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Chapter 665 Change

Chapter 665 Change

In the past, few people saw what they did, and those who did saw it would deliberately turn a blind eye. But this time, even gods knew about it and watched.

It seems that human beings are ruled by gods, and the emergence of such a god is not a bad thing.

People can be greedy for power, but God is not.

There is no conflict between God's position and those who pursue fame and wealth. Unknowingly, many people's ideas are quietly changing.

For the first time, everyone clearly understood the true gold content of the true God in the world.

In the past, the other party did not interfere in human affairs, just because they did not want to do it. When the other party decided to do something, any calculations and checks and balances were nothing but a joke.

At the same time, the Universal Federation issued the final order, which was to allow all countries to publicly try these criminals within three days.

If it is out of date or if an accident occurs, the World Federation will directly determine that the organization does not have the ability to deal with the disaster of the evil god and will be banned.

This is undoubtedly a shocking thing. In the past, if an emperor decided to do this, the whole world would definitely be against it.

But this time, many people have clearly realized one thing, that is, without them, the world will still be the same, and the world will be against it, which is just a joke.

As for the people who applauded, there were naturally a lot of them, but their voices were not loud enough, or in other words, only a few people could see their voices.

This is undoubtedly cruel, extremely cruel, but the reality is that if you stick to principles and rules too much, you can only be manipulated. Only in this way can you shock people's hearts.

However, at present, the real situation is that if you don’t do it, there are people who can.

If there is God's supervision, the world will be for the common good, talents will be selected, and everyone will do their best.

As for Zhao Cheng, as for Zhao Cheng, who has never shown up before, it seems that he showed up before just to compete with the evil god, rather than for the ideal in his heart, to create a paradise.

In ancient times, the sky was high and the emperor was far away, and it was difficult to control. Everyone worked together to fight against the emperor. Naturally, the emperor could only compromise a little in order to promote the marriage between the monarch and his ministers.

In short, the meaning behind the words is the same. Knowing the mistakes can greatly improve the situation.

In the end, all the problems turned out to be a simple regulatory issue.

But there are also wise men who are thinking that if God is always there, the world will naturally be like heaven and will get better and better. But if God is gone or gives up on mankind, the building will collapse overnight.

And this is just the feeling of ordinary people. The upper level of the pyramid is even more direct and clear in perception.

In this regard, the response given by the World Federation is also very simple. The general meaning is that there are many people who can do things well. It only depends on whether they want to do it well. Work is work, and mistakes are mistakes. Under replaceable circumstances

, there is no possibility of meritorious service.

Many people suddenly realized that many times it was not that they couldn't do some things, but they just simply didn't want to do them well.

As for things like current limiting and data modification, it has been proven to work repeatedly for decades.

As for the traditional operation of information sabotage to counterattack, this time it did not appear.

Unjust, false, and wrongful convictions, and cases of forcibly arresting people as meritorious deeds disappeared in an instant.

Next, there were another chaotic few days.

History is reincarnated. If God disappears, everything will go back to where it started.

It seems that it is a good thing if things continue to develop like this. From now on, wars seem to be truly eliminated.

A few more days passed, and the world was at peace, at least on the surface.

Indeed, the human world is now controlled by a god, but the god does not have access to any resources, and only plays a role similar to a referee.

Many places are even more peaceful than before. Except for the news that some hidden evil god believers have been caught, and the surveillance on the streets suddenly increased, there is no chaos.

For those who have died, let them die cleanly. After all, the lives of living people have to go on.

He organized a trial and only one died, but the one holding the sword wiped out the whole family with his own hands.

It was very chaotic before. Many thoughts were condemning the One World Federation and accusing them of using too much force. Now it is clear that someone intentionally did this. The One World Federation has indeed taken action to rectify the chaos. But this move is earth-shattering. There are too many participants.

, there are many people affected, and most of them are the kind of people who can make their own voices heard.

In fact, the people who think about this issue the most are those myths.

Even the toughest Jin Yiwei in history is far inferior to the sword wielder in terms of ferocity.

However, these three days were also exciting. There were robbers who robbed the execution site and some who were looking for scapegoats. Just for the sake of the overall situation, these chaos were forcibly eliminated.

During this process, the sword holders of the Federation also showed their sharpness and purged a small number of those who were unwilling to cooperate with extremely tough methods.

Therefore, the voice on the Internet immediately changed, and it was still a matter of using too much force. It just became that it was the first time for those people to do this kind of thing, and it was understandable that they could not grasp the degree and used too much force all at once.

, carrying out such a large-scale mobilization all at once, I am afraid that the entire world will be greatly affected. It is better to let some people who did not cause bad consequences be punished and meritorious service.

With this response, the matter came to an end.

The real world is a bit messy, and the Internet is equally messy.

In this short period of time, the entire human race seems to have truly become a community of destiny, with a sense of facing disasters, uniting as one, and uniting as one.

In fact, even letting them judge by themselves is already a kind of mercy.

The original team members are more familiar with the matter. In this kind of crisis moment, time is of the essence. It would be bad if it affects the final overall situation.

History has long proven that it is unreasonable and a deformity to place all hope on one individual. It should be everyone who creates history. Only such a civilization can have infinite vitality and possibility.

They are thinking about how to take advantage of this opportunity to stabilize the One World Federation, a community with a shared future for mankind.

Zhao Cheng undoubtedly made a good start and opened up the situation, but they were also sure that Zhao Cheng could not always be a nanny for humans, because they also thought the same way.

Even they themselves cannot be nannies for humans. They want to stabilize this community because there is still something to ask for in the human world. The more prosperous humans are, the more brilliant their ideas are, and the more majestic their knowledge is.

The more nutrients they can absorb.

But for Zhao Cheng, they can no longer see that Zhao Cheng demands from human beings. If the relationship between civilization and individuals only involves giving and not taking, such a model is destined to not last long.

(End of chapter)

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