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Chapter 417 Six Paths of Divine Light

Chapter 417 Six Divine Lights

The whole body of the pagoda is a kind of light gold, and has strange Buddha patterns that are similar to circuit diagrams. Zhao Cheng's super-dimensional body has omniscience and knows those patterns. When combined, they are actually a scripture.

The general content is: As I ask, at one time, the Buddha was in the quantum matrix of Lingshan, together with 1,250 great monks. At that time, the World Honored One was eating, wearing robes and holding an alms bowl, transcending the quantum network clouds, gathering in his sea of ​​suffering. Forty-eight thousand relics were returned to their original place. After the meal, they collected their clothes and bowls, washed their feet, and sat down...

It roughly means that the future Buddha of Lightning Tathagata, before giving lectures, first connected to the Internet, extracted a bunch of useful emotional information from the sea of ​​emotional data collected by the broilers surfing the Internet, and supplemented his own Thought loss.

Obviously, the system of this world is very interesting.

However, Zhao Cheng's eyes only glanced at this pattern, and then looked directly at the top of the tower.

At the top of the tower is a Buddha statue with a body height of more than 20 meters, roughly six feet in height. The entire body of the Buddha statue seems to be made of an immortal vajra. Every line and every inch of material gives people a sense of wonder. An extraordinary sense of solidity and power.

Zhao Cheng could tell that the Buddha statue was alive, or in other words, the brain of the Buddha statue was alive.

At the same time, the induction in the dark made him realize that this was one of the thirteen high-end customized King Buddha-level prosthetics produced by Lingshan Company. It was called the Electronic Treasure-Xiang King Buddha!

Below the big Buddha, at a slightly lower position, sit three slightly smaller Buddha statues, all about five feet in height. They are of the same standard. These are mid-range customized Buddha-level prosthetics.

Further down, there are six smaller Buddha statues, only four feet high. They are also of the same standard and are low-end customized Bodhisattva-level prosthetics.

Further down, there are thirty-three Buddha statues with a height of only three feet. These are Arhat-level prosthetics mass-produced by Lingshan Company.

This is not the lowest level. The lowest level is where there are 3,800 bhikkhunis. These prosthetic bodies are only one foot high.

And these are also the entire ruling class of Baoxiang Temple at their feet!

Counting further down, there are people whose heads are in jars. These people are also divided into many classes, and the only way for them to obtain a real body is to become a bhikshuni.

What you see in front of you is a complete super city with brains worth billions, but its name is a temple.

In this world, such a place is called a pure land, and the Lingshan Pure Land in the "prehistoric world" is supported by thousands of large and small pure lands.

This is also the limit of the information Zhao Cheng can obtain in a short period of time through his extraordinary sensing ability.

At the same time, Zhao Cheng could sense that the prosthetic body in front of him was undergoing huge information exchanges at all times.

They knock electronic wooden fish and chant the Quantum Scripture, providing computing power and emotional data support for the Pure Land of Lingshan.

Of course, their behavior will also produce "merit", through which they can mobilize the computing power resources of Lingshan Pure Land.

In this world, immeasurable merit is almost equal to invincibility!

And there is only one person with immeasurable merit, and that is the future Lightning Tathagata.

The resources and power of an entire world are concentrated in three people. How strong will those three people be?!

The next moment, about 1.5 seconds after Zhao Cheng came to this world, the Buddha statue at the top suddenly opened its eyes, and the 800-megapixel camera took in all the information between heaven and earth.

At this moment, the Electronic Precious Appearance King Buddha shouted loudly, and the Buddha's voice chanted like thunder: "The World Honored One has a decree, evil demons have come to the world, and all the Buddhas will follow me to destroy the demons!"

The Buddha's sound seemed to contain a strange information band. After being sung, it directly activated many backdoors in the prosthetic bodies, causing all their modules to enter an overclocking state.

When Zhao Cheng heard this, his thoughts turned quickly, and he immediately understood that this was probably the so-called ultimate evil's counterattack against him.

In this world, technology is highly developed, and even the wilderness is probably under the surveillance of satellites. As for the place where he appears now, the magical power of "Heaven and Earth Audiovisual" is being used all the time, and he is constantly being monitored.


Come to think of it, just a second ago, when he first arrived, the Electronic Treasure King Buddha discovered him, and then directly uploaded his data to the Lingshan Pure Land Network, and then, in less than a second, there was a


In an instant, Zhao Cheng had countless thoughts. He thought that according to the normal way, he should master the hacker's methods, and then hack directly in reverse to create electronic inner demons and Trojan horse poisons to deceive the world.

Only by seeing and hearing can you move freely.

This is the normal way to clear customs!

Of course, if Zhao Cheng hadn't been strong enough, he wouldn't have landed here. The boss battle would have started right after he entered the scene.

If he had just entered Ziwei Yaoshi's strength, he would probably arrive in a certain corner.

Although there were many things on his mind, Zhao Cheng moved faster. Just as the electronic treasure Xiang Wang Fo opened his eyes, Zhao Cheng moved. In an instant, his body expanded into a giant more than eight meters tall.

The dawn shirt on his body also grew in size as he changed.

At the same time, the corners of the platinum-gold cloak behind him were raised high.


The sky trembled and trembled, emitting a faint white-gold light. Not only that, the exposed white-gold patterns on Zhao Cheng's body also bloomed with little brilliance at this moment.

At this moment, one thousand two hundred and ninety-six sperm holes in Zhao Cheng's body emitted immeasurable light, as if there was a terrifying nuclear reactor inside his body, and majestic power surged out.

The Great Destruction of the Four Tribulations has begun, and the sperm holes are collapsing!

Zhao Cheng was originally more than two hundred meters away from the platform at the top of the tower, but in just tenths of a second, Zhao Cheng crossed this distance.

First, people seemed to be teleporting closer to the high platform, and then there was the ear-piercing sound of air explosions.

Zhao Cheng's speed is indeed very fast, but compared to the reaction speed of the electronic program, it is still a little slow.

Almost at the same time, the top of the pyramid began to vibrate. In Zhao Cheng's feeling, as the electronic treasure Xiang Wang Buddha pointed a finger, an invisible divine light came towards him.

This is called the Six Paths of Divine Light!

However, Zhao Cheng felt clearly that this was clearly the top of the pyramid, where a high-power microwave bomb was installed.

This technology is extremely destructive to prosthetics and can destroy a large number of electronic components in an instant. It can be said that everything is destroyed under the divine light.

And for flesh and blood, the lethality of microwave bombs is also not small.

However, in this world, in the Pure Land of Lingshan, this system is called Six Paths of Divine Light. This is the forerunner of this world, and it is done deliberately in order to refine the false and turn it into the true.


The Gang Qi, which has been condensed to the extreme through repeated hard work, explodes, and the Gang Qi protects the body, directly competing with the microwave bombs. Zhao Cheng, however, does not care about the electronic treasure Xiang Wang Buddha, but has already moved towards the three Buddhas here.

body, culled it.

(End of chapter)

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