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Chapter 551 Kite tactics play dead Xianbei cavalry!

Chapter 551 Kite tactics, defeat the Xianbei cavalry to death!

There have been seven consecutive waves of attacks, all of which have been stopped by Kebineng.

The most important thing is.

From time to time, explosions can still be heard.

Que Ju immediately felt something was wrong. He looked at the raging battlefield ahead and frowned, saying, "It seems that this kid Ke Bineng wants to use fire and thunder bombs to delay enough time."


Murong Yan on the side also nodded, frowning: "If he really delays the time, and if Baima Yicong comes and kills us, we will be in a bad situation."

How could Bu Dugen fail to see this clearly? He took a deep breath, tried hard to think of countermeasures, and ordered: "Each department quickly sent out scouts to expand the scope of exploration to ten miles away."

"If Gongsun Zan's team is discovered, report it immediately without any mistakes. This way, we will have enough time to react to prevent any accidents."

Although, to a war horse, a distance of ten miles is nothing at all, on the grassland, the scope of exploration of ten miles is definitely unimaginably wide, especially for Baima Yicong.

The grassland is vast and there are not many obstacles. In addition, the bright white color can be seen clearly from dozens of miles away. Therefore, although the distance is ten miles, the detection range can be expanded to dozens of miles away.

As long as there is any disturbance in Baima Yicong, it will be enough for these scouts to fight back and forth, and enough for Bu Dugen and others to react in advance, either to escape, to defend, or to actively meet the enemy.

Although this method seems relatively passive, it is by far the most appropriate way to deal with it.

Que Ju had no better way, so he could only nod and agree: "Okay, that's the only way."

Murong Yan let out a sigh of relief: "I hope Fu Luohan can hold on for a little longer. Baima Yicong is not a vegetarian."


Bu Dugen waved his hand and said loudly: "Let's make arrangements quickly."

Everyone then obeyed the order, turned around and left, waiting for each other to go and investigate.

Bu Dugen continued to stare at the battlefield, refusing to let go of any detail.

The explosions that sounded from time to time seemed to explode in his heart. The longer the delay, the greater the danger.

These are lice on a bald man's head, it's obvious.

Bu Du Gen is clear, Ke Bi Neng is equally clear.

Moreover, the opponent knew that what they were afraid of were the fire and thunder bombs, so they did not dare to launch an attack on a large area and could only attack with a small force to fuel the attack.

"Damn it!"

Bu Dugen secretly clenched his fists, feeling fierce in his heart.

He admits it!

This kid Ke Bineng is indeed a difficult opponent. It is not that easy to win him down.

Six waves of soldiers have been filled in, but there is still no Fire and Thunder that exhausted the opponent.

If an accident occurs at this time.

The consequences can be imagined.


Bu Dugen appeared calm on the surface, but in fact, he was extremely nervous inside, like a frightened bird that couldn't stand the slightest stimulation.

But at this moment, a quick report sounded not far away:


Bu Dugen turned his head and looked.

But he saw a fast horse coming from the northwest, and it was his own attendant.

Before the other party could speak, Bu Dugen hurriedly intercepted: "But what happened over there in the camp?"

The scout nodded: "Well, the cavalry led by Xu Huang of Yanmen Pass did not attack our camp. Instead, they came towards our rear. They are currently less than twenty miles away from here."


Bu Dugen has a good reputation, as long as he is not a white horse, it will be fine.

He sighed softly: "Xu Huang doesn't have many soldiers and horses, only more than two thousand horses, and he is not the main force of Nanyang. There is nothing to worry about. Call Que Ju over quickly."

"As commanded."

Not long after.

Que Ju came to him: "Chanyu, are you looking for me?"

Bu Dugen nodded: "Xu Huang is here."

Que Ju was stunned: "Xu Huang? So fast?"


Bu Dugen nodded: "He did not sneak attack our camp, but rushed to the rear of our army. He has about two thousand troops, not the main cavalry of Nanyang."

"I mean."

Having said this, Bu Dugen took a long breath and said softly: "You can send a group of soldiers and horses to fight Xu Huang. All you need to do is defeat him. If the opponent's troops are less than a thousand, they will not pose any threat to us."


Que Ju snorted lightly and said nonchalantly: "If it were Lu Bu's wolf cavalry, I might still be afraid. It's just a little Xu Huang, so it doesn't matter."

"Do not worry."

Immediately, Que Ju patted his chest and promised: "Leave this boy to me, and I will send Ba Tuobiao to fight. He is the most powerful general in our department. He will definitely kill Xu Huang and completely eliminate this future trouble."

