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Chapter 62: The Second Wei Lan


You came to Shuiyue Temple, you decided to be steady, and you continued to run the map. You ran around for a while, but gained nothing, so you returned to Shuiyue Temple.

You entered Shuiyue Temple, you met the painstaking person (white? blue?), and you heard a secret saying, "I cross the Buddha? I don't cross!", which seems to contain a huge secret.

You alarmed Buddha's mercy, you encountered Mantra Kung Fu and the Mighty King's Mantra, your spirit was greatly suppressed, and you died.

Zhao Cheng skipped a lot of unimportant details and looked directly at the key points.

Originally, he thought that the monk-like monster might have been entangled in love and hate for a long time before he said the words "If the Buddha does not save me, I will shed tears." However, he never expected that there was still something wrong with his sentence segmentation.

Should I cross over to Buddha? No!

This sentence fragment is more or less meaningful.

As for the grade of painstaking person, it means that the intensity exceeds white, but does not reach blue, which is why this strange rating form appears.

Zhao Cheng didn't think much about the big secret mentioned in the simulation summary. No matter what secret he had, as long as the value was high enough, he could always find it if he opened more treasure chests in the future.

The fragmentary pages of the diary of boxing master Sun Ming are proof of this.

Zhao Cheng gained a lot from this simulation. Not only was he able to kill monsters without taking any damage for the first time, but his aerial calamity was also increased to +2. The most important thing was that he understood the principle of not writing a diary if nothing happened.

After sorting out his thoughts a little, Zhao Cheng started the second simulation directly.

When the simulation began, Zhao Cheng began to practice swordsmanship. Counting today, although it has only been four days and eight simulations, Zhao Cheng's swordsmanship has improved rapidly and he is not far from level 9.

At the same time, after eight simulations, Zhao Cheng's five-dimensional attributes, in addition to the newly increased spirit, have also reached the edge of growth. It should be said that he is making progress every time he practices, but the progress is very subtle, less than 0.1

, this is accumulated, and the data is not directly displayed.

When the blood moon appeared, Zhao Cheng rushed to the Tianfeng Pavilion and fought with Sun Ming again. At the cost of an injured arm, he killed the opponent but did not get the treasure chest.

The battle was changing rapidly, and humans are not machines after all. They cannot always make no mistakes. Zhao Cheng failed to kill without any injuries.

Zhao Cheng then ran the map and explored areas he had never reached before until the simulation ended.


You discovered the Eagle Club, there seems to be a slight ripple in it

Zhao Cheng looked at the key point and immediately narrowed his eyes.

After eight simulations, he finally found the second monster that he had a chance to kill with his combat power.

However, Zhao Cheng still suppressed his thoughts and used the three source points to redeem the number of simulations and continue the simulation.

It only takes one day to use three source points to perform a simulation, which is not worth it.

After finishing his daily simulation, Zhao Cheng took out a Sanbao Health Pill, peeled off the lid and wax coating, and ate it in small bites, chewing it slowly until it was chewed into fine pieces before swallowing it.

This way of eating is a small trick that can better absorb the medicinal effects.

The taste of Sanbao Health Pills was neither delicious nor unpleasant, but soon after eating it, Zhao Chengcheng felt a warm feeling spreading from his stomach to his whole body.

This feeling is very similar to that of eating a full meal after being hungry, but there are some differences.

If I had to describe it, it would be like an empty bottle. When eating, you put stones in it. When you are full, it is full. After eating the Sanbao Health Pills, it is like filling it with fine sand.

The bottle can no longer hold stones, but it can continue to hold sand.

As for the empty bottle, it corresponds to human digestion and absorption capabilities.

Therefore, it is said that medicated food is the most nourishing food, which means it is worth a lot of money.

After taking the medicine, Zhao Cheng sat cross-legged on the bed and practiced breathing techniques for twenty minutes as usual. After practicing, he lay down and fell asleep within three to five seconds.

After a dreamless night, Zhao Cheng got up on time at six o'clock in the morning. He felt that his spirit was stronger than before, and his body felt more energetic.

This change in feeling is very subtle. If it were quantified, it would be about one-twentieth stronger than usual.

It makes sense that the medicine should be replenished over time.

Moisturizing things quietly and nourishing people.

When Zhao Cheng got up, he lit incense directly without washing, then sat cross-legged on the bed and began his daily practice.

As he breathed, his spirit calmed down. First, the heart lake appeared in the mental image, and then the reflection of the long sword appeared in the heart lake. Then as Zhao Cheng breathed, the shadow floated up until it hung above the heart lake.


As Zhao Cheng breathed, the long sword above the heart lake also vibrated slightly, as if he was breathing along with it.

And during such a process, Zhao Cheng only felt that there were ripples, centered on the long sword, rippling out, washing his soul and purifying all the impurities in it.

His inner lake is shrinking, and at the same time, the shadows in his inner lake are also decreasing. Until finally, when the entire inner lake becomes crystal clear, his tranquility has reached its peak.

At the same time, mental changes also silently affect the body. With breathing and mental changes, some deeply hidden points in the body that can never be stimulated by strength training are all stimulated.

The stimulation is enough to cause a numbing sensation in the body.

Originally, the human nervous system cannot develop again after a certain age, but this kind of stimulation from the spiritual level activates the development of the nervous system, keeping it in an advanced stage of development.

It wasn't until twenty minutes passed that Zhao Cheng felt that the heat was enough, so he let out a sigh of relief, then took the wooden sword and waved it one after another in the palm-sized room.

Such movements also have the effect of stimulating the nervous system, but the most important thing is to allow the nervous system to generate muscle memory at an unimaginable speed in such a highly excited state.

Only with muscle memory, the movement of force can become fine and silky, and the whole body responds with just one thought.

One sword after another, Zhao Cheng swung slowly and steadily. How he swung the sword was only secondary. He mainly wanted to let his body remember the feeling of luck.

In this way, he practiced for almost forty minutes. Even though Zhao Cheng was swinging very slowly, he still felt that his physical and mental strength were reaching the limit, so he slowly sheathed the sword.

After that, Zhao Cheng took another Sanbao Health Pill, breathed and sat still for a quarter of an hour, and then went to wash up and change clothes.

At this time, it was already past seven o'clock, it was already bright, and it was still early. He planned to go out and have breakfast first.

And when he opened the door, he was surprised to find that Zhao Xiaoxiang was practicing sword practice on the grass in the community at the door, and he looked pretty decent with each move.

This chapter has been completed!
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