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Chapter 1093 No Phase

Chapter 1093 No phase

Author: Yi Ziqi

Chapter 1093 No phase

According to what was said in the post, after meeting the leader, you should not say that you were beaten outside, but you have never been beaten before. Instead, you should put it another way and say that you have such an opportunity and want to dedicate it to the patriarch.

In the outer world, there is an outer battlefield. Even if you die in battle, you will not lose anything. Now, there is a powerful demon in the outer battlefield, with magical powers and boundless tyranny. If you can surrender, you will be blessed by heaven.

It turns out that the prize for the first place in this competition is nothing but the air of creation.

This breath of creation has many wonderful uses. In the cave world, it can be used as a universal wish-making machine.

Whether it is used to enlighten the Tao or the Dharma, or to break through the realm, it has extraordinary mysteries.

As for Zhao Xiaoxiang, she plans to use this thing to exchange for fashion.

In fact, the Qi of Creation does not have much effect in the hands of players and can only be used as a consumable. However, if it is obtained by a powerful NPC, it has the ability to change the world and change lives, and it can be used to understand the way of heaven. mysterious.

It's just that in the game The World's Highest, although NPCs can participate, not all NPCs can participate.

If an NPC wants to become the best in the world, there are two ways. One is for a player to spend a lot of ladder points to redeem a one-time invitation.

Furthermore, the NPC interacts with the player and establishes a good relationship. When the favorability and experience points are up to standard, the state can be unlocked. The experience points can be used to redeem tickets later.

The latter mode is mainly due to the fact that Tian Xia Gao has now launched a multiplayer mode. Players and NPC friends team up to experience and grow together. The main focus is gameplay.

The only problem is that because of this setting, there is now a new style of play in the world's highest level, called the soft rice style.

Of course, this kind of soft rice cannot be eaten casually. Not only does the rich woman need to like you, but you also have to really like the rich woman. Favorability is a two-way thing. If the player's favorability towards the NPC is not enough, Still can't unlock it.

When it comes to spending ladder points, these points are a good thing. They are also almost universal. As long as they are in the game, they can be found on the points redemption list. As for those that are not in the game, they can also be found in the redemption store. can be found.

For example, attribute points, skill points...

There are even real attribute points in it, the kind that can be directly added to the body in reality.

Of course, no one will redeem this thing at all, so it’s not cost-effective.

With these points, it is better to exchange them all for skill points, increase your swordsmanship, and then practice it yourself.

Compared with all kinds of fancy things, what players exchange the most nowadays are skill points.

In addition, there are a very small number of people who have saved all their points and intend to redeem them for perfect state restoration.

This exchange option can repair the body in reality. No matter what the disease is or the limb is missing, it can be completely repaired directly.

In this case, spending a lot of points to redeem the invitation letter will undoubtedly seem a bit crazy.

But if you use these points to exchange for the favor of the leader, it will undoubtedly be earned with blood.

At the beginning, no one thought of this because of their fixed mindset. In fact, most people didn't even know that there was such a thing as an invitation letter in the exchange shop.

After this post titled "Strategy for Dealing with the Devil" became popular, many people suddenly discovered that the game "The Best in the World" can actually be played like this...

By spending a few points, not only can you get revenge, but you can also gain favor with the leader. Sure enough, there are wise men in the world, and they figured out how to deal with the female devil so quickly.

However, some people murmured that the person who posted the anonymous message was beaten so badly by the female devil that he came up with such a crazy (and happy to hear) method.

As for the leader in the game, for the players of the current version, it is something that is very advanced. Some video recordings of the leader’s fighting skills are extremely popular on the Internet.

The image of Taoist Xiyue is that of a classical beauty who has emerged from the dust. She is dressed in moon-white palace clothes, with a little cinnabar between her eyebrows, which seems to condense the bright colors of the world.

Although it was not the first time she saw him, every time she saw him, Michelle couldn't help but feel a sense of shame and a little bit of longing.

Hearing Michelle's words, Taoist Xiyue just smiled slightly, then nodded and said: "Yes!"

Naturally, Michelle's little thoughts cannot be hidden from the leader, and she is also curious about the Tianwai battlefield.

The leaders here also have their own communication channels, and they know a lot about things outside the world.

Not only the customs and customs of the world, but also the way this world was created, the leaders also know about it.

The existence of a creator who opened up the world is not something that is unacceptable to the leaders. After all, according to the ancient legends here, the prehistoric world was originally the incarnation of the devil.

The legend of the source of creation, the cornerstone of the world, embodies the infinite future of the devil.

But before the players appeared, the strong men here thought that the demon god had transformed into the world, but they didn't expect that the demon god was still alive, outside the sky.

In response to this, many powerful people have uncontrollably had the idea of ​​going to the outer world, but so far, no one has succeeded.

The highest game in the world, in the battlefield opened up, Zhao Xiaoxiang was bored and waiting for the next victim.

When she is not wielding a sword or speaking, she is undoubtedly a real beauty with peerless appearance, but when she is beating people, she is so crazy.

Of course, when she fights with people, she doesn't use strength and speed to overwhelm them. Instead, she uses whatever level the opponent is in, and she uses what kind of swordsmanship the opponent has.

The only difference is the individual's mind and operation.

In the martial arts stories of the previous era, there was a martial art called Xiao Wuxiang Gong, which could simulate all martial arts in the world. From the White Catastrophe, she not only realized destruction, but also Wuxiang.

She turned her swordsmanship into a mirror, reflecting the opponent's swordsmanship, which was like a spark coming and directly receiving all the opponent's martial arts wisdom. Of course, hers was a degraded version at best, but even so, she understood such a mystery.

After fighting all the way in the past few days, she has turned into a big melting pot, melting many secrets of swordsmanship in it, causing her swordsmanship, wisdom, and all aspects to grow rapidly.

It is obvious that she is not simply showing off her holiness for the sake of being holy, but also has the idea of ​​improving herself.

However, in Zhao Cheng's view, her phaseless sword was not simply due to the White Catastrophe, but also due to her own strange and extraordinary aura.

The White Calamity is a key that awakens some mysteries in her.

In this regard, Zhao Cheng saw everything in his eyes and just thought about it secretly. Although he was a little surprised, he also felt that it was being cleared up. After all, there were many signs that showed that there were many unknowns about her.

(End of chapter)

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