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Chapter 173 Two or three things (monthly ticket 1300 plus)

It took about an hour for the family to arrive at Linxian Township from southern Hunan. The whole journey was at a low speed, which was not slow anymore.

Before entering the village, you can see the mountains and rivers right in front of you from a distance. The light snow that fell a few days ago has not yet melted away. Combined with the mist lingering in the mountains, it does feel like a fairyland.

Of course, what Zhao Cheng actually remembers about Linxian Township is that it was wet and cold in winter.

The weather in the mountains is like this. Although it is cooler in summer, it is also bone-chillingly cold in winter.

The car drove for a while, and soon you could see some very ancient buildings on both sides of the road, as well as some shops selling souvenirs.

Finally, the car stopped in front of a large yard.

The outermost part of the courtyard is a vermilion gate and a fence, which is painted white. The inside is similar to a courtyard house, but there is only one house, or a small villa.

This house was newly built in recent years. In the early years, it was a row of tiled houses. Although it was also made of reinforced concrete and was not shabby, it was not as good-looking as the house in front of me.

Zhao Cheng got out of the car and pushed open the courtyard door, and then the car slowly drove in.

"Who are you?"

"Zhao Cheng?!"

Just then, a girl saw the movement in the yard and came out.

After seeing Zhao Cheng, he didn't recognize him at first glance. It wasn't until he recognized the car entering the yard, and then saw some familiar outlines on Zhao Cheng, that he said uncertainly.

"Sister Manyun."

Zhao Cheng greeted the girl, not very enthusiastically.

The girl's full name is Zhao Manyun. She is the daughter of Uncle Zhao Cheng's family. Zhao Cheng's grandparents have two sons and one daughter. Zhao Cheng's father is the eldest, but because the child was born later, Zhao Manyun became the elder sister instead.

Later, Zhao Cheng's uncle wanted to have a son, so he gave birth to another child, and this time he finally got his wish.

Zhao Cheng's parents, on the other hand, had the opposite situation. They had a son and wanted a daughter, and they also had their dreams come true.

Although Zhao Cheng and this cousin spent a lot of time together when they were children, they actually don't have a very good relationship.

At that time, Zhao Cheng's uncle had not yet made a fortune, and Zhao's father and Zhao's mother had just started their careers, so they both left their children to their grandparents.

As for children, they are not sensible and naturally have quite a lot of conflicts.

It's nothing like this at first, but it will be fine when it gets older.

But later, when Zhao Cheng was six or seven years old, Zhao Manyun's parents suddenly became prosperous and started a business. They took their siblings over, and they transformed from left-behind children into the so-called rich second generation.


This sudden change naturally had a big impact on the child. He suddenly went to an aristocratic school, and the classmates he came into contact with were completely different. In addition, Zhao Cheng's uncle and aunt were busy with business and could only be said to be doing material things.

I want to give my children the best, but I can't do that when it comes to family relationships.

Ever since, when they came back from the winter and summer vacations, this pair of siblings suddenly became arrogant, quite a bit developed, and looked down on their poor relatives.

In addition, there is probably a reason for being a little unconvinced. At that time, in the village, Zhao Cheng was jumping up and down and was the king of children, while Zhao Xiaoxiang was also cute and very popular among his friends. Both of them were

The Zhao Manyun siblings are considered to be influential figures in the village, but they are a bit inferior.

Later, my situation improved and I became a so-called rich man. I felt that I was different from the children in the village, so naturally I couldn't help but show off.

After all, they are just children.

As for the result, the children in the village don't eat like this, who can play with them, and who is a good partner.

As for Zhao Cheng and Zhao Xiaoxiang, they were only children at that time, so they didn't know what it means to give way to a brighter future, so conflicts naturally arise. After such a back and forth, their relationship, which was not very deep in the first place, became cold and indifferent.

In fact, Zhao's father, Zhao's mother, and uncle and aunt Zhao Cheng have a very good relationship.

In the past two years, everyone has grown older and more sensible, and the relationship has eased a bit, but it is only a little bit. We just say hello when we meet, and that's it.

These are all old things. For Zhao Cheng, if he looks at those things now, he will naturally not have any grudges, but when it comes to feelings, there will naturally not be much.

Zhao Cheng is very indifferent to things like blood ties. He only cares about actions. If you are good to me, I will be good to you. If you are not good to me, I will not be good to you either.

Soon, the yard became lively, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and Zhao Cheng's cousin all appeared.

Everyone exchanged pleasantries for a while, and then the topic naturally turned to Zhao Cheng.

In the past, it was mostly like, Xiang'er is getting cuter and cuter, Xiao Cheng is growing taller and so on.

But this time, Zhao Chengyou grew taller, but finally became Xiao Cheng, who became more and more handsome.

It can be said to be a huge progress.

After all, for handsome people, they usually praise their handsomeness. For those who are not handsome, they can only praise their height. If they are not handsome or tall, they can only praise their character.

So girls usually say, I'm sorry, you are a good person.

During this process, Zhao Manyun and Zhao Cheng's cousin, Zhao Dong, also looked at Zhao Cheng in an ordinary way.

After all, Zhao Manyun is already seventeen years old, almost eighteen, and his temperament is much more mature and stable than before. Therefore, listening to those exaggerated words about Zhao Cheng, I really feel in my heart that my cousin seems to have grown up all of a sudden.

, it seems that none of the school officials in the school are as good as the other party.

As for Zhao Dong, he is the same age as Zhao Xiaoxiang and is still a junior high school student. When he was younger, he liked to compare with Zhao Cheng the most.

In previous years, everyone praised both of them for growing taller, which was fine. This time, he was the only one who grew taller, which made him a little bit sad.

He wanted to refute this point of view, but looking left and right, he felt that what his parents said was indeed the truth. He looked for a long time and couldn't find anything to refute.

Although it is true that many people will look much better when they grow older, the change is too drastic.

So he thought for a while and asked: "Brother Cheng, what score did you get in this year's final exam?!"

In his impression, in the final exam during the summer vacation, his performance seemed to be poor, and although he was not as good as his cousin in terms of fun, he was still somewhat confident in his performance.

Before Zhao Cheng could speak, Zhao Cheng's uncle laughed and said to Zhao Dong: "Xiao Dong, I forgot to tell you before, but now that you mentioned this matter, you have to learn from me.

Brother, I have learned from my experience. At the end of this semester, your brother scored over 600 points and was ranked 13th in the whole grade!"

Obviously, Zhao Cheng's father's generation had its own group and did not involve younger generations like them.



After hearing this, Zhao Dong's expression became subtle, giving the impression of a big question mark on a small head.

This chapter has been completed!
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