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Chapter 860

Chapter 860 Thinking

Author: Yi Ziqi

Chapter 860 Thinking

The team mode of the park is very user-friendly. When newcomers enter the first adventure world, they will be in the team by default. When the first adventure world ends, they can actively decide whether to stay or leave. They can join other teams or go alone.

Become a loner.

But there is no doubt that in the early stage, the survival rate of a solo player is much lower than that of a team, and a team has a higher fault tolerance rate.

Therefore, except for a very small number of people who have absolute confidence in themselves and think that their teammates are just a drag, the rest have their own teams.

Susan's team currently has two teammates. One is a seventeen-year-old rebellious girl named Wusha. Her hobbies are motorcycles and modifications. After entering the park, she awakened her talent for prop modification. As for all mechanical props,

All can achieve gain-oriented transformation.

However, because she is still relatively weak, the effect of this transformation is also weak. At the same time, the transformed props can only be used by herself.

Another teammate is named Leonid, who is thirty-two years old. This name means lion in Russian. However, she is a woman, two meters tall, as strong as an iron tower, with a tough and iron-blooded personality.

As for talent, strength and stamina, the strength increase, plus the damage reduction increase, the whole thing is a powerful tank!

In the first world, if it were not for the two girls Leonid, Susan and Wusha, it is really unlikely that they would be able to survive ten days in a world without a besieged city.

We can’t expect the otakus in the peaceful era to directly transform into super special forces soldiers after traveling through time. They can act quickly, kill decisively, be calm and wise...

It can also be seen from this that the park took great pains to prevent Susan from dying prematurely. In the first adventure world, she arranged two very good teammates, one mainly to survive the early stage, and the other to survive in the mid-term.

It’s the late stage when it starts to show its strength.

"Susan, what's going on?!"

While examining Zhao Cheng, Leonid asked Susan. As for the current three-person team, she undoubtedly occupies the dominant position, but this is what she deserves, relying on her ability.

She is very direct, does not beat around the bush, and goes straight to the point. This is also her character.

And when she looked at Zhao Cheng, she always felt that this man looked a little familiar.

As for Wusha, she was just curiously looking at Zhao Cheng, a man with a different style of painting, wondering what was going on with this newcomer who had joined the team.

If a lone traveler joins the team, then all three of them should have received the application to join the team, and only after all three of them agree, can Zhao Cheng join the team.

As for the newcomers, or as I said, the new world has not even opened yet, where will the newcomers come from?!

Moreover, Zhao Cheng has obviously unlocked fashion. This thing must be obtained after going through an adventure world.

What's more, the person in front of her was so clean that it was a bit foul. That kind of temperament was like the clear sky, no, even emptier than the sky. She couldn't help but tremble in her heart, and couldn't help but burst out in her mind.

A bunch of oriental sayings, such as, if life is just like the first time we met, suddenly looking back, that person is...

Of course, she also knew that these words may not be accurate to describe her feelings at the moment, but she felt that with her own intelligence, this was already the limit.

But with this kind of temperament, people will subconsciously ignore what he looks like.

Everything was afraid of comparison. At this moment, she suddenly felt that the varsity in her school, the captain of the rugby team, a person she thought was very handsome before, was just a scumbag.

However, although she was confused by the temperament, Wusha always felt that the new teammate in front of her looked familiar, as if she had seen him somewhere.

Of course, she didn't associate it with Zhao Cheng. After all, no matter how you looked at it, Susan was not the kind of person who could connect with God. There were never a few people who looked similar in this world.

And the most important thing is that when the paradise attracts people, it seems that it only attracts ordinary people, that is, those who have never gathered consciousness. Until now, there has not been a single swordsman in the paradise.

"He is the foreign aid I invited. In the redemption of the park, there is an invitation letter to the park. With 800 points, other people can also be qualified to enter the park..."

Susan doesn't mince words.

"Invitation to the paradise..."

Leonid murmured, but he did not reprimand Susan for spending points randomly or directly recruiting strangers into the team. She knew that Susan was not stupid, but very smart. Since the other party did this, she must think it was worth it.


Could it be that the invitation letter to the park can bypass the restriction that the park only attracts ordinary people and allows strong people to enter the park, otherwise Susan would not call the other party a foreign aid.

And she could indeed tell at a glance that Zhao Cheng was not an ordinary person, could he be a swordsman?!

If he was really a swordsman, he would undoubtedly have found a strong foreign aid.

As for the clothes issue, I think Susan transferred some points to Zhao Cheng. The clothing in the park is very cheap, and with just a few points, you can customize a complete set.

"Susan, why can't I find the invitation you mentioned in my redemption options?!"

Wusha raised her hand.

"Neither does mine."

After a while, Leonid also frowned.

Logically speaking, the exchange list should be the same.

"Zhao, what's the reason for this?"

Susan looked directly at Zhao Cheng. Zhao Cheng's previous performance had already established for her the understanding that Paradise had no secrets in front of Zhao Cheng.

"Indeed, according to the underlying logic of the paradise, it must be absolutely fair, but the reality is that when the paradise gives birth to its own consciousness, even if it is only subconscious, it will take the initiative to make everything develop in its own favor.

, in this case, although the underlying logic cannot be shaken, it can be distorted."

Zhao Cheng said.

"In fact, if you want to get an invitation to the park normally, you need to clear a special main line to unlock the purchase rights. However, this invitation can not only contract people in the real world, but even wait until the future park is strong enough to truly travel through time and space.

The world can also be contracted with plot characters."

"Susan, you are special. Your talent can greatly speed up the evolution of the park. Therefore, the park has given you preferential treatment in every aspect, and even violated the rules and unlocked the invitation letter for you."

When Zhao Cheng entered the park, he cracked the park's technology very quickly. This was also due to the fact that he obtained some of the technical information of the Ziyue Empire. If he didn't have those things as a basis, he would want to crack some things in the park.

, then it is not a difficulty at all.

Because, in the absence of a basic foundation, even if something is placed in front of you, it will be difficult for you to understand it. This thing has nothing to do with IQ. No matter how smart a person is, it is difficult to make something out of nothing.

Zhao Cheng's words made Susan suddenly enlightened, but her two teammates were different. They were both full of question marks.

As a newcomer, you seem to know a lot.

Could it be that this is the legendary reborn person?!

In other words, this is not the first time in human history that paradise has appeared!

The two of them couldn't help but think about it.

(End of chapter)

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