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Chapter 073 Li Ru was shocked, Liu Bian disappeared?

"Your Highness~~"

Liu Bian followed the barrel down the well, and heard a sound from the entrance of the culvert below.

The flickering candlelight shone on this man's face, flickering brightly and dimly, making it eerie and a bit scary: "I am Master's disciple Ah San, do you still remember me?"

Liu Bian stepped on the entrance of the culvert, got out of the barrel, and stared at Ah San carefully: "Are you... Ah San?"

Ah San nodded: "It's me, it's me. Let's go. The parade is coming to the gold market soon. We have to hurry up and put on our straw sandals. The culvert is slippery and it's easy to fall."

"Don't worry."

Liu Bian shook the rope: "Shi A hasn't come down yet."

Ah San slapped her forehead and said awkwardly: "Oh, look at my brain."


A strong wind passed by.

Then, there was a pop and Shi Ah fell into the water.

Without waiting for Liu Bian's instructions, Ah San plunged into the water:

"Your Highness, pull us up."


Liu Bian quickly handed the candle to Tang Ji, reached out and grabbed the hemp rope, and pulled it up with all his strength.

At this moment, netizens in the live broadcast room became excited again:

"Damn it! Shi Ah is really a master. Did this guy just jump down?"

"He's going up anyway. There's no one up there to help him, so he's not allowed to jump down."

"Poor brother Shi'a~~~"

"Master Bian, be nicer to him in the future."

"I feel so wronged."


Liu Bian couldn't care less, and tried his best to fish them out: "How are you, are you okay?"

Ah San nodded: "Don't worry, I'm very good at water. It'll be fine. Brother Shi A is a martial artist, so there's no problem. Let's hurry up and hurry up and change clothes when we get there."


Shi A responded.

Ah San stood up and led the way.

Before leaving, a voice came from above:

"No, something happened."

"Two guards are dead, and the food supervisor is also dead."

"Where is King Hongnong? Go and have a look."



So thrilling!

If Shi A hadn't jumped into the wellbore, he might have been exposed at this moment.

But now it's good, I control my time very well.

The culvert is dark and humid, and the land surface is slippery.

If you hadn't prepared straw sandals in advance, it would be impossible to walk normally, which would greatly affect your speed.

On the side wall of the culvert, a candlestick is placed every five steps or so. Although the light is dim, at least the visibility is guaranteed.

There are obvious traces of cleaning on the ground of the culvert, which is even more obvious when passing the fork in the road.

And all of this work was completed by Asan alone, which clearly shows how difficult the process was.

At this moment, the voices of netizens in the live broadcast room were rising one after another:

“I really didn’t expect that the culvert under the palace looks like this, comparable to our municipal pipe network!”

"The ancient people were really smart. I admire them more and more."

"Our city still gets flooded when it rains. It's not as good as it was in ancient times."

"Well, Luoyang is the imperial capital after all, so naturally it can be like this, but it may not be the case in other cities."



Langzhong Lingfu.


Li Fang is coordinating his troops to ensure that the heaven-sacrifice ceremony goes smoothly.

He frowned and said with a sigh: "Wen You, I really can't mobilize any troops here."

Li Ru stared at the palace defense map in front of him.

Some less important places have been relocated.

But even so, he was still looking for troops to mobilize.

"General Li, I understand your difficulty."


Li Ru immediately gave the other party a mental massage: "This year is, after all, the new emperor's first heaven-sacrifice ceremony, and the Prime Minister has strictly ordered all civil and military officials to participate. You should understand the dangers involved."


Li Fang nodded and said softly: "Of course I want to cooperate fully, but I have tried my best."

Li Ru raised the corner of his lips slightly and smiled lightly: "General, the gangsters who broke into the west gate haven't been caught yet. You and I must not take it lightly. It's only for one day. Just get over it."


Li Fang sighed: "That's all, let me call you."

Li Ru smiled lightly and continued to scan the palace defense map.


Suddenly, a hurried announcement sounded outside the hall.

Li Fang raised his eyes and looked.

But when he saw a guard rushing into the palace, he looked panicked and almost stumbled to the ground when he entered: "General, something bad has happened, something bad has happened."

Li Fang suddenly felt something bad and asked urgently: "What happened?"

The guard took a deep breath: "It's Ah Ge...A Ge..."


Li Fang suddenly became alert: "What's wrong, Your Highness?"

Li Ru also turned around: "Age?"

The guard nodded: "His Royal Highness is missing. Two guards have died, and two food supervisors have died. You should go and have a look."


Li Fang was shocked!

Li Ru was even more shocked!

The two looked at each other and hurriedly put down their work:

"Let's go to Ah Ge."

Ah Ge.

At the door of the kitchen.

Two bodies lay.


The guard leaned over and cupped his hands and said, "When we arrived after the shift, it was already like this. The whole pavilion was searched, and no trace of King Hongnong was found. There was no trace of Tang Ji or Wang Yi."

"Wen You, this..."

Li Fang's mind suddenly became buzzing.

He couldn't believe that Liu Bian mysteriously disappeared during the shift change?

Li Fang really had no choice but to plead: "Wen You, you have to help me, otherwise if the Prime Minister blames me, my life will be ruined here."

"I'll try my best."

Li Ru waved his hand to interrupt Li Fang and scanned the scene carefully with his eyes.

Now, he no longer cares about solving the case, but wants to find Liu Bian's hiding place through clues.

He doesn't quite believe that a living person can really disappear mysteriously?


Li Ru's eyes fell on the windlass on the well.

According to common sense, the hemp rope on the windlass should remain wrapped, but why is it now extended into the well?

Could it be...

Li Ru seemed to realize something and walked quickly to the well: "Quick! Go down and see. Did His Highness commit suicide by throwing himself into the well?"

Li Fang waved his hand hurriedly: "You, go down to the well to investigate."

The guard held up his hands: "Here."


The guard was slowly lowered into the well.

Suddenly, an entrance appeared in his eyes, and there were three or four pairs of shoes that had been taken off.

The guard suddenly felt something bad and shouted towards the wellhead: "General, there is a culvert under the well. Your Highness may have escaped from here."

Li Fang, who was above, was shocked: "Ah? There is a culvert underground?"

Li Ru was also stunned: "No! The culvert is connected to the inner city, and now he is parading through the streets. Once King Hongnong enters the inner city, I'm afraid it won't be that easy to catch him."

Li Fang was worried: "Wenyou, what should we do now? Should we block the four gates?"

Li Ru interrupted without hesitation: "Are you crazy? Today is a grand ceremony for worshiping heaven. Are you blocking the city gates to oppose His Majesty? Send people to keep an eye on the four gates and conduct strict interrogations to make sure there are no mistakes."



Li Ru added: "Go to General Li Jue quickly and second some cavalry to be dispersed in the outer city of Luoyang on the grounds of protecting safety. If His Highness really leaves Luoyang, you must capture him and remember to take His Highness with you.



This chapter has been completed!
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