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Chapter 898 Disclaimer in advance, I did nothing

Chapter 898 Let me state in advance that I didn’t do anything

Author: Yi Ziqi

Chapter 898 Let me state in advance that I didn’t do anything

It was only at this time that many people on the earth finally understood why Zhao Cheng took action at the last moment. He was not deliberately stuck in order to save civilization from danger.

But the meteorite is just the beginning. Once the meteorite is destroyed, what the earth will face next is an even more terrifying disaster.

Even just seeing that clear light gives people the feeling that they are going to disappear in the next moment. They are all treated equally, whether they are an ant or a powerful king.

Even Wu Luo, the Heavenly Lord who had touched the eighth heaven of creation, was shrouded in clear light at this moment. The only feeling in his heart was that he was dead and no one in heaven or on earth could save him.

At the same time, he deeply understood that what he felt was not even the aftermath. At most, it was "seeing" the effects of magical powers through images, not even directly on the spot.

But even so, he, the Heavenly King who sits and watches the rise and fall of the era, still feels like this.

This kind of power can be said to treat everyone equally. No matter what height you are, facing him will result in the same outcome.

At this moment, he could no longer imagine what happened to Zhao Cheng, who was the true target of the supernatural power.

On the other side, the prism anchor created by the Ziyue Empire, the commissioner of the empire, finally relaxed at this moment as the light of emptiness descended.

To be honest, the data detected by the empire's detection module just now frightened him. Just at the peak, Zhao Cheng's size was close to one million standard units.

The individual life in low-dimensional space and time has such intensity, which is simply magical.

You know, even the empire is only 100 million in size.

To be precise, a hegemonic civilization that has reached its peak is one hundred million. One hundred million means one. This number is very special. Unless it reaches immortality, one hundred million is the pinnacle of the civilization's size, and it is impossible to increase it even a cent.

In individual practice, this realm means the pinnacle of creation.

In the multiverse, there is an Immortal Civilization. Their Immortal Ancestors, if we exclude the Immortal Civilization, would only have a size of about 10 million. With the blessing of civilization, they would only reach 99.99 million, 9900.


It's just a little bit away from 100 million, but at this point, it's a natural chasm and it's impossible to achieve the position of hegemony.

This is a hurdle.

Before reaching 100 million, the power is loose and seems to be condensed, but it is not condensed enough. Once the last one is completed, all the power is clenched into a fist.

The Purple Moon Empire relied on the Ring of Clear Sky to reach this point.

This step is also a qualitative change. Once it is reached, one part of the force is one part of the force, but now, it is one part of the force. When used a hundred or even a thousand parts, it can easily defeat a civilization of less than 100 million.

Compared to the empire's 100 million, one million is indeed not high, but you must know that at the beginning, the data of Zhao Cheng he detected was not even enough.

If the multidimensional time and space itself was not an existence with extremely strict order, he would have doubted whether Zhao Cheng had directly changed the data.

As for now, with the nature of the light of the clear space, even if it is weakened, unless Zhao Cheng can increase his size ten times more to ten million at this moment, otherwise, the "quality" of the power is not enough, and it cannot change quantitatively but qualitatively.

Then there is no way to compete with the light of pure space.

After all, a bullet weighing a few grams is enough to kill a giant elephant weighing dozens of tons...

At this moment, the commissioner's thoughts were moved. This pure light was so beautiful. He felt that even the words he had exhausted were not as beautiful as this. In case, his previous "fireworks" plan was compared with the bright light in front of him.

, is simply the difference between a child’s doodles and an epic masterpiece.

But in the next moment, he saw a platinum-gold giant, bathed in light. The whole figure of the other person was shrinking rapidly from the incomparable huge size, but at the same time, there were some subtle disharmonious things about the other person.

In the process, they were all erased.

After Zhao Cheng determined that this power could not kill him, Zhao Cheng chose to experience this extraordinary power in person to understand its mystery.

Very early on, when Earth's nuclear technology was just developing and there was nothing, some of the experimenters at that time chose to use their naked eyes to observe the change process of nuclear fuel.

Ordinary people even have the spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice in pursuit of the truth, let alone Zhao Cheng?!

To directly receive the light of the clear sky with your face is unprecedented in the history of the Ziyue Empire.

The imperial commissioner's mind froze when he saw Zhao Cheng who seemed to be "taking a bath" at this time.

What kind of monster is this?!

As for Zhao Cheng, what he felt at this moment was a profound meaning of "nothing". Many things in him were not destroyed at this moment, but simply disappeared. Just like the energy he had created out of nothing before, this time

, but reverses the process.

Even vaguely, Zhao Cheng felt that the things that disappeared in him might be the same things that disappeared at the same time in the opposite dimension of time and space...

The essence of the ring of clear space does not seem to be "nothing", but equivalent exchange, just like one plus negative one equals zero.

Nothing, just an appearance.

And this phenomenon once again proves Zhao Cheng's conjecture about negative space and time...

Perhaps, the road above creation lies on the other side of time and space!

Then, Zhao Cheng moved, and the erased information and knowledge on his body were extracted directly from the panel, allowing him to return to his peak in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the lines on his body shone brightly. In the horrified eyes of the imperial commissioner, he first fought against the light of the clear space, and then directly reversed the situation and suppressed the light of the clear space.

As for Wu Luo, watching Zhao Cheng instantly return to his peak and suppress the light of the clear sky, his whole body was numb with fear.

