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Chapter 875 All for the Lord

Chapter 875 Everything is for the Lord

Author: Yi Ziqi

Chapter 875 Everything is for the Lord

On the other side, a priest in military uniform also held a sword at this time and led God's guards to easily eliminate the riot in the town.

"Father Luken, I am innocent. I was deceived and lost my mind for a moment, so..."

In a temple with few decorations, a group of people who were tied to the ground defended themselves one after another.

Their country advocates freedom, and because of freedom, many sins cannot be judged by law. As long as there are enough people, no matter what they do, even burning, killing and looting, it is not considered a crime, but is called fighting for one's own freedom.


Fighting for freedom, what a beautiful name.

This time, the same is true.

As for the guards formed by the priest to defend the glory of God, some people in the town didn't care.

As we all know, Father Luken is a good old man and very weak. Although he doesn't know why, he seems to be a little confused since half a year ago. He vowed that he was inspired by God and entered God's kingdom. However, because he was in

There was still unfinished karma in the human world, so he returned to the human world again.

By the way, human beings should be bright and filled with virtues, not evils, but it is a pity that many stubborn people do not realize this.

He returned to the world just to complete this thing. He wanted to turn the world into God’s kingdom on earth!

Most of the people in the town took Father Lukorn's words as a joke.

Afterwards, Lucken established the Guards, and the selection of personnel was the second joke.

Who did he choose?

The security guard at the slaughterhouse in the town. Of course, this security guard used to be a butcher. But later, the popularity of machines made him unemployed and he could only become a security guard. For an old man in his fifties to be selected, in the eyes of many people

, the only reason is that the other person is pious enough and happens to be a believer in the Lord.

But for an old man in his fifties, who is already struggling to walk, what use can such an old thing have?!

However, in the minds of many people, only such a useless person would play around with an equally useless person like Father Luken.

The factory security guard, the frustrated and unemployed middle-aged Luser, the greasy housewife who weighs more than 300 pounds, the worker who has worked hard for most of his life but still lives in poverty...

In short, the priest's guard is composed of losers in the eyes of many people. Some people even joke that maybe only losers can be so pious to the Lord, because in this way they can imagine that they will suffer in the world.

All suffering will be transformed into blessings after entering the Kingdom of the Lord.

Or, they think that they have committed many sins in their previous lives and are experiencing all kinds of sufferings in this life. Only by redeeming enough of their sins can they have a better life in the next life.

The so-called faith is actually a kind of psychological comfort.

In short, the more people experience suffering, the easier it is for them to believe in the so-called God and the so-called Lord.

Winners in life only regard this as business and do not believe in it.

In this case, Lukorn's childish behavior is naturally a joke.

Until today, because of the news of the doomsday, the whole town was in chaos. At the same time, a group of people took to the streets and began to want freedom again.

It was nothing at first, but gradually, a group of people started to revel. They lit fires and threatened others to join, saying that if they didn't join, they were against them.

They even planned to burn down the church because Zhao Cheng, the man behind the Universal Federation, was the Lord enshrined in the church.

Then, the priest appeared with his guards. At first, a group of people looked at it as a joke, and then they became the joke.

The former butcher in their eyes, the old man who often lowered his head and dragged a lame leg, turned into a two-meter-tall strong man in the blink of an eye. His eyes glowed red, and with one hand, he

They pushed their leader into the ground. To be precise, most of the bones in his body were crushed and he was completely dead.

And the middle-aged Lushu, who they looked down upon, kept asking questions one by one with a smile on his face. God said that people should be virtuous, but why should they run counter to virtue? If they couldn't answer, they would be pinched directly.

Exploded brain.

As for the housewife who weighed more than 300 pounds, she carried a huge axe, with a bright smile, a master's glory with every mouthful, and a reveler with every axe.

Throughout the process, the priest smiled and did not move. God's guards had suppressed some of the riots.

In this way, the town restored peace once again.

"Father, Father, I remember the Lord once said that God loves the world and is forgiving and will forgive some of his children's mistakes as long as they are willing to correct them."

"I repent and correct myself. If it is the Lord, he will definitely forgive me!"

In the temple, an eloquent man shouted loudly that if he ignored the pungent smell of urine, he would be a warrior in this low pressure.

"No, Anlun, the Lord did not say this. The Lord only taught me that we must do everything we can to eliminate evil. The Lord said that the reason why there are still evil people in the world is because of the hypocrisy of those who execute them. If we kill all the evil people, the world will naturally

No more bad karma!"

The priest said gently.

His tone was very gentle, but even the content of his words made many people confused.

The religious atmosphere in their place is still very strong. They only know the saying that God loves the world, and other things like praying to God and detailing your sins, and you can be forgiven. As for doing evil things, where does this come from?


There is something wrong with this priest!

Of course, they already knew there was something wrong with this priest.

If there was no problem, how could people like myself appear here?

But now it seems that the priest's problem is bigger than they expected.

"Lukeen, you are misinterpreting the teachings and tampering with the original scriptures. If you do this, you will be punished by God!"

Some people scolded him, but they thought that Lu En had a mental problem, and only by awakening him could people like him have a way to survive.

"No, I am the Lord's apostle and the Lord's sharp sword. I am the person closest to the Lord in the whole world. I understand the Lord's will and spread the Lord's glory. As for your doctrines and your original scriptures,

It’s all fake!”

"But, it's no problem. Right now, I only have the power to protect a place, but in the future, I will definitely bring order to the chaos."

"I will lead the Lord's personal guards and spread light and justice to the world!"

Following the priest's words, the guards formed by the priest in the temple also began to shout fanatically.

“All for the Lord!”

“All for the Lord!”

At this moment, all the criminals who were judged fell silent. In a daze, some people even saw the white-gold divine brilliance in these people...

"So, you can die!"

Suddenly, the temple fell silent, and then the priest's gentle voice sounded.

"Dedicate sinners to God..."

In the lingering sound, blood dyed the temple red. At the highest point, the statue of Zhao Cheng had an expressionless face, and the body carved out of stone was filled with infinite coldness.

Up high, Zhao Cheng was aware of all the changes in the human world. He did not take any action on this, but he wanted to see what kind of power mankind itself would burst out in the face of such a crisis.

As for those words of slander or words of praise, although they all revolve around him, they have nothing to do with him.

Because he doesn't care about these, everything is just a person's own choice!

(End of chapter)

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