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Chapter 28: Steady as a Rock

Zhao Cheng's swordsmanship is not exquisite and does not change much. It is not that his swordsmanship has returned to its original nature, but that the swordsmanship he has practiced is like this.

Steady! Steady! Steady!

The seventeenth set of the Sixth Edition of Basic Swordsmanship has achieved the ultimate in stability.

And, this is enough.

For those who are new to swordsmanship, there is no way to achieve excellence. If you learn everything, you will fail in everything. Only by specializing in one can you achieve success.

From simple to complex, and then from complex to simple, this is the only path that every kendo master must go through.

The swordsmanship is ever-changing, but Zhao Cheng has a stable character now, and his movements are like a rock.

And the sword has its own edge, is as stable as a rock, and has its own edge, so its lethality is pretty good.

In the real world, swordsmanship has been practiced for thousands of years. A hundred years ago, a whole country worked together to create swordsmanship and revised it to this day. The swordsmanship is absolutely extraordinary.

Let me just say that in the judgment of the panel, this swordsmanship did not show any quality, which shows how powerful it is.

Because this swordsmanship is the kind that is extraordinary in the hands of a strong person, but useless in the hands of a weak person.

Its quality will change depending on the user's swordsmanship!

As for Zhao Cheng, his swordsmanship level of lv8 has already allowed this swordsmanship to show its edge.


Zhao Cheng's sword edge collided with the Gray Man's fist, and there was a sound of steel clashing. The fist he dealt with did not look like flesh and blood, but seemed to be made of steel.

Such strength was naturally beyond Zhao Cheng's expectations. He originally thought that against bare hands, he would naturally have an advantage with a sword, but the fists he expected to deal with were so strong.

However, despite the unexpected events, Zhao Cheng's inner lake was still as clear as a flat lake, because the long sword hanging on the lake had quietly cut away all distracting thoughts that had nothing to do with the battle.

To the very end!

The effects of spiritual practice are still evident at this moment.

Even if it is only temporary, it can still allow people to exert 120% of their combat effectiveness in battle.

At the same time, Zhao Cheng also felt the huge force coming from the fist. It was a force that was enough to crack a monument and crack a stone. If Zhao Cheng's swordsmanship is still only level 4, he is afraid that with just this one blow, the weapon will be knocked away.

The next punch should have been fatal.

Zhao Cheng had to accept the fact that in the beginning, he and the handymen were all killed instantly.

At this moment, although his strength has not increased at all, the improvement of his swordsmanship allows him to transmit the force to his feet through the vibration of his muscles and bones in an instant.

The so-called "stability" in his swordsmanship is reflected in this carrying force.

The frame made of his flesh and bones is like a tumbler, so naturally it is as stable as a mountain!

This is the true meaning of stability.

However, despite this, Zhao Cheng still felt a numbness in his muscles and bones. Fortunately, it did not affect his swordsmanship.

In one blow, the gray man immediately changed his moves, and with the change of punching path, he directly "tangled" towards Zhao Cheng, quite a bit like chasing the wind and chasing the moon without letting up.

From this change, Zhao Chengming knew that the gray man in front of him had a strong sense of fighting.

Although its previous behavior pattern was somewhat like a mob in a game, it was definitely not a game in the first place.

The moves to deal with cannot be as rigid as the monsters in the game, but have a strong sense of combat.

Zhao Cheng had no experience fighting against boxing masters. To put it bluntly, as a man of two generations, he had only fought against novices among his classmates in school.

Nowadays, being able to fight the Grays calmly does not make any mistakes, and it also benefits from the magical breathing concept that comes with swordsmanship.

But his "backboard" just now is not useless. He has just thought about the advantages and disadvantages of the enemy and ourselves, his advantage is one inch longer and one inch stronger, and the sharpness of the sword.

Although the second one is now gone, it still has a long advantage.

His disadvantage is that he is not good at close combat. Two steps away, he is an inch longer and an inch stronger. Within two steps, if he is bullied by the opponent, it will be difficult to unfold the sword path in his hand. It can be said that he is being bullied.

"Abandoned" martial arts.

Although the Gray Man did not show any intelligence, he was extremely flexible in terms of combat consciousness.

With just one move, he was already approaching Zhao Cheng, trying to get close enough to limit the use of Zhao Cheng's weapons.

If he were to be closely guarded by a gray man, Zhao Cheng would probably have to go through the scenario of punching and suppressing Guanxi. Of course, he would be the one who got beaten.

As soon as he was "tangled" by the gray man, the iron tower-like body rushed towards him, and the sudden pressure caused Zhao Cheng to instinctively feel a sense of fear.

Without the blessing of breathing meditation, his hands would probably be shaking with fear. By then, his swordsmanship would be 100% less than 30% effective.

No one is truly strong and can fear neither heaven nor earth. Zhao Cheng will naturally be afraid and fearful.

People who don’t know what fear is are not strong. A truly strong person is one who knows what fear is but can defeat it.

The fear brought by the Gray Man to Zhao Cheng directly caused Zhao Cheng's long sword to become more immodest, and he almost failed.

Fortunately, Zhao Cheng stabilized himself in time, and without any hesitation, he directly backed up and distanced himself.

The changes in his mood are lightning-fast, and his body movements are also swift and agile.

After all, the Gray Man's joints were not flexible enough, otherwise, Zhao Chenggong would have been "tangled" to death due to the momentary mood swings just now.

Human beings are both powerful and fragile, especially those of Zhao Cheng's level. They can easily kill others of their own kind, or they may be bad and easily killed by their own kind.

No matter how sharp and stable the sword is, it will not change the fact that the body is a fragile body of flesh and blood.


Another blow was exchanged, the sword trembled, and white marks also appeared on the fist dealt, which was obviously not truly indestructible.

After this sword attack, Zhao Cheng became accustomed to it and showed strong adaptability.

In the first battle, the enemy's first counterattack is undoubtedly the most oppressive. As for subsequent counterattacks, at least on a psychological level, the pressure they can cause is drastically reduced.

Zhao Cheng, it can be said that at this moment, he has passed the first step from practice to performance!

The changes at the spiritual level should be subtle, even difficult to detect in a short period of time, but they are long-lasting. It is not until a certain moment that I suddenly look back that I realize my own growth.

However, due to the existence of the breathing concept and Zhao Cheng's extraordinary swordsmanship talent at this moment, when the psychological barrier was overcome, Zhao Cheng's long sword above the heart lake immediately became more condensed.

As for the panel.

Log: Spirit +0.1, Entering Stillness Proficiency +3%, Seventeenth Set of Basic Swordsmanship Six Edition Proficiency +10

His changes and growth are immediately visible.

Even if it’s not big!

This chapter has been completed!
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