xun and others have already polished off all the talk that needs to be said, and it is useless to say more.

Moreover, Liu Bian believes that Guo Jia understands the truth. He just disdains money. This kind of thing has no place in his heart at all.



Sun Jian's camp.

Central army, big tent.

Sun Jian looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "Haha, General Zhou is really powerful. If he didn't take action, he would kill Wuxi Barbarian Samoko with one action. Sun really admires him."

"You should know better."

Having said this, Sun Jian's worried heart was completely relieved: "When I was the governor of Changsha County, I had killed enemies across counties, but I had never been to Wuling County."

Zhou Yu smiled and raised the corners of his lips slightly: "Is the general afraid of these people?"

Sun Jian did not hide anything, and said bluntly: "To be honest, I, Sun Jian, will not be afraid of these guys, but as long as they cannot defeat them, they will definitely escape to the mountains, and once the army enters the deep mountains, they will definitely be ambushed by them."

"I'm not afraid of them, but I think they are too difficult to deal with. They are like a swarm of flies buzzing above your head. It's almost annoying to death."


Sun Jian was full of confidence and said proudly: "You helped me deal with the barbarians in Wuling Mountain. As for the remaining Changsha, Guiyang, and Lingling counties, it is not difficult for me at all."

Zhou Yu nodded and said: "As long as I can help the general, general, besides this matter, do you have anything else to ask me for? If not, the general will have to return to the camp to communicate with the other barbarians."

"Look at my brain."

Sun Jian slapped his forehead, suddenly remembered, and hurriedly took out something from the commander's side: "General Zhou, this is your Majesty's order for your Yuanyang Army."

"Although your military exploits this time are not very great, your strategic significance is very important. Therefore, the imperial court has given special approval. The Yuanyang Army, from generals to soldiers, will receive an increase in welfare and benefits."


Sun Jian handed it over directly: "Here it is, take it."

Zhou Yu hurriedly took the edict, started to read it, and suddenly exhaled: "It's great. This time I can explain it to the brothers. I know that His Majesty will never forget us."

"That's right."

Sun Jian nodded affirmatively: "The Wuling barbarians are not that easy to deal with. Even though the Yuanyang Army is good at fighting, they are not familiar with the terrain. If they want to fight to the death with these guys in the mountains, the court will definitely have to spend a lot of effort."

"This is not just a question of military strength, but also of grain and grass transportation, county management, and maintenance of roads and bridges. They are all big problems that may not be solved in a hundred years."

"If you want to defeat the Wuling barbarians, you can't do it forcefully. You have to be like a general and conquer Samoko and rely on his intimidation to bring them back to the court."

I remember that when Sun Jian was the governor of Changsha County in Jingnan, he had also heard about the achievements of the Wuling barbarians. In the final analysis, it can be summed up in two words: difficult and unbeatable Xiaoqiang!

If you can't eliminate him, then you'll have to do it yourself. The most important thing is that he can attack at will, sneak attack on the county town, attack the army, steal grain and grass, and even destroy farming, killing you by surprise, and making it impossible for you to catch people.

No Wuling County Governor or Jingzhou Governor was not worried about the Wuling barbarians, and no Wuling County Governor or Jingzhou Governor actually conquered the Wuling barbarians.

But this time...

But Sun Jian was extremely convinced that the Wuling barbarians would definitely surrender to the imperial court!

This is not only because of the ever-victorious Mandarin Duck Army, but also because the benevolent government of Nanyang Hanting can truly benefit every ordinary person, allowing them to truly enjoy the treatment of Han people. This is true national integration.


The most important thing is that His Majesty the Emperor is still young. This kind of policy can be guaranteed for at least thirty years, or even fifty years, completely reaching two or three generations.

The most taboo thing about national integration is the change of dynasties and sudden changes in policies. Once the trend changes, all previous efforts may be in vain, especially for short-lived emperors like the Eastern Han Dynasty, which is simply a fatal rhythm.

The things promised by the previous emperor are likely to be abolished by the second emperor, and they may even fight against the aliens and move the situation back to decades ago. In this way, the hatred between the two sides will only become deeper and deeper.

"It's true."

As for this, Zhou Yu could only honestly explain to Sun Jian: "Actually, what really prompted the general to do this was not Yu's intention, but His Majesty's order."

"From the very beginning, His Majesty was very aware of the threat from the barbarians in Jingnan. It was His Majesty who gave the last general a personal letter, telling him to focus on attacking the heart first and killing the enemy second, so the last general changed the battle plan temporarily."


Sun Jian was astonished: "It's actually your Majesty?"

Zhou Yu nodded: "Well, it is indeed your Majesty's order. The Yuanyang Army has been hidden in the ice for two years. Everyone can't wait to make achievements, even the last general."

"If it hadn't been for the timely handwritten letter from His Majesty, the general would most likely have cooperated with the general to slowly attack the city one city at a time. The surrounding area would be handed over to the general, and the mountains and forests would be handed over to me. That's all."

When Sun Jian heard this, he admired His Majesty the Emperor even more: "Your Majesty is really a man of God, I have to obey him."

Zhou Yu nodded with deep understanding: "Yes, follow Your Majesty. I believe that the Yuanyang Army will have a big battle sooner or later."

"That's true."

Sun Jian immediately realized something and echoed: "Yizhou is also a mountainous area, and there are also many barbarians there. Although the court currently ignores Yizhou, there will be a battle in Yizhou sooner or later."

"That's right!"

Zhou Yu smiled and raised his hands towards Sun Jian: "Heroes share the same views. Your Majesty is wise and powerful. How can you abandon Yizhou just because of that little thing?"

"On the other hand, Yizhou Mu Liu Yan, because of this relationship, has made himself more passive. When His Majesty wipes out the world, he will definitely concentrate his troops to deal with Yizhou Liu Yan."

"The Yuanyang Army can best display its combat effectiveness in Yizhou. How can His Majesty not use our Yuanyang Army? I'm afraid that's when our Yuanyang Army can truly make achievements."

Sun Jian couldn't help but look highly at Zhou Yu, nodded and praised: "You are really good, you have a long-term vision, and you are not in a hurry. You are indeed a handsome man. I'm afraid it won't be long before you will become the next Zhang Liao, or Cao Cao, or even better."

And nothing less.”

Zhou Yu hurriedly raised his hand and returned the gift: "How dare you, general, to have such delusions? I'm just trying to be a good person and do everything your Majesty has asked me to do."

"As for the commander-in-chief?"

Zhou Yu slowly shook his head and smiled contemptuously: "The general's qualifications are still high, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince the public."

Sun Jian was full of confidence: "Qualifications? Do you think His Majesty will be an emperor based on seniority?"

This chapter has been completed!
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