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Chapter 237 Three Great Learnings

Zhao Cheng set off early in the morning, and by the time the high-speed train arrived at the station, it was almost evening. After all, the mountains and rivers were vast, and the land of one state was already vast.

When Zhao Cheng left the station, he saw a lot of people picking him up outside the platform. There were piles of people, either holding banners or holding nameplates, shouting about the excitement. Looking from a distance, it looked like they were greeting everyone.

It’s the same as a celebrity pick-up station.

In fact, they did pick up celebrities, but they were not acting stars, but fencing stars.

Zhao Cheng glanced around and took in everything. Sure enough, his name was not there.

Even though his sword has not yet come out of his body, he is already famous.

But the so-called fan culture is more about talking nonsense online. Those who can have strong action in reality are all business.

Zhao Cheng was not familiar with those names, but he still had some understanding of them.

In short, this is inevitable after the commercialization of kendo.

Kendo is just kendo, but because it is profitable, it has given some people a commercial attribute.

Hence the so-called fencing stars.

This type is usually some clubs that discover some talents from the private sector, provide resources and help, and then let the talents play some games.

Starting from young competitions, they have gradually accumulated popularity and established their personalities. The audience has watched each other rise from humble beginnings. Naturally, they also have a sense of participation and are willing to spend money on their favorite fencing star.

Fans are still very tolerant of their idols, especially after the person is established. It doesn’t matter how strong the swordsmanship is, as long as the persona does not collapse, fans will pay for it.

Of course, if the character is upright, the swordsmanship is strong, and he can win every battle, he is invincible and can easily get out of the circle.

In this area, it can be said that Yanhuang has formed a closed loop, and the management has also understood the fan economy.

Regarding this area, apart from severely cracking down on black clubs, the state does not prevent the commercialization of kendo. Although commercialization has many disadvantages, it also has its positive effects.

Then there are the big sects on the Yanhuang Mountains who actively promote the commercialization of kendo.

When the real Taoist masters were on the mountain, their immortal demeanor and Taoist bones did not affect others wearing suits and ties down the mountain.

Practicing swords also requires resources, not just now, but even in ancient times. At that time, no sect in the mountains said that they should lock the mountain gates tightly and live without caring about worldly affairs.

The more powerful the inheritance, the greater its industry and power in the world when it is strong.

In an extremely ancient period, certain major sects could even influence the abolition and establishment of imperial power.

Zhao Chengru studied these things day and night, and naturally understood everything clearly.

Only people who are not concerned with worldly affairs would really think that a palm-sized place on the mountain is the entirety of an inheritance and a sect.

After some thoughts passed through his mind, Zhao Cheng did not stop here, but went directly to the corner and called a car with his mobile phone.

As the core of the state, Qingzhou City is naturally extremely prosperous. Even though there are many viaducts to divert traffic, the roads are still very crowded with cars.

At the same time, looking up, the winding viaducts, combined together, feel a bit like a bird's nest.

At the same time, hundreds of meters high buildings are everywhere here, just like ordinary buildings.

In the whole of Yanhuang, the only place that is more prosperous than Qingzhou City is probably the capital.

In the entire world, it is estimated that there is no place more prosperous than the capital of Yanhuang. This has been doomed since the Yanhuang sword swept across the world more than a hundred years ago and seized the world's resources to support itself.

The strong get stronger and the weak get weaker!

"Brother, you also went to Yuntian Pavilion to watch the semifinals?"

In the car, the driver was driving. He looked about fifty years old. His hair was half gray, but he was very energetic.

Taxi drivers are mostly talkative people. As long as they are individuals, they can chat with each other for a few words. At the same time, their skills of observing people's emotions are also of a high level.

As soon as Zhao Cheng got in the car, he almost made a rough judgment.

This kind of demeanor is not something that can be cultivated by ordinary people, but his face is too young, he looks seventeen or eighteen years old, and he doesn't look like he is going to compete.

"As for our Qingzhou, a powerful figure has appeared this time. It is said that he came down from the mountain. His vitality is now 6.4. If this were compared to previous years, he would be the number one in terms of vitality."

"It's a pity that this time there is a monster with a vitality of 6.5."

"However, this is a good thing. It proves that the country is becoming more and more prosperous. I remember when I was studying, my vitality was 6.0, which was enough to suppress the heroes."

"Now, in the blink of an eye, after more than 30 years, the highest number has reached 6.5, and two of them have reached 6.4 this year."

The driver did not wait for Zhao Cheng to respond, but just kept talking to himself.

Zhao Cheng, on the other hand, just nodded slightly.

At the same time, he did know who the driver was talking about.

As of now, in the list of Tianxia Sword Trial APP, he ranks first with an absolute data of 6.5. Below him are Li Xinghan and Lin Yuntian, both with 6.4.

From what I learned online before Zhao Cheng came, one of the two, Li Xinghan, came from a kendo youth class in Beijing. Even though the name of this class is inconspicuous, the students in it have a high probability of being admitted to three prestigious schools.

, is 100%.

As for Lin Yuntian, he was exactly the man who came down from the mountain as the driver said.

There are many mountains in Qingzhou, but there is only one most powerful mountain, and that is Yuntian Mountain.

A deity makes a mountain, not its altitude.

This Yuntian Peak is the intersection of the two largest mountain ranges in Qingzhou, the Yunshan Mountains and the Tianshan Mountains, and is named after Yuntian.

Among them, Yun Province is named after Yunshan Mountain, and Xiangshan Mountain next to Xiangnan is derived from a branch of Yunshan Mountain Range.

As far as Zhao Cheng knows, there are seven mountains, ten sects, and thirty-three sects in the entire Yanhuang, which are worthy of their names. As for the small inheritance schools, there are countless.

In addition, these many schools can be divided into three major major schools and many miscellaneous schools.

The three major schools of thought are Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism.

Among the seven mountains, there are three Confucians, three Taoists, and one Buddha.

The Yuntian Sword Vein on Yuntian Mountain is one of the Seven Mountains and belongs to Taoism.

This inheritance has taken root in Qingzhou for more than a thousand years and has gone through countless ups and downs. More than a hundred years ago, it even left the mountain and joined the war. Although the disciples suffered heavy losses as a result, it also laid a strong foundation for the next hundred years.

It can be said that in the three-thirds of an acre of Qingzhou, Yuntian Jianmai is the well-deserved uncrowned king.

This chapter has been completed!
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