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Chapter 541 Budugen: I can bear it if you don't want it!

Chapter 541 Bu Dugen: No, I can bear it!

The tall poplar trees outside the window, as well as the soldiers paying attention at ten steps, quickly swept back. Although they were separated from the window, they could still hear the roaring wind ringing in their ears.

This feeling.

It really feels like it's flying.

Before I knew it, an hour and a half passed.

It was noon, and a pretty motorcycle maid pushed a scooter and came from the direction of the dining car, asking the passengers if they wanted some food. There was rice in a beautiful wooden box, as well as two meat and two vegetables.

Whether they were officials from Nanyang or barbarians from all over the world, they all showed expressions of surprise and sincerely expressed their admiration and affirmation for the motorcycle maid's service.

The Shenlong locomotive is not only very fast, but also allows the passengers on the vehicle to have a good meal without stopping, ensuring sufficient physical strength and energy at any time. If there is a battle, they can participate in it in the best condition.

Why wait for work?

It seems that starting from today, it has become a thing of the past.

The Shenlong motorcycle will bid farewell to this art of war. As long as it is there, the combat status of soldiers can always be maintained at the highest and best level.

"Nanyang Hanting is really powerful. At least I, Shamoko, admire it. If there are Shenlong motorcycles in the mountains and forests, it will be much easier for the villagers to go out of the mountains and into the city."

"This trip to Nanyang is really an eye-opener for us. Today's Han Dynasty is indeed much stronger than before. His Majesty's dream of reviving China will not be long gone."

"His Majesty has said that it is just a pilot project at the moment. As long as the pilot project is successful, it will be quickly invested in all parts of the country and scale up as quickly as possible."

"This Shenlong motorcycle can not only pull people, but also goods. For merchants to transport, it can indeed save a lot of manpower and material resources. This is really a good thing."

"I wonder if this Shenlong locomotive can drive at night? If it can, it will be more convenient to transport soldiers to the battlefield, and the imperial court's strength will definitely be greater."


The civil and military officials on the locomotive have different identities and official positions, and the descriptions of the functions of the Shenlong locomotive are also different, but it can fully prove that the functions of the Shenlong locomotive are indeed too many.

On the motorcycle.

In the most distinguished first carriage.

Liu Bian sat on the leather sofa, holding a glass of wine in his hand, enjoying the comfort brought by the Shenlong motorcycle, and thought to himself: "Although the noise direction is worse compared to the high-speed train, as far as the interior is concerned, it is absolutely noble.


The Military Advisor Alliance said softly: "Yeah, I didn't expect Liu Ye to be so good at decoration. The high-end decoration of a small Shenlong motorcycle is better than a modern business class."

"I've never done business class."

Liu Bian smiled slightly awkwardly and said softly: "However, in terms of interior decoration, this Shenlong motorcycle is indeed top-notch. It is the smoothness and noise that still need to be improved."

"It's especially cold. There's a whistle whining. Those with a bad heart may be frightened and fall ill. You should be careful when transporting soldiers in the future."

There was a faint smile in the voice of the Military Advisor Alliance: "It's not that serious. As long as you get used to the whistle, there will definitely be no problem. Besides, the steam engine is just a transition."

"In the future, we will also develop diesel locomotives, electric locomotives, and even high-speed trains. If conditions permit, we will also develop maglev trains."

"One day, when the Han Dynasty occupies more than half of the world's territory, it may be possible to complete the current scientific and technological path. At that time, some scientific problems in modern society will have to rely on Mr. Bian to help."

Liu Bian did not hesitate: "Don't worry, these are all what I should do. When that time comes, I will be able to make up for modern society. This is my honor."

Sooner or later, the scientific and technological road of modern society will be completed. Therefore, Liu Bian also needs to take the unfinished scientific and technological road of modern society.

In modern society, there are many inconveniences, various bottlenecks, and resource limitations. Therefore, you may not be able to finish the journey just because you want to.

But Liu Bian is different. If he is the only country left in the world, or only a few countries, and Liu Bian is absolutely strong, then it will be much easier to take the remaining road.


In this way, it may be relatively easy for Liu Bian to put things that modern society cannot handle, and when that time comes, it can be regarded as a way for Liu Bian to repay modern society.

Regarding this.

He is willing to do so.

If it were possible to invent a time shuttle, I might even be able to return to modern society as an emperor and see my parents, brothers, and relatives again. That would be a really great feeling.

