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Chapter 1113: Copybook

Chapter 1113 Team Base

Author: Yi Ziqi

Chapter 1113 Team Base

There are many voices on the Internet. At the beginning, various discussions were scattered, but as time goes by, not only the Internet, but also the various voices in reality have become louder. People can often hear and watch on the streets.

When someone was discussing it, the discussion was very intense, as if he was one of the people who was about to go on an expedition.

There is a subtle and peculiar sense of participation.

Even in a family, people of different ages have different opinions on this kind of thing.

The older ones are more in favor of the One World Federation directly destroying the apocalyptic world instead of saving people.

As for that world, there are still many innocent people and many poor people.

Although they are pitiful, older people know the importance of stability better. Any choice that may break this stability and tranquility should be avoided if it is not necessary.

Disasters are unpredictable. As for this matter, if there is even the slightest problem, it may not be a big deal to the entire human world, but if it falls on an individual, it will be a real disaster.

But young people think that since they have this ability, they cannot ignore death. They are lives one by one. People cannot live just for the sake of living. There must always be something bright.

As for the younger children, because of their age, they don’t understand what everyone is arguing about. They just feel that they are a little noisy. What’s more, there is another world outside this world. This is so cool and interesting...

The same thing, in the eyes of people of different ages and experiences, has completely different views.

However, despite all the commotion online, the authorities are very calm and do not come forward. In other words, this situation is deliberately promoted by the authorities.

Now that the Universal Federation has just been established, although the lower levels are still relatively loose, the upper levels are still united. Although there is currently no system that will not be corrupted, at least for now, it is far from being corrupted.

According to the thoughts of the leaders of the Universal Federation, in order to promote spiritual practice and promote the development of civilization, what they need is naturally not lambs and leeks without their own ideas, but people with independent ideas and self-thinking.

More ideas will make the world more complicated, which is not conducive to governance, but if there is a certain trend of thought that can turn everything around and take the lead, I'm sure they will start their own rebellion without hesitation.

Therefore, just when the intensity of the discussion reached a certain peak, the One World Federation finally entered the stage and expressed the thoughts of the One World Federation.

The content of the announcement is not much. It basically means that the integration of the world in front of us is just the beginning. As time goes by, more and more worlds will merge with theirs. And history has already proved that a

If a nation, a country, and a civilization cannot be inclusive, its development will ultimately be limited.

As for the expeditionary force, accepting people from a new world and integrating them into our civilization should not only involve a few people, but more people. Only in this way can they truly integrate into us. We

Only then can we truly accept them...

Finally, a civilization must always have the brilliance of humanity. Of course, the world in the past was not beautiful, but we cannot let our children and our descendants lose their glory...

There were not many words to incite emotions in the announcement, everything was stated very straightforwardly.

There is even an explanation for why the Expeditionary Force is called the Expeditionary Force and not the Salvation Army.

The soldiers of the Federation are not here to save the world, but just to defend their own world. While defending, they will help the weak as much as they can.

If the world on the other side had a civilization that might threaten the Federation, the identity of the expeditionary force at that time would not be that of a savior. Instead, they would use force to defeat the other side, smash it into pieces, and then integrate into their own civilization.

Such an announcement caused both the Internet and reality to fall into a brief silence.

At this moment, many people couldn't help but feel a strong sense of participation and a strange sense of mission.

Along with the announcement, there is also the selection of the Civilized Expeditionary Force, which is open to all people.

Anyone can sign up, but whether you can become a member of the expeditionary force must pass an assessment.

In the prehistoric game, a new group version called Information Doomsday has been opened. There is one copy for 10,000 people. The time flow rate in the group copy is ten times that in reality, and everyone only has one chance.

As for the judging criteria, everyone can save the world according to their own ideas in the dungeon. The mastermind of the subsequent game will select the first batch of 10,000 members of the Civilized Expeditionary Force.

In addition to these 10,000 people, there are still 2,000 quotas available for allocation in the World Federation, but this quota has been directly absorbed internally.

However, this number is only the first batch, and the Civilized Expeditionary Force will continue to expand in the future.

Because according to the speculation of the World Federation, it is inevitable that multiple worlds will fight simultaneously at the same time.

Unless humans are willing to abandon their homeland and travel far away, they will have no choice but to fight all the way to the end.

As soon as the group book opened, everything in real life and online became quiet.

After about a day of silence, the trend on the Internet completely changed.

"Save, we must save. The hymn of mankind is the hymn of light. There are not two characters in one sentence. Although the world is different, since we consider ourselves human beings, we are compatriots!"

"Of course, when faced with evildoers, we must not hesitate to judge them!"

In a spacious and bright house in the super city ecosystem, a man named Chu Ge in his thirties was typing on the keyboard.

It is true that nowadays you can directly access the Internet secretly through the login mark of the prehistoric game, but there are still a large number of people who are still accustomed to the traditional keyboard and mouse.

Men just have this kind of habit.

About half a year ago, he was still a master of eating when he was hungry, and he only worked on daily income. It was not that he had not worked hard, but that he found that hard work did not seem to make him live a good life, so he just put it aside

Yes, I can be happy for just one minute.

Originally, he even thought that he would freeze to death in a corner someday, but he was not afraid of such a fate.

But who knew that suddenly, the prosperous age of great harmony and the paradise of humanity would come.

Of course, at first many voices on the Internet were saying that this was some kind of conspiracy and that it was a sugar-coated bullet, but if you say this to a person who may starve to death at any time, it seems sick.

He can be said to be one of the first people to become a citizen of the One World Federation.

And facts have proven that the One World Federation has achieved everything he promised.

There was no longer any problem of survival, and with the emergence of the Prehistoric Game, he gradually developed a dream, and with a few familiar masters, decided to make a career in the Prehistoric Game.

Of course, at present, he and several of his friends are just unknown people.

As for the previous doomsday group, he had no interest in becoming an expeditionary force or anything like that.

He was a staunch World Exterminator before. Such a dangerous world would be destroyed if it was destroyed. Who would he save?

He participated in the group book simply because he wanted to make money.

But when he actually entered the world of the dungeon, saw many survivors, communicated with them, and learned some of their stories, he gradually changed his mind.

In particular, the appearance of an NPC named Xiao Bai made him feel that no matter how harsh the environment was, there were indeed bad people among people, but there was always light.

At this moment, the comment he made was posted under a video clip called "Xiaobai's Story" that went viral.

His comment is quite normal.

What's more, it's like, don't be afraid, Xiaobai, mom will save your mom's gang right away, uncle will save your uncle's gang...

Of course, in addition to Xiaobai's story, there are also stories about rainy days, desperate redemption... and stories about various people.

Even a civilization that is about to perish will never lack stories that can touch people.

As for Chu Ge, after posting that comment, he stared at the screen with empty eyes and remained silent for a long time.

That urgent urge to do something and change what he wrote gave him a rare feeling of being truly alive, rather than a walking corpse.

Suddenly, he suddenly understood the significance of the One World Federation's civilized expedition.

For that demon god who seems to be able to destroy the world, saving people is probably just a thought.

But civilization, after all, is the civilization of everyone, not the civilization of the devil alone. If you let the other party do whatever you want, wouldn't everyone else become a walking zombie?!

If everyone could have such a strong feeling of being alive when facing the future, perhaps that would be a truly humane paradise.

It's not just about having enough food and living well...

(End of chapter)

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