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Chapter 708 Breathing

Chapter 708 Breathing

The sunshine was very warm. Zhao Cheng was breathing slowly and rhythmically while reading a book. As he breathed, the sunshine seemed to be slightly distorted.

Indeed, he did not obtain supernatural power. Since this path did not work, Zhao Cheng did not blame others, but looked for other paths.

At present, what can make him stronger is not only superpowers, but also mortal skills.

Before each major orthodox sect holds a ceremony, they will ask participants to polish their spirit and body to the peak of mortals. It is okay not to polish it, but if it is done, it can carry stronger power.

As for transcending the limits of the human body and reaching new realms without involving any extraordinary circumstances, this kind of thing has never happened before.

From the beginning, Zhao Cheng actually wanted to make himself as strong as possible, as strong as possible.

So he studied a little bit.

Boxing, breathing, visualization, meditation...

There are many different methods, and Zhao Cheng spent a day using the quantum speed reading method to read all the information he could find.

He didn't expect to integrate everything and bring out the new. After all, it would be too outrageous to be able to integrate everything after just one look.

He just planned to take a look and sift through it to find the one that seemed to suit him best.

Then, after he finished reading it, he found that he had integrated all of them and directly created a complete method for refining oneself with bare hands and feet, various weapons.

Afterwards, with the idea of ​​giving it a try, Zhao Cheng practiced casually. In just one week, he pushed his mental and physical abilities to the limits of his human body.

This phenomenon is undoubtedly unreasonable in every aspect, but if the factor of superpower is added, it can be justified.

Zhao Cheng suspected that he had awakened superpowers, so he went for another test, but the result still showed that he was just an ordinary person.

In this case, even with Zhao Cheng's current wisdom and lack of information, he can only suspect that he may be one of those rare martial arts wizards who was born to practice martial arts. He is the legendary

His innate Tao body, the supreme holy fetus, but his potential was not stimulated before. Now, the Ren and Governor's two channels were opened by Zhao Xiaoxiang's beating, so that's why it happened.

After all, according to many sayings, the Ren and Du meridians can be "opened".

A week later, Zhao Cheng's body and spirit reached their absolute peak, and there was no way ahead.

And in this process, as time goes by, Zhao Cheng's mind, his observation, insight, logical thinking, IQ, wisdom... everything is still growing with the passage of time.

In the next three days, Zhao Cheng discovered from his breathing how to use life force, which is only a conceptual "force", to condense the core of life force and break the limits of human beings.

In two days, Zhao Cheng discovered the method of drawing "power" from all things by observing all things, and what he has chosen now is the sun and the moon. During the day, he absorbs the power of the sun through breathing, and at night he absorbs the power of the moon.

In this case, whenever it is noon and the sun is not blocked, his vitality will reach its peak.

This kind of thing is almost extraordinary. Zhao Cheng seriously suspects that some superpowers may be the use of this force that exists among all things.

So he began to look for information in this area.

For a long time, mankind's exploration of superpowers has never stopped. However, everything only exists in theory and cannot be proven.

Because superpowers are like instincts for people with superpowers, who instinctively know how to grow, while for people without superpowers, no matter how many theories they have, they are just describing phenomena.

The benefits of family background are revealed at this time, and the benefits of abandoning the light and turning to darkness are also revealed.

The Anti-God Sect, they gain extraordinary power by blaspheming the devil, and they are also experts in this field.

After comparing some of the information, Zhao Cheng keenly discovered that there is a force that exists forever in the universe. Different parties have different opinions on this force. Some scientific institutions say it is dark energy, while among sects

, but it has a unified name, Dayuan!

This power is the embodiment of the vitality of the universe and proof that the world is alive. If this power is exhausted, the world will also die.

All extraordinary powers are the application of this power.

At the same time, if you want to apply this power, there must be a stable enough fulcrum. This power is too powerful and too high-end.

People who are born with superpowers are the darlings of the world. The world gives them the authority to use this power to maintain the balance of the world. As for the devil, he is the thief of the great source of power and has stolen part of the supreme authority, so he can create


What the Anti-God Sect steals seems to come from the Demon God, but in the beginning, it actually comes from the Great Source and has the same origin as those with super powers.

Of course, this theory comes from the Anti-God Sect. Zhao Cheng compared it and felt that it seemed to be the most reasonable one among all the theories.

As for Zhao Cheng himself, his situation is the most special. It is not a gift from the great source, nor is it a theft from the devil, but he has condensed a fulcrum and relied on his own strength.

Obviously, he is special. Zhao Cheng has known this for a long time, otherwise, he would not be unable to pass the ritual and become extraordinary.

Obviously, when God closed a door for Zhao Cheng, He directly demolished the house.

On the balcony, the sun shines on Zhao Cheng, and his body cells are also growing rapidly in this process. They are not simply becoming stronger, but the genes in the core are being fine-tuned.

Zhao Cheng is not clear about this at the moment and only regards it as an inevitable process of evolution. But in fact, it is due to the interference of multiple time and space.

As time went by, it was inevitable for him to obtain the demigod body created by the Ladder of God.

Breathe! Breathe! Breathe!

Zhao Cheng breathed very slowly, but his thoughts were like light and lightning. All questions were answered immediately. If there was an answer to the question itself, he enjoyed this powerful feeling of controlling everything.


As for what he was reading at the moment, it was a paper called Dayuan Conjecture. The author was his old man. Zhao Cheng had just learned that his old man was not only good at fighting, but he was also an academic.

From this point of view, the Zhao family has been a scholarly family since the old man's generation. He also wondered that as a scholarly family, he had given birth to a bastard like him before.

Confusion in the world.

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a knock on the door, and Zhao Cheng did not turn around, but he knew who was coming.

"Please come in."

Zhao Cheng said that the voice was very weighty.

"Zhao Cheng, I made some snacks. I heard from Aunt Zhao that you were also at home, so I sent some over..."

Anya Xie is wearing homely clothes and holding a food box in her hand. She has a sense of life and is completely in line with people's perception of a good girl.

(End of chapter)

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