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Chapter 548 The idea of ??violating identity

Chapter 548 The idea of ​​violating identity

The night was dark and it was raining lightly in the sky.

Edsa Building and Edsa Plaza are crowded with people at the moment, and the bad weather cannot affect the enthusiasm of the good people.

After a hundred years, the Phantom Thief who bears the name of Tokuyu reappears. Whether he is a poor imitator or a real Phantom Thief will soon be revealed.

At the top of the Edsa Building, at this moment, Carmenna was dressed in clothes and leather shoes, overlooking the ant-like crowd below. He had an expressionless face, short hair, and a thick beard, and his face had a calm and self-defeating look.

Although many people contributed exhibits to this exhibition, he was the leader. In a sense, this so-called exhibition is essentially a gathering of celebrities, and it is only promoted by the name of the exhibition.

Just the style you like.

At the same time, this is also a way for all parties to show off their own strength.

Undoubtedly, the crown of Carmena's sky is the crown of all exhibits.

However, originally, at such a gathering, he would receive many awed looks, just like before.

But this time, many guests in the huge hall were talking about Tokuyu III.

It has to be said that before capitalists became capitalists, they all had their childhoods. Some of them also liked the works about monster thieves, and they also imagined that they could go on the same legendary adventures as the protagonists in the works.

It wasn't until I grew up and inherited the family business that I suddenly discovered that the villain was myself.

However, at that time, childhood was far away, people had grown up, and understood what reality was. Similar thoughts were just an occasional moment and a knowing smile.

Especially at this time, what Deyu III wants to steal is not theirs. They are just spectators, so their mood is very subtle.

From their current position, logically, they should hope that Tokuyu III will fail in the theft, but they probably have had similar fantasies before. Therefore, not only do they not hate Tokuyu III, but they also have some hope for him.

The third generation is real.

The real world is too cold and cruel, something a little different is not a bad thing.

However, considering Mr. Carmenna's mood, everyone did not speak so directly. They just talked often, looked at each other, and smiled knowingly.

As for Carmena, his experience is also legendary. It is widely rumored that he made his fortune from a box of gold coins passed down from his ancestors. His business grew bigger and bigger, and he can be regarded as a model of grassroots rise.

As for his personality, some ordinary people only think of him as a philanthropist, but in fact, he is ruthless and has no bottom line.

But these are actually not accurate. In the earliest days, he was actually a robber who accumulated his first pot of gold through robbery.

It's just that this part of the past is hidden so deeply that no one knows about it.

At this moment, he was not only looking down at Ant-Man in the square, but also at the celebrities below.

He was very confident about his arrangement. Not only did he hire a professional team of Gods security guards who were famous all over the world, but he also spent a lot of money to hire a top swordsman to personally guard the crown of the sky.

In his opinion, in this case, Tokuyu III had no possibility of succeeding.

As for the fact that Tokuyu III was actually a sword master, he had not thought about it.

How high is the status of the Sword Master?!

In a small country, he is the uncrowned king. Even in the top big countries, he belongs to the decision-makers. How could he be so bored that he comes to become a thief?!

There shouldn't be any sword master who is so naive.

You are already a sword master, why don’t you just grab it openly?!

At this moment, his expression was calm, but in his heart, he already hated Tokuyu III extremely much, but his expression did not show any trace of it, and his thoughts could be described as extremely deep.

Over the past few days, the Carmen Group has suffered considerable losses.

"How's it going?!"

Carmenna said, his voice was not loud, but it was clearly understood by his subordinates through the headset.

"Nothing unusual."

A response came from the headset.

At this time, all important places, such as the monitoring room and power distribution room, are closely guarded.

Not only that, this building is powered by two lines at the same time. It is not only connected to the external power grid, but its own generator set is also running 24 hours a day to prevent accidents.

In addition, in order to prevent hackers from invading the building through network means, the entire building was physically disconnected at this critical moment and was not connected to the outside network at all.

In this case, as long as the crown of the sky is not lost, there is no need to capture Deyu III. When dawn comes, Deyu III will be ruined.

Carmenna was very confident, and the old man sitting cross-legged next to the showcase was also very confident.

This old man is also a member of the Tokugawa generation, his name is Tokugawa Koha. He is a late bloomer, a certified swordsman at the age of thirty-five and a swordsman at the age of fifty-five. He is now ninety-six years old and certified ten years ago.

Top swordsman.

At this age, people's mental and physical abilities have already begun to decline, but he can prove it in reverse, which shows that he is extraordinary.

In fact, he is now in a very high state of mind, already in the state of mind of a saint, but he is too old, and it is useless no matter how high his state of mind is.

There are many strong men like him in the world.

It seems that the closer to death, when the body changes from prosperity to decline, it is easier to understand the wonders of life and death.

Tokugawa Koha is now in his nineties, his beard and hair are all white, but there are not many wrinkles on his face. He is wearing a loose white robe, sitting cross-legged on the ground with a long sword across his knees, nothing else.

, in terms of aura, it is undoubtedly full.

His heart was very peaceful. Sitting still at this moment, it felt like a bright mirror still water, with a radius of more than a hundred meters, everything was reflected in the lake in his heart.

He was also a little curious as to what means Deyu III had to steal the Crown of the Sky in front of him.

On the other side, the crowd at Edsa Square is also very complex. At least one-tenth of the people in it are various types of anchors, video bloggers, and young reporters.

Therefore, as far as various live broadcast platforms and video websites are concerned, the hottest topic right now is not even the Arctic Sword of Heaven that just went viral this morning, but the debut of Tokuyu III.

The North Pole is too far to get there, but the Edsa Square area is very easy to get there.

And as long as it comes, it means popularity and money. Therefore, all of a sudden, all kinds of live broadcasts are extremely popular.

In Shonan, at this time, the school was still having evening classes, and some students were already secretly watching the live broadcast.

There are mostly girls here and only some boys.

Of course, because the incident happened overseas, even if the news spread on the Internet for a period of time, and with the blessing of Deyu's name, not many students really paid attention to this matter. It is completely different from the previous press conference of Zhao Chengtianxing Company.


One is at the national level, and the one in front of me is only known to some people who are very idle and often hang out on the Internet.

Therefore, things are mainly spread among students, and adults are relatively busy.

(End of chapter)

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