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Chapter 543 It's so embarrassing that the emperor is too strong!

Chapter 543 The emperor is too powerful, so embarrassing!

The new palace is not much different from the previous palaces in terms of palace and layout, but its core system has made an epoch-making leap.

For example, as for the water supply and drainage system, the previous open and underdrain channels were indeed very good and could guarantee the water supply for Luoyang Palace, but that was all.

However, the water supply and drainage system designed by experts has strictly separated domestic water, sewage, etc., and even each palace group has a dedicated sub-system to ensure the water supply inside the palace.

The kitchen has running water, the bathroom has a toilet, a bathtub, and even a boiler room, so you can take a hot bath directly in winter, which is very comfortable and convenient.

In addition, the palace also has a rainwater collection system, which can collect rainwater during the rainy season and use it to irrigate flowers within the palace.

Modern architectural concepts such as this have also been fully reflected in Luoyang Imperial City, making Liu Bian's entire living experience better and better.

Outside Jiaofang Hall.

Liu Bian got off the dragon carriage, crossed the vermilion palace gate, and walked towards the place he had been looking forward to for a long time.

"Your Majesty, what are you doing?"

Just as the palace maid was about to rush back to deliver the report, Liu Bian waved her hand and interrupted: "There is no need to deliver the report, otherwise the queen will definitely get up to greet her. She is pregnant, so it is better not to move. I will go by myself."

The palace maid hurriedly got out of the way: "Your Majesty, please."

Liu Bian passed the palace maids and went straight to Jiaofang Palace.

Cross the threshold.

Liu Bian raised his eyes and looked inside.

A familiar figure was lying on the rocking chair, slowly swinging back and forth.

Tang Ji's lower body was covered with a cashmere blanket, her hands gently caressing her belly, her eyes fixed on the round spherical body. Although the child was not born yet, the intimacy in her eyes was already sweet to her heart.

She seemed to be singing a tune, her voice was soft and her singing was sweet. The baby seemed to be listening to the tune quietly. There was not much movement at the moment. This was an intimate time for the mother and son.

Liu Bian, a new father, inexplicably imagined Tang Ji as his mother. Perhaps before he was born, his mother was just like this, humming nursery rhymes to him and looking forward to his arrival.


Liu Bian called softly and stepped towards Tang Ji.

Tang Ji gently caressed the child's hand, then stopped suddenly, and then raised her eyes to look at Liu Bian, with crystal tears rolling in her eyes, but her two red lips stretched slightly, revealing a sweet smile.

"Your Majesty, you are finally back."

"Queen, don't move."

Liu Bian stepped forward quickly and helped Tang Ji, who was about to get up, to lie down: "You are pregnant now, which is the most critical time. You must not get up at will, and you must not hurt the child."

Tang Ji smiled lightly: "Your Majesty, the childcare manual you gave me says that the more advanced the pregnancy, the more attention should be paid to exercise and a small amount of walking, which is conducive to the preservation of the fetus."

"Well it's true."

Liu Bian nodded slightly awkwardly and said softly: "But you should have exercised today, right? You should have a good rest."


Tang Ji smiled happily, pulled Liu Bian and gave him a light kiss: "Your Majesty, our child is about to be born. I feel like it must be a boy. You don't even know it. His little feet kicked me up very hard."

Damn, if you don’t believe me, touch it.”

Say it.

Tang Ji took Liu Bian's hand and placed it on her belly.

These days, she can always feel the child's activity, and often puts her hand on her belly, as if communicating with the child.

Liu Bian stroked his belly gently, keeping an eye on the ups and downs. Shortly afterwards, he saw a raised footprint: "Queen, look, the child is moving, it's really moving."


Tang Ji nodded: "The child is welcoming His Majesty."

Liu Bian subconsciously put his ear up, trying to hear the child's voice. Not to mention how cute he looked, maybe this is the nature of every new father.

The gurgling sound rang in his ears, and Liu Bian actually felt that the child was calling his father, and the gurgling water seemed to be the child swimming towards him, which was very interesting.

Just as Liu Bian was enjoying this beautiful moment.

Zhu Tong broke into the hall outside the hall, bowed and held his hands: "Your Majesty, Jia Xu of the school affairs office has something to ask for, but I don't know your Majesty."

Liu Bian frowned, feeling slightly unhappy. It was disappointing to be interrupted at such a beautiful moment.


Before Liu Bian could open his mouth to reprimand, he was directly interrupted by Tang Ji: "Your Majesty, Wen He has always been prudent. Now that he has come to see you, he must have something important to report. Your Majesty should be busy with government affairs first. I have been waiting for so long. I don’t care about this moment.”


