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Chapter 142: Diary of a Boxer

Log: You opened the treasure chest (white)

Looking at what was found in the treasure box, Zhao Cheng fell into deep thought again.

My fortune today seems to be more or less not right.

Some strange thoughts arose in his heart, and Zhao Cheng opened the diary.

First page:

From the time I can remember, for a long time, I didn’t even know there was such a thing as parents.

Many of my companions and I lived in pigeonhouses in the gathering place, working in exchange for food.

Later I learned that there are many pigeon cages in the wasteland. This is not the kindness of some people, but the population is a precious renewable resource in the wasteland.

The pigeon cage consumes very few resources and only requires some of the worst and poorest quality food. The survival rate of the children is less than one-fifth, but for some people, even if they can only survive one-tenth, it is a profit.

The wasteland lacks people, but it never lacks abandoned children.

The second page:

Food is scarce, and the rules do not allow fighting for it, but as long as it is not seen, there will be no punishment.

I can’t remember the exact time when I bit the throat of a child who was trying to grab my food for the first time.

Later, similar things happened many times, but I remember the first time the most. Even though decades have passed, I still remember the fearful looks of other children.

There is actually no essential difference between humans and beasts.

The third page:

As I got older, I became the lowest slave in the gathering place, doing the most work and receiving the least food and water.

Many slaves envy the common people in the gathering place, and I am one of them.

At one time, I was very confused as to why they were civilians and we were slaves.

Some people say that it is because we were raised by the gathering place, so we must give back to the gathering place.

For a time, I believed it.

Until one day, a group of thugs came to the gathering place.

They killed people and set fires, but the managers who were previously aloof were like quails and could only tremble.

At that moment, I understood.

The real reason is power!

No one explained the so-called truth to me, but I learned it by myself without any teacher, and I understood that this is a world where power determines everything.

The strong can dominate the weak at will.

That day, the fire in the gathering place was very strong, and the fire in my eyes was also very strong.

Page 4:

That group of thugs did not kill too many people, because once they had killed all the people, they would not be able to continue to rob them in the future.

When the thugs came for the second time, I took advantage of the chaos, grabbed some food and water, and ran towards the wilderness.

Because I realize that if I continue to stay in the gathering place, even if I can, even if it takes another hundred years, I will still be just the lowest slave.

Even if the manager promises that as long as we work for thirty years, we can become civilians.

But I know that this is just a beautiful lie. Few slaves can survive more than thirty years.

And, here, I can never master the power!

Page 5:

I thought I was going to die, but I survived.

In another distant gathering place, I was no longer a slave, but started with a new identity.

It was also here that I learned about the thing called boxing and became fascinated by it.

However, after all, boxing is only something that a very small number of strong people are qualified to master.

But by chance, I found a way to learn secretly.

That is, to dispose of the body.

The strong men in the gathering place always force slaves to do sparring, that is, to be beaten, in order to build up their strength.

For boxing, simply looking at movements is meaningless.

But I studied boxing skills through movements and marks on corpses.

This is slow, difficult, and requires countless attempts. It may not even be right in the end, but it is my only chance to change my destiny.

Page Six:

I became weak for a time, and my already weak strength became even weaker. At the most dangerous time, I even seemed to hear the whisper of death.

But I finally got through the most difficult years. Gradually, I became stronger according to the boxing techniques I explored.

At the same time, when I was extremely close to death, I seemed to understand the secret of boxing.

There are many subtle points in the human body, and the secret of boxing lies among them!

But as my body gets stronger, those points become less noticeable.

Page Seven:

It seems that several years have passed, and my body has become extremely strong, compared to the earliest days.

At the same time, the boxing techniques I secretly learned and figured out could no longer strengthen my body.

So, I decided to change places and learn new boxing techniques.

I wandered all the way, walked a lot, and almost died many times, but I was still alive in the end.

It seems that the heaven in the dark has always been watching over me.

Perhaps, there is indeed someone in this world who is destined to become a strong person, and that person is me. God will not let me die easily.

How many times have I told myself this in desperate situations.

Page 8:

Facts have proved that there is a limit to stealing lessons after all.

In order to pursue a stronger path, I joined a thug group in the wilderness and became a cannon fodder.

Some thugs have mastered the secrets of boxing.

But they will never take them out easily. In the wilderness, boxing skills are priceless things, because they mean power.

However, any larger thug group will provide some boxing secrets, which can be obtained as long as you perform meritorious service.

This is also the key thing for thug groups to attract cannon fodder. For them, some very low-level boxing knowledge.

Page nine:

Just like the gathering place in the wilderness, the thugs in the wilderness are also in danger.

Many times, I almost thought I was going to die, but I survived in the end.

The thug group I initially joined was annexed and annexed several times, and finally became cannon fodder for the famous Demon King's Army.

It was here that I met the man who had the greatest influence on my life, General Jie Tian!

When we first met, he was wearing black armor and riding a domineering motorcycle. His huge body was as towering as a mountain.

The motorcycle rushed down from the cliff of the hill and drew a gorgeous arc in the air. At that moment, I was shocked like never before, and I seemed to understand what the strength and boxing skills I sought most were for.

Page 10:

The Demon King's Army is far more generous than other places, and many of the most powerful boxing techniques in my opinion can be obtained here through merit.

So I went crazy!

I kill with red eyes. Even if I am going to die, I will kill the person in front of me. Even if I can't move my arms and legs, I will bite the person to death with my teeth.

Time seems to go back to the time when I used my teeth to bite the throats of other children. Everything seemed different, but it didn't seem to be any different.

Gradually, Mad Dog became my name.

This chapter has been completed!
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