Of course, everything so far is just Liu Bian's random thoughts. However, all great inventions and creations all start from random thoughts.

Technology begins with fantasy!

While Liu Bian was communicating with the Military Advisor Alliance.


The sound of pushing the door sounded.

Zhu Tong stepped forward, bowed and held up his hands: "Your Majesty, Xun Lingjun wishes to see you."

Liu Bian nodded: "Well, let him come in."

Zhu Tong agreed.


Bow and leave.

Not long after, Xun Yu came to the carriage and bowed his head: "Your Majesty, Xun Yu, is here to see you."

Liu Bian waved his hand and motioned for him to sit aside: "Wen Ruo, how is the situation of the barbarians in the four directions?"

Xun Yu was here to report this matter: "Your Majesty, the display of the Shenlong locomotive really amazed the barbarians from all over the world. According to the reaction of the attendants on the carriage, some barbarians were frightened. They were originally hostile to the big man."

"The other Yi Di people are relatively surprised. They feel that our strength has made great progress and we are a powerful force that we can rely on."

"This is the list prepared by the minister."

The next second, Xun Yu took out a letter from his arms and handed it to His Majesty the Emperor: "Most of the friendly Yi and Di are from the south, which proves that your Majesty's strategy towards foreigners has won the hearts of everyone."

Liu Bian took the list and started browsing it.


The Wuxi Barbarians, Shanyue and other tribes above all have some favorable impressions of the Han.

As for Xiqiang, Di people, Xianbei, and Wuhuan, all of these places in the north where wars broke out, most of them had some hostility or even fear towards the Han's Shenlong motorcycle.

Sure enough, just as the alliance of military advisors expected, the barbarians in the south can be ignored, but if they want to make the foreigners in the north surrender, they still have to rely on violence.

"Wen Ruo, what do you think?"

Liu Bian closed the letter and raised his eyes to look at Xun Yu.

"His Majesty."

Xun Yu naturally understood the emperor's thoughts: "I'm afraid just relying on the display of strength is not enough to make them come back. They must fight with real swords and guns."

"The real purpose of letting Bu Dugen return to Xianbei is actually this, right? You want to eliminate Bu Dugen to prove the strength of our Nanyang army. Even on the grassland, they have no power to resist."

Liu Bian smiled faintly: "The one who knows me is Wen Ruoye! That's right, strength is not just what you say, but is achieved with real swords and guns. There is Ma Chao on the Qianghu side, so I can still control it for the time being.


"But Ma Chao cannot stay in Liangzhou all his life, keeping an eye on the Qiang and Hu people. We must make them truly realize that the power of the imperial court is the strongest, and they are the strong ones that they must not challenge."

"Peace is always based on swords and guns. Without this, no matter how good the government decrees are, they will be of no use. They must be defeated first, and then they can be gradually assimilated through benevolent government."

"Wen Ruo."

Liu Bian said softly: "You have to cooperate with Mr. Lu to do these things."

Xun Yu bowed and handed over his hands: "Your Majesty, don't worry. Liangzhou, Bingzhou, and Youzhou will not be isolated again. What happened in the past will never happen again. I promise your Majesty this."

Treat everyone equally.

It's easier said than done. It's actually a bit difficult to do.

This is especially true in education and the selection of officials.

There is no absolute fairness in this world. Even the alliance of military advisors can only keep the entire system within a fair range, so that the entire country can be stable.

Liu Bian nodded: "Of course I believe you."

Xun Yu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Do you think you can catch up?"


"Winter Festival Sacrifice to Heaven Ceremony."


Xun Yu frowned and said softly: "It depends on Bu Dugen's determination. After Fu Luohan leaves, they will definitely meet, and the news that the imperial court will help Ke Bineng will definitely be known to Bu Dugen."

"If Bu Dugen is afraid of the court, he may give up, but if he has made up his mind and insists on fighting Ke Bineng to the death, then he will definitely have a fight before the Winter Festival Ceremony."

"That's right."

Liu Bian nodded and said with deep understanding: "The Winter Festival Sacrifice Ceremony is also an opportunity for Bu Dugen, and he will never let it go."

"Bu Dugen is ambitious and unwilling to be annexed. Whether it is fear or self-preservation, I predict that he will not give in."

"Wait until after Luoyang."