Liu Bian then breathed a sigh of relief and touched Tang Ji's cheek: "My queen is like this, so what else can I ask for?"

Tang Ji smiled: "Go quickly, don't delay the business."

When Liu Bian turned around and was about to leave, he ordered: "Zhu Tong, go find Wang Xuan and ask him to come back and give the Queen a good inspection. After I finish handling the government affairs, I will find him for a detailed report."

Zhu Tong cupped his hands and said: "Well, your Majesty, don't worry, we will just take care of this."


Liu Bian nodded, suddenly turned around, and left Jiaofang Hall.

Chongde Hall.

Liu Bian sat upright, his eyes fell on Jia Xu, and he frowned and asked: "Wen He, you are so anxious to come here, but what important thing do you have to report?"


Jia Xu nodded with absolute certainty, then took out the Flying Pigeon Letter from his arms and presented it with both hands: "Your Majesty, according to the news from Yanmen Pass, Zhang Liao has arrived and Ke Bineng is on his way back to Xianbei."

"But Bu Dugen and Fu Luohan seem to have not gone through Yanmen Pass, but have returned to Xianbei. According to reliable information, they are currently deploying troops and generals, and it seems that they will make a big move."

"Zhang Liao asked for instructions, should he intervene in advance to avoid unexpected events? This matter is extremely urgent and involves the diplomacy of both parties. I dare not make the decision, so I risk my life to come to see your majesty."


Even Liu Bian himself couldn't help but be stunned: "How is this possible? Bu Dugen did not go through Yanmen Pass and has returned to Xianbei?"

"That's right."

Jia Xu said with certainty: "This is what Feige Chuan said, and they should be the only ones who can mobilize the soldiers and horses of the Xianbei tribes. The others do not have such ability, let alone such appeal."

Now it is meaningless to investigate how the other party returned. The most important thing is what the imperial court will do if Ke Bineng does not return to Xianbei.

After all, everyone has now broken through the last layer of window paper. There must be a battle between the two, but this is a civil war in Xianbei. Does it have anything to do with you, a big man?

"You make me think about it hard."

Liu Bian dismissed Jia Xu casually, and with a thought, he communicated with the military advisor alliance: "Teacher, we must send troops now, otherwise Ke Bineng's team will definitely not be able to hold on for long."

"The most important thing is that based on the current journey, Lu Bu, Huang Zhong, and Xu Chu's team should not have arrived yet. If we act rashly now, the risk is relatively high."

The voice of the Alliance of Military Advisors immediately sounded: "Master Bian's concerns are correct. The number of cavalry under Zhang Liao's account is limited, and their proactive offensive capabilities are slightly insufficient. If you act rashly, you may be controlled by others."


The conversation changed and the Military Advisor Alliance continued: "If we don't make any movement, Ke Bineng's team will probably end up in a miserable situation, so we must take action."

Liu Bian took a deep breath and agreed deeply: "I think so too, but the question now is how we should act to have the best effect."

The military advisor alliance paused for a moment: "Master Bian, what the expert means is to let Zhang Liao use the excuse of recovering Yunzhong, Shuofang, Wuyuan and other counties to advance on a large scale towards Xianbei."

"At the same time, he used his small cavalry to advance towards Xianbei and other places, creating the illusion that he intended to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao, so as to contain part of Bu Dugen's troops."

Although Yunzhong, Shuofang and other counties were under the Bingzhou of the Han Dynasty, they were actually under the control of Xianbei. Therefore, there was absolutely no problem for the imperial court to mobilize troops to regain the lost territory. This reason had nothing to do with Xianbei's internal affairs.

In any case, this point of the military-strategist alliance perfectly solved the problem of sending troops, and at least gave the Xianbei and Qianghu in the imperial court a perfect reason.

If Xianbei wanted to destroy Kebineng in one battle, he would have to mobilize all his troops. At this time, Zhang Liao's small force would not be of much use on the frontal battlefield, but it would still be of great use if it threatened the enemy's rear.


No matter which tribe these soldiers and horses attack, it will be a disaster for them. No one is willing to let their relatives become the souls of the Han army.

If Bu Dugen cannot perfectly solve this small team, it may not be as easy as imagined to get his subordinates to work for him. Even if it can be done temporarily by coaxing, it will never last long and it will be defeated in one blow.


