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Chapter 561 Now is the time to counterattack across the board!

Chapter 561 Counterattack across the board, now!

It wasn't until Zhao Yun came close to kill that he realized that the soldiers and horses in Kebineng's camp were the imperial cavalry. Judging from the flags, the leader of the troops would be Xu Huang, who was Zhang Liao's subordinate.

Originally, Zhao Yun had not planned to fight so hard, but when he found out that the soldiers and horses in the camp were his own, he did not hesitate, led five hundred fine cavalry, and stabbed Fu Mengche directly in the butt.

You must know that behind Fu Mengche, there is Fu Luohan's army raiding the formation for him. Zhao Yun rushes forward so desperately, he must face an awkward situation of being attacked from both front and rear.

This small group of Baima Yicong will most likely involve themselves and become a side dish for the Xianbei army. Such a price is not small.

"Xia Houlan."


"You are responsible for cutting off the rear, and the rest will follow me to attack."


Zhao Yun made a decisive decision and issued a sonorous order.

Fu Mengche's retreat was so slow. In addition to stabilizing the army, he also wanted to trap Xu Huang and kill him.

The only current plan is that Zhao Yun can only cooperate with Xu Huang to destroy Fu Mengche's army, and then join him to fight against the trapped beasts.

Although Zhao Yun knew that this was not the best choice for Baima Yicong, he could not sit back and watch Xu Huang be trapped to death, so he could only make dangerous moves in the hope of a miracle.

After all, he was the one who led Fulohan's army here. He couldn't just watch Xu Huang bear such a huge disaster for him, or even pay the price of annihilation of the entire army.


This roar.

Like thunder, like tsunami, better than landslide.

Zhao Yun rode in the lead, holding a gentian spear and a black iron sword in his hand, slashing left and right, with wide open and close movements, as fast as lightning.

Facing the layers upon layers of Xianbei cavalry, he showed no fear at all. His long and short weapons fired out double layers of cold light, like fireworks in full bloom, stabbing down the enemies in front of the formation, both men and horses.

Under the leadership of Zhao Yun, this small group of white-horse followers were like an unsheathed sword, tearing open a hole easily, then piercing into the flesh and blood, stabbing at the enemy's heart rapidly.

Puff puff!

Zhao Yun's gun moved like a dragon, swinging it non-stop, stabbing down more than ten brave Xianbei soldiers in an instant, killing them so hard that their armor was scattered, their helmets were crooked, and their horses were knocked upside down.

The originally orderly rear area was suddenly thrown into chaos by Zhao Yun. Corpses were scattered all over the field, limbs and arms were broken, flying in all directions, people shouting and horses neighing, and there was a chaos.

Fu Mengche was greatly frightened, his eyes were as wide as bells, and he panicked and defended himself. He shouted hurriedly: "Stay still! You must stay still! We must not give the thieves an opportunity to take advantage of us. We must stay still!"


If this can eliminate the fear in the hearts of the soldiers, then why fight? It is better for the two sides to square up and fight each other at the top of their lungs.

However, Fu Mengche's shouting like this also proves from the side that he is very incompetent and has no other way to stabilize the army, so he can only rely on shouting at the top of his voice, which is a bad strategy.

Xu Huang was even more quick-sighted, taking advantage of Fu Mengche's distraction to greet the army, knocking off the opponent's horse, and then holding the battle ax in his hand, it flew through the air like a ghost, like a comet passing by.

Fu Mengche didn't have time to react. He let out a miserable howl and his huge head was chopped off by Xu Huang. It drew a beautiful arc in the air and immediately fell to the crowd.


Xu Huang raised the battle ax in his hand high and let out a roar of thunder. The headless corpse in front of him slowly tilted, then rolled over from his horse and fell to the dust, with blood gushing out like a fountain.


Although this movement was small, it frightened the nearby Xianbei soldiers. Some of them even urinated and urinated, completely losing their ability to fight.

The soldiers under Xu Huang's command roared in unison, and the shouts shook the sky and the earth, surging over the empty wilderness, spreading in all directions, and lasting for a long time.

Each of the Han cavalrymen picked up their weapons and launched an almost crazy counterattack against the Xianbei cavalry. The situation was completely reversed in an instant.

The inside should be in harmony with the outside.


Zhao Yun and Xu Huang dug through the thick layer of soldiers and horses, opening the way for Xu Huang's soldiers to break out of the camp.

Zhao Yun, who was dressed in silver armor, stared at Xu Huang who was holding a battle ax in front of him, and shouted loudly: "I am a righteous follower of Zhao Yun on a white horse. Is this General Xu Huang in front of me?"

"That's right."

Xu Huang swung his battle ax and killed a Xianbei soldier. He raised his eyes and looked at the Han general in front, with a faint smile on his face: "Thank you, general, for coming to support me. Without you, our army will be in danger."

