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Chapter 267 The first person three years ago

As for Zhao Cheng, when he heard the sound, although he didn't have time to turn his eyes away, a rough image was sketched out in his mind almost as soon as he heard the sound.

This is a wonderful spiritual reflection, but in Zhao Cheng's mental time and space, what he outlines is not a person, but a heavy and pure sword. The heavy sword has no edge, no skill, no workmanship, it is like this

a feeling of.

There is an old saying, "You know a person, but you don't know his heart." What a person looks like has no necessary connection with that person's character. After all, there is only a small number of similarities that arise from the heart.

But now, when Zhao Cheng meets a person, he doesn't even need to look at him, or even observe that person's words and deeds, he can generally judge that person's character.

A person with a complicated mind must be complicated in his spiritual feelings. A wise person cannot be concealed by the light of wisdom, but a person with a vicious mind can clearly see his malice.

When ordinary people look at people, they still look at their appearance, but for him, he started to express emotions directly.

It's not that the divine form cannot be disguised, but that kind of person's mind must have reached an unpredictable realm. Looking at the whole world, there are only a few of them.

As for Zhao Cheng's ability, there were already some signs of it when the world tried the sword before, but it really stabilized after he unlocked the wisdom lock last night.

Before this, Zhao Cheng's feeling was still relatively vague, but now it was suddenly more than ten times clearer and more detailed, and many details were revealed.

This person is a very pure person, with a pure and powerful soul!

This was the judgment Zhao Cheng made the moment he heard the sound.

After that, Zhao Cheng looked over.

Immediately, a man estimated to be 1.9 meters tall, with a tall body, a strong face, and a determined gaze, with a bit of grandeur and heroism in his movements, and it seemed that he was the kind of person who could be entrusted with big things, appeared in Zhao.

into the eyes.

As far as the other party's appearance is concerned, there is not much difference between it and the mental image.

When he saw this person, Zhao Chengcheng recognized who he was.

There have been so many sword trials in the world, and apart from the fact that Zhao Cheng's vitality is exaggerated every time, counting forward, the person with the highest vitality is the person in front of him.

Xu Mubai was the number one scholar in martial arts three years ago.

Just for him, in the past few decades, the highest vitality of the number one pick was only 6.2, until he set a new record with a vitality of 6.3.

Three years ago when the sword test was held in the world, Zhao Cheng was still in junior high school. During the summer vacation, he and Zhao Xiaoxiang actually saw each other win the championship on TV.

At this moment, when Zhao Cheng saw this person, it evoked a bit of his reverie from the past.

His current state of mind and spirit, as well as all kinds of memories from the past, are extremely clear. He can count the years in detail. It is not just simple sounds and images. He can even recall every time period in the past and what he felt at that time.

stand up.

Zhao Cheng's thoughts flooded at this moment, and he recalled how he was so excited when he saw his opponent win the championship. Of course, Zhao Cheng was still very good at that time, and he had no idea that I could replace him.

It's not like, in the blink of an eye in three years, the other party actually appeared in front of me in such a way.

The various encounters and changes in causes and conditions, even in Zhao Cheng's current state of mind, can't help but give rise to a bit of emotion.

"it's me."

Zhao Cheng nodded, his delicate mind had now understood the other party's purpose.

This is a sincere person, otherwise he would not be able to achieve what he is today.

"My name is Xu Mubai. I am also a student of the Kendo Department. I am a senior this year."

"I've watched all the video routes of your sword test in the world. You are amazing!"

"But I'm also very strong, so I want to see your sword."

Xu Mubai said, his words were very straightforward, without any cover-up, without any twists and turns.

In Zhao Cheng's previous life, many martial arts practitioners liked to make twists and turns in their fights in order to exalt their so-called style and enhance their reputation.

But in this world, there is no need to be so troublesome, because the great power attributed to oneself is the greatest face.

If you are the most powerful person, then you are truly capable of the fruit of face, and everyone will give you face.

Xu Mubai's words echoed in the audience, and at this time, the students from the Kendo Department who had just left the library naturally recognized Xu Mubai, even the freshmen who had just entered the school this year were no exception.

There are few young men who are good at swordsmanship who don't know Xu Mubai, just like today, there are no young people who don't know Zhao Cheng's name.

Therefore, after they recognized Xu Mubai, they immediately became solemn, and all their energy and spirit were concentrated. Their eyes were fixed on the positions of Zhao Cheng and Xu Mubai, but they were afraid of them.

What wonderful moments did you miss?

This is a real big show, even though the location does not have any sense of ceremony, it is only at the entrance of the school library, and there is no pre-publicity.

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But when the two names Zhao Cheng and Xu Mubai are put together, they represent infinite splendor.

Its content is no less than that of the martial arts novel about Zhao Cheng’s previous life, in which Yan Shisan found Xie Xiaofeng.

Three years ago, Xu Mubai once dominated the world with his sword. Now three years later, how has the opponent's sword reached a state?!

These are the thoughts of some freshmen who have never seen Xu Mubai take action at this moment.

There were also some people, not students from the kendo department, but students from other departments. At this time, they were a little confused when they saw the tense situation at the door of the library.

Zhao Cheng and the others naturally know each other, and they are still famous today, but the name Xu Mubai is a bit unfamiliar. After all, it has been three years, especially the freshmen who just entered school this year. Some of them can't be remembered at the moment.

this name.

Only after being reminded by his companions did he finally know who Xu Mubai was. Then he suddenly became energetic, and even the fatigue caused by long-term study disappeared.

The person who was number one in the world three years ago is now the number one in the world. This is incredible.

Therefore, in a very short period of time, the originally noisy scene suddenly became silent, and even the air seemed to have become stagnant at this moment, turning into a thick glue-like thing.

Among the many eyes, Zhao Cheng was very calm. The wisdom of the spiritual world even dispelled the tense and chilling feeling in the air.


Zhao Cheng said that he also wanted to see the opponent's sword.

While talking, Zhao Cheng took out the wooden sword he had always carried with him from his bag.

With his current swordsmanship, unless it is a famous sword, there is really not much difference between a wooden sword and an iron sword.

When the world was testing swords, he could only cut iron with an iron sword, but now, a wooden sword is enough!

This chapter has been completed!
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