Liu Bian's eyes suddenly brightened, he was convinced, and he asked tentatively: "Is there any other strategy? I remember that Gongsun Zan was in Youzhou, and his white horse Yi Cong was very powerful in combat. Can he help?"


The Alliance of Military Advisors said with great certainty: "From the west of Youbeiping County to Shanggu County, it is the scope of Xianbei in the central part. There are more than 10 towns. Gongsun Zan can definitely send troops to help."

"Moreover, Kebi Neng parked his troops relatively close to Shanggu County just to be on the safe side. Gongsun Zan can definitely send troops, but he needs His Majesty's handwriting. After all, he does not have a good impression of foreign races."

Liu Bian naturally understood Gongsun Zan's temper: "Okay, no problem."

The Military Advisor Alliance continued: "Also, the current factions and pawns of the school affairs office have begun to infiltrate the Xianbei and other foreign races. Maybe they can also play a role. Jia Xu can just take responsibility for this."

Guo Jia's actions were very fast. After Yuan Shao was eliminated, the wind and pawns in the north had begun to weaken and penetrated further into Xianbei, Wuhuan, Fuyu, Goguryeo and other countries.

Although it hasn't been long now, with Guo Jia's ability, some people must have infiltrated it. If these people can be temporarily activated, there will definitely be unexpected results.

After listening to the advice of the Military Advisor Alliance, Liu Bian immediately looked up at Jia Xu and asked tentatively: "Wenhe, has your school affairs office begun to penetrate into Xianbei?"

Jia Xu bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, the infiltration has indeed begun, and there are three relatively important people in Xianbei in central China who can be used at any time."

"One is in Queju's tribe, the other is in Murong's tribe, and there is one person in Kebineng's tribe. As for the rest, their prestige is relatively weak, and they are not ready to be used for the time being."

"I see."

Liu Bian nodded and pondered for a moment: "Wen He, no matter what, this battle is inevitable. In order not to cause greater losses, we must fight!"

Jia Xu cupped his hands and said, "I am willing to obey your Majesty's orders."

Liu Bian said softly: "One: quickly send a flying pigeon message to Zhang Liao, asking him to use the pretext of recovering Yunzhong, Shuofang and other counties to quickly send troops to Xianbei. The momentum must be huge and banners everywhere."

"Second: Order Zhang Liao to send all his cavalry to threaten Bu Dugen and the rear of Fu Luohan's army, especially the rear of large tribes such as Queju, Murong, and Ashina, to make him hesitate, thereby containing Bu Dugen.


"Third: I will personally write a letter to Gongsun Zan and ask him to send troops to support the Kebineng Department. If a war breaks out between the two sides, the core strength of the Kebineng Department must be preserved."


Speaking of this, Liu Bianchang said solemnly: "This is the matter of your school affairs office. Using Ashina's matter as an excuse, you should publicize the fact that Bu Dugen abandoned the general in Xianbei and ruin his reputation."

"Lord Xianbei's strength is the combined strength of several tribes. If his reputation is bad, it will inevitably cause the tribes to stop fighting, thereby weakening Bu Dugen's strength and delaying his attack."

Jia Xu was amazed.

In such a short period of time, His Majesty the Emperor actually thought of so many strategies.

The most important thing is that every strategy is extremely accurate in hitting the opponent's seven inches. No matter which strategy is successful, Bu Dugen's dream of attacking Kebineng will inevitably be shattered.

Jia Xu asked himself, although he also thought of some strategies, the emperor had already thought of them all before he could say them. With such a smart and capable emperor, it really seemed that his subordinates were a bit idiotic.


Liu Bian asked: "Do you have anything to add?"

Jia Xu looked slightly embarrassed: "Well, your Majesty has thought carefully about it, and I have nothing to add for the time being."

Liu Bian seemed to have realized something and said softly: "Well, next time, when you ask a question, just put forward the solution you want. Don't always wait for me to take the initiative to ask. This is not a good habit."

Jia Xu cupped his hands and said, "I know I was wrong."


Liu Bian breathed out and ordered: "This is a serious matter. Don't waste any time. Get out of the palace quickly and execute the order. If you have any ideas midway, you don't have to enter the palace. Just execute it directly."

Jia Xu nodded: "Well, thank you Your Majesty. In that case, I will leave."


Jia Xu bowed and left the hall backwards.

Liu Bian took a long breath, frowned, and thought to himself: "Teacher, am I a little too anxious? I should give them some room to develop."

The Military Advisor Alliance said softly: "Well, that's true."

Please order! Monthly pass!

(End of chapter)

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