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Chapter 832 Gene Sequence

Chapter 832 Gene Sequence

Author: Yi Ziqi

Chapter 832 Gene Sequence

Become stronger! Become stronger! Become stronger!

Youdao is that cognition determines strength. Zhao Cheng's greatest growth at this moment is the growth and change of cognition. As for the growth of spiritual power, it is relatively minor. However, even so, this kind of cognition

The strength brought by the growth is far beyond the improvement brought by the growth of spiritual power.

Zhao Cheng's spirit is changing. His body, genes, energy, soul, consciousness, mind, skills, self, and the still relatively weak energy god are all changing and evolving towards something bigger and stronger.

, more stable, in the dimensional space and time, he rapidly expanded his size.

Here, the path of Mecha is originally a path of cultivating the body, seizing the essence of the universe to replenish one's own body, and transforming life qualitatively.

The empire has gone a long way in this regard, and even finally upgraded to high dimensions. Even if at the last moment, in the last step, the empire took a trick and did not complete the accumulation, but jumped into the air, it does not mean that

, everything before upgrading will be negated, and everything after upgrading will be wrong.

As more and more knowledge was smelted, Zhao Cheng gradually traced back from the pinnacle of mechas to the source of everything. A path of completion appeared. Later, after combining it with Zhao Cheng's own knowledge and cognition, Zhao Cheng finally

I understand clearly what kind of mystery it is when the apex of the physical body transforms into pure yang.

At the earliest, he was still in the exploratory stage of cultivating the body. At that time, he guessed that the body was an arrangement and combination of substances, forming a perfect structure that was both extremely stable and stable.

It has the ultimate change, that is, plasticity, just like the fish of Tai Chi Yin and Yang, reaching a perfect balance point. If you find that point, the physical body will break through the sky.

But now, Zhao Cheng looked again and found that his initial guess was partially correct. It was similar to a blind man touching an elephant. What he guessed was indeed an elephant, but it was not a whole elephant.

His idea is not bad, but it is not comprehensive.

What is the transformation of quality into pure yang?!

Zhao Chengming realized it!

Transforming matter into pure yang is beyond the limits of the structure of the universe!

In short, that is, the elements in the universe are limited, and at the same time, all elements are arranged and combined with the most original indivisible particles.

If you want to stack high dimensions with low dimensions, the first step is to allow your own observations to reach this step, and then, to "refine" your own particles, and use this to stack up a non-existent periodic table of elements.

The elements in it serve as the composition of its own body.

The substance composed of this element is what is called a substance that has both extreme stability and extreme changeability.

Otherwise, there is no such element in the natural universe. The intermediate state of the elements in the universe will never be the ultimate stability and changeability. It will only be neither stable nor changeable enough. This is in line with the nature of the universe.


Only by touching high dimensions can we have this kind of contradictory yet unified state!

Although Lu can be seen, Zhao Cheng still needs to explore how to accumulate them and how to find the anchor point that is both contradictory and unified.

There is no such content in all the knowledge he knows, because as far as the civilizations he knows and has acquired all their knowledge, no civilization has reached this point.

However, being able to recognize this means that it is only a matter of time for Zhao Cheng to research it in the future. It may take a long time, but the biggest obstacle has been cleared.

In the way of spiritual practice, you are not afraid of difficulties. What you are most afraid of is not being able to find the direction. The harder you work, the farther away you are from the correct answer.

However, although the specific method of accumulating high dimensions is still not known, Zhao Cheng's own body structure has still undergone huge changes. When the road appeared, Zhao Cheng had refined all his own particles and derived,

For now, the most stable structure.

Between stability and change, Zhao Cheng temporarily chose stability as a transition.

As for how stable it is, although Zhao Cheng does not have the density of a black hole now, even a black hole cannot tear a hair of his apart, because his own structure, each particle community, and the surrounding forces form a

There is a relative balance of forces.

To break this balance, unless the power of the black hole exceeds the power of the black hole itself.

In short, it is possible to break through the intervention of high-dimensional factors above low-dimensional space and time.

The so-called cognition is power, and at this moment, it has been perfectly reflected!

It is clear that Zhao Cheng's life level has not changed qualitatively, but he recognized it and took the initiative to transform it, so all of a sudden, he achieved a leap in strength.

His physical body, in terms of level, is actually still the red pole, and has not broken the limit. However, based on cognition, there is a world of difference between the red pole and the red pole.

In other words, for spiritual practice, reaching the red pole and embarking on the road to advancement is the real beginning.

At the same time, not only the physical body, but also Zhao Cheng's genetic sequence began to change after acquiring a large amount of relevant knowledge and philosophical thoughts.

The relevant philosophy here is even more precious than the knowledge itself.

As for the Empire's development of the God's Ladder series of potions, and even the final semi-finished perfect life map, God's Ladder is indeed the final product, but this does not mean that the rejected plans, as well as some researchers' own ideas, have nothing to do with it.

Value, even to Zhao Cheng, with Zhao Cheng's knowledge and thinking about direction, is the most meaningful.

There can never be only one way to reach higher dimensions with genes, or in other words, body and mind. There are thousands of ways, and the ladder of God is only one of the possibilities.

And what exactly is body and spirit, or genes?!

Zhao Cheng's understanding is that genes are operating systems.

The physical body is the hardware, which determines the lower limit, and the gene is the system, which determines the upper limit.

Although life is divided into ten pillars, the pillars do not exist independently. Some pillars are even divided into two parts, but they are actually one.

For example, the consciousness and the soul, the material body and the body spirit, energy and the energy spirit...

Human genes are part of the cell structure. Cell communities make up tissues. Tissue communities make up organs. Organ communities make up systems. Many systems build life.

Genes, for humans, are operating modules close to the underlying logic.

Zhao Cheng, who had undergone the transformation of the God's Ladder, still did not change this even if he achieved the so-called demigod body.

But now, with the constant changes in his genetic sequence, he is no longer satisfied with being a part of the cell structure, but continues to expand downward, inscribing genetic sequence information on every most original particle!

(End of chapter)

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