Liu Bian once again ordered: "Go to Fengxiao and ask him to closely monitor the movements in the north. Once there is news, report it immediately without making any mistakes."

Xun Yu cupped his hands and said, "Here."


The north wind is howling and the cold current is rolling.

On the official road leading to northern Xinjiang.

Several fast horses galloped against the howling cold current.

Under the bamboo hat, Fu Luohan gritted his teeth and kept pinching the horse's belly, trying to make the horse go faster.

Because, for him now, speed means victory or defeat. The faster, the higher the winning rate. Otherwise, his team will probably be wiped out by Kebi Neng.


The war horse gallops forward, constantly moving forward.

Suddenly, a soldier raised his hand and pointed to the front not far away: "Chanyu, look, is that right?"

Fu Luohan raised his eyes and looked up.

In front, a familiar maroon war horse was tied to a tree trunk nearby.

Fu Luohan recognized him at a glance.

This maroon war horse is the war horse of his brother Bu Dugen.


Why can't I see only the war horses but not the people?

Could it be that this guy abandoned his war horse and ran away by himself?


War horses are life to the Xianbei people. How could anyone lose his life and run away alone?

Fu Luohan searched around for a long time, but still could not find Bu Dugen.

He rode up to the war horse and shouted loudly: "Bu Dugen, are you there? Come out here."

I thought that such a shout would have no effect, but who would have thought that a familiar voice sounded from behind the big tree not far away:

"Brother, you are finally here!"

"I'm here!"

Then, a head popped out and gave Fu Luohan a knowing smile.

Fu Luohan was stunned: "What are you doing?"

Bu Dugen's face was a little distorted: "What can I do? Can't you smell it? I had a bad stomach this morning. I have had diarrhea three times. I can't feel my legs anymore, but my stomach still feels uncomfortable."

Mist grass!

I have diarrhea, can you believe it?

Fu Luohan was originally angry, but at this moment, it disappeared completely: "Aren't you done with it yet? Come out quickly, we need to be on our way."

"As soon as you left, His Majesty the Emperor of Nanyang already knew that Ke Bineng, Zhang Liao and others also set off. We don't have much time to waste, so let's leave quickly."


Bu Dugen was stunned: "What did you say? They have already set off?"

Fu Luohan nodded: "Perhaps, we have to rush to Xianbei before us."

"Damn it!"

Bu Dugen cursed secretly, and regardless of his physical discomfort, he took out some toilet paper, wiped it, and stood up: "Let's go, let's seize the time. If Ke Bi can get the upper hand, we will definitely lose."

Fu Luohan was surprised: "Is your stomach okay?"

Bu Dugen couldn't care less about this: "You have to endure whatever happens!"

"Can you bear it?"

"You have to endure it if you can't help it. If you can't help it, you can solve it on horseback."

"That's great!"

A picture appeared in Fu Luohan's mind.

Fortunately, the double stirrup has now spread to Xianbei and Wuhuan, otherwise it would be a waste.


The picture is so beautiful that I can’t even imagine it.

All they saw was that Bu Dugen got on his horse and flicked his whip: "Drive—!"

Everyone hurriedly rode their horses to catch up: "Drive—!"

Fu Luohan caught up: "Now that Kebi can have the help of Nanyang Hanting, his strength cannot be underestimated. Although Lu Bu and Huang Zhong need to mobilize troops and horses, which will waste a little time, for us, we still cannot relax."

"I see."

Bu Dugen has naturally thought of this: "After we return, we will immediately launch an attack on Kebineng. At the same time, we will send people to see what's going on in Yanmen. Once we have any news, we will report it immediately."

"If we can defeat Kebineng with lightning speed, then we can fight Nanyang later. I really don't believe it. When it comes to cavalry, how can they be our opponent?"

"Except Lu Bu"

Bu Dugen's voice was sonorous and powerful: "I, Bu Dugen, don't take them seriously yet."

Fu Luohan was equally confident in Xianbei's cavalry: "We have been preparing for this battle for many years. Now we have what Nanyang has. We still don't know who will win."

"That's right."

Bu Dugen nodded and gave Fu Luohan a faint smile.


Just when he was about to open his mouth and continue to say something, a different feeling suddenly surged through his body from his lower abdomen, especially around his eyes, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"How about it? Do you want it?"

"No! I can bear it."

Please order! Monthly pass!

(End of chapter)

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