Zhao Yun galloped forward on his horse and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Since the general is ambushing here, he must have a back-up plan. This is the only plan now. What can we do?"

Anyway, it was his own family, so Xu Huang did not hesitate and blurted out: "Xianbei Yu Wenxiong has led his troops and horses to lie dormant on the nearby hills and is waiting to help the Luohan army approach. He will definitely fight out and join forces with us inside and outside."

Sure enough, there is a backup plan.

Zhao Yun completely calmed down and shouted: "Very good, in that case, we will fight out together."

Xu Huang was overjoyed: "I have my wish, but I dare not invite you."

The next second, the two of them struggled to break out of the encirclement, trying to occupy the most favorable terrain conditions when Fu Luohan arrived.

At the same time, Xia Houlan was guarding the rear of the army and stabbed a Xianbei soldier to death with one shot. Looking up to the front, he saw a huge army of soldiers and horses sweeping over like a tide, and the billowing smoke and dust covered the sky like a torrent.

Xia Houlan couldn't help but feel a little frightened. The muscles on his face beat subconsciously twice, and the hand holding the silver gun trembled unconsciously:

"Zi Long!"

He shouted at the top of his lungs: "Come out quickly, Fu Luohan is coming to kill you!"

According to Xia Houlan's idea, after they rescued Xu Huang, they would start a fight with Fu Luohan, but they would never fight head-on.

But now, if they can't be killed again, they may never have a chance to come out.

"Don't panic!"

At this moment, Zhao Yun, as steady as an old dog, advanced slowly: "This is General Xu Huang's plan. We will have reinforcements. We can just sell a vulnerability to Fu Luohan and let him kill him."

Xia Houlan was immediately surprised and looked up at Zhao Yun: "Really?"

Zhao Yun galloped forward: "Don't worry, we'll be there soon."

Xia Houlan finally felt at ease: "Okay."

While adjusting their positions, they struggled with the Xianbei enemy troops.

Although, looking at each other from a distance, they seemed to be surrounded by Xianbei cavalry and were engaged in a battle between trapped beasts, only when they got closer could they realize that they had already occupied an absolute advantage.


As the commander-in-chief, it is impossible for Fu Luohan to be at the forefront.

Therefore, Zhao Yun and Xu Huang dared to face the next battle in this way.

Fu Luohan, who was marshalling his troops to cover up the attack, was really excited to the extreme. Although Fu Mengche's attack did not go smoothly, if he could wipe out all these troops, it would still have the effect of frightening the Han court.


Fu Luohan pointed his saber forward angrily, shouting at the top of his lungs: "Rush over, cooperate with Fu Mengche, and annihilate the Han army."

The Xianbei soldiers kept shouting: "Kill—!"

The rolling torrent swept over, overwhelming the sky and the earth, with a huge momentum.


The army composed of Zhao Yun, Xu Huang and others is as indestructible as a rock. No matter how Fu Luohan's army attacks, it is difficult to make an inch of progress.

The soldiers beside him set up the nest cart for Fu Luohan, and Fu Luohan took advantage of the situation and raised his eyes to look around.

Although there was a chaos in front of them, their own soldiers failed to break up the enemy formation. There were only a few scattered troops and horses mixed in, presumably they must be Fu Mengche's remaining troops.

Fulohan originally wanted to use bows and arrows to clear the way and carry out large-scale shooting, but such an indiscriminate attack method would inevitably hurt his own people. If it aroused criticism from other soldiers, it would inevitably lead to the disintegration of the army, which was extremely unwise.

It is worth mentioning that Xianbei’s internal army was composed of the soldiers and horses of tribal leaders. In a sense, it was pieced together from various tribes.

The more this happens, the more attention must be paid to uniting the internal forces. If anyone's soldiers and horses are sacrificed at will, it will inevitably arouse the suspicion of other tribes and lead to internal collapse. It is really normal.

In fact, it was precisely because Xu Huang knew this that he deliberately retained some Xianbei soldiers in the army, in order to eliminate the possibility of large-scale bow and arrow shooting in Fulohan.

Looking at it now, the effect is quite good. At least for now, Fu Luohan still has sense. He did not order an arrow attack, but sent people to rush into the formation, trying to get inside, and surrounded and killed Xu Huang and Zhao Yun in one fell swoop.

But on the battlefield

The ten Fulohans added together may not be Zhao Yun or Xu Huang's opponents.

While the two sides were in a stalemate, on the distant hill, Yu Wenxiong clearly saw everything that happened in the camp through his telescope.

When he lamented the wisdom and bravery of the Han army, he realized more clearly that it was their turn to take action to avenge the dead tribesmen.


Yu Wenxiong reined in his horse and turned around, facing the dense crowd of soldiers below, and shouted loudly: "We have been oppressed by Bu Dugen, Fu Luohan and other tribes for a long time, and now it is time to change the day."

"Pick up your spears, hold on to your bows and arrows, and come with me to fight out. Cooperate with the Han cavalry to kill all the Fuluo Han soldiers and horses. No one will be left!"


