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Chapter 579: Imprint

Chapter 579 Mark

From Zhao Cheng's perspective, the power of the bombardment was really powerful. If his swordsmanship had not entered the realm of creation, he would not be qualified to fight with him, or in other words, he would not be able to find him at all.


However, at this moment, he has the home field advantage, and this power comes from outside the universe and has no support in the universe. Therefore, even if this catastrophic force is extremely powerful, the life from its source

The level was much higher than his, but at this moment, he couldn't do anything to him.

However, this calamity power is also extraordinary. His understanding of high dimensions is far better than that of Zhao Cheng, but it is subject to many restrictions.

In fact, right now, the most powerful force in this world is not the universe itself, nor Zhao Cheng, but the wave that creates the sword species. It is consistent with the universe, and with just a little aftermath, it creates countless sword ways.

Genius, you can see how powerful he is.

In the ancient universe, only the ethnic groups that have given birth to great kings will have their talents improved. This is a kind of connection between origins. Even the great kings cannot analyze the secrets and actively give it to a ethnic group to raise its lower limit.

Master Zhao Cheng can control the power of the sword species, but he only has that authority. How much he can use it depends entirely on himself.

This catastrophic force can come in because it exploits a loophole in the system, so it can be done the first time, but the second time it will be targeted by the fluctuation.

This shows how powerful the things left by the Sword Ancestor are.

The other strongest men had already gained a lot by feeling the aftermath of that battle, and the one who gained the most was Zhao Cheng.

In the moment of fighting, the color of the words behind the ten pillars on his panel has gone through a full round of deepening.

Many high-dimensional mysteries have been learned by him, and even if he ignores the future and breaks one or two heavenly barriers in a row, it is not impossible.

Of course, Zhao Cheng would not be so short-sighted.

After practicing so far, he has understood why the more obstacles he overcomes, the harder it will be in the future.

If you compare your own spiritual wisdom to a piece of white paper, then to pass the level is to draw on the paper. It is easiest to pass the first level because you don't have to consider the overall situation, but the second level, the third level..., as the paper goes

There are more and more content on the game. If you don’t make reasonable arrangements when you pass the level, it will naturally become more and more difficult until you get stuck in a level.

In addition, the content of the paintings is also extremely important. With the same splash of ink, some people paint brilliant pictures, while others paint chickens pecking rice. They are indeed paintings, but the final results are completely different.

the same.

In fact, when I cleared the level first, there were some problems with the route, which caused me to be held back.

Zhao Cheng's current situation is the same as before when he pioneered the divine path. The realm can be proved, but he is not in a hurry to prove it. Instead, he first carefully observes, thinks and deduces until everything is clear, and then goes to prove it.

As a person who blazes a trail, if you don't even have this kind of patience, you are undoubtedly unqualified.

After a short battle, Zhao Cheng gained a lot, and at the same time, he more and more proved the truth of disaster.

It seems that every time a calamity rolls around, he has gained something, as Wang Zizai did that time, and the more severe the calamity, the greater his gains.

He is comparable to the captain of the transportation team.

However, this is because he is strong enough, otherwise, he can only watch everything happen without doing anything himself.

Luck! Luck!

With a thought, Zhao Cheng's spiritual world was reshaped at this moment, or in other words, it was a natural chain change after the savings reached a certain level.

Deep in his spiritual world, the crimson fire was surging at this moment, surging out in an instant and filling the entire spiritual world.

After that, the flame, mixed with the demonic power brewed by the dimensional demonic route, actually directly refined Zhao Cheng's spiritual world into a state similar to jade and glass, in which there were countless seemingly immortal light spots.

, all the light points seem to be combined into a universe, and they seem to be a demon god.

All of a sudden, Zhao Cheng felt a sense of ease and ease in his heart, as if the high-dimensional power had become extremely light at this moment.

Zhao Cheng understood that although he had not passed the test, the "white paper" on which he painted had been refined and expanded. Not only was it wider, but its texture was also thicker and tougher, and could carry thicker brushes and ink without sacrificing the quality of the paper.

As for the paper breaking.

It was at this moment that the force that struck down suddenly changed, and in this space and time, it turned into an empress wearing a crown and gorgeous clothes.

The face of this empress seems to have surpassed the perception of beauty by living beings. No matter what kind of aesthetics, everyone will find it beautiful.

And in terms of spiritual essence, this empress is somewhat similar to the queen.

Obviously, there is a reason why the Queen was chosen as the one to be robbed.

There are indeed no two identical leaves in the world, but there are many leaves that are very similar.

Indeed, they are two individuals, but if their magical power is high enough, those slight differences can be erased.



The empress opened her eyes. Indeed, she was not incorporeal, but at this moment, everyone could sense her existence with their spirits, and noticed the terrifying power on her body. At the same time, they could also feel the power originating from life.

The pressure caused by the gap in levels.

This group of people are all standing at the top of the world, but at this moment they are called ants by another person. This is undoubtedly the first time that such a thing has happened, but everyone feels that this does not seem to be an insult, but an explanation.

A fact.

At the same time, with the word "death", everyone felt that their lives seemed to be deprived. Originally, life was a conceptual term, just a definition. People must be killed first before they can be deprived.

, but just this one word, at this moment, it was said as if it were words, and the feeling that something was leaving me was extremely strong.

It was at this moment that a bright white-gold light appeared between the sky and the earth. Immediately, the feeling of death disappeared.

The empress's true identity is undoubtedly a great monarch. Zhao Cheng's understanding of the great monarch mainly comes from Wu Suo's understanding of the great monarch.

As a half-king, the other party has never seen the Great King in his life, but has only heard some legends about the Great King.

According to legend, the Maharaja is extremely powerful and omnipotent.

In reality, as far as Zhao Cheng could see at this moment, it was indeed very strong, but it didn't seem to be as strong as he imagined.

At the same time, when this mark was sent in, the entire calamity force seemed to disappear, but Zhao Cheng sensed something in the dark that there were already some things that should be calamified. There were humans inside, but not all of them.

Seeing the white-golden light, the empress and great monarch, who had always looked indifferent, also showed surprise and mental fluctuations at this time.

A mark can carry not much information, but there is still some common sense. How could such a barren world give birth to such a powerful life? Even if there are fragments of Sword Ancestor's Dao Fruit here, it is impossible!

(End of chapter)

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