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Chapter 1004 Qualification

Chapter 1004 Qualifications

Author: Yi Ziqi

Chapter 1004 Qualifications

The slightest drop of rain hitting his face gave Zhao Cheng a cold feeling and made him shiver.

The weather at this time of year was not actually cold, but his body was getting worse and worse, especially in the past few years, which was visible to the naked eye.

Years of wandering have hollowed out his body. Through the glass of a street shop, he cast a vague shadow. Because he rarely takes care of it, his beard and hair are very long. In his thirties, his beard and hair are already gray. With his appearance, even if he is over fifty, some people will definitely believe him.

In a daze, Zhao Cheng remembered the dream just now. Everything seemed like yesterday and a lifetime ago.

Afterwards, Zhao Cheng glanced at the sky and could see a vague halo above it. That was the City of Clouds, the real City of Clouds. As for the Lower City where he was standing, it was actually not recognized.

The war changed so many things.

More than ten years ago, the two most powerful countries launched a war. In the end, both suffered losses. Neither emerged as the winner. Instead, companies rose up and formed alliances, creating the deformed world today.

Each company controls each city. For the company, people are only divided into useful and useless. Those who are useful sign a contract that can be called a slave contract. Not only do they sell themselves, they also sell their descendants. In this way, The generations to come are all corporate people.

And useless, how can there be truly useless things in the world? Even a piece of waste paper has its value. Therefore, those seemingly useless people were exiled to the lower city, with limited resources and harsh conditions. Survival environment, and a little hope of becoming a company employee. In this case, the people from the lower city can not only be used as a comparison and encouragement to make the company employees work harder, but also provide a steady stream of new blood for the company.

For a long time, in this post-war world, although Zhao Cheng grew up here, he was actually more like a ghost.

This world also felt very strange to him. Two major countries, each controlling half of the world, were defeated at any given moment. The final fruits of victory were stolen by the company. Everything coincidentally happened like a script.

At the same time, after the war, the technology tree also began to go awry. Genetic technology and prosthetic technology went hand in hand. Some people still believed in the body, but some chose stronger steel. Ten years ago, the propaganda of flesh and blood was even more painful. The momentum is huge, and many companies have jointly launched prosthetic loans, which has attracted many people's attention.

But the final outcome was not beautiful. The first-generation prosthetics were not stable, and many people had mental problems. Those who reformed sacrificed themselves and shouldered debts, but the company gained wealth, and Valuable experimental data, a win-win situation, the company directly won twice.

Zhao Cheng wandered around the city. The deep night and scattered lights made him forget himself.

It was not that he had never had the idea of ​​settling down somewhere, but whenever he settled down, loneliness and pain were like poisonous snakes, biting at his heart.

Only when he was wandering in the silent world, he felt a sense of peace in his heart.

Zhao Cheng is looking through the treasure chest. Of course, this is the industry's term for it. To put it simply, it is a trash can.

It is also the lower city, but there is also a gap between the rich and the poor between the lower city and the lower city. A dozen years ago, you could get food through treasure chests. At that time, it was also an era when there were the most homeless people. Every treasure chest had compete.

But later on, when resources became increasingly tight, there was no such good thing.

If you want to wander, you need to have some skills.

For example, Zhao Cheng has mastered rough chip repair technology. Due to the tools and his own technical level, his repair success rate is not high, but thanks to his raw materials, they are all opened from treasure chests.

, but he won’t starve to death.

In fact, with his technical level, if he is willing to work for others, he can still have basic decency in a place like Xiacheng.

After the war, the local education system in Xiacheng completely collapsed. As for the new generation, more than 70% of the people have a level of education that allows them to read and write normally.

As a college student who has been studying for one year, Zhao Cheng is undoubtedly considered to have received higher education in this era.

As for his maintenance skills, he learned them from another wanderer when he was about to starve to death. That wanderer's previous identity was a professor at a well-known university, a powerful one. He later became a wanderer because

His wife died of illness. As for his children, he has no children and belongs to the DINK clan.

After his wife died, the professor went a little crazy. To be precise, he couldn't find an anchor in life or the meaning of living, so he started wandering.

Later, he met Zhao Cheng. To be precise, they had met him a long time ago and both knew a little about each other. Later, when Zhao Cheng was about to starve to death, he met him again and was picked up by the professor.

However, the two of them wandered together for almost a year, and the professor died of illness because of his old age.

Zhao Cheng inherited a set of simple repair tools from the professor, but did not follow the professor's advice and start a new life. He is used to the current life, or in other words, wandering is his anchor.

As for now, time has passed and technology is constantly being updated. Fortunately, in places like Xiacheng, technology updates are very slow. Zhao Cheng can no longer understand the contents of some civilian products in Shangcheng.

Sometimes, Zhao Cheng also thinks that maybe it won't be long before he will be completely eliminated by the world. However, this may not be a good thing. In fact, he has no desire to live forever.

Compared with being eliminated, Zhao Cheng felt that it was more likely that he would not survive until that time.

At present, he has clearly felt that the fire of his life is beginning to be endangered.

In the past, he dreamed about the past and about Zhao Xiaoxiang, but not so frequently.

It is said that when people are about to die, they will dream about the past more and more frequently. Zhao Cheng thought that his death omen star was probably already shining in the sky.

"Congratulations, you have qualified for the Dream Competition. If you win, you can realize your most desired dream, no matter how vain it is."

"Of course, you can give up, but fate will never favor the same person twice."

Zhao Cheng looked at the almost perfect girl in front of him, with fair skin, exquisite facial features, gorgeous clothes, and black hair. The only flaw was that there was no emotion in her eyes, just like a


"Can the dead be resurrected?"

Zhao Cheng asked.

"This is easy."

(End of chapter)

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