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Chapter 84 After the Event (Seventh)

After a while, the woman who was chasing the child finally ran over. Zhao Cheng stuffed the child into her arms, and the other woman caught it blankly, and then burst into tears.

Immediately afterwards, he knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to Zhao Cheng.

Zhao Cheng can understand the other person's mood, although people's joys and sorrows are not the same.

But the reason why people are human is because there is empathy between people.

That's why Zhao Cheng was so angry before, even using the trump card he had reserved to save his life in the face of unexpected accidents.

However, although life-saving trump cards are important, there are some things that transcend life.

The ultimate potential stimulating elixir and the purifying elixir are all valuable, but some things are priceless.

Zhao Cheng hurriedly supported the other party and tried to calm him down by talking to him.

At this time, many students and drivers saw the movement here.

At first, I didn't know what was going on here because of the distance. But when I walked in, I couldn't help but suck in the cold air.

"Don't even come close!"

The driver's reaction was quick. When he saw the mutilated body in the car and the blood spraying out, he gasped for air and hurriedly stopped the students who wanted to come over to watch the fun.

However, because some students had already seen it, the situation in the car still spread from person to person, reaching the ears of each student.

"It's okay, I've already called the police."

Zhao Cheng said to the driver who stopped the students.

The other party's heart is still very good. He stopped him because he didn't want the students to have nightmares after watching it.

When the driver heard what Zhao Cheng said, the way he looked at Zhao Cheng was even more wrong. After all, although he didn't know the process, he probably knew what happened when he saw the "murder weapon" in Zhao Cheng's hand.

With Zhao Cheng's mental quality, how does he look like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old student?!

Not only did he kill someone without changing his expression, he was also able to calmly call the police and clean up the mess.

He couldn't help but think of when he was sixteen or seventeen years old, he spent all day thinking about pleasing girls. Don't even say that he was seventeen or eighteen years old. Even now, in his forties, if he really wanted to kill someone, he would have to do it.


And Zhao Cheng's calm and composed look made him think of many buzzwords: the school belle's personal swordsman. Ten years later, the swordsman returned and gave an order to go to high school again... and all kinds of things.

It had to be said that Zhao Cheng's swordsmanship was indeed a bit outrageous in his opinion.

He didn't know that Zhao Cheng was throwing the sword, but even if he was holding a wooden sword, it was outrageous to smash the tempered glass with one blow and then beat the person's head to pieces.

When he looked at the other person, he was sweating a little more, but other than that, his face was neither red nor out of breath.

After a while, other students on the bus also gathered around.

Several drivers blocked the students outside, preventing them from seeing what was going on inside.

However, the students were still allowed to elect a few bold representatives to understand the situation.

After that, everyone knew that some traffickers had robbed the child, and then some students acted bravely and "barred" the child. It seemed that there was blood.

Only a few people knew that one had his head shot straight away, and the other two had their limbs smashed when they resisted.

"Did you really do this?!"

Li Qingmeng was not calm, and the scene was really too miserable to watch.

At least with her swordsmanship, she was determined not to be able to do this. She even felt that some swordsmen might not be able to achieve such an effect with wooden swords.

As for the bloody scenes, she wasn't afraid.

"During crisis, I unleashed my potential."

Zhao Cheng responded that he had no intention of explaining in detail.

Anyway, no matter how others ask, he always says one thing, and his potential bursts out at critical moments.

After all, there are precedents for similar things, such as women lifting cars to save their children, although most of these people died after the fact because their life potential was exhausted.

"Go to the hospital for a check-up later."

Li Qingmeng said.


Zhao Cheng nodded and wanted to see how effective the purifying elixir was.

After that, Li Qingmeng first picked up the phone and sent a message to someone unknown.

Then he crossed the "encirclement" formed by the drivers and explained the situation to the students. Of course, he didn't tell the truth. He only said that some students jumped out of the car to act bravely.

It didn't take long for the police to arrive, and one police car after another surrounded the scene.

"We already know what happened. Obviously, this was a typical act of bravery."

The leader, a tall, beard-like officer-like figure, said to Zhao Cheng after understanding the situation.

Afterwards, he shook hands with Zhao Cheng and said: "Today's young people are really young and promising."

After saying that, the officer said to the other policemen around him: "Go and explain the situation to the students and calm everyone's emotions."

Immediately, several policemen ran over.

"Being brave enough to do justice will reward you with bonuses and banners. However, it will take some time to go through the procedures. Within a week, someone will come to your door."

"As for other matters, leave them to us. You can go back with your classmates first. Don't let your friends worry."

"This is the sword. It belongs to physical evidence. We want to recover it, but as compensation, the bureau will give you a sword."

"Seeing that you are also a person who never leaves his sword, we will give you this compensation in advance. We will just make up the procedures in the bureau afterwards." The police chief smiled.

Then, he personally went to the back compartment of the police car and took out a wooden sword wrapped in a black sword bag.

There were not many decorations on the sword bag, only two large golden characters: Yanhuang.

Zhao Cheng opened the sword bag. Inside the sword bag was a black wooden sword. The material was similar to the wooden sword he usually used, but it was tougher, the wood was finer, and it had a faint woody fragrance.

Zhao Cheng didn't understand wood, but he also knew that this wooden sword was of high quality and obviously better than the ordinary police wooden sword.

Who said it was compensation, but this compensation was a bit too good.

However, Zhao Cheng didn't think too much about it, this was not a bad thing.

On the other side, after Zhao Cheng left, the police also finished cleaning up the scene.

Afterwards, one of the police officers said to the chief: "Although all traffickers deserve to die, we don't rule out the possibility of over-defense. At least we have to make a record and let them go directly. Isn't it unethical?"


Seeing this, the police chief said seriously: "Are you the police chief, or am I the police chief?!"

"You have been with me for so many years. Let me tell you straight. When I was on the road just now, someone from above called me directly."

"got it!"

"Got it! Got it!"

The younger policeman nodded immediately.

"What's more, this young man is also a powerful character in his own right. He is very murderous, but he is also righteous."

"The dead one was beaten to death out of necessity. I believe this. But the two cripples were definitely not beaten when they resisted. They were clearly trampled to pieces in their limbs by the other party.


"I did something I always wanted to do, but couldn't do because of the rules."

"The future life is terrible!"

This chapter has been completed!
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