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Chapter 1021 Limited

Chapter 1021 Limited

Author: Yi Ziqi

Chapter 1021 Limited

With this idea in mind, Zhao Cheng began to explore whether he could use the two anchor points of the present and the future to condense his own anchor point in the past.

In the past, he was unable to do this. With his strength and understanding of time and space, he was unable to effectively interfere with parallel time and space without an anchor point.

Of course, it's not just him, even the overlord-level civilization is like this.

When they cross parallel time and space, if they cannot find an anchor point, they must first find a way to build an anchor point.

The earlier you achieve enlightenment, the greater your advantage will be. This is the reason.

The earlier you achieve enlightenment, the easier it will be to find the anchor point in parallel time and space. But if it is too late, time and space will change and go in other directions, and the anchor point will naturally no longer exist.

In the distant parallel time and space, two anchor points shine, and only Zhao Cheng can sense the burst of light.

But in that section of time and space that was artificially divided and belonged to the past, fireflies gradually started to appear, but they only flickered for a moment and then went out.

In reality, Zhao Cheng opened his eyes and knew that it was feasible to build an anchor point through the resonance of the timeline.

However, my computing power is not enough. Even if the laboratory environment is artificially divided and the infinite variables are reduced, the remaining ones are still huge and complex.

To build an anchor point through the timeline, we must accurately find the resonance point at that moment in the complex torrent of spatio-temporal information, and capture a large amount of spatio-temporal information to solidify it.

There is no doubt that Zhao Cheng's current computing power is powerful. For a long time, he has never encountered a situation where his computing power is not enough. It was not until time came that he finally encountered it.

He knew in his heart that this was also his own path, and he was too ahead of his time. He began to contact time before solidifying his path.

Those strong men in the past opened up realms one after another, not to stifle the possibility of sentient beings. It is just that if they do not open up in this way, and the solidification of the path is exchanged for the growth of all aspects of quality, more sentient beings will only be trapped.


There are some things that you simply cannot carry if you are not strong enough or strong enough.

After all, there are only a very small number of people who can follow their own path, and they are faced with many difficulties.

Originally, there was no problem of anchor points in the past time period of the Time and Space Battlefield. Zhao Cheng's idea was to wait until the Empire dungeon was cleared to see if he could refresh one-time He and Me seeds in the store.

If it cannot be refreshed, use miracle points to make a wish to forcibly build an anchor point. This usage can also be used on yourself and does not violate the logic of using miracle points.

Although using miracle points in this way is a bit wasteful, compared to the situation where people have been killed even though the resources have not been spent, just waste a little bit.

And now, what he gained from the space-time battlefield was somewhat beyond Zhao Cheng's expectation. He originally thought that even if a stable anchor point was built, there wouldn't be much change, but he didn't expect that the perspective of time would change so much.


But time, after all, is too high-end, and I actually don’t have enough computing power.

With this in mind, Zhao Cheng looked at the panel.

Body (ever-changing): 99%

Body and spirit (gene recombination): 99%

Energy (endless): 100%

Nengshen (Qi has Yuanling): 90%

During this period, while he resonated with himself in the time and space battlefield and built a stable anchor point there, in order to give the empire a small shock at the last moment, he also did not stop finishing the dungeon.

By pulling out the wool of Doomsday, he successfully pushed the progress of both the body and the body to 99%. On the surface, the progress of the body and the body are the same.

In fact, if the progress is accurately detailed, the progress of Shen Shen should be 99.99...%, 9 all the way to thirty-three decimal places.

As for the physical body, it only has nine decimal places.

Life is an accurate model, at least it determines the material body and body spirit that a life carries in the material world, because it itself represents an absolute low dimension. Therefore, when taking the path of low-dimensional accumulation, the accuracy

The requirements are particularly high.

At the same time, I don’t know if there is some kind of truth or coincidence. According to ancient legends, the sky has thirty-three levels, and the limit of accuracy is thirty-three decimal places.

At this number, Zhao Cheng had a glimpse of the end.

In plurality, there must be infinite things, but it does not include life.

Everything in life is limited.

Cultivation, in a sense, is a process of being born with limitations and pursuing the infinite.

However, when the accuracy is pushed to this point, when it is really close to the end, the last step is also particularly difficult.

Even if he wanted to break this final ceiling by pulling out the wool of doomsday, Zhao Cheng felt a certain sense of difficulty.

It's just a little bit different, but it's just a little bit like a natural chasm.

It seems that only after exhausting all possibilities can the only and correct answer be revealed.

And before all the possibilities are exhausted, the correct answer is not among all the possibilities.

This statement is a bit convoluted, but it generally means that the sum of all the wrong results happens to constitute the correct answer.

Originally, it would take Zhao Cheng some time to complete this step and verify it through several or even more simulations.

But now, when his perspective changes to a wider place, and the world in his eyes becomes broader, the answer seems to be right in front of him.

Even the progress of Neng Shen naturally increased by 2% without him exploring it in depth.

When he is in this situation, the growth brought about by any perspective or cognitive growth is a holistic transformation.

The wider the world you see, the smarter you will naturally be, the more aura, spirituality, and inspiration you will have. The original barriers, the so-called limits, look at it from another angle, but the front is so vast.

At twelve o'clock at midnight, time passed quietly, Zhao Cheng started a new round of simulation, and the time anchor point was selected one hundred years ago.

As usual, the black hole bomb is still in the face, but after seeing it too many times, Zhao Cheng no longer has the usual interest in eating it as a snack. The black hole thing is a bit bland and tasteless.

On the contrary, in the face of doomsday, an entire civilization worked together and the glory of civilization was born. In Zhao Cheng's opinion, it tasted more delicious.

In the first few rounds of simulations, out of curiosity, Zhao Cheng tasted a little bit. It did have a taste and could effectively wash away the traces of staleness and decay that had grown in the soul over a long period of time due to the erosion of time.

Of course, for Zhao Cheng, the only effect is that it tastes good.

But from this, we can also see that the diet of creatures like demons is vast, and there is nothing in the multiverse that cannot be eaten.

Whether it is tangible or intangible, you can taste it.

In fact, Zhao Cheng was also a little curious about what the universe tasted like, but because he still had morality in his heart, he did not attack the innocent universe.

In the dark realm of the real world, there are many cosmic bubbles similar to those in the real universe. If he wants to eat them now, he can still do it by taking a few bites.

(End of chapter)

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