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Chapter 285: Imagination of Nuclear Explosion Sword Immortal

Inexplicably, Zhao Cheng couldn't help but feel a kind of awe in his heart for being so powerful, even just imagining it. But at the same time, there was more of a desire, longing that one day, his spiritual power could be that powerful.

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At present, his spiritual power, even if he only cuts off a small amount of gravity, consumes a lot of money. Cutting invisible things consumes more than cutting tangible things.

In addition, he uses the super-dimensional sword to cut the upper limit of the monster's health bar. The upper limit of the opponent's health bar is limited, but gravity is infinite and everywhere. As soon as the old one is cut, a new one will appear. Naturally, the consumption is huge, because it is equivalent to constantly drawing swords, and the current actual combat value is not great.

But Zhao Cheng saw the infinite possibilities through this. This ability was too wasteful to be used to cut gravity or something. It should be used to cut atoms, slashing down with one sword, triggering a chain of material annihilation in an area.

At that time, he will be the real nuclear explosion swordsman.

The only thing that limits Zhao Cheng now is that his mental power is not so refined yet, and he cannot penetrate into the microscopic level at all. The reason why he can cut through gravity is because he can sense the existence of gravity.

But atoms and the forces inside atoms are completely blind.

Just talking about ability without talking about precision and micro-control is just playing hooligans. We really have to be serious. The energy supply reaction in the human body is also a chain reaction. Nuclear fission is also a chain reaction, but is it effective...

All we can say now is that the prospects seem to be getting better and better. The ocean of truth (power) is right in front of Zhao Cheng, but he still can't swim.

And it seems that the spiritual power of mythical characters can only reach the genetic level.

Zhao Cheng couldn't help but fell into deep thought...

However, although Zhao Cheng's dream of becoming a nuclear bomb swordsman is still far away, the further strengthening of Kong Jie and the huge growth of his spiritual power will bring about great changes.

In the third simulation that night, Zhao Cheng killed the boxing champion Mie without activating the Four Tribulations, and then teleported to Hongsha City. After killing the boxing champion Shi, he was still in full condition and directly explored Hongsha City. After some research, I got 5 first kill treasure chests, several simulation points, 1 boss-level monster inside, 1 mini-boss level, and 3 elite monsters. Zhao Cheng finished running through a city without seeing any soldiers. The level of wealth is the same as that of Moyun City. , not at the same level at all.

After that, Zhao Cheng saw that there was still some time left, so he tried to rush to the nearest place to Hongsha City, where another martial arts king was.

If the number of teleports is not enough, just run with your legs, it's not shabby.

But there are only one hundred and twenty-one kings in the whole world. It can be seen that the distribution is sparse. In addition, Zhao Cheng spent a lot of time searching Hongsha City before. Therefore, there is no shadow of the second martial arts king Zhao Chengdu. Seeing it brings me back to reality.

As for the time when the Four Tribulations of Destruction had to be used before, because the forbidden technique was used up, Zhao Cheng himself was also disabled. Although he did not die suddenly, he still had at least one breath left and it was difficult to walk.

Therefore, at that time, he would practice swordsmanship first. After practicing, he would clear out Moyun City and keep the boxing champion. Then he would start to study boxing skills. When the calculated time was almost up, he would first use battle to forge the sword. Golden body, then activate the forbidden technique and teleport, killing two monsters in a row.

When the monster is killed, he can usually survive for ten minutes, and then the simulation time is over.

But now, after killing monsters without using forbidden spells, Zhao Cheng's monster resources have suddenly been expanded.

I don't know how long it will take to increase the number of teleports, but as long as he runs fast enough, he really has a chance to clear three small maps.

As for simulation points and sparks, there is never enough. Some time ago, he just used 10,000 simulation points to exchange for a slot, and used 500 source points to exchange for a blue trait, and for

The printed blue blueprint brings the upper limit of swordsmanship level to level 59, which is only one level away from level 60.

But at this level, it's currently stuck.

Either use 20,000 simulation points to exchange for a slot, or use 3,000 source points to exchange for purple blueprints.

Whether it is the former or the latter, it takes a lot of time to accumulate.

And swordsmanship level sixty is definitely another qualitative change. Zhao Cheng can be sure that it is not only because the sword type happens to be at this number, but also partly because of the wonderful premonition of his seventh sense.

Here, there is a huge gap in the simulation points at the back. Zhao Cheng estimates that he can save up enough of the 3,000 source points in the former in one month.

Zhao Cheng is still very curious about the changes at level 60.

Even Zhao Cheng is still thinking that in a year or two, when he creates a swordsmanship beyond gold, his swordsmanship level limit will reach seventy or eighty by then. Will he have a chance at that time?

, directly complete the sword types in one step.

Just because others can't do it doesn't mean that he, a cheater, can't do it.

In reality, Zhao Cheng stopped his thoughts for an instant, and then fell into the deepest sleep in an instant. Although his body was still breathing, if anyone else appeared here at this time, they would definitely look over at first glance.

You would think that this person is completely dead.

Two hours later, Zhao Cheng woke up on time. After that, he practiced swordplay, ate, and visited forums and read books as usual. It was not until 5:30 in the morning that Zhao Cheng took a taxi and went directly from Qingshan University to the airport.

At eight o'clock, the plane took off on time. At one o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Cheng arrived in Mingzhou, and then transferred to the high-speed rail. It was after five o'clock in the afternoon that he arrived in a city called Wushui.

But this was not Zhao Cheng's destination yet. After that, Zhao Cheng chartered a car and took the main road first, and then went on country roads. Finally, after wandering around, he came to a small town at the foot of the mountain.

This town is called Tieshan Town, and its name is not eye-catching.

It can be seen from the shabby roads here that the economy here is not developed.

But only a few people know that although this place is small, many powerful people live in seclusion, and many famous swords are spread from here.

Here, in the entire town, most people have the surname Tie. This is the case in many towns. The only difference is that the ancestors with the surname Tie here are the descendants of Ou Yezi.

Since thousands of years ago, the Tie family has been making swords. As time goes by, there have been many ups and downs. As the bloodline is scattered, the inheritance is also scattered. Today, in the land of Kyushu, there are many people named Tie, and there are many who claim to be the descendants of Ou Yezi.

There are few, but when it comes to casting, Tieshan still ranks first.

Casting, like swordsmanship, is constantly evolving. There is no such thing as getting older and more powerful. Instead, it becomes more and more powerful as it develops. Those who stick to the old-fashioned way without pioneering will only be eliminated naturally.

This chapter has been completed!
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