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Chapter 297 Jiancheng

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it’s late November.

And if you calculate the time carefully, you will find that from the time Tie Guanlan opened the furnace to today, it is exactly the forty-ninth day, which adds up to seven or seven.

When the furnace was first turned on, the weather was still very warm, but now, it is already quite chilly.

However, there is a wave of heat in the casting room at the moment. In the furnace, a long sword is burning red. It can be seen that the temperature in the furnace has reached its highest point. At this moment, the burning fire is neither red nor blue.

color, but a kind of white.

The temperature display on the stove now clearly displayed the number four thousand two hundred and twenty-eight.

This is the temperature!

Normal steel would have melted into molten iron at such a temperature, but the embryo of the famous sword in the furnace was only red.

At this time, Zhao Cheng, using his mental telepathy, could feel that some kind of power was gathering towards the sword in the furnace.

Changes have already occurred, but they are not achieved overnight, but are changing slowly.

This is the change in the physical properties of different irons during the process of making swords from different irons.

At the beginning, it was impossible for the three types of different irons to withstand such high temperatures without melting, but now, they can.

Heavenly work!

This is the true work of heaven and earth!

Perhaps, the method of Tianwen was understood from the transformation of different irons.

Zhao Cheng was communicating with the sword embryo in the furnace, and the sword embryo in the furnace seemed to be communicating with Zhao Cheng, conveying some subtle spiritual message to him.

It seems that not only the sword embryo is being tempered by Heaven, but Zhao Cheng's spirit is also being tempered in the process.

What is displayed on the panel is that the proficiency behind the Tiangong special effects is constantly growing.

However, Zhao Cheng's special effects are now too high-level, so this little increase seems to be a drop in the bucket.

Previously, Zhao Cheng studied Tianwen, and when Tianwen was level 50, he added one level. Later, he integrated Tianwen into the Four Tribulations Heavenly Sword. The golden color behind the Four Tribulations Heavenly Sword deepened, and the purple color became dull, while the special effects of Heavenly Craftsmanship were achieved.

The proficiency level has also increased a lot, but compared to the overall proficiency level reaching the next level, it has only been increased by a little over 20%.

Until about half a month ago, Zhao Cheng exchanged three thousand source points for the blueprint, gave the only purple trait the ultimate affix, and raised the Four Tribulation Heavenly Sword to the upper limit of LV62.

Level 60 is very special. There are only so many sword types, and this level really lives up to Zhao Cheng’s expectations.

Log: Your Four Tribulations Sky Sword has reached LV60 and entered the divine realm.

Log: Affected by the Four Tribulations Heaven Sword, Duanlan Level +1, Ultimate Intention Level +1, Tiangong Level +1, Super Ego Level +1, Transformation Level +1, God·Daxu Level +1, Yuanming Level


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Log: Influenced by the Four Tribulations Heaven Sword, derived special effects: Four Tribulations Heaven Sword

Above the extraordinary is the realm of God, or in other words, magical power!

Four Tribulations to Heaven is the magical power that was born after Zhao Cheng's swordsmanship reached level 60.

He could finally use part of the power of the true God.

Originally, true supernatural powers were something only saints could touch, but Zhao Cheng relied on his extraordinary swordsmanship level to obtain them in advance.

Zhao Cheng was not surprised by this. Realm was something that was only divided later. Others couldn't do it because they were not strong enough.

As far as Zhao Cheng is concerned, the biggest gap between him and the Saint is that he has not yet created a Saint Soul.

The so-called realm is to solidify the invisible into the tangible, sacrificing possibility in exchange for greater interference in the world.

This is Zhao Cheng’s current understanding of spiritual practice.

If a saint wants to obtain a body, he definitely does not need such a high level of swordsmanship. If it is digitized, it may be the sword heart and holy soul, which can reduce the requirements for obtaining supernatural powers.

Zhao Cheng is still in the invisible stage now. This stage is also the time when the possibility is greatest. Once the sword is completed, the path will be set, so Zhao Cheng is not in a hurry.

As for the effect of the Four Tribulations Divine Power, it not only exerts absolute pressure on the enemy's spirit, but can also directly transform the power of the true God into interference with the physical body, thereby directly increasing the speed and explosive power.

At the same time, the power of the True God is also constantly strengthening Zhao Cheng's spirit and body. It is because of this effect that Zeus can have such terrible physical strength at the age of twenty.

It is probably because Zhao Cheng's understanding of sword theory is not deep enough, so his true divine power cannot be stored.

Unlike Qisha and Wuju, they can continuously accumulate power. Although this accumulated power, if the amount is large enough, cannot be directly released in an instant, the accumulation seems to have no limit. In other words, Zhao Cheng's time is still short.

The limit has not been reached yet.

Zhao Cheng thought that the real situation should be the latter. After all, these two magical powers were just false magical powers, and he had not used them to touch his true self.

From then on, Zhao Cheng's spiritual realm in reality was completely lost.

He doesn't even have the heart of the sword, but he has the state of mind of a saint and has magical powers, but in terms of strength, he is still a little short of it.

It can be said that he is a real alien. In reality, under natural circumstances, it is impossible for someone like him to be born.

In addition to upgrading the Four Tribulations Heavenly Sword to level 62, Zhao Cheng has also been raising the Hundred Swords faster and faster during this period of time.

At the beginning, it took about ten days to practice a golden swordsmanship to the full level three times a day. Although Zhao Cheng simulated it once, it was comparable to two days of normal practice, but in this way, it only took more than sixty days.

Two months, this height and this speed are already terrifying.

The special effects of Wuhui Mingguang, Tiangong, Furnace Hundred Swords, and the talent of the extra-dimensional body itself. Together, these things have made Zhao Cheng's actual performance in swordsmanship reach a limit-breaking level.

In this process, the effect of Tiangong's smelting swordsmanship also showed up. While Zhao Chenggan's swordsmanship was leveling up, the color of that swordsmanship was also constantly changing. When the level was full, the swordsmanship was about to turn pale.

The state of disappearance, but the golden color of the Four Tribulations Heaven Sword continues to become darker.

That was before, but now, Zhao Cheng has mastered a golden swordsmanship and can reach the full level in four days.

Therefore, in just less than two months, Zhao Cheng has already reached the full level of eight swordsmanships, all of which are at the lowest golden level, and integrated their essence into the Four Tribulations Heavenly Sword. This makes the four

The purple color behind the Tribulation Heaven Sword has almost disappeared.

Maybe it only takes a few days of reflection, or a sudden realization, to cross this threshold.


In the furnace, the sword embryo, dragged by the air current, suddenly started to tremble.

It was not someone exerting force, but the invisible but actual fluctuations in the vast Taixu Universe. At this moment, they suddenly converged on the sword embryo. It was so fierce that it even directly interfered.

Matter forms a power that shakes reality!

Although this power is weak, it actually exists.

This chapter has been completed!
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