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Chapter 887 Super Brain

Chapter 887 Super Brain

Author: Yi Ziqi

Chapter 887 Super Brain

It was a pale silver liquid substance that seemed to be formed by the gathering of stars as it flowed.

Right in the sterile room, vaccines were administered to death row prisoners.

Immediately, the changes in the opponent's body were contained.

Seeing this scene, many researchers couldn't help but feel strong emotions of joy in their brains.

It is true that the current vaccine is only suitable for low concentrations of doomsday radiation, but this is just the beginning. They firmly believe that it is only a matter of time before subsequent versions of the vaccine are developed.

Only Zhao Cheng knew that the so-called vaccine only treated the symptoms but not the root cause. The empire could not develop a vaccine faster than the growth rate of the doomsday radiation.

The so-called vaccine, in essence, is to strengthen the mind and genes to resist the mutations caused by doomsday radiation. There is no problem with this thing in terms of thinking.

For example, in the world where Ziwei shines, Cang, the strongest person in it, is the last one to die. The reason why Cang can persist until the end is because his spirit is extremely powerful and his body is extremely stable, so he can lock the flow of life force.


As for the earliest mutation stage, it was because the Doomsday of Ziwei Yaoshi's world was born on the earth star, the only life planet. In addition, the no-man's land curbed the growth of Doomsday, so the mutation stage was very short, even only a few dozen

In a few hundred seconds, it jumps to the next stage, leaving life with no time to mutate.

The essence of a vaccine is to simulate the internal environment of a powerful life form. There is no problem with the idea, but the problem is the speed at which it is spawned like a doomsday bug.

Previously, Zhao Cheng used his sword to kill the first doomsday factor. Although it delayed the birth of doomsday, it also made the subsequent birth of new doomsday factors faster and faster.

Now Zhao Cheng uses his sword to trim the power of doomsday and curb its radiation, which also makes the growth rate and extent of the power of doomsday faster and faster. In the near future, it will definitely appear that how much power Zhao Cheng has cut off with one sword will

In the next moment, not only will all the power of Doomsday be restored, but it will also become even more powerful than before it was beheaded.

This is also a manifestation of doomsday power and strong "adaptability".

This situation is undoubtedly worthy of the super-dimensional sword's ability to kill everything, but the prerequisite for the super-dimensional sword to kill everything is that Zhao Cheng can observe things.

Undoubtedly, the height and depth of Doomsday will surpass the current Zhao Cheng. He killed Doomsday's power, which seemed to be all gone, but in fact it was not.

In a sense, Doomsday has the potential of a leek. The more you build it, the more you prune it later, the faster it will grow, as long as the roots are not cut off.

Therefore, Zhao Cheng's current strength can only delay the arrival of the end, but cannot prevent it.

The brains of Imperial researchers have been specially modified, but the entire brain structure is not focused on thinking speed and calculation speed.

Scholars in the empire have long discovered that the so-called geniuses in scientific research are by no means geniuses in computing. How fast computing power is and how good memory is. Calculation and memory can all be handed over to computers. There is absolutely no need to let these

Things that occupy your own brain space.

Undoubtedly, the human brain has its limits after all. Before the level of life is essentially improved, the number of points is limited. If you focus on calculation or memory, the share occupied by other aspects will naturally be less.

Therefore, the imperial scholars are different from the knights when it comes to brain modification. They are more inclined to dig out the "inspiration" that uniquely belongs to higher intelligent creatures, which is the so-called flash of inspiration.

Throughout the history of mankind, all great discoveries and inventions were definitely not created by skilled craftsmen, but by geniuses with extraordinary inspiration.

Even with the empire's technology, the exploration of inspiration is still in an ignorant stage. Even by transforming the brain structure and consciousness structure, it can only be done reluctantly to better retain inspiration, but it is impossible to recover it from the source.

Increase your inspiration, and even keep yourself in the stage of inspiration.

Therefore, as to where inspiration comes from, scholars in the empire are divided into many schools on this topic. One of the most influential trends of thought is recognized as the nature of inspiration, a high-dimensional information state.

Perturbations to low dimensions.

It's like the wind blowing on the water, causing ripples. It seems like only a small area of ​​​​water is rippling, but in fact, the entire body of water is moving. It's just a difference between large and small movement.

At the same time, such disturbances will also cause small "eddy currents" to be generated in the water. Some people are more sensitive and are more easily affected by the eddy currents, so they have so-called "inspiration" and leave a mark in human history.


The scholars of the empire will never be able to pass the scholar's assessment by studying hard, because only AI can always do better than humans in terms of pure memory and recitation. There is only inspiration, which computers do not have.

It is unique to humans.

Every scholar in the empire is actually a combination of powerful inspiration and super computer.

If such characters were thrown into a low-level civilization that was still in the industrial revolution period, any one of them would be the absolute protagonist. In three to five years, a whole round of world changes could be triggered, and within ten years, it would be possible to

Lead lower civilizations to the stars.

In early ancient times, there were many literary works in which the protagonists obtained the intelligence of advanced civilizations, and then relied on the ability of the intelligence to reach the peak of their race.

The scholars of the empire are not just pure intellectual brains. While they have far superior computing power than ordinary intellectual brains, they are also geniuses. Their brains have also been specially modified. They are geniuses among geniuses. They can be said to be the earliest.

An enhanced version of the protagonist of ancient literature.

The protagonists in early ancient works rarely have strong scientific research capabilities and are all step-by-step. However, they are also strong in scientific research capabilities. Even if they do not bring any technical information, leaving it to a backward civilization will only slow them down.

It’s just as fast as walking up to the stars.

As for why we are so sure, because one of the assessments for becoming a scholar is to lead the lower civilizations in the ecological simulation civilization circle to the stars, and the time limit is ten years...

Of course, these artificially divided ecosystems have been abandoned after encountering Zhao Cheng, the demon god of the people. As long as they are human beings, they have become citizens of the empire. The assessment methods of scholars have also changed, but this does not mean that

As a result, the value of scholars has become lower.

Under this situation, scholars are very confident. They believe that although doomsday radiation is terrifying, there is nothing they can't defeat in the face of the empire's technology and their wisdom.

History has proven countless times that victory in the end will belong to mankind!

(End of chapter)

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