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Chapter 469 A Story

Chapter 469 A Story

Zhao Cheng's brain was already connected to the Internet. Three seconds later, he obtained the highest authority in the entire online world and became the supreme master.

Not even just in the Internet, but in the real world of the simulated world, he can also burn out anyone's brain.

The moment Zhao Cheng obtained the supreme authority, the four founders of the Way immediately noticed this and wanted to take the authority back.

Zhao Cheng's so-called supreme authority is actually an additional layer added to the authority they have.

Zhao Cheng ignored these four people for the time being, and immediately locked these four people in the small dark room with the speed of a thread.

After that, Zhao Cheng directly downloaded the recorded history of this world from the online world and summarized it.

In the 180s, the final battle broke out, and the Human Emperor narrowly won. The three major companies were defeated and retreated to the other side of the world. Most of the company people were coerced to follow. The Human Emperor established the Humane Federation, and a long tug-of-war began.

In the 220s, the founders of the three major companies further lost their egos and completely shattered their humanity. They believed that the body was a thing that hindered the evolution of life. They slaughtered all employees and canned their brains. They wanted to open up an unprecedented virtual world and refine falsehoods into reality.

In the 240s, it was another Twenty Years of War, the battle lines were constantly lengthening, and the end was far away...

This day was undoubtedly the darkest moment for the four founders. Inexplicably, they were suppressed in the place they were best at. This was no longer a matter of shame, but a matter of horror.

As for Zhao Cheng, he was wandering around the former Baoxiang Temple, now City No. 27.

Because of the high degree of excess productivity and the fact that the Humane Federation implements a distribution system based on evolution, there are no poor people in this world.

The Human Emperor is absolutely fair, which is what all living beings hope for. After practicing falsehood and becoming true, he has become such a person, or a god.

With the Human Emperor's level of evolution, it is easy to monitor the entire world.

Therefore, everyone can get their share of resources.

Even the people at the lowest level who have not undergone any evolution will not lack resources. This is why, what Zhao Cheng saw, young people can show their own personality.

At first glance, this is indeed beautiful.

But in such a beautiful world, Zhao Cheng could clearly sense the surging undercurrent.

The human heart is never satisfied. No matter how much we give, it is not enough for some people. They want more.

It was inevitable that some people's feelings towards the Human Emperor changed from admiration at first to hostility and then hatred.

When they had nothing at first, they thought it was the Human Emperor who saved them and gave them everything, so they worshiped them. But later, as they had more and more, they began to feel that the Human Emperor's existence hindered them from obtaining anything.


The human heart, human nature, is so subtle and complex, but also so real.

Enmity turns into hatred, that's how it goes!

And according to this trend, if the Emperor of Humanity falls one day, it will be the rise of the company.

The existence of the company is due to human greed and desire, and it seems that there will be another reincarnation.

"You should know that if one day you die, everything will collapse."

On the street, Zhao Cheng and four other people were wandering around. Except for Zhao Cheng, the other four people were all universal prosthetics.

The minds of these four people, the Human Emperor, the Future Lightning Tathagata, Supreme Weiyun Tianzun, and the Turing God of the Ten Directions, have now been stuffed into these four prosthetic bodies by Zhao Cheng. He even temporarily thought of going offline and returning to his original body.

Less than.

Such an unusual group of five people would turn heads when they walked on the street, but no one could have imagined that each of these five people was the supreme being who created the world.

"I no longer have a self. All sentient beings chose me in the first place, so they became me. In the future, they will only abandon themselves."

The Human Emperor responded that there were not many emotional ups and downs, but only a kind of indifference.

In a sense, the Human Emperor is the saint with the most perfect personality, but this is not his choice, but the choice of all living beings.

He chose the beginning, and all sentient beings chose the outcome.

At that time, everyone wanted a hero to stand up, so he finally couldn't bear it and stood up anyway.

"Who are you? A long time ago, it seemed that for a moment, information related to you appeared out of thin air in my thinking algorithm."

Future Lightning Tathagata said, there was no emotion in his voice, but the feeling was different from that of the Human Emperor. If the former was gentle and tolerant, his voice was cold and cold.

Taking shortcuts has a price after all, and even if it doesn't show up for a while, you will eventually have to pay it back in the future.

"Tell you a story!"

Zhao Cheng smiled.

"In this world, on the other side of the starry sky, a long time ago, there existed a magnificent civilization."

"It's just that they are not flesh and blood, but silicon-based life. Their planet is subject to high temperatures for a long time, but it is a restricted area for humans, but it is the cradle of their growth."

"Because of their special body structure, the way they communicate is not through language, but through brain fluctuations and linking thoughts. Theoretically, they are all transparent, and there are no secrets between individuals."

"In this case, when they embarked on the path of evolution, they did so very quickly."

"As time goes by, they develop faster and faster, and become stronger and stronger. In the end, their thinking power is gathered together, and it is even enough to open up the world."

"But in this case, the most powerful thoughts felt that they could be stronger, so they began to engulf other weaker thoughts and turn them into their own children."

"Until the end, the final winner appeared, but even so, it was still not enough for him to complete the final evolution. He would later die of old age, and civilization would become extinct."

"Later, part of his brain turned into a meteorite and fell on the earth."

After hearing this, the Human Emperor was very calm, but the electronic eyes of the remaining three founders flickered.

The meteorite can be said to be the beginning of everything and the most critical turning point in their destiny.

Even though their humanity has completely disappeared now, they still react to that critical point.

After that, Zhao Cheng used administrator rights to shatter the ancient world on the Internet, created a new world for himself, and erased the obsessions in the thinking algorithms of the three founders, making them the three most powerful.

Useful tool man.

Later, Zhao Cheng gave the new prehistoric era to the Human Emperor, so that even if it loses its carrier in the future, its ideas can still exist based on the prehistoric era.

The evolved brain also has a time to die. It may be a long time, but it will definitely come one day.

Zhao Cheng also wanted to see if the Human Emperor existed forever, could such a somewhat false humane paradise survive forever?!

The three major companies were disintegrated, countless people were rescued, and the news that high-level officials would conduct public trials swept the entire Humane Federation.

A new era seems to have begun.

(End of chapter)

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