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Chapter 977

Chapter 977: Really accurate at judging people

Author: Yi Ziqi

Chapter 977: Really accurate at judging people


In the hotel room, Zhao Dong let out a long breath, his confused brain finally found a moment of peace until this moment.

On the side, Chen Yingluo was already rolling on the bed and wailing in memory of her love that had just sprouted and then died.

This time she was not talking nonsense, but speaking out from a deep feeling.

In fact, she is also a beautiful girl, but because she is usually not in shape, she is not the kind of quiet good girl, literary girl, etc. she likes most among boys at this stage, so she has no suitors.

"Zhao Dong, do you think I still have a chance?!"

"Let me descend from the sky and kill Qingmei!"

Chen Yingluo buried her face in the pillow and said angrily.


"I suggest you just sleep. In your dream, you may have a chance to complete the explosive kill."

Zhao Dong complained, but he couldn't tell whether Chen Yingluo was joking or if she was mentally disturbed because she couldn't stand the stimulation.

Anyway, he felt that he was mentally disturbed.

Forget it, I'm tired, just destroy it.

"Ah! Why can't lovers in this world get married eventually?"

Chen Yingluo issued a soul question.

"You are wondering if there is such a possibility. The truth is that they are a couple of gods and immortals. What does it have to do with you, a monster?!"

At this time, Jiang Xin said something fair after careful consideration.


"I don't accept it. How can a girl be so good-looking? I don't believe it. It must be fake. Zhao Dong, please tell me. Your brother actually has super powers. It's like the fantasy of this drama.

Just like the protagonist, you can realize the things in your fantasy. You actually don’t have a sister-in-law, and your brother is still single!"

Chen Yingluo started talking nonsense.

"Please don't enter fantasy time..."

Zhao Dong complained.

Toot toot!

At this moment, Zhao Dong's cell phone rang, and it was Zhao Dong's father calling.

"Xiaodong, have you met your brother?!"

"I heard that your future sister-in-law picked you up in the car. How is that girl?!"


Zhao Dong felt a little numb after hearing this.

When his son is away from home, he does not worry about his safety at all. Instead, he uses him as a tool. He is pronounced as son, but actually written as an intelligence officer. He is worthy of being his biological father.

After this round of interrogation, he also recalled that his sister-in-law seemed to be approachable on the surface, but in fact, she was very arrogant. In addition to being Zhao Cheng's younger brother, the other party was very polite, but

He almost ignored his two friends and didn't even say hello.

He hadn't noticed it before, but now that he thought about it, he discovered this detail.

However, when I think about it carefully, it seems that it is not arrogance, because the other party does not look down on me, but simply turns a blind eye and doesn't care at all.

But he didn't even feel that there was anything wrong with the other party's attitude. It was like, everything should be like this.

This is not a character flaw, but rather an extraordinary ability to focus on only things that are important enough.

Zhao Dong could not imagine how Zhao Cheng, such a strange woman, could complete the strategy.

But it was undeniable that if he could marry such a wife, he felt like he would wake up laughing even in his dreams.

"Zhao Dong, can you tell me about your brother? I want to hear his love story. Damn it, I never thought I would become a loser one day!"

Chen Yingluo turned over and looked at the white ceiling.

"Love story, you think I'm an encyclopedia? How could I possibly know this?!"

Zhao Dong complained.

"But I heard that about a year ago, my brother transformed into a ruthless self-destructing robot. Under the watchful eyes of many people, he got a good guy card at the cost of self-destructing."

Zhao Dong thought for a moment and said slowly.

As for why he knew this, it was naturally because he paid attention to Zhao Cheng's circle of friends. For a few days, Zhao Cheng's circle of friends was filled with all kinds of strong words.

Such as, if you are well, it will be sunny..., there is a kind of love called letting go...

And he went to Zhou Yu and inquired a little bit. One year, Zhou Yu went to his hometown to play with Zhao Cheng during the summer vacation, so he had the other party's contact information.



"Is there such a thing?"

Chen Yingluo was shocked after hearing this.

Some time ago, there was a very popular photo of a god girl on the Internet, which used lighting effects to highlight a kind of pure divinity. But Zhao Chengmei, in her opinion, does not need lighting and special effects, she is already

The god is young.

"What about your sister-in-law?!"

"This, according to my dad, is a classmate of the same class, and the other party is a transfer student. He just came here two months ago, and it seems like half a month ago, he suddenly brought it home and said that he was engaged to the other party and planned to wait until

When you reach the legal age for marriage, the wedding will be held directly."

"Actually, I was still speculating at the beginning whether my brother had gotten pregnant out of wedlock with someone else, otherwise I wouldn't have been so anxious."

"As for now, I feel that if it were me, I would be anxious. I misunderstood him."

Zhao Dong sat on the bed and looked at the sky and clouds outside the window.

The sky is very clear, the clouds are very white and large, with clear layers, and the wind in the air conditioner is just right and very pleasant, but he always has an unreal feeling.

It's basically like, an ordinary bad boy, suddenly changed his destiny against the will of heaven, married Bai Fumei, and reached the pinnacle of life. No matter how you look at it, you feel like it, this is like a script.


Chen Yingluo suddenly stopped.

"Zhao Dong, just about a year ago, you asked me if I wanted a partner. You said that you had a friend who suffered a very tragic thing and was in urgent need of the comfort of a beautiful girl. Please ask me to pretend to be with him online.

If we meet by chance, fall in love for a few days and then run away, that friend could not be your brother!"


At this time, Jiang Xin sat up directly.

"I thought you only asked me for this matter..."

As soon as these words came out, the air immediately became quiet, and the atmosphere became increasingly anxious.

Zhao Dong felt that something was going wrong, but he didn't think he could fool him at this time, so he could only nodded stiffly.

"Isn't that the deep love of brotherhood? I just thought..."

Zhao Dong tried to explain.

"It hurts, it hurts! It hurts so much!"

Chen Yingluo covered her chest and then raked it down.

"Zhao Dong, why didn't you ask me more at that time? With our friendship, as long as you ask me a few more times, I will definitely help you!"

Chen Yingluo was heartbroken.

"But how do I remember that you swore and said that your head can be cut off, your blood can be shed, and your innocence can't be lost. You are not that kind of person."

Zhao Dong pouted.

"No, I'm just that kind of person. You're really good at judging people!"

(End of chapter)

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