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Chapter 507 The Possibility of the Heart

Chapter 507 The Possibility of the Heart

"According to geography, this area was still an endless grassland more than 900 years ago. A few years ago, I read a survey of the Tucker Desert written by a friend of mine. There was a chapter in it that said,

Outside the desert, there is a group of former herdsmen. According to the legend passed down by them orally, their ancestors, under the guidance of God, shouldered a great mission and left the realm of God along the galaxy."

"As for what that great mission is, there are many theories. For example, God foresaw Ragnarok, or God saw people's desires and expelled people. These things are obviously the religions of later generations.

Made up, the ancient Gods of Sumer did not have this."

"Actually, most of the things called God are used in the name of God to fulfill people's desires."

"This point, no matter which nation or civilization, has achieved amazing unity without any communication."

“When you need it, offer it to the gods; if you don’t need it anymore, throw it away like worn-out shoes.”

Finally, Professor Jetev broke the silence. He looked at the dim sky, with stars twinkling faintly. The moon on the horizon was very pale, and the moon was dark and stars were numerous.

"indeed so."

Zhao Cheng answered.

"Since ancient times, primitive people have turned the power of nature into totems to worship, not because of their belief in gods, but because of fear and fear of that powerful force, so they turned themselves into believers.

Come and seek spiritual sustenance.”

"In modern times, people are still very realistic. They only worship gods, but it is no longer out of fear, but because they hope to get benefits from gods and Buddhas, and they also seek some kind of spiritual comfort."

"According to the explanation of modern psychology, this is a kind of strong-willed psychology in human instinct. If this kind of psychological plot is very serious, it will even lead to subjective consciousness to confuse right and wrong, which is the so-called self-deception."

"That's right."

"Just like the villains in many hero movies, they all do all kinds of evil, are anti-moral and anti-human. But the amazing thing is that such villains and scumbags can actually have many fans, even die-hard fans."

Susan clapped her hands.

"There are also vicious female supporting characters in anime. It seems that as long as they have a noble status like a princess or a queen, and they look better, some people will like them no matter how vicious they are."

Sheila, a girl with eyes as bright as a Persian cat, said.

"For example, the queen in Snow White, in recent years, doujinshi..."

Her words were normal, but she suddenly stopped and realized that she seemed to have said something that she shouldn't have said.

"In short, mankind seems to have been making progress over the years, but in some places, it is not much different from the people in the primitive era."

"There is no difference. The existence of human beings is extremely imaginative, and Mu Qiang's psychology is also divided into two types. One is to worship, and the other is to self-hypnotize, or even create another person.

When the personality mask comes out, as for the switch that is activated, it may be a set of clothes or a mask. In fact, the oldest method of spiritual cultivation comes from this." Zhao Chengxiao said.

"When many people are role-playing, their entire spirit will be in a highly excited state."

"Zhao, I know this." Sheila became excited. "Wizards in ancient times wore masks, made weird movements, and made strange sounds to hypnotize themselves. Therefore, they were awed by many people. But in modern times,

, there are also some people who wear weird clothes and do weird actions, but times have changed, and many people don’t understand this, so they become chuunibyou!”

"Obviously, this is a prejudice!"

Zhao Cheng knew the reason why Xue La was so excited. It was probably because when the other party was fourteen or fifteen years old, she was the famous Feixue Knight on the Internet.

This is a "dark history" of the other party. This character is a popular character in a very popular anime about ten years ago.

Two years later, when she was a little older, Sheila suddenly couldn't look directly at her dark history, so she deleted things frantically. Unfortunately, in the online world, even if you delete some things, they will leave traces.

As a person, everyone has many sides. You never know whether a serious, steady and reliable man in front of you will change his mind with a knight's belt when he is alone in the room.


As the discussion became increasingly lively, the previous atmosphere, which was even silent and somewhat sad, was completely gone.

When you are alone, it is easy to have random thoughts and be immersed in emotions, but when there are many people, it is easy to be dragged out without being hurt even if you want to.

After the meal, they chatted for a while, and then everyone went back to rest, except for one person who was left to watch the night.

Zhao Cheng's senses were very keen, and not long after, he heard the voices of the three girls, Sheila, Susan, and Lorna, discussing doujinshi in the tent.

At the same time, although Zhao Chengcheng was in the tent, his senses reflected the Milky Way in the sky into the lake in his heart.

Many people have a wrong understanding, that is, they must cover an area mentally before they can sense it.

This kind of understanding cannot be said to be completely wrong, but it does have to add a restriction, that is, it is limited to the ninth sense.

If you fully understand the ninth sense, you can reflect the universe into your soul. It is not that the spirit can cover the world, but it is like a mirror.

Are mirrors powerful?!

It has no power.

But if you think about it carefully, you may not be able to see the world in one mirror. The vast mountains, rivers and stars in the sky can all be reflected in a small mirror.

Although Zhao Cheng is still a little far away from the ninth sense, some signs have appeared on his body. Before, he could only reflect information, but now, he can also reflect objects.

Not only that, the sixth sense, the seventh sense, the eighth sense, and the somewhat rudimentary ninth sense are combined. Each of these major senses is already very powerful when taken alone. When combined, it is even more powerful.

Unbelievably wonderful.

Zhao Cheng integrated his perception into the earth. There was yellow sand underground, and there were even some insects, but very few. Going deeper, you could see the dead roots of some plants.

This kind of perception can be possessed by some swordsmen, there is nothing special about it.

But as Zhao Cheng thought, time seemed to reverse. Suddenly, for thousands of years, the ashes condensed into the corpses of insects, and then came to life, and then left here, and the dead roots revived and turned into plants.

, the plants turned into seeds again, and then the seeds flew away.

For a moment, Zhao Cheng seemed to have entered a dream and saw a vast wilderness. On the wilderness, there was a man in strange clothes herding sheep. It was a child. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the child drove the sheep away.

He seemed to have traveled through eternity and came to the past of this land, but in the blink of an eye, everything seemed to be shattered like a dream. Only in his ears, it seemed that there were still strange songs sung by children when they were tending sheep.

It is not easy to break the limit of each of the ten pillars.

Breaking through the limits of knowledge can support a moment of cosmic light. Breaking through the limits of divine means can distort reality for a moment. But what about breaking through the limits of the mind?!

Zhao Cheng has already achieved the realm of breaking through the limits of the mind and the flood of civilization. It is indeed very powerful, but it is not magical enough.

At this moment, Zhao Cheng understood that his mind had broken through the limits, became more ethereal, and had the possibility of transcending everything.

But it is only possible, so taken alone, it does not seem to have great power, but if there is a strong enough support, it can have such incredible power.

In the future, Zhao Chengruo will use the ten pillars to prove his high dimension. The heart is the cornerstone that leads everything.

After that, Zhao Cheng tried several more times, but he could no longer enter the previous state.

(End of chapter)

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