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Chapter 1098 God Dust

Chapter 1098 Divine Dust

Author: Yi Ziqi

Chapter 1098 Divine Dust

The crowd of nearly five thousand people fell like dominoes at this moment. Sun Yuan looked at the scene in front of him, his spiritual world was stirring, and he felt that he was about to ascend to heaven.


This is your own country!

You are the only king!

Sure enough, people can have nothing, but they cannot be without power and power!

The weak will not have real happiness, because the happiness of the strong cannot be imagined by the weak.

Sun Yuan was intoxicated.

At the same time, more longings emerged in my heart.

There are only five thousand people. What if fifty million, or even five hundred billion, an entire world, or even countless worlds, all life, and even the universe itself, knelt down in front of his throne?

of happiness!

But suddenly, a very eye-catching person appeared in the crowd. That person was like a nail and seemed out of place with the kneeling crowd.

Such an incident immediately interrupted Sun Yuan's happiness, which turned into rage!


How could anyone dare?!

There are actually ants who dare to go against their own will!


This man must die!

After death, he will extract his spirit and torture him severely!

He was tortured until he was reduced to ashes!

Immediately afterwards, Sun Yuan recognized him. This person was Zhao Cheng in his class. He was a very good pretender. He pretended to be aloof every day and didn't understand his pain at all. Haha, disgusting.

In the morning, Zhao Cheng was not afraid of him, and in order not to arouse Zhao Cheng's vigilance, he even apologized in front of Zhao Cheng. This was undoubtedly an extra level of sin, and he deserved to die even more.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

I want to kill him, now!

If Zhao Chengzai lives for one more second, it will be an insult to himself!

"Zhao Cheng!"

Wang Qingyun also discovered this and immediately went to pull Zhao Cheng.

She had already knelt down, but she was not following the crowd or out of fear. She was simply enduring. As long as she could save more people, she would kneel down.

She doesn't care about such a little bit of honor and disgrace.

In other words, in her opinion, this is not humiliation, but redemption.

In Wang Qingyun's perception, Zhao Cheng, a classmate, has the temperament to do great things. As far as her memory is concerned, there has almost never been a scene of him losing his composure.

He was always calm and aloof. When many classmates talked about this person, some even joked that he was young and mature. He was not like a student. If he put on the clothes of a leader, he would be a proper school leader.

Other than that, she and Zhao Chengcheng had no more interactions.

But this is normal, after all, it is a fabricated identity, and all the past is just her imagination.

On the other side, Sun Yuan became even more angry when he saw this scene.

For Wang Qingyun, a sunny girl, besides hating him, he also has a twisted liking for her. Probably, she is the kind of rare person who is willing to get close to him and listen to his voice.

But precisely because love is twisted, when he saw her, what he thought of was not to possess the other person, but to destroy her. As long as this was the case, he no longer had to be afraid of losing the other person.

Indeed, such a brain circuit is very strange, but Sun Yuan is not a normal person.

The raging anger was transformed into boiling hellfire at this moment. Then, a devil's face made of hellfire rushed out of Sun Yuan's body. The devil roared and rushed directly towards Zhao Cheng.

Kill him.

Wherever it passed, the rolling heat seemed to ignite the entire space.

In this regard, Zhao Cheng made no move. How would a person react when he saw an electron punching him?!

Most likely, the first reaction is to watch the excitement.

The reality is that the gap between Sun Yuan and Zhao Cheng is greater than the gap between a person and an electron.

In addition, Zhao Cheng has already seen the future, so he just observes and does not interfere.

What happened next was also a test for Wang Qingyun, and Zhao Cheng had no intention of stealing his opponent's role.

At this moment, he was a bit like someone from a biographical novel, where an outsider plays the world of mortals and then inserts himself into the events that the protagonist is participating in.

If this novel is an orthodox story, then Wang Qingyun will naturally win, but if it is an evil villain, it will naturally be Sun Yuan who makes his first pot of gold through this.

As for him, he is just an NPC watching the show, responsible for sending warmth to the protagonist afterwards.

Of course, this is a story. In reality, Zhao Cheng was very interested in the Taiyuan mark and planned to capture it directly after observing it.

Zhao Cheng remained motionless. In Wang Yuan's opinion, Zhao Cheng was afraid of his own power, so he was frightened. In Wang Qingyun's opinion, Zhao Cheng must have been suppressed by the evil power contained in the flames.

This kind of thing is very common.

No matter how brave ordinary people are, they are still ordinary people. Facing the mental suppression of extraordinary powerful people, they will collapse at the first touch.


After Wang Qingyun took action, she still couldn't bear it. Someone was killed alive in front of her.

It would be fine if it was herself who was sacrificed, but if it was not herself, she would not be able to sacrifice a few to save the majority.

The girl waved her hand, and a golden mark appeared between her eyebrows, like a round of thorns or a sun. Then, golden flames surged, and then turned into a golden awl in the horrified eyes of many people.

Thirteen Styles·Change·Shenchen!

In this world, the ability of flames is not powerful enough, so flames have not developed into magic, but have developed into extraordinary martial arts that combine martial arts and flames.

Although Wang Qingyun is a wild awakener, after awakening the flame, he directly joined the country's extraordinary organization, and based on his own flame characteristics, he learned the Sun Flow combat method created by transforming into solar fire!

After tens of thousands of years of development, the skill library of this Sun Style combat method is very complicated. However, except for a very small number of martial arts, other skills still follow the trend of becoming more modern and powerful.

Especially after entering modern times, computer technology has developed and humans have gained computing power far beyond that of the human brain. Therefore, the combination of martial arts and computers has become a big topic.

Under this situation, various martial arts were either streamlined or modified.

Such is the case with Shenchen.

Originally, this move could only be used by powerful beings who had awakened for the second time.

But now, it was used by Wang Qingyun, a person who had just awakened.


The sun fire and the hell fire collided together, and it was like a cloud bomb exploded in the sky. Even if the explosion happened in the sky, the shock fluctuations still made many people feel that the sky was falling.


Sun Yuan roared at this moment, the anger in his heart reached its peak, and he could no longer maintain his rationality.

(End of chapter)

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