Bu Dugen naturally knew Ba Tuobiao's ability and nodded: "With Ba Tuobiao here, I can rest assured."

Que Ju smiled lightly, turned and left: "You can safely command the battle."

Bu Dugen then turned around and shouted loudly: "There should be no gaps in the attack. We must not give Kebineng a chance to breathe. I will charge forward and consume them bit by bit."



Explosions sounded one after another.

There were countless casualties in Budu Root, but they still had no intention of stopping.

At the same time, Xu Huang, who led troops from the rear, looked at the smoke and dust in front and sighed: "It came really fast."

Deputy General Zhang Yangce immediately stepped forward and asked tentatively: "General, the opponent's strength should be more than twice ours."


Xu Huang nodded slowly.

He already had a countermeasure in his mind: "In this battle, we should not fight head-on. We should mobilize as many of the opponent's troops as possible. Listen to my orders and use the attack of the Kite and Powerful Crossbow as the main attack, and implement kite tactics."

Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment: "Kite tactics? But are they the tactics in the manual?"


Xu Huang nodded: "Yes, it's exactly the tactics in our cavalry training manual."

Zhang Yang immediately shook his head: "But general, we have tried this tactic before, and the success rate is relatively low."

Xu Huang asked tentatively: "Oh? Who did you try with?"

Zhang Yang said softly: "We tried it internally, and I came to chase him. Yang Chou fled, but in the end it failed."

Xu Huang smiled faintly: "If you try internally, you will definitely fail. We all know each other too well and understand the kiting tactics, but the Xianbei cavalry does not. We have a chance to win."

Zhang Yang naturally understood this truth and said with a sigh: "In that case, let's try it. If it fails, we can still get away. Anyway, as long as we are alive, we can contain part of the opponent's forces."

"That's right."

Xu Huang said solemnly: "That's the truth. You follow my command. Let's try to make this tactic a success."

Zhang Yang nodded: "Okay, no problem."

Xu Huang waved his hand: "Let's go, adjust the formation first."

Zhang Yang: "Here."


Xu Huang ordered sternly.


The team immediately changed direction and changed formation toward the rear.

With Xu Huang as the center and Zhang Yang and Yang Chou as the left and right wings, a small-scale flying geese formation was launched. From the appearance, it looked like wild geese spreading their wings.

This formation is good for encirclement, but it lacks strategic depth and is not conducive to defense. It is easy for the opponent to rush through the formation and defeat it with one blow.


The Wild Geese Formation is beneficial to the cavalry's riding and shooting. It can surround the opponent in a wider range and maximize the role of bows and arrows. Usually, it is used in conjunction with certain terrains to make up for deficiencies in defense.

But now, it has been modified by military experts into the cavalry's kiting tactics. This is a style of play that takes advantage of the age gap between the weapons of the two sides and is specially studied.

"General, look here."

The Xianbei soldiers who were galloping on their horses pointed at Xu Huang's army in front of them who were changing formations, and reminded them: "What are they going to do? They actually stretched the team so long."

In their eyes, in a battle between cavalry, stretching is of no use at all. Instead, it will become a thin piece of paper, and its defense can be broken with a little force.


Even if you really want to stretch a straight line, you have to deploy the formation like this when you have an absolute advantage in terms of force and can easily encircle your opponent by outflanking them.

But now, the situation is obviously not the case. Xu Huang's troops are less than half of his own, and pulling the team into a line will only cause disadvantages and no spillover for them.

Ba Tuobiao didn't take Xu Huang seriously at first, feeling that he was just an idle general. But now he saw that it was indeed the case and he would actually make such a serious mistake.


Ba Tuobiao looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, feeling very happy in his heart: "We only have two thousand soldiers and horses, but we dare to deal with it like this. The Nanyang cavalry is nothing more than that. Brothers, come with me, rush over and destroy these guys."

Roar! Roar! Roar!


The Xianbei cavalry raised their sabers high and kept spinning in circles, their eyes filled with disdain and ridicule, as if the Nanyang cavalry in front of them were not the enemy, but a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.


Wuyang's Xianbei cavalry, like a tide, rushed towards Xu Huang's army.

They didn't have any formation at all. They always felt that the enemy's formation was as thin as a wing and could not withstand their charge. It only took one round to wipe out the opponent.


When they reached fifty steps away from Xu Huang's army, they didn't even bother to carry out the usual bow and arrow attacks. Instead, they continued running, thinking of shortening the distance between them as quickly as possible.

"General, look, they are coming."

