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Chapter 182: Essence

After the movie ended, the group went to have something to eat and then left.

On the way back, Zhao Xiaoxiang was in a bad mood. It wasn't that something bothersome happened, it was just that he was too excited before. Now that his mood has dropped, he can't get up anymore and feels like there is no point in doing anything.

After the peak comes the trough, life is like this, and so are emotions. The only difference is that emotions can accumulate again. After life reaches a low point, only a very small number of great practitioners can achieve nirvana and rebirth.

As for Zhao Cheng, he has a strong will and is emotionally stable. Even if he pretended to be so just now, he did not let his emotions directly break through the threshold like Zhao Xiaoxiang.

Zhao Xiaoxiang was in a low mood and didn't even want to say anything. As for Zhao Cheng, his mind at the moment was focused on some small details in Shang Shang.

In the movie, there is a group of people who think they are God. This is not original to the movie, but real history, that's it.

When he first awakened his memory, Zhao Cheng even made a special research out of curiosity.

Some of the things that happened at that time and some of the impacts they caused have left traces today.

Just in Yanhuang, many large and small swordsmanship schools and swordsmanship inheritance can be traced back to the earliest days.

During the Three Kingdoms period, there was even a saying that the sky was dead and the yellow sky should be established.

In history and some myths, the so-called battle between heaven and man, the battle of humanity against heaven, in the final analysis, is a struggle between routes, whether it is the way of heaven or the way of humanity.

Those who practice the Way of Heaven consider themselves to be otherworldly, and regard themselves as gods. They are two species from humans, so they can stand high above others and take life and death from them.

The strong men on the other side believe that strong men are just stronger people. This is also the source of the contradiction between heaven and man.

As for the final result, humanity naturally won, and this led to the current peaceful age.

Although the strong have a respected status, they are still human beings. Anyone who wants to establish himself as a god has no room for him to move in the country. He can only run abroad in embarrassment and become a Buddha and ancestor in some small and backward places.

At the same time, Zhao Cheng also thought about swordsmanship. In real history, swordsmanship does not become more powerful as it gets older, but becomes more perfect as time goes by.

But it is not that there were no strong people in ancient times. It seems that it was at that time when the world first changed. Even though the total number of people at that time was not large, they could not stand it. The power that gave all living beings extraordinary talents was also at its most powerful and victorious period.

Therefore, in that era, although there were few people, there were many strong men who had never touched a sword, but they could hold a bamboo stick and break through thousands of armors with one bamboo stick.

The foundation of kendo was also laid at that time.

Some of the swordsmanship at that time seems indeed crude now, but in some places it points directly to the origin of swordsmanship.

Especially the best swordsmanship, or the way of swordsmanship. Although the skills in it are no longer exquisite, the way is still timeless, such as the imperial swordsmanship pioneered by the First Emperor.

The sword of the emperor!

Hundreds of years ago, Li Zicheng received this inheritance, and then he relied on war to support war and rose to prominence.

At this moment, Zhao Cheng's thoughts drifted towards ancient history, and he felt that the world is huge. Although the present is wonderful, the past was no less good. The only pity is that there is no such thing as a spark in reality.

It made it impossible for him to transcend time and discuss Tao with those ancients.

Time flies. On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, Zhao's father and Zhao's mother's annual leave has ended, and the family has returned to Shonan.

Zhao Cheng's uncle and aunt also left at about the same time. Children had a lot of time, but adults were pressed for time.

However, for Zhao Cheng, the difference was not too big, that is, he changed the sunbathing place from the yard to his own room.

He was completely immersed in swordsmanship.

He knew very well that although he had been given an opportunity, if he lost his most important sincerity because of it, he would not be able to get far no matter how great the opportunity was.

If the heart is not sincere, the sword will not be pure.

After that, Zhao Cheng still practiced swordplay in the morning and evening, and his physical fitness maintained a very rapid growth rate. In the simulated world at night, he also practiced the Four Tribulations Heavenly Sword diligently without slacking off at all.

Just like that, several days passed in a row, and in the blink of an eye, the time went from the fourth day to the fifteenth day.

And it was during this period of time that Zhao Cheng's fine hole system was finally perfected and he entered the realm of nourishing the essence.

Simulated world.

In the darkness, Zhao Cheng practiced the Four Tribulations Sky Sword with one move after another. In conjunction with breathing visualization and sword path, many points inside Zhao Cheng's body that could never be found through human anatomy were generating heat, billowing heat.

, gushing out from each point, scattered in the flesh and blood, and became part of Zhao Cheng's power.

As he swung his sword, Zhao Cheng's body became increasingly red, as if he were forging iron. Each sword struck out the deepest impurities in his body, making his body more transparent and pure.

Zhao Cheng can feel that there is essence flowing in the flesh and blood. It is a strange energy that can be directly turned into nutrients for the body. At the same time, if he is willing, Zhao Cheng can also gather it into a ball and condense it into a

Parts cause the life activity of that place to increase dramatically, which is reflected on the outside, that is, the hardness, toughness, and strength of that piece will suddenly increase a lot.

This is the wonder of Jingyuan.

However, this essence is not refined into Qi, but is directly transformed from the Jingpore. Its energy level is higher than the water and grain essence that the human body can directly absorb from food.

One is essence and the other is essence, you can see the difference.

Almost a month has passed since the creation of Zhao Cheng's Four Tribulations Heavenly Sword, to a qualitative change, and now.

And Zhao Cheng's cultivation speed was also slow at first and then fast. Until now, it is getting faster and faster.

The advancement of the fine hole system has also led to the secondary development of Zhao Cheng's body. At the earliest, his height was 1.72 meters. However, due to the rapid advancement of kendo, in reality, his body has grown to 1.72 meters tall.

Meters 78, in just a few months, he has grown six centimeters taller.

But in the simulated world, his extradimensional body is now nearly 1.9 meters tall.

In just one month, Zhao Cheng's extra-dimensional body grew ten centimeters taller.

But the most important thing is that this kind of height is not as thin as a hemp pole, but strong, not strong, but strong!

Compared to his true body, his extra-dimensional body is not only taller, but also stronger. The practice of swordsmanship in reality develops in a faster and more flexible direction. For ordinary swordsmanship masters, no matter how tall they are,

But it is somewhat thin, even far more exaggerated than wild cheetahs.

The Jing Kong system, however, develops the body horizontally. All the points are for strength. Big means strong. Each of them looks like a wild bear. It can even be said that a thing like a bear looks weak in front of Meng Ran who has built a golden body.

It's a rabbit.

This chapter has been completed!
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