Yu Wenxiong raised his spear high and immediately reined in the reins.

After sitting down, the war horse raised its head and neighed, its front hooves suddenly jumped up, and then like a golden lightning, it rushed out, taking the lead, and rushed straight to the camp.


The Xianbei soldiers shouted loudly, and followed Yu Wenxiong's footsteps one after another. According to the pre-agreed plan, they swept towards the camp like a tide.

In an instant.

It was as if the heaven and earth were shaking.

Fu Luohan, who was concentrating on killing the Han army, obviously did not realize that the crisis was coming. His sight and hearing had already been firmly locked by the battlefield ahead.

It wasn't until the sound of the earthquake got closer and louder that it caught Fu Luohan's attention.

He raised his eyes and glanced east.

A group of elite cavalry was circling behind them, and suddenly they were on the same level as themselves, and they were circling to their rear, with a faint intention to kill this team.

"what happened?"

Fu Luohan was astonished.

He never expected that such a force would be unleashed at this moment.

Judging from the marching posture, it is very likely that they are Xianbei soldiers and horses.

But Bu Dugen has been defeated, and he is fighting here. One can imagine who this army will be.


It must be Kebineng!

However, according to common sense, Ke Bineng should be pursuing Bu Dugen with all his strength now. How could he still have such a force in the camp? This is completely unreasonable.


The ordering soldier beside him couldn't help but be surprised and guessed: "Could it be Ke Bineng?"

Fu Luohan frowned and pondered, not daring to jump to conclusions: "Quickly, send someone to investigate immediately. If it is Ke Bineng's team, sound the horn quickly to make sure there is no mistake."

"As commanded."

A soldier beside him turned his horse and rushed out.

Fu Luohan stared ahead, not daring to let down his guard at all times.



The horn sounds.

Fu Luohan was stunned, his eyes as wide as bells: "Is it really Ke Bineng?"

The messenger was stunned: "Chanyu, what should we do? Looking at their size, there are probably nearly ten thousand people, and our total force is only ten thousand people."

Fu Luohan looked at the camp in front and immediately understood that he had fallen into the Han army's plan. The other party deliberately ambushed here and delayed for time, just to create opportunities for Kebi Neng to bring troops back for reinforcements.

"Damn it!"

Fu Luohan clenched his fists and gritted his steel teeth in his mouth, making a grinding sound.

He hated the Han army with all his heart, and he even more hated this Xianbei traitor who had cheated on both sides.

but now

He had no way to continue fighting with the Han army, so he could only choose to retreat with hatred, otherwise he would definitely end up with an embarrassing ending of the entire army being annihilated, which Fu Luohan absolutely could not accept.

"Send the order quickly and retreat!"

Fu Luohan gritted his teeth and ordered unwillingly.

"As commanded."

The messenger nodded in agreement.

The next second.



Rhythmic horn sounds suddenly sounded.

This was the signal to order the army to evacuate quickly.

The Xianbei soldiers who were engaged in a fierce battle were suddenly confused. Why were they about to withdraw before they were fully launched?

But before they could question it, the torrent of smoke and dust coming from afar completely eliminated their doubts.

The other side actually has reinforcements?

In an instant, the Xianbei army turned their horses and wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to escape from this place quickly.

But at the same time, Zhao Yun and Xu Huang also realized that it was Yu Wenxiong who led the troops here that caused such a huge reaction among the troops under Fu Luohan's tent.

The opportunity to fight is fleeting, so how can they miss the opportunity?


Zhao Yun's voice was like a loud bell, giving orders sonorously.

He fought fiercely for a long time, then suddenly let out a long shout, and the gentian gun in his hand instantly cut through the air, like a dragon lurking in the waves of the deep sea, and went straight towards the faces of the Xianbei soldiers in front.

The powerful dark light at the tip of the spear is hesitant!


The cold light flickered, splashing a bright red blood stain.

At this moment, Zhao Yun no longer focused on defense, but rushed forward on horseback. He held the black iron sword in his palm, the blade was stained with blood, and the golden light shone in the world. Suddenly, the sword energy was flowing horizontally.

As the horses charged forward, seven or eight Xianbei cavalrymen along the way had bright red gashes on their hearts, faces, or ribs, and they all died on the spot.


Xu Huang was also hoarse.

He changed his previous defensive posture, and the battle ax in his palm swung out a half-moon cold light. The Xianbei cavalry in front of him were either killed in battle, injured, or forced to retreat. In short, they were torn open in an instant.

Taking this opportunity, Xu Huang clamped his horse's belly tightly, sat down and the horse leaped forward, like a nail, embedded in the enemy's camp. At the same time, he swung out a cold light with his backhand again, nearly doubling the size of the tear.

"Follow me!"


Counterattack across the board, now!

Please customize! Monthly pass!

(End of chapter)

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