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Chapter 071 Winter Solstice Ceremony

""Taiping Yulan" records: At the beginning of the winter solstice, the ruler and his ministers had fun for five days, and everyone in the world also had fun at home for five days to welcome the sun's solstice."

"There is also a record in the "Book of the Later Han Dynasty": before and after the winter solstice, a gentleman should settle down and be quiet, and all officials should do their best, not listen to the government, and choose auspicious times to save trouble!"

"On this day, civil and military officials have a routine holiday, the army is on standby, the border fortresses are in retreat, business travel is closed, relatives and friends give each other delicious food and visit each other, which is almost equivalent to the modern Spring Festival."

"The history department boss is awesome, give him a thumbs up!"

"No wonder Shi Zixuan chose this day."

"This is indeed a good festival."

"Winter Solstice Sacrifice to Heaven! Well, they are having fun, let's escape."

“It’s a little bit internal~~~”


That's right.

News about Shi Zixuan also arrived.

This year is the first year that the new emperor Liu Xie ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor.

Moreover, it was the first year that Dong Zhuo dominated the imperial court, so he naturally attached great importance to this heaven-sacrifice ceremony.

The Taichang officials accepted all the ideas put forward by Shi Zixuan, hoping to do better than in previous years to show the new emperor's new year and create the illusion of universal happiness.


This played right into Liu Bian's wish.

Liu Bian held the silk book and read it carefully seven or eight times. He felt very happy: "I can finally escape. I don't want to stay in this ghost place for a quarter of an hour."

"Don't worry, Mr. Ben"

The Military Advisor Alliance reminded: "On the eve of the Winter Festival Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony, it is all a day of preparation. This period is particularly important. It may involve the transfer of personnel, so we must still remain silent."

"Don't worry."

Liu Bian took a deep breath, patted his chest and promised: "The more critical the situation, the more careful you must be. I understand this truth. I will not show too many rebellious behaviors to try to relax their vigilance."

"Well, that's it."

The Military Advisor Alliance responded: "Master Bian, before escaping, we must go through every detail in our minds, so as not to be in a hurry."


Liu Bian nodded and thought to himself: "On the winter solstice, I will take Tang Ji to the kitchen with me and order a new kind of food to be cooked. I will delay it until the shift change to recruit Wang Yi. If he fails, he will be killed."

"At this time, I only have five to eight minutes to escape. At the entrance of the well's culvert, Shi Zixuan's disciple Asan is there to help Tang Ji go down into the well first, followed by me, Wang Yi, and Shi Ah Duan."


Have to admit it.

Liu Bian's memory was quite good. After only one or two passes, he was able to outline the entire process. He only needed a little reminder from the military advisor alliance to make it coherent.

In fact, Liu Bian remembered every detail very clearly, including who responded, what identity he pretended to be, and what team he mixed into, all of which were described clearly.

"That's right."

Even the experts in the Military Advisor Alliance couldn't help but praise: "Master Bian has a very good memory. If there are no accidents that day, if you follow this set of procedures, there will definitely be no problems."

"But Mr. Ben..."

The Military Advisor Alliance reminded: "Not only you, but also Tang Ji must understand. You must take the time to let her know everything."

Liu Bian nodded: "Teacher, don't worry, my wife can't teach it, so what's the point?"

Damn it!

Liu Bian said "his wife" here, and netizens in the live broadcast room immediately became excited:

"Master Ben, you have changed. You are not as innocent as before."

"Fuck! Tang Ji is my wife, give me my wife back~"

"How could such a stunning woman take advantage of you?"

"If you dare to feel sorry for Tang Ji in the future, I will draw a circle and curse you."

"Master Bian needs to be a responsible man. Don't be like Liu Paopao, always leaving his wife behind."


Liu Bian could only laugh.

The live broadcast room not only has industry experts, but also 24k pure dicks.

What is this called?

It's time to be professional.

It's time to be a fool!

What a joy.

The following days.

As usual, Liu Bian got up early to exercise, and after enjoying a delicious breakfast, he returned to the bedroom. He called it self-cultivation, learning calligraphy, etc., but in fact he was helping Tang Ji understand various processes.

The guards in the A'ge have long been accustomed to Liu Bian's behavior. The closer it comes to the Winter Festival Sacrifice Ceremony, the more relaxed they become. Even those who used to be stoic began to become talkative.

Liu Bianquan pretended not to notice and indulged them even more.


Winter solstice celebration.

The day of the sacrificial ceremony has arrived.

When Liu Bian got up early to exercise, he suddenly discovered that the guards in the inner courtyard were not the two guards who liked to leave early as expected by the Military Advisor Alliance, but were replaced by two unfamiliar faces.


Liu Bian did not panic. Instead, he calmly made some insinuations and found out that it was a temporary transfer to the southern suburbs to maintain order. After all, the emperor wanted to sacrifice to heaven in person, so the security work was naturally very important.

"Teacher, what should I do?"

"Things have changed."

Returning to the bedroom, Liu Bian asked secretly.

"Don't worry."

The Military Advisor Alliance replied: "Although these two people are unfamiliar faces, they are definitely not as good as the previous two. After all, Bian Ye's current status is not as important as the new emperor, so don't worry, these two people are not that difficult to deal with."

"The teacher means..."

Liu Bian frowned and asked tentatively.

"Observe first."

The Military Advisor Alliance replied: "If there is no movement between these two people when the shift is approaching, let Shi A come out and deal with it; if these two people are not as good as the last two people, we will have more time to act."

"But Mr. Ben."

Having said this, the Military Advisor Alliance reminded: "Once you need to deal with these two guards, you may need to take action to deal with one of them. The swordsmanship we have practiced in Age for so long is not in vain."


Liu Bian was startled: "Aren't you asking me to kill people? I can't do it."

Military Advisor Alliance: "When you poisoned the food prisoners, you were very neat, weren't you? Now that you're done with it, do you have to back down? Master Bian, isn't that true of you?"


Liu Bian naturally knew that it was not easy to persist until now.

He took a deep breath, pondered for a long time, and then said to himself: "Okay, I'll try my best."

The Alliance of Military Advisors said with relief: "Don't worry, Mr. Bian, this is just a possibility. Even if we really have to take action, maybe Shi A can kill the two of them in an instant, but you have to inform him in advance."

"Okay, don't worry."

Liu Bian nodded affirmatively.


He returned to his desk, picked up his pen, and wrote quickly on the bamboo slips:

Taking the sound of a lonely cough as a signal, he started killing people.

"My beloved concubine."

After blowing dry the ink on the bamboo slips, Liu Bian shouted to the outer room.

"Your Highness."

Tang Ji opened the door and came in, took the bamboo slips from Liu Bian, and nodded understandingly: "Just leave it to me."

Liu Bian nodded: "The old method is to lure them away alone."

Tang Ji: "Yeah."

This scene once again triggered netizens in the live broadcast room:

"Male and female are matched, so the work is not tiring."

"This couple is absolutely in love."

"With such a tacit understanding, you can become a spy."

"I love Miss Tang Ji so much, she's so handsome."

"Haha, it's true."

"Is my debate master bad?"


This chapter has been completed!
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