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Chapter 673

Chapter 673 Looking at each other

While waiting, Zhao Cheng was not idle, but was studying the Holy Crown.

When the Holy Crown was still a pile of fragments, Zhao Cheng studied it. Perhaps because it was so broken at the time, Zhao Cheng was able to obtain a lot of content that he could understand from it.

This situation is similar to taking out a piece of code from a large data system. Compared with the entire system, a piece of code is naturally easier to understand.

But it is just a single paragraph, and what it expresses is naturally very different from what the entire system expresses.

At the earliest time, Zhao Cheng felt that the thing composed of these fragments was like the "godhead" in legends and stories, which was composed of heart, mind, spirit and three elements. It was a stable system of three elements.

And this is indeed part of it, the macroscopic operating principle. As for what he sees, it is only what he can see, not its true form. The blind man touches the elephant, that's it.

But now, when Zhao Cheng looked again, he saw something deeper. He seemed to see the vastness of the soul, the reincarnation of himself, the nirvana of the soul, the birth and death of energy, and the

Matter carries everything, seeing the universe gives birth to spirit...

In short, he seems to have witnessed all of the ten pillars.

And the deeper he understands the ten pillars, the deeper he sees.

However, there are exceptions, and that is the spirit formed by Yuan Shen and Consciousness God, the true spirit formed by the combination of self and soul...

Originally, such a glow was nihilistic.

Sitting cross-legged in the gray space, Zhao Cheng's mind has entered his own dimension and is walking against the light.

But the second one is very important.

If Zhao Cheng hadn't had a very keen premonition and sensed it, and then combined it, he would not have to break through the barriers, but to have it come naturally, even if it was a slight difference, he would not take the initiative to take that step. If it were someone else, he would be able to see it with his own eyes.

That's right, it was proven right then.

Therefore, Zhao Cheng was immersed in it, contrasting the two, to draw the nutrients he needed from it.

What does it feel like to be alive?

She actually didn't know it. It wasn't until the Eternal Ring appeared and merged with the Holy Crown that she truly felt what it was to be alive.

Zhao Cheng is happy. He heard the Tao in the morning and died in the evening. Now that he has completed it again, he is naturally worthy of joy.

For practitioners, time is important, but sometimes, it is also the least important.

That is, what he learned from the mastermind behind the scenes, the captain of the transport brigade, was a trap. This trap was deliberately set up, and it was an invisible trap.

These two individuals, one big and one small, are like two eternal statues of gods that will reach the end of time.

Under the glow, she was clearly not sad, but burst into tears.

Immediately afterwards, she felt that there seemed to be a little fire ignited in her heart. She, who was originally restless, suddenly calmed down and her eyes became clearer and clearer.

Moreover, from this perspective, there seems to be no fixed formula for the pairwise combination of super-dimensional components.

Otherwise, as time goes by, if there is no anchor point, there will be no way to correct deviations in the future, because you will not be able to tell it when you look at yourself.

The reason why this is so is because these are consistent with the world in front of us.

The King of Light, who had been talking to himself in his juvenile state, suddenly felt that there seemed to be a sun burning next to him.

After waking up, Zhao Cheng did not explore how long it took him, because when he reaches the boundary of knowledge, even if he sits for trillions of years to think, it will be difficult to gain much.

But as Zhao Cheng thought, as the secrets of the avenue brewed, and as his wisdom burned, the imaginary turned into reality and was reflected outside.

As for what he had understood before, what he lacked was very simple. It was an anchor point, an initial anchor point for self-positioning.

And the light he was facing was not time, but time, the time that only belonged to him.

And this time, Zhao Cheng gained two main things. One is that he understood how to melt the self and the soul into one body first, instead of existing as separate components. The second one is that he understood that he had understood before.

What is missing in the secret of self is the most crucial point.

The reason why she chattered endlessly before was naturally not due to her personality, but because her life was completed and her wisdom suddenly increased, which led to the situation just now.

As for Zhao Cheng, he fell into the deepest state of concentration.

At the very beginning, she didn't even have the slightest bit of wisdom at all. She had to go through a long reincarnation before she woke up from her ignorance, but it was still not enough.

The spark of wisdom is not even a spark, but a light of wisdom that is like a star extinguishing, shining in Zhao Cheng's spiritual world.

The King of Light quickly calmed down and sat quietly, no longer making any movements or sounds.

At the beginning, when she said she was the system, it was not a joke, it was true.

It was just the first one among them. Zhao Cheng was not in a hurry to choose a path.

The self can be combined with the soul, or with thinking, or even with consciousness and soul, and how it is combined seems to be related to the future path.

In terms of spiritual practice, it is indeed important to think for yourself, but having a reference is the same as thinking out of thin air, but the effect is naturally completely different.

On the other side, on the panel, the eternal value with an upper limit of 1 also jumped to 2 in the process, then increased to 3, and finally climbed all the way to 5, and finally stopped moving.

In this copy, the structure of the world already contains these, but compared with the fragmented and unsystematic structure shown in the world, the one in the Holy Crown coordinates everything and goes straight to the ontology.

The reason why the previous panel identified her as a pet instead of a companion was not a joke, but the life of the Lord of Light was not complete.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

The first step was to return to the real world a few days ago and single-handedly promote the establishment of the Universal Federation. The person he was at that time was undoubtedly different and lighter than he is now.

I don’t know how long it took, whether it was a hundred years or a thousand years, but Zhao Cheng finally woke up.

In the second step, he returned to the time when he killed the king with one sword. Kong Jie appeared and killed the king with one sword.

The two of them looked at each other and smiled.

In the third step, he returned to the time when he had broken through the divine barrier in the real world. His soul was roaming the universe, so uncomfortable. Everything seemed to have been very long ago, but at this moment, it was right in front of him.

Zhao Cheng's thoughts are invisible, and the soul that travels around the world is also invisible, but under the moonlight, the two invisible beings are looking at each other.

(End of chapter)

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