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Chapter 434 The highest in the world is the alliance leader Feng Chuanrenjia

Chapter 434: The highest in the world (added by the leader of the alliance, Feng @ Chuanren)

"Mr. Chen, how much should we invest in this technology?!"

In a courtyard, a big leader with a little dark circles on his face looked across at an excited old man with red eyes.

Although I had heard the news from the Academy before, when I saw this scene, I immediately knew that this information was probably more important than I expected.

"This is not a technology at all, but a complete industrial system whose value can no longer be measured in terms of money. The current problem is not how much we invest, but how much we invest, we have to give it to whoever wants it!"

What Mr. Chen said was categorical, as if he had returned to the high-spirited era.

"This part of the data seems to be a bit too big, but in fact, it is perfectly connected with the current industrial system. Many parameters in it have been verified, but originally, those data were based on

The theory will be difficult to apply in practice in the next ten or twenty years."

"In short, most of the things here, without going beyond the existing industrial system, are at least twenty years ahead of the current situation, and a very small number of them, if they can be verified to be effective in the laboratory later, will at least be

Fifty years ahead."

"It's hard to imagine what kind of means that person used to obtain this information."

Mr. Chen exclaimed in surprise.

He is engaged in chip research and is also a master of materials science. If combined with some of the information given by Zhao Cheng, it will be a complete virtual reality technology. It is not the kind of intubation in the back of the head, but directly puts

Brain waves are converted into photoelectric signals, and photoelectric signals are also converted into brain waves.

Such a technology is what he said was at least fifty years ahead of its time.

If this whole thing is really realized, then people can completely enter the virtual game world through professional equipment.

This is just a combination, it is something that transcends the times and is even surreal.

And if some of the technologies inside are taken out individually, it is even more meaningful in terms of materials science.

Nowadays, many high-end technologies are limited to material reasons and can only be produced and applied in small quantities in laboratories. Once the material problem is solved, the entire technology tree will rise.

Mr. Chen didn't know that Zhao Chengcheng had already devoured all kinds of academic materials and academic works that he could browse before he came up with this thing. In terms of innovation ability, he may not be able to compare with those big names, but in terms of basics

But it's solid and terrifying.

Not only the real ones, but also the copy of Ziwei Yaoshi and the copy of Hell's Redemption. The technology trees of the three worlds have all been installed in Zhao Cheng's head.

And with Zhao Cheng's current thinking power and calculation speed, it is not a problem to compare, summarize and find the common parts in the three worlds.

As for what is not common, for now, the appearance of the three worlds is not very different. Although there are differences in the microscopic field, as far as Zhao Cheng knows, they are only extremely subtle differences. In terms of context, they are all common.

Therefore, this information is available.

At the same time, the content in this information has been calculated by Zhao Cheng many times. If it is given too little, it will not achieve the effect he wants. If it is given too much, science and technology will take a huge step forward, which is not a good thing.

Throughout the ages, anyone who walks too fast will end up badly.

Especially in the field of science and technology, every huge change brings about huge changes in the economy, politics and even the pattern of civilization. Even under normal circumstances, it is earth-shaking. In this case, if it accelerates, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Not to mention anything else, just one point: when machines replace manpower, if it is gradual and smooth, there will not be a big problem. But if all of a sudden, machines completely replace manpower, how many people will be laid off by then, and how many people will be laid off?

People are unemployed?!

Even if we rely on state relief, it can only last for a while.

As for arranging other positions for those people, where will the positions come from all of a sudden?!

This is the saying that governing a big country is like cooking small dishes.

When he was younger, Zhao Cheng felt that the faster the progress of technology, the better, but now he deeply understands that everything must have a process, and all changes are not faster, but more stable, the better.


Whether it is the evolution of material form or the evolution of spiritual civilization, it takes time.

Especially what he saw in the Hell's Redemption copy made Zhao Cheng wary.

In a sense, the Hell Redemption copy also went astray because it moved too fast, leading to its destruction.

Therefore, although Zhao Cheng had the idea of ​​​​promoting the development of this world, he never thought about what the world would become in a very short period of time.

Virtual reality technology is just a small attempt by Zhao Cheng. He mainly wants to promote the development of swordsmanship in the entire world in this way.

No matter what the future holds, there is nothing wrong with trying to become stronger now.

"That person is naturally different from ordinary people."

The big leader sighed, naturally he had many speculations in his heart, but no matter how many they were, he could only keep them in his heart.

The great power belongs to oneself, and the body is invincible. With such an existence, nothing in this world can shake it.

"Speaking of which, since that person is cooperating with the state, why not just leave it to the state directly? It seems a bit unnecessary to have to open a company."

Mr. Chen said, but he didn't understand.

To say that Zhao Cheng is doing it for fame, he is a legend of a generation, how can he be different from this? As for profit, there is unlimited swiping of Dragon Cards, what is the use of taking money?!

"Mr. Chen, a person like you who is engaged in scientific research naturally doesn't understand the key points here."

The big leader smiled.

"That one doesn't want to delay."

"The power of the country is indeed powerful and overwhelming, but the market is too big and all aspects must be taken into consideration. In many things, the efficiency is inevitably not high enough."

"Let's just talk about the matter at hand. If we really set up a national project, your Academy of Sciences will probably have a sword test on the spot in order to compete for the project quota."

"Look, you have high moral standards and I respect you too. It's not good to go either way, but it's not possible for everyone to do this. If this happens, it will naturally be delayed."

Mr. Chen asked, touched the back of his head, and found that this seemed to be the case.

Don't talk about other people, didn't you see that his eyes are red now?

In fact, the subsequent fame and fortune don't matter to his level. The main thing is that the things in the materials are so attractive. Everyone wants to see the subsequent materials and products as soon as possible.

Who in their line of work doesn’t have a virtual reality dream?!

You know, their youth was the era when science fiction was most prosperous. The reason why many big names did this was because they were deceived by science fiction.

Mr. Chen was silent for a moment and said solemnly: "If you communicate with that person later, be sure to mention my name. Regarding the formation of a technical team, I am the most professional in the industry."

"There is no problem with this, but I don't know if it will have any effect. Mythical characters are more idealistic and rely on their feelings when it comes to selecting people."

The big leader didn't refuse and immediately smiled.

A few days later, Zhao Cheng's company had not yet been established, but it had already been promoted on the Internet. It was said that virtual reality technology had made breakthrough progress, and the state and Tianxing Company were cooperating to launch an unprecedented virtual reality online game, the highest in the world.


This is officially endorsed. Although many people think it is magical, they have to believe it.

As for Tianxing Company, someone checked online and found that it had only been registered for two days and that all internal personnel were keeping it secret.

As for the company's assets, they are an outrageous 300 billion.

Immediately, this topic immediately topped the list of hot searches, and countless people were discussing where this magical Tianxing Company came from.

It was at this time that the official announced again that the company's product launch conference will be held as scheduled in two months. At that time, the mysterious and overbearing president with assets of 300 billion will also make an appearance, ensuring that everyone will not be disappointed.

All of a sudden, there was an uproar at home and abroad.

Especially overseas, the first reaction of many people is to not believe it. After all, they have always been a little bit ahead in terms of technology.

But don’t mention it, after this is implemented, in China, there is no concern about the authenticity of this technology.

Only Zhao Cheng:???

The state only said that he would make an appearance at the new product launch conference to stabilize people's hearts and shock Xiao Xiao. He did not expect that it would come out like this. However, there seemed to be no problem with this statement, because the 300 billion had already arrived in his account.


There is another chapter to be written.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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