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Chapter 80 Swordsmanship

In this life, Zhao Cheng has vaguely heard of similar methods, but none of them are undoubtedly extremely dangerous. Most of them use the seven emotions and six desires to train the mind, and if you are not careful, you will turn yourself into a madman.

The art of raising swords and the cultivation method here are not things of the same dimension at all.

At the same time, given his life level, the upper limit of this swordsmanship is actually level 1.

This upper limit is not determined by talent, but by life level.

But even at lv1, there is a proficiency level of up to one million.

And in his past and present life, the two lifetimes combined, nearly forty years and various experiences, he has only advanced to a proficiency level of 700.

Zhao Cheng even suspected that this swordsmanship was not meant for humans to practice at all.

Of course, judging from its description, this thing doesn't seem like something that humans can obtain.

Zhao Cheng wondered if this might be some kind of change in his own question-marked traits.

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't feel like it.

Any changes to the panel will appear in the log.

If it really stems from his own changes, it should have been revealed in the introduction to sword-raising skills just now.

Because that description was originally aggregated after the panel collected information.

The description gives a mysterious origin, which means that even at the panel level, it is impossible to explore its origin.

Unlike what you exchange in the simulator world or in the store, there is a source explanation.

At this moment, Zhao Cheng's thoughts can be said to be as fast as electricity and as round as jade beads.

I immediately recalled all my experiences yesterday, and finally discovered that the most suspicious thing was probably the familiar feeling of déjà vu when I watched Li Huanger dance.

It was completely abnormal for him to be unconscious for so long.

Originally, he had no idea of ​​delving into this matter. After all, young people like to look at beautiful women, and it is normal to be fascinated by them. As for the familiar sense of déjà vu, he has encountered many such things in his past and present lives.

I often feel like I suddenly arrive in a strange place, but I feel like I have been here before and have done similar things here.

The scientific explanation is that this is a mild disorder of brain function, which mostly occurs in the immature stage of the brain, that is, in children and adolescents. When you get older, this condition rarely occurs.

But now that I think about it carefully, it’s obvious that there was something wrong with his sense of déjà vu at that time, coupled with the fascination that was unlike his character.

However, Zhao Cheng plans to explore this matter later.

Now he has a mortal body and can't see anything. He just has an extra heart.

What's more, the emergence of sword-raising skills may not be related to Li Huang'er.

He also saw each other in school, although the times were very few, but it happened sometimes. It might just be a coincidence.

On the other hand, I must have been dreaming just now, otherwise it would be impossible to wake up.

In the dream, I definitely dreamed of something closely related to sword-raising.

"It can't be that I dreamed of myself in a parallel time and space!"

Zhao Cheng thought of a folk theory.

There is a saying that when it comes to dreams, sometimes the brain actually receives information from itself in parallel time and space, so there are all kinds of weird things that are impossible to imagine using your own imagination alone.

Zhao Cheng thought about it for a while, and then he stopped thinking about it. Regardless of the origin, at least it was a good thing for him now.

But now, even if I try hard, I can't think of its source, it will only increase my worries.

When you have the ability to explore in the future, the answer will appear on its own.

Thinking about these things now will serve no purpose other than disturbing your own mood.

Therefore, Zhao Cheng calmed down quickly.

It was because of this that Zhao Cheng noticed that his heart had settled down faster.

It was never so easy for me to settle down before. I just didn't want to if I didn't want to.

But at this moment, as soon as he decided not to think about it, his thoughts running at high speed suddenly became certain.

Just this huge change in the level of thinking, even if the proficiency of the sword-raising technique is extremely low, it is still powerful, let alone the sword-raising technique with only 700 proficiency and two special effects.

The effect of the first level of health maintenance is to increase the recovery speed of mental power and even the spirit and body. The recovery of central power is the greatest and the physical body is the least.

As for the first level of Sword Enlightenment, it is a blessing to exert its various special effects.

Zhao Ben's own swordsmanship special effects have not changed, which is an additional blessing.

You may not be able to see anything in the early stage, but when the level of special effects reaches a high level, even if you add just one extra layer, the effect will be much more terrifying.

After all, the actual effect of each increase is an increase of 1.5 times.

When swordsmanship levels are about the same and physical and life levels are about the same, whoever has more and stronger buffs will naturally be more powerful.

If the swordsmanship has enough special effects and is strong enough, even if it is level A, it can still be invincible.

"After a good sleep, I became so much stronger."

Zhao Cheng thought.

"There is also the skill of sword cultivation. The first chapter is already so good. I really don't know what the subsequent parts will be like."

"This is just cultivation. In addition to cultivation techniques, swordsmanship also has training techniques and killing techniques. What kind of power does the killing technique have?!"

After witnessing the power of sword-raising, Zhao Cheng felt that the sky was high and the sea was vast, and the road ahead was still extremely long. At the same time, he also had greater expectations for the future in his heart.

After stopping his thoughts, Zhao Cheng stopped sleeping.

It's past five o'clock, the moon has gone down, and it's still dark. It's the darkest time of the day.

Zhao Cheng first took out the disposable toiletries provided in the tent, then used mineral water, squatted next to the tent, and washed himself briefly.

After that, he held his sword in one hand and his mobile phone in the other, and turned on the flashlight, intending to watch the sunrise and complete his daily practice.

The wind at this time was still very cold, and by the time Zhao Cheng climbed onto the rock last night, it was almost half past five.

Zhao Chengcheng sat like this, facing the east, his thoughts followed the cool breeze, almost frozen, and he really could not think of a single thought, and could not think of anything.

Time passed by unconsciously, and at the same time, it also washed away the long-lasting sadness deep in Zhao Cheng's heart.

Until a certain moment, a dot of red lights up on the horizon, breaking through the darkness and tearing apart the mist.

Zhao Cheng's heart lake also turned red with this point, and the light bloomed, becoming more transparent. It was obvious that the mountain wind was very cold, and the sun at this time was not warm either.

But Zhao Cheng felt that his heart had warmed up.

After that, in just a few blinks of an eye, the entire sun was quickly revealed. Zhao Cheng looked up and saw the mountains, forests and lakes. The entire atmosphere was completely different from before the sunrise.

There is a feeling that the sun is rising in the east and the sky and earth are clear.

Seeing this, Zhao Cheng finally smiled, and the last sadness disappeared without any trace.

A new day began. Facing the sun, he began to practice his sword, breathing and visualizing while swinging his sword.

A qualitative change in his thinking allowed him to finally do this ahead of time.

This chapter has been completed!
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