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Chapter 727: The Only One

On the other side, two Zhao Xiaoxiang were drinking tea and chatting.

Among them, Zhao Xiaoxiang, who comes from the real world, uses a doll body.

This is undoubtedly an application of power.

Because of his age, the real-life Zhao Xiaoxiang is naturally taller and has a much more mature temperament.

"Zhao Cheng, why can I travel to this world, but she can't reach my world?!"

Asked by Zhao Xiaoxiang in the real world.

At this time, Zhao Cheng was standing under an old tree in the yard. The mottled light and shadow were shining, and his body showed a jade-like luster.

"In this regard, I am also exploring. The biggest possibility now is that the real world is the origin of all parallel time and space, because the evolution of time and space gives rise to infinite possibilities and countless world lines."

"Indeed, for us, both worlds are real and true, but from a pluralistic perspective, they may be two mirrors reflecting each other. The infinite virtual phases in the mirrors alternate and shuttle with each other. There will be no

What's the problem, but if it's a shadow in a mirror, going to the source in the two mirrors and the shadow disappearing is the only ending."

Zhao Cheng gave the answer.

"If we leave, what will happen to this world, and what will happen to you in this world?"

Zhao Xiaoxiang continued to ask, she had wanted to ask this question for a long time.

After all, there is a Zhao Cheng in the real world, and there is also one in this world.

According to some folk science knowledge she has learned, such as, the parallel world will only appear when it is observed. If it is not observed, it will collapse...

"No, you are the only one leaving."

"As for me, the me in the real world and the me in this world are both me, not two individuals."

"Two individuals are from a low-dimensional perspective. If we are from a multidimensional perspective, the two me are one from beginning to end."

"Looking at two dimensions from three dimensions, the height of a millicent is infinite. On the contrary, the distance of infinite is millicent. This principle is the same in multidimensional and low-dimensional space-time."

"Okay, it's almost time. It's time for you to go back. It's not a good thing if the spiritual light has been out of the body for too long."

While speaking, two different time and spaces seemed to be infinitely close at this moment. From the real world, the scene here can be seen, and the scene of the real world is also shown here.

An invisible bridge spans an infinite distance, creating a clear path above the natural chasm.

In the real world, Zhao Xiaoxiang slowly woke up, feeling as if she had had a long dream, but soon she realized that it was not a dream, but that she had really experienced an interesting adventure.

In the room, the fruit on Zhao Cheng's head also disappeared at this moment, leaving no trace.

The Curse of the Multiverse Cage, as far as the timeline of the real world is concerned, lasts only four days, but Zhao Cheng has grown again by an unknown amount.

Especially on this trip, he built a sufficiently stable anchor point at a long distance, which was an unprecedented experience.

At the same time, because of the particularity of parallel time and space, he in parallel time and space is either a clone or something like himself, but himself.

If the self on the time line is the horizontal axis, from the past to the future, he is himself at every moment, then he in parallel time and space is the vertical axis, and every world line is also himself.

The only problem is that in the vast multidimensional space and time, his tentacles now only occupy this parallel space and time. As for other space and time that he observes, although he also exists, they are still in a natural enlightenment.

The process of enlightenment has not been completed.

And here, there is also a pitfall, that is, if the barrier of self is not broken, the sense of consciousness touches creation, and one can observe and even interfere with parallel time and space. However, if there are too many others and me enlightened, there is a risk of getting lost.

And after the self breaks through the heaven barrier, the more others and me are enlightened, not only will we not get lost, but it will make the self more stable.

It can be seen that spiritual practice is completely inter-linked. It is indeed feasible to reach the sky all at once, but whatever is left over from the previous step will have to be paid back later.

Along with his thoughts, Zhao Cheng's eyes have been looking at the parallel world line closest to real time and space.

Because of the close distance, there are sword species in this world, the swordsmanship is prosperous, and the timeline is extremely close to the real world. The biggest difference is him, this world line, not just this world line, but in all world lines, he

When I was sixteen years old, I didn't awaken the memory of my previous life, nor did I get a faceplate.

Without obtaining the panel, he can understand that the panel is most likely to have unique characteristics, multiple and unique, and has restrained himself in all parallel worlds.

But without awakening the memory of the past life, this is very problematic.

Because the parallel world is the shadow of real time and space, all of them should awaken the memories of their previous lives, it's just a matter of time.

Unless, the memory of his past life is also unique and cannot be reflected in parallel time and space.

A long time ago, Zhao Chenggong was able to recall all the memories, even the ones that had long been forgotten, even if it was just a random glance at a certain time period, he could recall them.

After realizing this, Zhao Cheng studied the memories of his previous life countless times, but nothing was abnormal.

The earth in the previous life was very small, with an area of ​​only one percent of this life. It was a pure low-dimensional space and time without any extraordinary power or supernatural powers. Although there were spiritual practices, judging from some performances on the Internet, the most powerful spiritual practices

At most, they have reached tranquility.

Even some saints who are touted as gods only have strong minds and spiritual powers, but in fact they are limited.

As for himself, he was still single until he traveled through time in his twenties.

There are many reasons for being single. When he was in high school, he focused on studying and thought his girlfriend would only affect his reading speed. When he was in college, he was addicted to games and thought his girlfriend would affect his speed of cutting guns.

Later, I met a girl who was good in all aspects, but the girl was very independent and sober. She thought that instead of struggling with Zhao Cheng for twenty years to become a rich wife, it would be better to find a rich man from the beginning...

Zhao Cheng naturally supports the girl's idea. Love cannot be used as food. After all, the girl is not his girlfriend.

In short, his life trajectory in his previous life was uneventful, without any outstanding features, and he did not encounter any magical things, such as the old beggar selling martial arts secrets and the fortune-telling master on the street.

As for saying that he has done any good or good deeds, there is no such thing as the person he helped was a hidden boss.

He is also very sober, obeys the law and does not do bad things, but he is not willing to help others. He knows that he can take good care of himself with his own ability, so how can he have extra kindness to help others?!

How can such a memory be unique?!

Zhao Cheng didn't understand this.

This chapter has been completed!
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