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Chapter 504: A Ruler

Chapter 504 A Ruler

"The practice of the Way of Gods and Demons pursues the return of blood to the ancestors. Until the end, the gods and demons become true gods and return to the innate true spirit. That is a result comparable to the Golden Immortal of Three Tribulations."

"But according to my observation, innate spirituality is actually a framework and a kind of authority, which does not necessarily have to be filled with spiritual intelligence."

Zhao Cheng said.

"And if it doesn't involve spiritual intelligence, if you want to achieve that step, you need to constantly communicate and adjust with your thoughts. Your whole body, in fact, each family and lineage, practice the scriptures of the way of gods and demons, and abandon many of them.

Complexity, in essence, is also a communication between body and spirit."

"Among them, the most outstanding ones in cultivating the way of gods and demons are the Panhuang Immortal Body, Taiyi Infinite Body, and the Divine and Demonic Body of Ten Thousand Beasts. In order to pursue the unity of spirit and body, these scriptures will be used to practice all spiritual thoughts in the later stages.

Enter the physical body, and in this way, you can specialize in one thing."

"But in fact, the human race is just a human race, and there is actually no blood of gods and demons in the body. The gods and demons that were finally transformed into are just illusory gods and demons born after the combination of spiritual machine and human thoughts. They are just fake gods and demons.

The name."

"If you abandon spiritual wisdom, these scriptures may not be able to be practiced, but the concepts in them are feasible."

"By the way, in the ancient legend, it is said that if one achieves the Three Tribulations Golden Immortal and the Innate True Spirit at the same time, and then merges the spirit and body into one, one can directly reach the realm of the Tao Lord. This legend is true."

Zhao Cheng talked eloquently.

While speaking, Zhao Cheng directly demonstrated the body and spirit chapter of the Four Tribulations Heavenly Sword in front of the public.

Many of the great masters below may not have practiced the path of gods and demons themselves, but this does not mean that they know nothing about this path.

When the mindset is broken, everything seems to be exactly what Zhao Cheng said.

However, everyone also saw at the same time that without inspiration, even if one cultivates to the realm of innate true spirit, he may not have much power. Not only can he move mountains and seas, he may not even be able to collapse a small mountain.

And in the presence of spiritual inspiration, whether it is the Three Tribulations Golden Immortal, the Innate True Spirit, or smaller stars, they can explode.

The gap is too big.

There are also some people with flexible minds, but they think more. Since you can practice without spiritual power, does that mean that the strength of your strength is not actually the key.

In the same realm, there is a huge difference in combat effectiveness between those with spiritual intelligence and those without spiritual intelligence, so why is there no difference?!

Zhao Cheng has already said the answer to this question before.

That is, authority, or height!

In the immortal civilization here, as early as thousands of years ago, someone had already proposed the concept of dimensions. Although no one who ascended has ever returned through the ages, according to many people's assumptions, after ascension, they will be transformed into lives of higher dimensions.

Even practice itself is a process of improving dimensions.

"As for the second issue of energy conversion, it is a type of energy called Qi. Its essence is a transformation of electromagnetic force."

"One Yuan Jing Kong condenses Qi."

While speaking, Zhao Cheng waved his hand, and a one-yuan fine hole map appeared in the void.

Not only that, this fine hole evolved with mana actually transformed the ubiquitous electromagnetic force into an energy with an extremely low energy level in the eyes of everyone.

In fact, Zhao Cheng still vaguely understands the essence of the fine hole. Now he is able to reproduce it because of his cleverness, which is similar to the "I am thinking" quality.

The spirit machine itself has the nature of a black box. The Jing Kong evolved by Zhao Cheng and the real Jing Kong are not essentially the same thing, but the anger generated in the end is the same.

Qi is probably derived from electromagnetic force and does not involve any laws and regulations. It is just a kind of pure energy. Therefore, even if the world is changed, it can still evolve.

Unless we arrive in a world where electromagnetic force does not exist, there is still the possibility of birth of Qi. Even in the real world, if we can understand the essence of the fine hole, it may not be impossible to reproduce it.

In fact, Zhao Cheng is already doing this. He opened a great orifice on the Sword Heart Holy Soul. The system composed of the great orifice is prepared to transform the magnetic field of heaven and earth and has extremely high adaptability.

Everyone in the audience used their spiritual thoughts to sense its various properties, and they have already noticed the inertia of Qi. Not only is its energy level low, but its compatibility with the spirit is also low. The advantage is probably that it does not require inspiration.


To increase the energy level of this energy and change its nature, it is not difficult to use spiritual machines and runes. Nowadays, the heaven and earth formations covering every planet have this technology, which can radiate all kinds of energy in the universe.

, transformed into the power of the formation's operation, but all of this is based on spiritual intelligence.

It doesn't seem completely impossible without the help of inspiration, but it's also very difficult to do.

At this time, some people already have some ideas to replicate the process of technological development, using low-end equipment to manufacture components of more powerful equipment, and so on, in order to achieve the overall upgrade of the industrial system.

If Qi is used as the initial equipment and the correct path is found, it can indeed be achieved.

But this thing is just like in ancient times. Everyone knows that the principle of nuclear energy is the fusion or fission of atoms. You know it. If you want to directly make corresponding products, you can only suggest going to bed early today.

After that, Zhao Cheng told another story.

Then the topic turned to the most critical thing, how to cultivate the soul to the level of the Three Tribulations Golden Immortal without any inspiration.

"The practice of immortality, the so-called Tiangang Disha, is the embodiment of the combination of spiritual machine and various information of heaven and earth. After condensing the soul, one can understand all the phenomena of heaven and earth and strengthen the soul. In essence, it is still to use various information to strengthen the soul.

Continuously optimize its own information structure.”

"Thousands of Yuan Shen Dharma, condensed Yuan Shen, all kinds of strange things, in the final analysis, what we are pursuing is just the stability of an information state."

"If you don't have the inspiration, the process of cultivating the soul will only be ten times more difficult, but it is not impossible."

"In my imagination, the most stable Yuan Shen structure is the one-yuan acupoint. The significance of the existence of the acupoint is not just to compress spiritual power, but more importantly, as a complete structural system.

It is used to show the scale, that is, it becomes a standard. Only with a ruler can we measure the heaven and earth and measure everything."

"In my imagination, if this system can be completed, anyone can pass this path and realize the Pure Yang Soul."

As soon as Zhao Cheng said these words, along with something that Zhao Cheng evolved with his magic power, a storm of thoughts suddenly erupted in the entire audience.

When Zhao Cheng talked about Xiantian True Spirit, there were not many people taking this path, so they were relatively calm. When he talked about Jing Kong and Qi, they did not practice this kind of power and were outsiders. But when it came to Chunyang

When it comes to the Yuanshen, something that is closely related to them, they can't remain calm.

No matter how strong the Yuan Shen is, he will still die. Although the Yuan Shen has a long life, there are many disasters in the world. How many strong Yuan Shen can live to die?!

Only after surviving the three tribulations, transforming into a pure Yang, turning into a golden immortal, and ascending to the sky, can the world and the earth truly live together.

However, throughout the ages, this step can only be accomplished by oneself, but Zhao Cheng opened up new ideas for them.

The most important thing is that Zhao Cheng is not just talking nonsense. After practicing to their level, it is still possible to distinguish between truth and falsehood. They can detect that what Zhao Cheng said is true.

Of course, nothing is false and nothing is false. Difficulties are also really difficult.

But at least, it gives a way.

(End of chapter)

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