Immediately afterwards, under Wu Luo's disbelieving eyes, with a clang, Zhao Cheng drew his sword and slashed out with one sword. Wu Luo's own eyes actually followed the sword light, breaking through his own observation of multiple time and space, and directly

I saw, in the depths of diversity, the prism created with one space and time as the cornerstone.

Across a vast distance, one sword kills the world!

And with this sword, Ziyue Empire immediately found that its anchor point collapsed. This thing was simply illogical.

But this was not over yet. Immediately afterwards, three more Zhao Chengs appeared out of thin air, but they were three future incarnations. After upgrading this time, when the power was enough, Zhao Cheng discovered some deeper secrets of time.

There are four Zhao Chengs in a row, four Kongjie, each Zhao Cheng holds a killing sword.

Cheng Jie·Original point is opened!

Lord’s Tribulation: All things return to their true form!

Bad calamity·Destiny is determined!

Sky Tribulation·The Great Destruction of Diversity!

Of these four swords, one sword distorts time and space, one sword gathers all the phenomena of heaven and earth and the power of all the worlds, one sword locks the future, and the last sword is the pinnacle of power.

Originally, if Zhao Cheng used the power of one person to use the four calamity swords at the same time, the only result would be that each sword would not reach the true peak.

But now, everything is different. But when he appears in the three futures, even if they only appear for a short moment, each of them is enough to be regarded as a simple sword, deducing the pinnacle.

The pinnacle of the Four Tribulation Swords is the ultimate killing move that Zhao Cheng had envisioned, a sword reaching the sky!

At this moment, overlapping parallel time and space overlapped on Zhao Cheng, and the entire ancient universe was distorted. Tens of thousands of ways and methods were temporarily transformed into a part of Zhao Cheng. At the same time, up to 480 million people

Future possibilities appeared at the same time, and one of them was locked. In the end, all the power converged at one point, and struck out, the ultimate sword!

At this moment, numerous parallel time and space, and countless lives, no matter where they are, even in the depths of the earth, are watching in horror. The one who controls everything, even the fate of time and space, surrenders at its feet.

The demon god, and the sword that is so bright and wonderful that no matter how gorgeous the words are, can modify it, which is one trillionth of a sword.

"How can it be!"


The sword light broke through time and space, and at this moment, it crossed the "dark realm" around the original time and space. The moment it just left the dark realm, its sharpness was simply unbelievable, and it amazed many powerful civilizations who were paying attention to the Ziyue Empire.

However, this sword light weakened very quickly after it was far away from the initial time and space. Until it crossed the total distance, which was about one-tenth of the distance, it was already powerless and could not cut the light of the clear space. It could only

Competing with the light of the clear sky.

This phenomenon undoubtedly made the senior officials of the Ziyue Empire breathe a sigh of relief. The light of the clear space was wiped out. This kind of thing was simply unprecedented. At that moment, many senior officials even doubted whether they had touched some kind of original time and space.

Taboo, the overthrow of civilization, is right in front of us.

Fortunately, although the terrifying existence in the initial time and space is powerful, it is not infinitely strong. It seems that it itself must be limited by the initial time and space, otherwise it would not be so powerless.

Zhao Cheng also discovered this at this time, and he was not surprised by this. At present, he has only proved the high dimension, and there is creation above. He has only touched the creation, but the Ziyue Empire has reached the pinnacle of creation.

In terms of training time, compared with the Ziyue Empire, it is not even a fraction of the other. It is normal for there to be a gap.

To be able to fight like this is because he cheated all the way and occupied the advantageous position.

In the beginning, time and space were indeed special. Instead of weakening his own power, it actually amplified it. Otherwise, he might not be able to occupy even one-tenth of the distance.

As for his ability to cut through the light of the sky, it relies on the special effects of the super-dimensional sword.

Thinking in his mind, Zhao Cheng did not hesitate to catch Wu Luo, who had been hiding very deep.

He didn't kill the opponent easily before because he didn't want to trigger the No. 2 Transport Brigade Captain's killing move. As for now.

But he planned to let the captain of the No. 2 Transportation Brigade and the Captain of the No. 3 Transportation Brigade compete to see who was more powerful.

According to Zhao Cheng's estimation, the captain of the No. 2 Transportation Brigade should be more powerful, but the opponent's distance is farther, and there is a distance limit. In the final fight, it is really not certain who will have the upper hand.



When Wu Luo found out that he had been caught, his heart sank.

Indeed, he seemed to have offended the other party before, but this time, he did nothing. Zhao Cheng was fighting with terrifying things in the depths of multidimensional time and space. Why did he catch him when nothing happened?!

"Good friend, I have always remembered the help you have given me. I am very touched, so I decided to send you to see the outside world. Staying at home for a long time is not good for your cultivation."

Zhao Cheng nodded to Wu Luo in his hand, and his words seemed very sincere. If he hadn't been caught in the opponent's hand and couldn't move, he would have almost believed it.

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your acquiescence."

Zhao Cheng said.

"Woo, woo..."

Wu Luo wanted to express his opinion, but found that he could not speak at all.

"Okay, let's go!"

While he was talking, Zhao Cheng threw Wu Luo out with a ball. At this moment, the entire Wu Luo was transformed into a strange conceptual body. In a very short period of time, it crossed a long conceptual distance.

Then suddenly, it collided with the light of the clear sky.

As for Zhao Cheng himself, he used a super-dimensional sword against him, but it cut off all the karma between himself and Wu Luo, so as to prevent the No. 2 Transportation Brigade Captain from taking the lead in taking action against him through this karma.


(End of chapter)

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