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Chapter 689 World Line

Chapter 689 World Line

Of course, for Zhao Cheng, the biggest benefit is to study and study the phenomena inside to help his own growth.

At present, what Zhao Cheng thinks of in a short period of time is to use this Dongtian world as a virtual world to promote the growth of the extraordinary path in the entire world. In the process, Dongtian also obtains the spiritual information of countless lives, and finally

Reach the limit, practice and become reality.

Let all living beings and the cave create a perfect cycle that promotes each other. As for him, he doesn't need to spend any effort on this aspect.

The vision disappeared for a few moments, but then it became more intense.

But everything has an end. The most collapsed thing is the future loan. In an instant, all the light and shadow of the future disappeared, and no more power gathered.

Immediately afterwards, the overlapping parallel time and space began to shake, and the light and shadow changed, making it difficult for people to see clearly. In some moments, there was even a feeling that all time and space were searched and turned into a single feeling.


In the depths of parallel time and space that are extremely far away from the current time and space, far beyond the reach of Zhao Cheng's eyes, there seemed to be the sound of something breaking.

Diversified Loan was also destroyed by the Holy Crown.

And as the final power was transmitted, many information groups burst out along with the final collapse.

Zhao Cheng had been paying attention to this matter, so he witnessed the whole process. He was originally very calm, but at this moment, after seeing these information groups, he still frowned for a moment.

But after these many information groups flew into the real world, in a blink of an eye, they were fused by certain beings whose characteristics were closest to the essence of these information maps.

Not devouring, but merging.

It's like two glasses of water with the same composition. Pour one into the other. Because the composition is the same, they are instantly indistinguishable.

As for what made Zhao Cheng frown, it was what was contained in the information group.

In Yanhuang, in a corner of a certain city, Wang Hao was in a trance for a moment, and then there were many more memories in his mind. He suspected that he had traveled through time.

As for the place he traveled through, Swordsman, Zhao Cheng, and several other very famous names, it was the one-step comic he particularly liked in his previous life, Dimensional Traveler.

The comic tells the story of a traveler!

The protagonist Zhao Cheng, when he was sixteen years old, awakened the memory of his previous life. Immediately afterwards, he suddenly discovered that due to time travel, his soul had mutated, completed the process of dimensionalization, and became a dimensional traveler.

, you can travel to other dimensions of time and space, which is the so-called next copy.

At the same time, the time in the real world and the dungeon are anchored. In reality, time in the dungeon will not flow, and in the dungeon, time in reality will not flow. However, because Zhao Chenggang awakens his talent, he needs to rely on the real world to

To calm down dimensional disturbances, if you stay in the dungeon for ten consecutive days, you must rest in reality for twenty-four hours.

Of course, this is the very beginning. As Zhao Cheng becomes stronger, the rest time Zhao Cheng needs will become less and less, and the time he spends in the dungeon will become longer and longer.

Zhao Cheng's first dungeon was Ziwei Yaoshi. As for the background, it was a civilized wasteland at the end of the nuclear war. In this dungeon, Zhao Cheng used the sword in his hand to compete with guns and boxing, and at the same time he also met a famous man.

As young boys, the two took adventures together and defeated powerful enemies one after another.

Because of the effect of dimensionalization, Zhao Cheng traveled through time, so in order to hide the extraordinary power he had obtained that was different from the real world, Zhao Cheng chose to hide himself and not show off his talents.

Because Qi and Jing Kong are really something that cannot be explained.

Ten years in the dungeon and one year in the real world, Zhao Cheng and his group of friends saved the world. After the dungeon was cleared, the time anchor was lifted. After that, even if Zhao Cheng left, time here would flow normally.

At the same time, the partner bar was unlocked, but Cang did not follow him because he wanted to stay and protect the world that had just restored peace to prevent the world from falling into war again.

The second copy is Hell's Salvation, which is an information world where thinking algorithms create the world and companies rule everything.

Zhao Cheng met the Human Emperor here, and the two Human Emperors fought side by side, but they encountered betrayal.

The Human Emperor was defeated and his head was dug out. Zhao Cheng's body was also disabled due to strong nuclear radiation. This copy became a dead file.

Zhao Cheng could only give up this dungeon temporarily and open the next world at the expense of the travel function cooling down for half a year, hoping to find hope of recovering his body in the next world.

The third copy is the Kingdom of Darkness.

The world has fallen into darkness, and terror is hidden in the darkness, but at the same time, the fire of light is also bred in the darkness.

At the same time, in this world, there is a legendary holy object that can revive the dead.

Zhao Chenggong obtained the legendary spring water, participated in the desperate trial of the dark kingdom, and traveled across 9.7 million miles of wilderness alone to reach the end.

This is a road in reality, but it is also a spiritual road. He has traveled through the wasteland, and his soul transcends life and death, thereby achieving the holy path.

As for the remaining body, after receiving the recognition of the late king, due to the king's protection, the power of the flame was ignited, and through Nirvana, it was revived and became better than before.

It was also in this dungeon that Zhao Cheng got his first partner, Scarlet Knight Ji.

Then there is the fifth copy, the sixth copy...

It wasn't until the ninth dungeon that Zhao Chengcai finally returned to hell for redemption, turned the tide, and rewrote history.

Then, a hundred years into the real world and tens of thousands of dungeons later, Zhao Cheng cleared twenty dungeons and finally reached the point of dimension promotion.

Because in order to stabilize the anchor point, this step must be carried out in real time and space, and this is the foundation.

But just when Zhao Cheng was about to succeed, he encountered a conspiracy and his path was forcibly reversed, trying to twist his path into a divine way.

And this distortion process also caused his dimensional body to go berserk, and the terrifying power wiped out Blue Star in an instant.

It turns out that in the world outside the universe, the Divine Court governs everything, and is aloof. Outside the divine way, everything is evil.

All beings, if they wish to ascend to a higher dimension, will be forcibly transformed into gods and recorded in the divine books.

As for stopping or even reversing this process, how can an individual's power be worth the power of an entire divine court?!

Being wiped out in ashes is the only ending.

But Zhao Cheng is special. He paid a huge price to interrupt this twisted process and is still alive. The ancient emperor of Shenting discovered Zhao Cheng, this special ant, and wanted to capture and refine it.

To study the secrets of Zhao Cheng.

At the critical moment, the protection of the witch civilization that Zhao Cheng obtained in the seventeenth dungeon showed its effect, and Zhao Cheng was forced to escape. However, Zhao Cheng himself was crippled again due to the huge damage to the high-dimensional structure.

This is all the plot that Wang Hao knows, because until he traveled through time, the comic was only updated to this point.

(End of chapter)

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