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Chapter 1054: Fa-rectification

Chapter 1054 Dharma Rectification

Author: Yi Ziqi

Chapter 1054 Dharma Rectification

No one has ever seen this kind of thing where a group of monsters get together and live in harmony.

Indeed, in many stories compiled by monks, there are indeed stories of eminent monks chanting sutras and various wild beasts living in harmony in the jungle.

But not to mention whether all the stories are made up, in terms of the aggressiveness of the monsters, it is not comparable to the animals in the story. Even the weakest monster in the field, in terms of aggressiveness, is not comparable to that of the old times.

In front of them, tigers and lions are no different from little mice.

It couldn't be that there really was a Buddha in the world, and in front of all of them, the rat who had always been terrified put down his butcher knife and became a Buddha immediately?!

This script is completely wrong.

We can't let the next step be for the terrifying giant beast to be persuaded by the Rat Buddha's reasoning and transformed into several human beings. From then on, he will promote good deeds, establish the Taoist religion, and become the last light in this apocalyptic world...

Some people with active minds have even thought about the opening chapters of future Buddhist scriptures.

In the past, the Rat Buddha attained enlightenment under a pillar of high-purity uranium. First, a candle dragon blocked the way, and the Buddha defeated the demon with his power. Then a vicious bird came, and the Buddha struck it with thunder. After such a calamity, the Great Way was finally completed...

The more they think about it, the more confused everyone becomes, and people can't help but start to doubt the authenticity of this world. This style of painting is a bit outrageous.

But before everyone could think about more things, a monster finally crossed the ten-kilometer limit. Under the gaze of all the monsters, it didn't help but launch an attack. Instead, it took three steps and one kneeling.

Taking ten steps and knocking every step is like a devout pilgrim.

This monster is a rabbit, a hairless rabbit, about six meters tall. Its body is like an iron tower, and its muscle lines look like they have been tempered over time.

Every time it kneels, it exerts enough force to shake the earth, and every time it knocks, it is a small explosion.

Such a scene shocked even those giant beasts who had relatively simple thoughts and only thought about killing, killing and eating.

As for the humans in the underground base, they are all thinking that it must be because they are under too much pressure, so they have such weird dreams.

They have also read the information about the rabbit. Even though it is only six meters tall, it can hit very hard and is considered a overlord. There are two most powerful things about this rabbit. One is the explosive power of the rabbit itself.

The second is its ability to control space.

Its ears appear to be made of flesh and blood, but in fact they are a special cochlear system created before the war and have extraordinary spatial perception capabilities.

Just imagine, a rabbit teleports over and kicks your vital parts continuously, but it is difficult for you to fight back. How terrifying would this scene be?!

At the same time, because this rabbit is very ferocious, it also has a nickname, called Ghost Rabbit. It is as elusive as a ghost.

And now, the Rat Buddha has personalized this ferocious rabbit without even moving a muscle. Is this definitely not a story?!

The rabbit was very fast. It only took a few minutes to kneel and kowtow for ten kilometers, until it was about ten meters away from Zhao Cheng's golden body. The rabbit's spirit was shaken: "I, a barbarian, have been in a state of confusion all the way. I don't know myself."

, now that I have been inspired by the Rat Buddha and finally awakened, I hope that I, the Buddha, will teach me the righteous Dharma!"

Before this rabbit mutated, it was a bionic synthetic beast, but it was not used for military purposes, but as a pet.

At that time, synthesis technology was already very mature, but some low-end technologies were used for profit.

Zhao Cheng opened his eyes, his spirit still calm, and he responded: "What is Dharma?"

"My Buddha is the Dharma!"

The rabbit said without hesitation, it was talking about Zhao Cheng's mental state.

It likes this peaceful mental state very much.

But Zhao Cheng felt that this rabbit was very talented. At the same time, his mental changes also slightly changed his mind, so he immediately asked: "What is your name?"

Zhao Cheng plans to remember this different rabbit’s name.

"When the disciple was still ignorant, some humans once named the disciple Milk Rabbit."

Rabbit responded.

This name actually reminded Zhao Cheng of something in the future time and space. The same name may be a coincidence, or it may be the interference of time and space, but these are not important.

"Okay, today I will give you the righteous Dharma. Go ahead, fight and defeat, fight until you are crazy, and you will become a Buddha!"

"You can't achieve enlightenment now just because you're not crazy enough!"

Zhao Cheng laughed, his voice and expression gradually becoming crazy.

Immediately afterwards, an electric field seed flew out from his body and merged into the rabbit's body. Along with it, there was also the method to improve and use this power.

At this moment, the rabbit's brief peaceful state of mind was immediately broken. The current was continuously pushed by its will, and its power continued to rise at this moment. At the same time, it felt that all the shackles on its body were shattered at this moment, and it wanted to do whatever it wanted.


Therefore, without hesitation, it launched an attack on Zhao Cheng, who looked like a Buddha statue in front of it, with red eyes.


Rabbit hit Zhao Cheng with a flying kick, and immediately made a roaring sound and billowing air waves, spreading in all directions.

"Weak! Too weak!"

"Although you have obtained my dharma now, it is not enough to challenge me!"

"However, you are worthy of being my favorite rabbit. Yes, that's the way it is. You can do whatever you want. If anyone stops you, you will blast them. Otherwise, how can you achieve great freedom and righteousness!"

"It's a pity that there is no Buddha in this world, otherwise I would have to argue with them and let them worship me as their ancestor!"

Boom boom boom!

Zhao Cheng laughed wildly, but the rabbit was still kicking fiercely, but no matter what, it couldn't shake Zhao Cheng in the slightest.

"As for now, they are your opponents, go ahead, eat them, become stronger, and then challenge me again!"

Zhao Cheng grabbed the rabbit's head, and with a slight exertion, there was a sound of steel shattering, and the brains and blood spurted out, but when they fell on Zhao Cheng, there were no traces in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Cheng directly projected the rabbit like a cannonball towards the herd of animals ten kilometers away.

In a daze, all the people and beasts felt that the tall Buddha statue collapsed at this moment, and what appeared instead was an even taller demon. The endless huge shadow shrouded them and suffocated them directly.

Everyone in the underground base gasped violently. They were clearly separated by a long distance, and what they saw was only the picture converted from the electrical signal. But even so, after the Buddha Slayer came out, the overwhelming demonic nature in that moment

, also shocked everyone.

It is clear that one moment, it was still sacred, and the invisible energy allowed all spirits to live in harmony, but the next moment, it was even more crazy.

(End of chapter)

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