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Chapter 609 Open

Chapter 609 Open

And this kind of thing is a breakthrough from scratch for the real world.

At the same time, all researchers are now full of confidence in this project.

You know, when computers were first developed, they were as big as a room.

But more than a hundred years later, the performance of a chip the size of a fingernail has surpassed the original computer by countless times.

Runes, in the understanding of many researchers, are similar to a kind of "component" with extremely high versatility. A sufficient number and sufficient types, when combined, become a variety of machines with special functions.

Some can breathe fire, some can gather water, some can make ice, and even shoot lightning and thunder, fly into the sky and escape from the earth. They may seem supernatural, but in fact they are all within nature.

Some researchers have even had daydreams about the prospects of rune technology.

If one day, this technology can be applied to nanorobots and replace all matter in the world with nanorobots, will it be possible to become a "god" by completely relying on super-control over the robots?!

In Zhao Cheng's opinion, such an idea is feasible.

The only problem is that if technology really reaches that level, there is no need to use this method to obtain almost "god"-like power.

Becoming a god or something is too far away after all.

At present, the greatest use of research results on rune technology is to expand the field of basic materials.

As for why we chose the tower shape, it is because this shape is relatively stable.

Zhao Cheng stayed here for a while, chatted a few words with relevant personnel, and then left.

What we see before us is just the tip of the iceberg of changes in the world here. Time is passing and everything is changing with each passing day.

Zhao Cheng can only predict the general direction of an era, and the final result is still unknown.

Arctic snowfield, brilliant aurora.

This is one of the strongest magnetic pole points in the world. Zhao Cheng's figure appeared here. With the appearance of Zhao Cheng, the magnetic light in a radius of more than a hundred miles immediately boiled, and with it, more than a hundred miles away, the wider world,

That aurora also creates endless waves.

This situation has been going on for some time.

After the New Year, Zhao Cheng would spend part of every day on the snowfield. During this period of time, Zhao Cheng's super-dimensional body made great progress, which was mainly reflected in the energy and god part of the ten pillars.

At the earliest stage, the energy level of Qi was too low, so it was impossible to give birth to a spirit. However, as Zhao Cheng completed the eighth revolution of Qi Dao, although there was still a huge distance from breaking through the ninth revolution of Qi, the Qi of this level could

There is already a foundation for the birth of Neng Shen.

In other words, there are seeds of divine power in the structure of every life, but not all seeds can germinate under all conditions.

In reality, it was only more than a month, but in the simulated world, Zhao Cheng spent a lot of time and kept moving forward.

On his extradimensional body, the original one thousand, two hundred and ninety-six sperm holes all over his body have now become filled with gods. The only problem now is that the gods are not powerful enough when they are first formed.

The Neng Shen is just like the Body Shen. It is always weak at the beginning and must be practiced step by step before it can grow stronger.

According to Zhao Cheng's understanding, it is to compile a suitable "program algorithm".

The more powerful the algorithm, the more powerful the energy.

Until you reach the Nine-Yuan Dao, which is similar to thinking, you have broken through the heavenly barrier and touched the higher dimensions.

The birth of gods from the initial spermatozoa can be said to be a change from nothing, a dead thing becomes a living thing. Although the gods are small, they are still the difference between existence and non-existence. Based on this, Zhao Cheng began to

Glimpse into the mystery of the origin of the sperm hole.

Even though he has only seen a very small part of it now, he has benefited a lot.

Therefore, not only is the super-dimensional body deducing, but he is also deducing simultaneously in reality.

On the snowy field, as Zhao Cheng used his spiritual thoughts and life magnetic field to stir up the magnetic light, occasionally for a few moments, even an extremely brief shadow of the devil would appear in the vast sky.

Such a miraculous thing naturally attracted a lot of attention, and even caused controversy for a while.

Many authoritative media outlets around the world have reported the news about the demon god's phantom.

Regarding this matter, there are now a lot of discussions on the Internet. Some people say that this is an accident, similar to a mirage, while others say that this is some kind of omen.

At the same time, many experts and explorers are also trying to find the source of the phenomenon, but they have found nothing.

Zhao Cheng's current state is almost a false coincidence of fate. Only those who are destined can see it. Otherwise, even through video recording, he will be turned a blind eye.

Finally, at twelve o'clock that night, the panel finally accumulated enough energy to solidify the new copy of the time and space beacon.

Zhao Cheng directly opened the new copy.

Log: Extracting simulation copy

Log: The copy has been extracted, please choose one:

"Looking for the Lost Sword Girl" (78%), "Witch's Mirror of All Flowers" (112%), "Empire Hegemony" (112%), "Game of the Chosen" (104%), "Heart of the Red Lotus" (

103%), "The Devil's Bizarre Adventure" (97%), "Fantasy Kingdom" (92%), "Knight's Glory" (88%)

As usual, there are eight copies, three of which are duplicates, and the remaining five are all newly created.

Zhao Cheng directly skipped the three repeated ones, and then Zhao Cheng glanced at the remaining five.

"Looking for the Lost Sword Girl": Why did the sword girl get lost?! This is a question.

Tags: collection, adventure, rescue

"Red Lotus Heart": Burn, that fiery heart.

Tags: blood, fighting, madness, strong man

"The Demon King's Bizarre Adventure": The story begins with the beautiful brave girl who has completed one game...

Tags: reopen, develop,???

"Fantasy Country": Empty imagination can turn into power? Reality? Or illusion?!

Tags: fate, ideal, delusion, end

"Knight's Glory": Everything started when I picked up a belt...

Tags: battle, blood, time and space

Zhao Cheng glanced at it briefly, and did not even struggle between the two copies of Empire Glory and Witch Wanhua Mirror with the same suitability, and chose the Witch Wanhua Mirror without hesitation.

If not for anything else, just because he now has the opportunity to play genuine games.

With a time span of one hundred years, it is very possible to return to the time before the end.

It doesn't really matter whether she is a witch or something. As a person, he prefers the label of redemption, and that's what he went for.

When Zhao Cheng makes a choice, the log is refreshed immediately.

Log: The space-time beacon is selected...

Log: The extra-dimensional body is being released...

Log: Trait module is being extracted...

Log: Affected by the Mark of Fire, you have acquired more world information.

Log: Affected by special factors in the world, the information you obtain has a huge deviation:


???Era, disillusionment?

Zhao Cheng saw a bunch of question marks on the panel, and there were also a bunch of question marks in his mind. The water in this copy seemed a bit deep.

That's all for today. I've recovered a little, but my mental state is still not good. I can't guarantee how much I can write in the next few days.

This disease is so uncomfortable. It has been a few days and I still can’t get over it...

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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