The soldiers beside Xu Huang stared at the tide of Xianbei cavalry behind them.

"Just in time."

Xu Huang was expecting them to kill them early and grinned: "Quickly give orders to Generals Zhang and Yang. Remember to keep the distance. The main attack will be with the Shen Yuan and the powerful crossbow. There must be no mistakes."

The messenger nodded and said, "Here."



A loud arrow pierced the sky.

This is the signal to implement kiting tactics.

Xu Huang waved his hand and ordered loudly: "Retreat quickly and take up space."

All the soldiers shouted in unison: "Here."

In an instant, the soldiers and horses with Xu Huang as the center began to gallop backward quickly, tempting the Xianbei cavalry to pursue them. At the same time, two generals, Zhang Yang and Yang Chou, led the flanks of the Yanxing Formation to surround the Xianbei army.

Changes in geese.

One-character array→herringbone array

Seeing that a siege situation was about to take shape, Ba Tuobiao didn't care at all, and even secretly said with disdain: "Humph, you overestimate your capabilities. You still want to surround me with just a few soldiers and horses like yours?"


Ba Tuobiao waved his long spear and shouted sternly: "Hurry up and catch up with them, and be sure to kill them."

Roar! Roar! Roar!


All the Xianbei soldiers were going crazy.

They didn't seem to have expected that Nanyang Hanting's cavalry would collapse at the first touch, and they didn't dare to confront them head-on.

However, next to Ba Tuobiao, a man noticed something was wrong: "General, something seems wrong."

Ba Tuobiao frowned: "What's wrong?"

"According to common sense, if the Nanyang Han army wants to surround us, the frontal forces will definitely fight us and entangle us. But general, look at it, they are retreating now, and the left and right wings are attacking."

Something's wrong!

Something is indeed wrong!

Ba Tuobiao frowned, also aware that something was wrong.


Just when he was wondering about this.

Suddenly, the Nanyang cavalry in front took out their crossbows, aimed at the Xianbei army chasing from behind, and fired a wave of arrows.

The Xianbei soldiers who were caught off guard suddenly fell down like wheat and fell to the ground. They were trampled by the galloping horses and turned into meat patties, which were mixed with the soil.

The most terrible thing is!

Before the Xianbei soldiers could react, the second wave of arrows had already arrived. Less than twenty steps away, the lethality of the Shenyuan Crossbow was unparalleled.

"It's the Divine Kite Crossbow!"

Ba Tuobiao naturally recognized his opponent's weapon and shouted sternly: "Be careful of arrows."

The Xianbei cavalry immediately leaned down and pressed their bodies as close to their horses as possible to prevent them from being shot by Nanyang soldiers.


For Xu Huang, if you can't kill someone, shoot your horse.

Almost immediately, he gave the order: "Shoot the horse!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Another wave of arrows shot towards the war horse and covered it.

The arrowheads of these crossbows all have blood grooves. Once they hit, blood will gush out along the blood grooves. The blood of the galloping horses flows very fast, so they cannot last long.


In an instant, people fell on their backs and wailed endlessly.

Ba Tuobiao's teeth were itching with hatred. He really wanted to rush over and kill Xu Huang's cavalry in one fell swoop.

However, both the enemy and our side are all cavalry, and there is a full twenty paces distance between them. It is really difficult to close the distance in a short time under full gallop.

"Crossbowman, release arrows for me!"

Ba Tuobiao gritted his teeth and shouted loudly.

The Xianbei cavalry in the rear all drew their bows and fired arrows at Xu Huang's army as they advanced.

Unfortunately, there are already countermeasures for such tricks in the manual.

Their positions are relatively scattered and arranged in a linear manner. The Shenyuan Crossbow can be operated with one hand, and the Huanshou Sword can be used to block with the other hand.

After this round of arrow attacks, the Nanyang cavalry suffered only a handful of casualties, but wasted many of the opponent's arrows. Xu Huang took advantage of their inability to organize a second wave of shooting and gave another sonorous order:

"Fire the arrow!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The five-shot Shenyuan crossbow has a very short shooting interval.

Therefore, in a short period of time, the Xianbei cavalry can deal tons of damage.

Looking at the soldiers who fell like wheat in front of him, Ba Tuobiao's heart was bleeding. How could he block his opponent's five waves of arrows with one wave of arrows?

This is disproportionate.

If it continues to be consumed like this, it is estimated that it will be killed by the Nanyang Han army.


Absolutely not!

Ba Tuobiao made up his mind and quickly ordered: "Withdraw! Withdraw quickly!"

Please order! Monthly pass!

(End of chapter)

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