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Chapter 762 Tearing

Chapter 762 Tear

In this world, in this era, the path to ascension has been cut off, but as Zhao Cheng, who had ascended before, he took the initiative to figure out where the path to ascension was and entered it.

In the past, when Zhao Cheng borrowed a spiritual opportunity to ascend, the whole process was a matter of leveraging his strength to ascend to a higher dimension. Now that he is a high-dimensional person, he doesn't need to go through such trouble.

Halfway through the journey, gray particles reappeared and began to erode Zhao Cheng. However, it was different from the past. Every time he came here, Zhao Cheng would die suddenly. This time, however, he was not affected by this doomsday power.


Continuing to go "up", Zhao Cheng saw a huge outline in a daze, and the gray particles gradually became denser, and the particles formed airflow.

Zhao Cheng's body was temporarily illuminated by bright light, and the lines that made up his high-dimensional body were dyed platinum at this moment, making him invulnerable to all attacks.

Finally, Zhao Cheng crossed a certain limit, and for a moment, a feeling of vastness emerged in his heart.

Then, something unexpected happened.

Zhao Cheng is broken!

His high-dimensional body was torn into two parts. To be precise, his Dao Fruit was torn apart.

The part composed of the five pillars of the anchor point still belongs to him, but the part composed of the other three pillars turned into a gray monster in an instant.

What does it feel like to have the Dao Fruit be forcibly broken?!

If possible, Zhao Cheng would really like to have more rounds.

In this regard, Zhao Cheng is not discouraged. Compared with the initial situation where he died suddenly halfway through the ascension, this situation is undoubtedly a huge improvement.

Unfortunately, this matter does not hold true for the panel. The panel has its own way of calculating time.

This kind of thing is very scary. You know, before Zhao Cheng studied those Tao Fruits, he refined and absorbed as much information as he received. The speed of absorption and growth was much faster than the reception. But at this moment, studying this roulette

, but it overloaded Zhao Cheng.

As for the exploration of the Immortal Pure Yang World and the Upper Realm, it is impossible to push the plan now.

At the same time, Zhao Cheng also felt the danger of this curse at this moment. Its purpose seemed not only to permanently trap himself in this endless cycle of hundreds of years, but also to refine it.

The copy ended and reality returned. There were still three simulations left, and Zhao Cheng did not continue to use it.

Not only that, Zhao Cheng also noticed a deviation in his own Dharma. The most obvious external manifestation was the change in thinking.

The white-gold light, with him as the center, shattered the vast space and time at this moment.

And the split was not over yet. Zhao Cheng was vaguely aware that there were still two points in the world, and the power of doomsday was constantly eroding him from those two points.

In other words, even if the curse is completed, Zhao Cheng will be forced to go back to the time before he traveled through the panel.

From Zhao Cheng's point of view, such pain itself is, in a sense, the best way to practice. What is tempered is not tangible things, but intangible things.

Because Zhao Cheng discovered something, that is, the countdown on the panel is not affected by ancient time.

But after the upgrade, things are different. If there is any problem at any point, it is holistic.

On the outside, time does not pass by at all.

In this regard, Zhao Cheng couldn't help but wonder whether this was because if higher-dimensional information, even just a little bit, was expanded and presented in a low-dimensional world, the volume would expand countless times.

In this regard, Zhao Cheng took a learning attitude and carefully studied the operation of the roulette wheel, and his understanding of time became deeper and deeper.

It was a feeling that a large piece of himself was suddenly missing, as if the whole thing had turned into an empty shell, and a strong sense of emptiness filled his heart.

Along the way, Zhao Cheng has been beaten to death by monsters so many times that it is difficult to count. He has experienced various ways of death, but there has never been one that was as "painful" as it is now.

At the same time, if you want to truly resist the power of doomsday, you must achieve enlightenment through the ten pillars.

Otherwise, the slightest flaw will be infinitely amplified by the power of doomsday.

The copy cannot run, but it is getting stronger all the time, extending the timeline. Obviously, the advantage is mine!


Zhao Cheng roared, very embarrassed.

A tenth of a second later, a large amount of information flooded Zhao Cheng's mental world, making him feel overloaded.

Those two points are exactly the two levels that Zhao Cheng has never proved!

Logically speaking, at this moment, I am in the process of traveling to the past. Compared with the time of ancient times, this process should not have the concept of time.

And during the ascension again and again, Zhao Cheng also discovered that pillars without anchor points are defenseless in the face of the power of doomsday. Without anchor points, it is safer not to explore the sky barrier.

But Zhao Cheng knows that the real situation is that he is the only one who is going backwards. The ancient universe is still the ancient universe, but he is moving against time, passively.

This time, Zhao Cheng focused all his attention on the huge roulette wheel that turned back time. From Zhao Cheng's perspective, everything seemed to be going backwards, except him.

Before upgrading, although life is a whole and interconnected with each other, the connection is not close enough. A practitioner, even if he abandons the physical body and becomes spiritually enlightened, or abandons the spiritual soul and refines it into the physical body.

, it is possible to achieve enlightenment through the body, and if the method is pure enough, it will not change your temperament.


Finally, Zhao Cheng exploded.

Returning to reality, Zhao Cheng started his second simulation.

He had always believed that he was firm enough, but at this moment, he didn't even want to experience such a "great" injury again.

In this regard, Zhao Cheng only felt that he could not trust anyone, but he could always trust his own panel.

Obviously, there is a huge difference between stowaway and normal format.

A strong desire emerged in his heart. He desperately wanted to "complete" himself at any cost, even if it meant destroying infinite worlds, countless sentient beings, or even killing his closest relatives with his own hands.

No matter what.

This time, after he came to the dungeon, he chose to use the spark to come to the past, use the carrier of the strong men in the past to achieve enlightenment, prove the higher dimensions, and then ascend.

After more than a hundred times, Zhao Cheng was able to withstand the pain of the Tao Fruit tearing apart, and then he finally stopped his exploration of ascension.

Just like a speck of dust in the real world, if it is expanded into a low dimension, it can cover the sky and the sun.

Therefore, Zhao Cheng chose to steal another wave of time and the simulation began.

Another tenth of a second, Zhao Cheng simulated again.

After another tenth of a second, Zhao Cheng started the last simulation of the day.

The extra three rounds of time gave Zhao Cheng a deeper understanding of time. At the same time, Zhao Cheng also felt strange that the Taoism of this roulette wheel seemed to be similar to that of the ancient universe and the nine eras.

All the laws seemed out of place.

(End of chapter)

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